Republicans who impeached trump outpace challengers in latest fundraiser haul

Now that you're done ranting....

It's obvious that your idea of socialism is what everyone else calls a 'Communist Dictatorship'.

I've carefully used the terms 'European Socialism', but to be more accurate, I'm referring to 'Democratic Socialism'

You seem to be unable to comprehend that concept, while you cling to your Communist boogeyman, straw man arguments.

BTW - Exactly who & when was anybody trying to drop a nuke on you? More Communist Boogeyman paranoia?

What's paranoia about it? All anybody that wants to challenge what I claim has to do is go to the US Communist Party website and read their agenda. Outside of just a few things, they are almost identical to the Democrat party, especially on main issues.

Yes, Democrat Socialism. It took them a while to get to that point, didn't it. I mean if you were to accuse a Democrat of anything near socialism 20 years ago, they responded the same way many today respond to Communism. They went from Democrat to liberal, from liberal to progressive, now from progressive to Democrat socialist. They freely accept it today just like they will when they advance to plain socialist then Socialist/ Communism. Socialism is just the last step to final Communism.

As for the nuke comparison, it's that we all benefited equally by reminding the Soviet Union we had more nukes and could do more damage to them than they can to us. Or as President Trump put it to Jong when he was mouthing off about his nukes in North Korea "Our button is bigger and it actually works!"
You have a childish notion of what 'socialism' is.

It is NOT an attempt to make everyone equal. Nor does it mean that anyone gives up any personal freedoms.

Socialism is government 'for and by the people' lives up to the responsibility 'to promote the general welfare'.

If that means government taxing the wealthy and providing services to the poor in order to prevent an ongoing humanitarian catastrophe, that's what government should do.

If that means that the government should compensate for the fact that 'Capitalism' is inherently unfair, that's what the government should do.

There are MANY countries that are 'European Socialist' that have robust private sector business. In fact, having socialist programs takes a huge financial burden off of private businesses.

For example, If we had socialized medicine, businesses would not have to provide Health Care insurance to their employees.

All you have to do is look at Germany, France, Switzerland, Denmark and a bunch of other 'European Socialist' countries to see that 'Capitalism' thrives in these countries.
And you have a ignorant view of what socialism is as well. It is NOT:
"Socialism is government 'for and by the people' lives up to the responsibility 'to promote the general welfare'."

Socialism is the communal ownership of the means of production. Period.

That is not the US. That is not Germany. That is not the Nordic nations.

Those are ALL capitalist nations.
What's paranoia about it? All anybody that wants to challenge what I claim has to do is go to the US Communist Party website and read their agenda. Outside of just a few things, they are almost identical to the Democrat party, especially on main issues.

Yes, Democrat Socialism. It took them a while to get to that point, didn't it. I mean if you were to accuse a Democrat of anything near socialism 20 years ago, they responded the same way many today respond to Communism. They went from Democrat to liberal, from liberal to progressive, now from progressive to Democrat socialist. They freely accept it today just like they will when they advance to plain socialist then Socialist/ Communism. Socialism is just the last step to final Communism.

As for the nuke comparison, it's that we all benefited equally by reminding the Soviet Union we had more nukes and could do more damage to them than they can to us. Or as President Trump put it to Jong when he was mouthing off about his nukes in North Korea "Our button is bigger and it actually works!"

If you mean that millions of Americans lived in fear of persecution if their true political views were known, then yes, 20 years ago very few Americans would openly admit that they were pro Democratic Socialist.

As I've stated before, the current American Communist Party is not Communist in the sense of Stalin or Mao. They're more hippy-dippy utopian communists.

If you watched the clip of the head of the American Communist party, when Blumenthal spoke at their meeting, she descripbed the American Communist Party as the "Party of Love". Not very Stalinist/Maoist now is it?

I know you think you can throw the word "Communist" around thinking it's some sort of political battle Axe, but those days are long over.

What you also don't understand is American individualism and freedom. Liberals, progressives, leftists, Democratic Socialists are different views held by different people. I know that you mindless lockstep Conservatives can't comprehend individualism...but that's your problem.

"Socialism is just the last step to final Communism" - You got to be joking. If anyone is a brainwashed Marxist/ Leninist its YOU.

