..republicrats and other stinking fraud...


Mar 22, 2010
...why do you republican and democrat cheerleaders continue to suck for such an obvious fraud?.

..after all, 'politics' is nothing more or less than 'a competition of ideas about government'..

..so how come we don't have honest, open, 'competitions of ideas about government?'..

...you'll note that in mere sports competitions numerous skilled participants compete candidly, head-to-head..with the 'announcers and cheerleaders' secondary to the event..

...but those among us not brainwashed can plainly see the utter fraud in your stinking republicrat 'political competitions': :rolleyes: ...where a couple/few of handpicked, puppet, republicrat shit-heads rarely, if ever, debate honestly..and the announcers and cheerleaders do most of the 'performing' during the 'political season..'

...consequently, in honest sports competitions we end up with honestly skilled champions...whereas in 'political competitions' :rolleyes: we end up with some of the most stooooooooooooopid, phony, blow-dried 'thinkers' in the country..

...in other words, you stoooooooooooooopid republicrat cheerleaders, we have more open, honest 'competing' going on at little league tryouts than we have in your phony, republicrat, hand-picked puppet political 'competitions'..

(hint for republicrat cheerleaders: ..selecting the people who assume the power of life and liberty over us seems more important than selecting the little league team..)

..the rest of you, have a good day!.. ;)
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...why do you republican and democrat cheerleaders continue to suck for such an obvious fraud?.

..after all, 'politics' is nothing more or less than 'a competition of ideas about government'..

..so how come we don't have honest, open, 'competitions of ideas about government?'..

...you'll note than in mere sports competitions numerous skilled participants compete candidly, head-to-head..with the 'announcers and cheerleaders' secondary to the event..

...but those among us not brainwashed can plainly see the utter fraud in your stinking dimocrat 'political competitions': :rolleyes: ...where a couple/few of handpicked, puppet, dimocrat shit-heads rarely, if ever, debate honestly..and the announcers and cheerleaders do most of the 'performing' during the 'political season..'

...consequently, in honest sports competitions we end up with honestly skilled champions...whereas in 'political competitions' :rolleyes: we end up with some of the most stooooooooooooopid, phony, blow-dried 'thinkers' in the country..

...in other words, you stoooooooooooooopid dimocrat cheerleaders, we have more open, honest 'competing' going on at little league tryouts than we have in your phony, dimocrat, hand-picked puppet political 'competitions'..

(hint fordimocrat cheerleaders: ..selecting the people who assume the power of life and liberty over us seems more important than selecting the little league team..)

..the rest of you, have a good day!.. ;)

As they say, turnabout is fair play.
....no, not 'dimocrat,' ?you apparent republican bootlicker..

..dimopublican, maybe..

..remember, you faux news parrots, your stinking, phony republicruds are as bad as the democruds..
As we welcome our newest idiot troll.. and while we appreciate the interest, we hope that their journey takes them to other places where we are not present....
..sounds like diamond dave will soon have ?willard milton romney's pee-pee in his mouth!.. ;)

...again dummy, only a miserable fool quibbles about the stinking, puny 'differences' between your stinking republicrats..
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..sounds like diamond dave will soon have ?willard milton romney's pee-pee in his mouth!.. ;)

...again dummy, only a miserable fool quibbles about the stinking, puny 'differences' between your stinking republicrats..


Spoken like a true liberal Dem asshole. LOL You are a hoot.
CLAUDETTE FARTS: "Wow. Spoken like a true liberal Dem asshole. LOL You are a hoot."


..apparently some republican retards still think there is some important difference between the stinking d's and r's..(hint for republican retards: history has shown that your stinking republicans are every bit as 'liberal' with other peoples' money as the stinking democrats..)...and remember, you republican dopes: when you find yourself in disagreement with me as to 'political issues' it will be YOU who is advocating for 'more government,' 'higher taxes,' etc..

hint for republicrat douchebags:...we'd have MUCH better government were we to choose public officers' names 'from a hat' rather than allowing your stinking motherf@cking republicrat shills to control public office..

..back to my main point..it appears that your stinking REPUBLI(can)(demo)CRAT 'political competitions' are a fraud..what ought to be honest competitions to find the wisest people in the land with the best ideas for improving 'government,' etc., are nothing more or less than backroom-fixed puppet shows whereby phony candidates who are no threat to the rotten exi$ting order are promoted..(remember dummies: the rotten exi$ting order has been/is very very good to the backroom fixer$..why would they want any real change?)

...so again, why do republicrat cheerleaders continue to support this stinking fraud in any way?..

