Republicans will not debate.

But they are not, VERY FAKE NUZ!!!
They sure are. › wp-content › uploads › 2021 › 11 › Press-Release-Georgia-Audit-
But after the positive test he tested negative twice. It‘s not usual to get a fake positive test.


Well, the president's right. It's fake news," Meadowstold Newsmax Wednesday. "If you actually read the book, the context of it, that story outlined a false positive. He literally had a test, he had two other tests after that showed he didn't have COVID during the debate, and yet the way that the media wants to spin it is certainly to be as negative about Donald Trump as they possibly can while giving Joe Biden a pass."

Democrats lie about everything.
I nominate that poster for "The Dozen Dumbest Posters."
I thought there was a minimum age required to participate on this message board.

I am not sure I really care all that much that they pulled out. The debates have been a rather sad joke for a long time now where the politicians stand up on a stage and are asked questions that they ignore to pontificate on direct lies that make good talking points.

Still, it had some use forcing them to stand on a stage together and at least pretend to answer questions. It is not as though debates are going away either, just that it is going to be yet another thing they argue about and set up between the parties every 4 years.

What we need is to put the other parties on that stage too but that is certainly not going to happen. They would never allow that to happen.
So one group of Trump supporters doesn't think there are enough republicans on the committee, the other group of Trump supporters doesn't think there should be any on the committee...and a third group is okay with there being no debates at all.

That's not any of MAJOR POINTS I politely asked you to comment on. There were SOLIDLY good reasons for concern and as usual you blew them off. Bye now.
It has mattered less and less. Still it would be great to hear unfiltered direct communication directly from the candidates themselves.

The problem is with the current system it doesn't matter what the candidates say. Unless there's a change in the electoral system, then what people think doesn't matter.
The problem is with the current system it doesn't matter what the candidates say.
Well, it might not matter what the candidates you. But I think a lot of independents/non affiliated folks were not exactly encouraged when Trump tells a domestic terror group to "stand by". I think it cost him votes.
Unless there's a change in the electoral system, then what people think doesn't matter.
These sound like great common sense demands to me.

Anyone who is interested in fairness should be outraged at the way the current debates are held.


Well, it might not matter what the candidates you. But I think a lot of independents/non affiliated folks were not exactly encouraged when Trump tells a domestic terror group to "stand by". I think it cost him votes.


Well. It costs them votes, and the result at the end of the day is still the same. The Rep/Dems still win all the seats, the corruption is the same, the nonsense is the same.

What changes? Nothing. Except maybe a few different people get to put their nose in the trough.
Predictable responses so far. I’m not a huge fan of the CPD. It was better when the LOWV did the debates. That was done away with when they started talking about letting third parties in the show.
Of course they are predictable they should be predictable.

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