Trump made a fool of himself in his attempts to negotiate with Kim Jong Un. He proved that he had no idea how international Diplomacy works.
If you mean that millions of Americans lived in fear of persecution if their true political views were known, then yes, 20 years ago very few Americans would openly admit that they were pro Democratic Socialist.

As I've stated before, the current American Communist Party is not Communist in the sense of Stalin or Mao. They're more hippy-dippy utopian communists.

If you watched the clip of the head of the American Communist party, when Blumenthal spoke at their meeting, she descripbed the American Communist Party as the "Party of Love". Not very Stalinist/Maoist now is it?

I know you think you can throw the word "Communist" around thinking it's some sort of political battle Axe, but those days are long over.

What you also don't understand is American individualism and freedom. Liberals, progressives, leftists, Democratic Socialists are different views held by different people. I know that you mindless lockstep Conservatives can't comprehend individualism...but that's your problem.

"Socialism is just the last step to final Communism" - You got to be joking. If anyone is a brainwashed Marxist/ Leninist its YOU.

Trump made a fool of himself in his attempts to negotiate with Kim Jong Un. He proved that he had no idea how international Diplomacy works.

What Trump did was be the first American President to ever have a one on one visit with the President of North Korea. No, he was not totally successful, but he got Dong to quit shooting off his missiles until the election showed Biden won. At least he opened the door and made a hell of an attempt.

She described the Communists as the party of love? Is that anything like calling the riots the Summer of Love? Starting to see the connection now? Same tactics.

Oh, but the Communist party is not really the Communist party. :auiqs.jpg: Yeah........that's the ticket.

The problem is by the time they tell their followers they are really Communists, you will have already been living that way for a number of years, like the frog in that cold pot of water on the stove. Of course they are not going to admit they're Communists. The word has too much of a negative connotation right now.

These little Hitlers are even trying to have the federal government takeover national elections so they can never lose leadership again. Read their so-called Voters Rights bill. It opens the door to so much fraud they can pack the polls with phony ballots and nobody know a thing. Dementia used our federal government agencies to get warrants and bust into the homes of people he thought had his daughters stupid diary. His druggy son is selling his phony paint-by-numbers artwork to anonymous buyers between 75K to 500K. Gee, where is all that money coming from?

I can imagine the outrage if Trump or any other Republican did anything like this. This is on top of the two impeachments with no impeachable offense, a phony Russian collusion investigation,and even today, they are so scared to death of Trump they are trying to destroy him so he has no chance at beating the holy hell out of them in 2024.

Maybe you're right, they are not Communists. They re Nazis.
What Trump did was be the first American President to ever have a one on one visit with the President of North Korea. No, he was not totally successful, but he got Dong to quit shooting off his missiles until the election showed Biden won. At least he opened the door and made a hell of an attempt.

She described the Communists as the party of love? Is that anything like calling the riots the Summer of Love? Starting to see the connection now? Same tactics.

Oh, but the Communist party is not really the Communist party. :auiqs.jpg: Yeah........that's the ticket.

The problem is by the time they tell their followers they are really Communists, you will have already been living that way for a number of years, like the frog in that cold pot of water on the stove. Of course they are not going to admit they're Communists. The word has too much of a negative connotation right now.

These little Hitlers are even trying to have the federal government takeover national elections so they can never lose leadership again. Read their so-called Voters Rights bill. It opens the door to so much fraud they can pack the polls with phony ballots and nobody know a thing. Dementia used our federal government agencies to get warrants and bust into the homes of people he thought had his daughters stupid diary. His druggy son is selling his phony paint-by-numbers artwork to anonymous buyers between 75K to 500K. Gee, where is all that money coming from?

I can imagine the outrage if Trump or any other Republican did anything like this. This is on top of the two impeachments with no impeachable offense, a phony Russian collusion investigation,and even today, they are so scared to death of Trump they are trying to destroy him so he has no chance at beating the holy hell out of them in 2024.

Maybe you're right, they are not Communists. They re Nazis.

You're obviously a binary thinker. You believe that there can only be one of two extremes. No in betweens , no compromises, no hybrids, no new ideas.

Whether it's Nazi's, fascists, RINOS, liberals, democratic socialists, progressives, leftists or Communists, you can not distinguish between them or consider that some may have valid points. They are EVIL!!!

Whatever your political and/or economic views, you've decided that they are all 100% correct and all good, while any other points of view are all the same, all wrong and all evil.