(new who song for republicrats: 'We Get Fooled and Fooled Again') ;)

...the rest of you, have a good day!..
Awww look.. little troll woke up and came back out from under the bridge or crawled out of mommy's basement after hiding the bong before mommy came down to do laundry
"I'm neither repubilcan (sic) or democrat."

.. :rolleyes:

..let me guess, you're a boob barf 'libertarian?'

(with phony 'libertarians' like the ones we see today, who needs the stinking republicrats?!) ;)

..oooooh, good comebacks, you republicrat cheerleading retards.. :rolleyes:

I'm neither repubilcan or democrat.

Well, take a stand.
"capital" or "labor"? Phil Graham (of Freedom Works and a Tea Party favorite) supports "capital". Once when asked what he believed in he told Tim Russert this:
If I had two sons and gave each $100,000 and son #1 used the money to obtain an education which lead to lucrative employment, he should pay income tax on his earnings; now, if son #2 invested his $100,000 in the stocks and bonds, he should never pay income tax, for #2 invested in America.
If you agree with Phil Graham, you might be a Republican, if you believe Phil Graham is an #*&(@#(%^! as I do, you might be a Democrat.
For why I believe this about Phil Graham, please don't take this little post as a source. Look into Phil Graham, his wife, Enron and how he 'earned' his money.

..oooooh, good comebacks, you republicrat cheerleading retards.. :rolleyes:

I'm neither repubilcan or democrat.

Well, take a stand.
"capital" or "labor"? Phil Graham (of Freedom Works and a Tea Party favorite) supports "capital". Once when asked what he believed in he told Tim Russert this:
If I had two sons and gave each $100,000 and son #1 used the money to obtain an education which lead to lucrative employment, he should pay income tax on his earnings; now, if son #2 invested his $100,000 in the stocks and bonds, he should never pay income tax, for #2 invested in America.
If you agree with Phil Graham, you might be a Republican, if you believe Phil Graham is an #*&(@#(%^! as I do, you might be a Democrat.
For why I believe this about Phil Graham, please don't take this little post as a source. Look into Phil Graham, his wife, Enron and how he 'earned' his money.

WHile you're at it asshole, take a look at how Harry Reid, for one, has made his money. And George Soros, and Obammy, etc., etc. Stop being such a hack... they're all making money.
CLAUDETTE FARTS: "Wow. Spoken like a true liberal Dem asshole. LOL You are a hoot."


..apparently some republican retards still think there is some important difference between the stinking d's and r's..(hint for republican retards: history has shown that your stinking republicans are every bit as 'liberal' with other peoples' money as the stinking democrats..)...and remember, you republican dopes: when you find yourself in disagreement with me as to 'political issues' it will be YOU who is advocating for 'more government,' 'higher taxes,' etc..

hint for republicrat douchebags:...we'd have MUCH better government were we to choose public officers' names 'from a hat' rather than allowing your stinking motherf@cking republicrat shills to control public office..

..back to my main point..it appears that your stinking REPUBLI(can)(demo)CRAT 'political competitions' are a fraud..what ought to be honest competitions to find the wisest people in the land with the best ideas for improving 'government,' etc., are nothing more or less than backroom-fixed puppet shows whereby phony candidates who are no threat to the rotten exi$ting order are promoted..(remember dummies: the rotten exi$ting order has been/is very very good to the backroom fixer$..why would they want any real change?)

...so again, why do republicrat cheerleaders continue to support this stinking fraud in any way?..

(new who song for republicrats: 'We Get Fooled and Fooled Again') ;)

...the rest of you, have a good day!..

Wow. What a nasty person you are. In fact your so nasty your funny.

I know your trying to be serious and be taken seriously but honestly your post is just funny.

Get a life Sweetie. You obviously need one
"I'm neither repubilcan (sic) or democrat."

.. :rolleyes:

..let me guess, you're a boob barf 'libertarian?'

(with phony 'libertarians' like the ones we see today, who needs the stinking republicrats?!) ;)

Nope I'm not a libertarian either. Try again.
I'm neither repubilcan or democrat.

Well, take a stand.
"capital" or "labor"? Phil Graham (of Freedom Works and a Tea Party favorite) supports "capital". Once when asked what he believed in he told Tim Russert this:
If I had two sons and gave each $100,000 and son #1 used the money to obtain an education which lead to lucrative employment, he should pay income tax on his earnings; now, if son #2 invested his $100,000 in the stocks and bonds, he should never pay income tax, for #2 invested in America.
If you agree with Phil Graham, you might be a Republican, if you believe Phil Graham is an #*&(@#(%^! as I do, you might be a Democrat.
For why I believe this about Phil Graham, please don't take this little post as a source. Look into Phil Graham, his wife, Enron and how he 'earned' his money.

