Republicans who impeached trump outpace challengers in latest fundraiser haul

What would Trump be behind bars for, speaking against Big Brother? Like the MSM, major social media is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party. Our constitution prohibits government from silencing speech, but that doesn't mean they can't get others to do it for them. Either way it's still anti-American.
Are you serious? Fox News has for years been nothing but a propoganda outlet for the republican party. Not to mention talk radio which is 90% hosted by right wing hacks such as Sean Hannity & that clown Joe Pags.

Are you for real?
Are you serious? Fox News has for years been nothing but a propoganda outlet for the republican party. Not to mention talk radio which is 90% hosted by right wing hacks such as Sean Hannity & that clown Joe Pags.

Are you for real?

And so one cable station out of the many left-wing outlets and AM radio is your claim it's not really happening?

The Communists control social media.
The Communists have most of the control over television media.
The Communists control our public schools for indoctrination of children.
The Communists control most colleges and their political opinions of professors and teachers.
The Communists control all of Hollywood.

And you're saying Sean Hannity is equal to all that?
And so one cable station out of the many left-wing outlets and AM radio is your claim it's not really happening?

The Communists control social media.
The Communists have most of the control over television media.
The Communists control our public schools for indoctrination of children.
The Communists control most colleges and their political opinions of professors and teachers.
The Communists control all of Hollywood.

And you're saying Sean Hannity is equal to all that?
Oooooh look! The commies are coming, the commies are coming!

You retards have been gawking slack jawed at that bright shiny object for decades.
What in hell would capitalism need socialism or social programs for? The concept of socialism is to make everybody equal. Having government spend money on certain things does not a socialist country make. Our founders never wanted our federal government to be a charity either, they wanted our federal government to govern and let people take care of their own financial and personal problems.

When you depend on the federal government to take care of problems you should be taking care of yourself, you surrender a portion of freedom in an exchange for a more powerful and controlling government.

You have a childish notion of what 'socialism' is.

It is NOT an attempt to make everyone equal. Nor does it mean that anyone gives up any personal freedoms.

Socialism is government 'for and by the people' lives up to the responsibility 'to promote the general welfare'.

If that means government taxing the wealthy and providing services to the poor in order to prevent an ongoing humanitarian catastrophe, that's what government should do.

If that means that the government should compensate for the fact that 'Capitalism' is inherently unfair, that's what the government should do.

There are MANY countries that are 'European Socialist' that have robust private sector business. In fact, having socialist programs takes a huge financial burden off of private businesses.

For example, If we had socialized medicine, businesses would not have to provide Health Care insurance to their employees.

All you have to do is look at Germany, France, Switzerland, Denmark and a bunch of other 'European Socialist' countries to see that 'Capitalism' thrives in these countries.
You have a childish notion of what 'socialism' is.

It is NOT an attempt to make everyone equal. Nor does it mean that anyone gives up any personal freedoms.

Socialism is government 'for and by the people' lives up to the responsibility 'to promote the general welfare'.

If that means government taxing the wealthy and providing services to the poor in order to prevent an ongoing humanitarian catastrophe, that's what government should do.

If that means that the government should compensate for the fact that 'Capitalism' is inherently unfair, that's what the government should do.

There are MANY countries that are 'European Socialist' that have robust private sector business. In fact, having socialist programs takes a huge financial burden off of private businesses.

For example, If we had socialized medicine, businesses would not have to provide Health Care insurance to their employees.

All you have to do is look at Germany, France, Switzerland, Denmark and a bunch of other 'European Socialist' countries to see that 'Capitalism' thrives in these countries.

And yet none of you leftists move there to try it out first. Government healthcare? What do people pay in taxes for this government healthcare? It's not free unless you can tell me hospitals are donated and all the medical staff work for free.

There is a difference between promoting the General Welfare and providing the General Welfare. Madison said it best when he said general welfare are those enumerated in the Constitution. For anything more they left that up to the states.

The thing here is there are already places setup to your liking: government healthcare, nobody has guns except the government, nobody has money except the government. You are fed by the government, housed by the government, protected by the government. We have the same things in this country. We call them prisons, and they're not that hard to join.

But if you ever decide to move to one of these glorious places, and find out it's not what it's cracked up to be, you can always move back to the good ole capitalist United States. But once you people change us into one of those other places and find out it was a bad deal, there won't be any USA to move back to. It will be gone forever. There is only one United States of America on this planet, and we on the right fight to preserve it.

"When people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of our Republic."
Benjamin Franklin

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

We just hit 30 trillion in debt this week. Imagine how small our debt would be if we only adhered to Madison's words.
Learn to google:

You can primary all you want, but if anybody that gets primaried runs as an independent, the Trumpsters won't stand a chance in the general election.
Learn to suck dick oopps you already know how to.
I don't agree that Dems will have to shed Biden. They made that same mistake in 2014 when they shed Obama.

