Republicans won’t be satisfied with overturning Roe

You only started pretending that _after_ you were called out for being a pervy misogynist douche.

That is, you're lying, because that's what fascist control-freaks do.

Of course, what really gives you a thrill is knowing how you hold the position on abortion as the Nazis, other fascist regimes, and various Islamic Republics.
Facism is what we've had with democrats fighting for almost fifty years to allow killing the unwanted out of convenience.

Now it will go to the states where it should have always remained and be decided through the democratic process.

Why are you afraid of democracy?
Ah, the slut-shaming tactic.

Not all pro-lifers have serious issues with women. Just almost all of them.

Needless to say, spending your days dwelling on whether people are having sex in a manner you approve of is _not_ normal. It's about as far from normal as someone can get.
The only issues I'm seeing here on the part of you folks losing your minds over the Supreme Court tossing out a bad decision that never should have been made much less upheld.

Why do you fear democracy?
No responsibility mentioned whatsoever for the man of course.
Unless she's being raped the woman is always the ultimate decider about having sex and using birth control.

Her body, her choice, her responsibility.

You can say what you want about men's responsibility but you cant' have it both ways. If the woman has the right, she also has the responsibility not to make babies she doesn't want.
You only started pretending that _after_ you were called out for being a pervy misogynist douche.

That is, you're lying, because that's what fascist control-freaks do.

Of course, what really gives you a thrill is knowing how you hold the position on abortion as the Nazis, other fascist regimes, and various Islamic Republics.
Oh, shaddap, you retard.
Facism is what we've had with democrats fighting for almost fifty years to allow killing the unwanted out of convenience.

Now it will go to the states where it should have always remained and be decided through the democratic process.

Why are you afraid of democracy?
Leftists hate people making their own decisions, because leftists believe they should make everyone's decisions for them...despite their inability to competently live their own lives.
I would say both sides hate people making their own decisions. I don't buy into the confines of what ANY party NOR country tells me I should buy into. What do you say to that?
Or when a woman has been raped!!!! This is scientifically proven!!!
No that hasn't been proven, that's why traditionally women don't announce publicly that they are pregnant since a very high percentage of pregnancies are inviable and self terminate due to the death of the embryo or due to incompatibility with the mother.

It's no as "spontaneous abortion" and it happens in up to 25% of pregnancies or more.

Leftists are like that.

Some men father children they don't take responsibility for?

Sterilize all men.

Some people illegally use guns?

Disarm law-abiding people.

Leftists are morons.
Don't wait up late for me to argue against any of those points.
I would say both sides hate people making their own decisions. I don't buy into the confines of what ANY party NOR country tells me I should buy into. What do you say to that?
Well like it or not any country you live in is going to limit what you can do, and how and when you can do it in many cases.
I would say both sides hate people making their own decisions. I don't buy into the confines of what ANY party NOR country tells me I should buy into. What do you say to that?
I say that's how all Americans should be. :beer:
No Dave you are lying. If you are on the far right you're for me accepting you're party's beliefs which NOT ONE that I accept. NOT ONE. I share none of your ideals nor do I accept any of the Dems. See how that works?
No Dave you are lying. If you are on the far right you're for me accepting you're party's beliefs which NOT ONE that I accept. NOT ONE. I share none of your ideals nor do I accept any of the Dems. See how that works?
What you do have to accept is that laws are going to be passed limiting and regulating abortion and that we have to live under those laws or face the consequences.
Abortion isn't an issue for me. I'm fine with overturning whatever laws you want. .i support a ton more promotion of contraception of which both parties have failed miserably to do. That's the true way to lower it but if you're a democrat or republican you're just too dumb and repugnantly stupid to figure it out.

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