WHile you're at it asshole, take a look at how Harry Reid, for one, has made his money. And George Soros, and Obammy, etc., etc. Stop being such a hack... they're all making money.

Thanks for sharing, I know I'm spot on when someone such as you reads my post and calls me an asshole. You and Willow Tree ought to get together, two so alike; so profane, so prosaic and so peculiar.
CLAUDETTE FARTS AGAIN: "Get a life Sweetie. You obviously need one"


...almost 2000 posts in just 5+ months and I need to "get a life?!?" :rolleyes: (Join Date: Nov 2009 Posts: 1,968)

YOU OBVIOUSLY HAVE A PROBLEM WITH SOME OF MY ASSERTIONS....COULD YOU PLEASE MERELY COPY AND PASTE SOMETHING SPECIFIC WITH WHICH YOU HAVE A PROBLEM SO THAT I MAY SEE WHAT YOU ARE FARTING ABOUT?!?...instead of merely popping-off like a snivelling republicrat fool cheerleader..that goes for you too, lonesome 'logic'.. ;)

..thank-you, conspiracist..

...i dream of an honest election/political system..(alas, i am a dreamer)

...i think one way to improve this current stinking republicrat system would be merely to place a 'none of the above' option on the ballot..whereby people could opt out of voting/affirming 'the lessor of two/several evils'..

..ideally, i would like to see a 'negative vote' option...whereby you could use your 'vote' to either vote 'positively' for one of the candidates...or you could exercise a 'negative vote' when these stinking republicrats offer up a couple phony scumbags (as they virtually always have in my life)...literally taking one vote away from the worst of the blow-dried phonies/crooks/etc..

...i rarely go to 'the polls'..but if i had these options i would never miss a vote!..(hint for republicrat cheerleading dopes: such ballot options would make it clear to even you miserable fools that your stinking republicrats/republicrat ideas are widely loathed) ;)

..but i really think that if people thought it through they would come to the conclusion that 'sortition' (choosing public officers 'from a hat,' etc.) methods would strengthen society..great ideas would blossom...instead of this stinking, stale, phony, abusive, etc.. republicrat-controlled 'politics' we are all witness to..)

...decent folks, have a nice day...republicrat cheerleaders, stfu..(and maybe learn what 'a dollar' is..) ;)
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CLAUDETTE FARTS AGAIN: "Get a life Sweetie. You obviously need one"


...almost 2000 posts in just 5+ months and I need to "get a life?!?" :rolleyes: (Join Date: Nov 2009 Posts: 1,968)

YOU OBVIOUSLY HAVE A PROBLEM WITH SOME OF MY ASSERTIONS....COULD YOU PLEASE MERELY COPY AND PASTE SOMETHING SPECIFIC WITH WHICH YOU HAVE A PROBLEM SO THAT I MAY SEE WHAT YOU ARE FARTING ABOUT?!?...instead of merely popping-off like a snivelling republicrat fool cheerleader..that goes for you too, lonesome 'logic'.. ;)

..thank-you, conspiracist..

...i dream of an honest election/political system..(alas, i am a dreamer)

...i think one way to improve this current stinking republicrat system would be merely to place a 'none of the above' option on the ballot..whereby people could opt out of voting/affirming 'the lessor of two/several evils'..

..ideally, i would like to see a 'negative vote' option...whereby you could use your 'vote' to either vote 'positively' for one of the candidates...or you could exercise a 'negative vote' when these stinking republicrats offer up a couple phony scumbags (as they virtually always have in my life)...literally taking one vote away from the worst of the blow-dried phonies/crooks/etc..

...i rarely go to 'the polls'..but if i had these options i would never miss a vote!..(hint for republicrat cheerleading dopes: such ballot options would make it clear to even you miserable fools that your stinking republicrats/republicrat ideas are widely loathed) ;)

..but i really think that if people thought it through they would come to the conclusion that 'sortition' (choosing public officers 'from a hat,' etc.) methods would strengthen society..great ideas would blossom...instead of this stinking, stale, phony, abusive, etc.. republicrat-controlled 'politics' we are all witness to..)

...decent folks, have a nice day...republicrat cheerleaders, stfu..(and maybe learn what 'a dollar' is..) ;)

LMAO at you Sweetie and I don't really care how many posts you got goin on.

If you wanna compare posts I signed on in Nov 3rd of 2009 and have 1,972 posts. So???

BTW I'm not a Rep so save you BS for someone who is. LOL
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