Republicans who impeached trump outpace challengers in latest fundraiser haul

It does work.

Liz Cheney's bid for the WH will come later. For now she can begin to lead her party back to safe ground.
She's the conservative that didn't compromise everything for cheater and a fake.

Exacyly what America needs so badly, an honest contest between the Republican party's best and a real liberal representing the Dem party.
The latter is going to be a hard one to find in America but a new Bernie will be the only one to beat the real conservative.

America might be ready for real progress but he/she will have to run against the perfect candidate in Cheney.
So first back to normalcy and reality with Liz, then when conservatism destroys all hope for the working class, maybe a real change to socially responsible government?

Senator Cheney can run for President against Stacy Abrams.
That would be a race to see who could do the least, and still end up President.

Beating President Obama out by just a little less.

I agree on Obama if they actually did get rid of him somehow. The rest of the world considers Obama to be the greatest president since Clinton and probably before too.

IMHO American presidents aren't elected based on any qualities that the candidate can be said to have. Being boring is a huge negative, being older and showing signs of not thinking quickly, not being pleasing to look at, and more are ideals Biden is missing. The last was Hillary's biggest detraction, more than anything else. Kamala at least looks good enough and is super smart just in case that ever becomes important to voters.
Did she get a brain transplant and facelift since yesterday?
Republicans who impeach trump outpace challengers in latest fundraiser haul. The cards continue to stack up against trump.>republicans-who-impeached-trump-outpace-challengers-in-latest-fundraiser-haul
You mean the corrupt are buying TRUMP HATERS? YOU think this is a good thing do ya STAN?
That's another possible way to break through the Trump insanity but after the 22 election there will be nothing in supporting Trump that will help the Republican party. Then the turn to Liz Cheney will most likely happen. Trump's star has faded and forward thinking is the message to the Republican party.

Little doubt though that the Dems have to shed Biden but that won't be hard to do. Kamala could be the perfect candidate but up against huge odds against Cheney.

This thread is an opportunity to be able to read what the Trumpers have to say, by reading between the lines by any clear thinkers!
Hopefully Trump will continue to hold rallies where he rants & raves, plays the victim, whines & bitches about what a rotten Country this is, trash talks anyone who doesn't kiss his ass & pukes more garbage about pardoning his 1/6 buddies

That way, the American people can continue to be reminded of what a rotten son of a bitch Trump is & how shitheels like Hawley, Graham, Kennedy, Jordan, Johnson, Gosar, Rubio & the rest of them supported that p.o.s.
Hopefully Trump will continue to hold rallies where he rants & raves, plays the victim, whines & bitches about what a rotten Country this is, trash talks anyone who doesn't kiss his ass & pukes more garbage about pardoning his 1/6 buddies

That way, the American people can continue to be reminded of what a rotten son of a bitch Trump is & how shitheels like Hawley, Graham, Kennedy, Jordan, Johnson, Gosar, Rubio & the rest of them supported that p.o.s.
The situation is evolving more quickly now. I'm interested in the reason the people accepted Trump to begin with. I think it's quite plain that they were willing to try something entirely different to improve their lot in life.
If that's true then Trump will have to eventually deliver, but is that possible when it would be at the expense of the very wealthy who he would consider to be his friends and base of support.
Hopefully Trump will continue to hold rallies where he rants & raves, plays the victim, whines & bitches about what a rotten Country this is, trash talks anyone who doesn't kiss his ass & pukes more garbage about pardoning his 1/6 buddies

That way, the American people can continue to be reminded of what a rotten son of a bitch Trump is & how shitheels like Hawley, Graham, Kennedy, Jordan, Johnson, Gosar, Rubio & the rest of them supported that p.o.s.

Wherever Trump goes it's a sold out crowd. Dementia couldn't pack a high school gym, especially now that everybody sees what a failure he turned out to be. Polls show if the election were held today, Trump would easily beat Biden and actually, if we didn't have all this mail-in bullshit due to the virus, he'd still be our President today.