Biden's biggest problem is that he's boring, but a lot can change between now and the 2022 elections.

Yep, Biden is boring as hell - but he's sane!
With Trumpsters controlling the Republican party, in almost all red election districts, they do not have a reasonable chance of winning the primary. Nor will they likely have reasonable prospects afterward - Trump mobsters will see to that.

If traditional Republicans only were afraid of being primaried, none of them would support Trump. Their fear goes way deeper than that.

If they ran as independents, they'd pull a huge part of the Republican party along with them, get the support of most liberals and independent voters.

It would be Trump & Trumpster's worst nightmare - they'd be calling in the death threats all day long!
Sorry but that is your fantasy land imagination speaking.

There is absolutely nothing that justifies your claim. Nothing.

There is a cold hard fact you are going to have to surmount - there are exactly 4, read that AGAIN, 4 members of congress out of 534 members that are not of the 2 major parties. 4.

That is LESS than 1%.

So I say again, you are flatly incorrect.
And yet none of you leftists move there to try it out first. Government healthcare? What do people pay in taxes for this government healthcare? It's not free unless you can tell me hospitals are donated and all the medical staff work for free.

There is a difference between promoting the General Welfare and providing the General Welfare. Madison said it best when he said general welfare are those enumerated in the Constitution. For anything more they left that up to the states.

The thing here is there are already places setup to your liking: government healthcare, nobody has guns except the government, nobody has money except the government. You are fed by the government, housed by the government, protected by the government. We have the same things in this country. We call them prisons, and they're not that hard to join.

But if you ever decide to move to one of these glorious places, and find out it's not what it's cracked up to be, you can always move back to the good ole capitalist United States. But once you people change us into one of those other places and find out it was a bad deal, there won't be any USA to move back to. It will be gone forever. There is only one United States of America on this planet, and we on the right fight to preserve it.

"When people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of our Republic."
Benjamin Franklin

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

We just hit 30 trillion in debt this week. Imagine how small our debt would be if we only adhered to Madison's words.

Why should I move out of my SOCIALIST UNITED STATES, just because people like you refuse to admit that the U.S. IS in fact SOCIALIST ALREADY?

Here are the FACTS:

The U.S. Military is the one of the largest socialist organization in the world.

1. The U.S. military protected capitalism from communism during the cold war.

2. The U.S. military, along with law enforcement, protects and supports the government and the laws that CREATE the Capitalist and semi-free market environments.

3. Without the U.S. military, law enforcement and their associated governments, capitalism and the free market would cease to exist.

4. If those governments ceased to exist, at best wealthy people (if there were any for long), would have to hire private armies and the country would quickly degenerate into feudalism

So the reality is: Capitalism and free markets NEED socialism to exist.
Why should I move out of my SOCIALIST UNITED STATES, just because people like you refuse to admit that the U.S. IS in fact SOCIALIST ALREADY?

Here are the FACTS:

The U.S. Military is the one of the largest socialist organization in the world.

1. The U.S. military protected capitalism from communism during the cold war.

2. The U.S. military, along with law enforcement, protects and supports the government and the laws that CREATE the Capitalist and semi-free market environments.

3. Without the U.S. military, law enforcement and their associated governments, capitalism and the free market would cease to exist.

4. If those governments ceased to exist, at best wealthy people (if there were any for long), would have to hire private armies and the country would quickly degenerate into feudalism

So the reality is: Capitalism and free markets NEED socialism to exist.


75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

Why should I move out of my SOCIALIST UNITED STATES, just because people like you refuse to admit that the U.S. IS in fact SOCIALIST ALREADY?

Here are the FACTS:

The U.S. Military is the one of the largest socialist organization in the world.

1. The U.S. military protected capitalism from communism during the cold war.

2. The U.S. military, along with law enforcement, protects and supports the government and the laws that CREATE the Capitalist and semi-free market environments.

3. Without the U.S. military, law enforcement and their associated governments, capitalism and the free market would cease to exist.

4. If those governments ceased to exist, at best wealthy people (if there were any for long), would have to hire private armies and the country would quickly degenerate into feudalism

So the reality is: Capitalism and free markets NEED socialism to exist.
Do you know what socialism means?
Why should I move out of my SOCIALIST UNITED STATES, just because people like you refuse to admit that the U.S. IS in fact SOCIALIST ALREADY?

Here are the FACTS:

The U.S. Military is the one of the largest socialist organization in the world.

1. The U.S. military protected capitalism from communism during the cold war.

2. The U.S. military, along with law enforcement, protects and supports the government and the laws that CREATE the Capitalist and semi-free market environments.

