Republicans won’t be satisfied with overturning Roe

Facism is what we've had with democrats fighting for almost fifty years to allow killing the unwanted out of convenience.

Now it will go to the states where it should have always remained and be decided through the democratic process.

Why are you afraid of democracy?
This is a lie.

Fascism is the sole purview of the right

Conservatives forcing women to give birth against their will through force of law is further proof of that.

Why are you afraid of limited government and individual liberty?
Lol Tell that to the large number paying child support. Lmao
We’re talking about preserving life, dope. Not child support. Abortions would not be necessary if unintended pregnancies could be eliminated. It’s men who impregnate women. The culture surrounding the responsibilities of men needs to be seriously updated. Who makes him dump a load without protection?
Yes. Only some states will be slave states, dope. What could go wrong? :dunno:
No slavery Moonbat. Officials elected to do as the majority believes. And doesnt stop them from going out of state to do it.

Ill bet most of your protesters dont even know rhis.
No slavery Moonbat. Officials elected to do as the majority believes. And doesnt stop them from going out of state to do it.

Ill bet most of your protesters dont even know rhis.
If they have the means to that is.
Tell us some more about how mask mandates are tyranny. :cuckoo:
We’re talking about preserving life, dope. Not child support. Abortions would not be necessary if unintended pregnancies could be eliminated. It’s men who impregnate women. The culture surrounding the responsibilities of men needs to be seriously updated. Who makes him dump a load without protection?
Lol. Women can say wrap it are you are not getting any. They cam also take the pill. Ir get tubes tied if they want no more. Abortion shouldnt be birth control. And blue states dont have laws to overturn.

"We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled," Justice Samuel Alito writes in the document,

I say that we hold that the Supreme Court is no longer legitimate. The Democrats need to RISE UP and start civil war to protect women and their right to privacy. This is unbelievable to see 5 people try and change 50 years of precedent. This will destroy the COUNTRY.
Who would be surprised to find those same arguments being made about overturning Plessy? Precedent just means it takes more to overturn a decision, but no decision is ever written in stone. I also wonder just how many out there actually believe that overturning Roe makes abortion illegal. I believe the VAST majority of those currently weeping and wailing about women being thrown into chains won't see a single difference in their state's laws regarding abortion.
Lol. Women can say wrap it are you are not getting any. They cam also take the pill. Ir get tubes tied if they want no more. Abortion shouldnt be birth control. And blue states dont have laws to overturn.
Or men should just not impregnate her in the first place.
“Republican senators are giving us a glimpse of the culture war clashes to come. There are already warning signs — including the Texas directive that prohibits parents from legally providing gender-affirming treatment and therapies to their children, as well as various state officials’ questioning whether the Constitution sanctions contraceptive use. Indeed, some Republican senators have gestured toward these future conflicts. In his questions to Jackson, Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.) repeatedly sought her views of Obergefell v. Hodges, the court’s 2015 decision legalizing same-sex marriage, pressing her as to whether the decision was properly decided. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) took her turn at the microphone to criticize Griswold v. Connecticut, the 1965 case that legalized contraception use. It’s not a stretch to imagine this revisionism extending to Loving v. Virginia, the ruling that legalized interracial marriage. A Republican senator recently said he was open to overturning that ruling. He later walked back his comments.

All this underscores that abortion was never the conservatives’ endgame. It is merely a way station on the path to rolling back a wide range of rights — the rights that scaffold the most intimate aspects of our lives and protect the liberty and equality of marginalized groups.”

Republicans’ assault on citizens’ rights and protected liberties has just begun.

no one wants to overturn Roe. What the SC leaked decision says is that the issue belongs with the voters of each state. The decision, if it becomes final, merely says that it is not a federal issue and must be decided by the voters of each state. Your state will likely keep abortion legal with no restrictions, mine likely will keep it legal with restrictions. None of that would make abortion illegal on a national level. Its amazing how full of shit the lying media makes your small liberal heads.
no one wants to overturn Roe. What the SC leaked decision says is that the issue belongs with the voters of each state. The decision, if it becomes final, merely says that it is not a federal issue and must be decided by the voters of each state. Your state will likely keep abortion legal with no restrictions, mine likely will keep it legal with restrictions. None of that would make abortion illegal on a national level. Its amazing how full of shit the lying media makes your small liberal heads.
They have to. It's the best way to gin up fear and anger because it's simple and easy for the uninformed to understand.
No. Just forced to have a child against their will, dope.
Now tell us again how mask mandates are tyranny.
Abortion is not the only alternative to pregnancy and abortion within limits is always going to be available in the US.

We only get to lawfully take lives of others under very limited conditions and every child that is aborted is a life being snuffed out.

The time to choose is before you make a new life.

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