So if they're smart enough to read the writing on the wall, they can just go independent from the get go.
That is not even remotely 'smart.'

They all have a reasonable chance of beating a primary challenger and continuing their political careers. If they lose, they can still use the political connections they have to keep gainful employment or fill other open roles.

Pulling out and running as an independent ensures, without a shadow of a doubt, they will lose ALL of that and have exactly zero political prospects or connections. What you want them to do is moronic, not smart.

Which is expected, your party never really wants what is best for the opposing party or even ethic. Why would they, they are in opposition to both those things...
Wherever Trump goes it's a sold out crowd. Dementia couldn't pack a high school gym, especially now that everybody sees what a failure he turned out to be. Polls show if the election were held today, Trump would easily beat Biden and actually, if we didn't have all this mail-in bullshit due to the virus, he'd still be our President today.
There was a recent poll that said Biden would beat Trump by one point. 37 to 36 I think. Maybe somebody could find it. In any case, it indicates the lack of popularity of both.
Given the current state of the Republican party, the vast majority of Americans would vote for a well known independent Conservative.

In any red state they'll certainly get a huge number of Liberals by just knowing that they're running against a Trumpster.

Nothing supports that contention. Just try and bring something that supports it.
Nobody that loves America could support Trump.

America is a DEMOCRACY, and Trump and his supporters have proven that they are very, very much against democracy.

Nobody that loves America would support Socialism and the defeat of capitalism which the left are trying to do. DumBama had one thing right in his motto, hope and change. Hope we are no longer a capitalist system and change over to Communism where government controls everything right down to forcing you to take medication you don't want or a healthcare plan you may not need.
That's his biggest problem? Then 2024 should be a landslide re-election.
What is hilarious is that is not his biggest problem, it his greatest strength! One that he keeps forgetting.

His popularity is trash because he was not elected to bring massive change or reshape America but he continually pushes this. He was elected to get rid of Trump and the constant bullshit Trump brought with him.

The nation WANTED someone 'boring.' For once, they wanted to turn on the news and NOT hear about the POTUS. They want things to simply work. Biden did not seem to get that message...
I don't agree that Dems will have to shed Biden. They made that same mistake in 2014 when they shed Obama.

Biden's biggest problem is that he's boring, but a lot can change between now and the 2022 elections.

If that was his only problem you'd have nothing to worry about. Americans could care less that he's boring, he was always boring. What they care about is how he is destroying this country. They care about their grocery bill every week. They care about gasoline costs when they go to the pump. They care about not being able to get products they want on time. They care about what's going on internationally with conflict.
That's another possible way to break through the Trump insanity but after the 22 election there will be nothing in supporting Trump that will help the Republican party. Then the turn to Liz Cheney will most likely happen.

Correct. We did so well with the RINO's during the Obama years.
And you are a wacko nutbag.
The current Poopeypants Reich is the most fascist, dictatorial environment I have ever experienced. For you dimwit Dimmers to quote the opposite? Is idiotic and crazy.
Exactly which of your rights have been violated by the current administration?
How exactly have you been silenced?

Not being allowed to use privately owned internet platforms to post your B.S.?

When one side is allowed to post their B.S and the other isn't how is political discourse possible?

I haven't been silenced, but plenty of people have been, and surprise surprise most of them are on the right.

What if Trump is running in 2024? If he's banned from say facebook and his opponent is not, how is that not a contribution from facebook to said opponent?
Exactly which of your rights have been violated by the current administration?
My right to choose if I want a vaccine or not, my right to not wear a facediaper, my right to affordable gasoline for my car, my right to being able to purchase groceries at the store, my safety since the borders are open and the police have been defunded, my right to travel freely between states, my right to actual cures for the leftyvirus, my right to have my vote count in a fair election, my right to be protected by a viable military force, my right to not be attacked in the men's room by a transvestite, my right to an honest and fair press, my right to apply for the Supreme Court, my right to be taxed fairly, my right to expect Dim dregs to have to work and pay taxes......

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