3. Without the U.S. military, law enforcement and their associated governments, capitalism and the free market would cease to exist.

4. If those governments ceased to exist, at best wealthy people (if there were any for long), would have to hire private armies and the country would quickly degenerate into feudalism

So the reality is: Capitalism and free markets NEED socialism to exist.

You are confusing social programs with socialism. They are not the same.

Social programs are those that most everybody agrees to and takes everybody into account. Socialism is the attempt at making everybody equal. The Republicans support a lot of social programs, but not programs that puts one American over the other. Those programs are supported by the Democrat party.

The US military does not protect capitalism, the US military protects all people within the country. They protect the rich, the poor, the middle-class, the gays, the straight, the confused, the prisoners, everybody.
You are confusing social programs with socialism. They are not the same.

Social programs are those that most everybody agrees to and takes everybody into account. Socialism is the attempt at making everybody equal. The Republicans support a lot of social programs, but not programs that puts one American over the other. Those programs are supported by the Democrat party.

The US military does not protect capitalism, the US military protects all people within the country. They protect the rich, the poor, the middle-class, the gays, the straight, the confused, the prisoners, everybody.

Nobody ever said (except you), that 'Socialism' means 'the attempt at making everybody equal'. It's nonsense definition that you made up.

Social programs are how 'European Socialism' is implemented.

The prime benefactor of the U.S. military during the cold war was capitalism. The prime benefactor of the laws instituted by government is the wealthy.

The wealthy control the political parties (especially the Republican Party), those parties control the government, and the government makes laws to protect the wealthy.
Nobody ever said (except you), that 'Socialism' means 'the attempt at making everybody equal'. It's nonsense definition that you made up.

Social programs are how 'European Socialism' is implemented.

The prime benefactor of the U.S. military during the cold war was capitalism. The prime benefactor of the laws instituted by government is the wealthy.

The wealthy control the political parties (especially the Republican Party), those parties control the government, and the government makes laws to protect the wealthy.

Especially the Republican party? Dementia outspent Trump. Hillary outspent Trump. Where are these folks getting their campaign money from, the homeless?

The wealthiest people in our country are Democrats. Soros, Gates, Tim Cook of Apple, Zuckererg just to name a few. That old wives tale that the rich all vote Republican has been proven to be Democrat propaganda like their racist crap all the time. And if we were a Socialist country, the government would have taken over their industries and hand ownership to the people of the country or at the very least the power to run it our way.

The prime benefactor of the cold war protection was capitalism? I don't know about you, but if the military stopped a nuke from dropping in my city, I'm the biggest benefactor as far as I'm concerned.

The wealthy control the government? They never seemed to do a good job at that. Expensive financial audits, job killing expensive regulations, high taxation, OSHA standards so ridiculous it leaves one scratching their heads....... The only industry that has any control over our government is the insurance industry. if the wealthy control the government, how is it that Dementia had a vaccine mandate until the courts overturned his EO?
Especially the Republican party? Dementia outspent Trump. Hillary outspent Trump. Where are these folks getting their campaign money from, the homeless?

The wealthiest people in our country are Democrats. Soros, Gates, Tim Cook of Apple, Zuckererg just to name a few. That old wives tale that the rich all vote Republican has been proven to be Democrat propaganda like their racist crap all the time. And if we were a Socialist country, the government would have taken over their industries and hand ownership to the people of the country or at the very least the power to run it our way.

The prime benefactor of the cold war protection was capitalism? I don't know about you, but if the military stopped a nuke from dropping in my city, I'm the biggest benefactor as far as I'm concerned.

The wealthy control the government? They never seemed to do a good job at that. Expensive financial audits, job killing expensive regulations, high taxation, OSHA standards so ridiculous it leaves one scratching their heads....... The only industry that has any control over our government is the insurance industry. if the wealthy control the government, how is it that Dementia had a vaccine mandate until the courts overturned his EO?

Now that you're done ranting....

It's obvious that your idea of socialism is what everyone else calls a 'Communist Dictatorship'.

I've carefully used the terms 'European Socialism', but to be more accurate, I'm referring to 'Democratic Socialism'

You seem to be unable to comprehend that concept, while you cling to your Communist boogeyman, straw man arguments.

BTW - Exactly who & when was anybody trying to drop a nuke on you? More Communist Boogeyman paranoia?
Republicans who impeach trump outpace challengers in latest fundraiser haul. The cards continue to stack up against trump.>republicans-who-impeached-trump-outpace-challengers-in-latest-fundraiser-haul
Most of the Republicans who voted to impeach Trump are not running for re-election. They have been run out of the organization formerly known as the Republican Party.

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