I see many points of view and consider almost all of them to have some valid points and some grave flaws. None are correct 100%, nor are they 100% wrong (except Nazi's - Hitler was a total nutcase). I do not hold to any single ideology.

You, on the other hand, are a single-minded moron. No wonder you're a Trump supporter. If you'd lived in Germany in the1930s, no doubt you'd have been an advent Nazi.

You're obviously a binary thinker. You believe that there can only be one of two extremes. No in betweens , no compromises, no hybrids, no new ideas.

Whether it's Nazi's, fascists, RINOS, liberals, democratic socialists, progressives, leftists or Communists, you can not distinguish between them or consider that some may have valid points. They are EVIL!!!

Whatever your political and/or economic views, you've decided that they are all 100% correct and all good, while any other points of view are all the same, all wrong and all evil.

I see many points of view and consider almost all of them to have some valid points and some grave flaws. None are correct 100%, nor are they 100% wrong (except Nazi's - Hitler was a total nutcase). I do not hold to any single ideology.

You, on the other hand, are a single-minded moron. No wonder you're a Trump supporter. If you'd lived in Germany in the1930s, no doubt you'd have been an advent Nazi.

When did I ever say 100% of anything? The form of Communism by the Communists are not the harshest one...........yet. But give it time once they tell you what you really are.

During the Trump years and afterwards they used the federal government agencies to defeat their opponents. They are spying on members of Congress of the opposite party. One Capital police agent recently broke into a Congress persons office. They used the IRS, the FBI, and now this? The last one to use a federal agency to go after the opposite party was Richard Nixon, and we all know what happened to him; the same that should be happening now and should have to DumBama. Even with this phony 1/6 investigation, when our members picked out our representatives for defense, Piglosi refused to let them represent our side and picked our defense council for us. Nazism I tell you. They actually think they own the government and country like Kim Jong Un.
When did I ever say 100% of anything? The form of Communism by the Communists are not the harshest one...........yet. But give it time once they tell you what you really are.

During the Trump years and afterwards they used the federal government agencies to defeat their opponents. They are spying on members of Congress of the opposite party. One Capital police agent recently broke into a Congress persons office. They used the IRS, the FBI, and now this? The last one to use a federal agency to go after the opposite party was Richard Nixon, and we all know what happened to him; the same that should be happening now and should have to DumBama. Even with this phony 1/6 investigation, when our members picked out our representatives for defense, Piglosi refused to let them represent our side and picked our defense council for us. Nazism I tell you. They actually think they own the government and country like Kim Jong Un.

Wow, you really throw the accusations without any evidence or care for their meaning!

Nazism like Kim Jong Un? Seriously?

Kim Jong Un is a communist dictator, not a Nazi, dumbass. They are not the same.

You have no proof of any of your accusations against the Dems. It's funny that you accuse the Dems of using federal agencies during the Trump administration against republicans. trump had authority over those agencies during those years, not congress or the Dems. So your accusations are ludicrious.
Republicans who impeach trump outpace challengers in latest fundraiser haul. The cards continue to stack up against trump.>republicans-who-impeached-trump-outpace-challengers-in-latest-fundraiser-haul
Remember that time when Clinton's funding outpaced Trump's.
Wow, you really throw the accusations without any evidence or care for their meaning!

Nazism like Kim Jong Un? Seriously?

Kim Jong Un is a communist dictator, not a Nazi, dumbass. They are not the same.

You have no proof of any of your accusations against the Dems. It's funny that you accuse the Dems of using federal agencies during the Trump administration against republicans. trump had authority over those agencies during those years, not congress or the Dems. So your accusations are ludicrious.

You mean they didn't use the FBI to submit phony documents to the FISA courts to get warrants to spy on Trump's team UNDER THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION thus giving them access to listening to Trump? They didn't launch a Russian collusion investigation with no evidence whatsoever? You need to read the news a little more.

And why isn't Hunter in jail? He provided false information on a federal applications form to buy a gun. Not even a slap on the hand. And what about Dementia using the FBI to locate his daughters stolen diary? What President ever used our federal agency for a local matter like petty theft? Would you like me to provide evidence of that as well? Hillary was transferring top secrete and classified material to Ummma's computer, which her degenerate husband was using to send nude pictures of himself to strange women all over the world. She even had her maid print them out. Yet when Comey found out, he had his agents confiscate that computer and had it destroyed.

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