repubs preparing to attack Dr Fauci

Oh, great from the bitch that though her stuck backspace key was a demonstration she was being hacked. Epoch Times, wonderful.

You got a better source? I prefer not wasting my time on a "news" outlet famous for twisting facts and wholesale making shit up.

The evidence is in his emails. You don't want the truth though. You dismiss facts and allow propaganda and lies from the mainstream to infiltrate your head. The funny thing is that this fauci foia email dump came from a left leaning source......not from your propaganda machines such as network news, msnbc, fox, cnn.

Your article didn't include his emails. And yes, I'm well aware of how woke Fox is, I'm sure Tucker Carlson, Hannity and the rest of the foaming former guy crowd will be getting their walking papers any day now.
NOBODY knew it was coming??

your grandkids will be studying this in history 101​

"It will go away with the heat"
“It is what it is.”
Trump said state governors must "treat me well" in order to obtain masks and ventilators from federal reserves.
Post image


Trump is the leader of an authoritarian movement made up of an eclectic mix of extremists including Proud Boy fascists, Neo Nazis, white nationalists, religious fanatics and conspiracy theorists.​

Steve Schmidt issues dire warning: US just one election away from permanent Trumpian autocratic rule

"One of the gravest threats the country has ever faced"
Lincoln Project co-founder and GOP strategist turned Democrat Steve Schmidt, ahead of Donald Trump's speech this weekend to the North Carolina Republican Party issued a dire warning: America is just one election away from permanent autocratic rule from the former president and his allies.
In a 512 word Twitter thread Schmidt warns that Republicans have grown even stronger since the January 6 insurrection, and those who think Trump being out of the spotlight and off social media has weakened him are "fools." He also urges the media to stop focusing on the demise of Trump's blog.

Trump is the "presumptive nominee" for the 2024 presidential election, Schmidt, a student of history, says, warning that "elected officials of the Republican Party are obedient soldiers in Trump's cult of personality."
"His words will surely kill again," Schmidt says.
Here's the entire Twitter thread in full (a few minor changes made in capitalization due to the way Schmidt writes his tweets):
Today is the third day of profoundly stupid media coverage around the demise of the Trump blog. How should we assess Trump in this moment and specifically how do we gauge his relative power and influence? Some have posited that Trump's loss, social media bans, and inability to sustain a blog are evidence of his decline, irrelevance and diminishment. Many of these people have argued that saying Trump's name out loud is what fuels and sustains the Trump threat. All we need do, they claim, is to treat him like Voldemort, so long as no one speaks his name out loud, no problem. These people are fools and their delusions are dangerous for the survival of American democracy.
We are at an hour that requires people to wake up. Trump is powerful and he is a clear and PRESENT danger to our democratic society and national stability. Trump has the ability to kill and destroy with the spoken word. His words; his lies, delusions and conspiracy theories have caused bloodshed. That is what happened on January 6th. His words will surely kill again.
Trump is the leader of an authoritarian movement made up of an eclectic mix of extremists including Proud Boy fascists, Neo Nazis, white nationalists, religious fanatics and conspiracy theorists. The Republican Party is the vessel of this movement and the membership of that party is overwhelmingly united around the cause of Trump.
Trump is not just the front runner for the GOP nomination he is the presumptive nominee. Trump is in command of the party lock, stock and barrel. The elected officials of the Republican Party are obedient soldiers in Trump's cult of personality which can be measured in the tens of millions of people. This movement has become faithless to American democracy and it requires an almost Trumpian level of historical ignorance to not recognize it as one of the gravest threats the country has ever faced.
Trump's power and influence is both frightening and real.
It has been said that there are no dumb ideas. There are. High on the list is the notion that Trumps failed blog evidences his waning power. It doesn't. It means nothing. A Trump indictment will not kill off Trump or his movement, it will simply hasten his candidacy. When he becomes a candidate again Facebook and Twitter will lift their well earned bans.
We are in the early years of a great struggle in this country that will last a long time provided the pro democracy side can win elections because we are one away from seeing the autocratic side take power. They will not relinquish it again when they do.
The GOP was not chastened by January 6th. It has grown more extreme and it is on track to take back control of the House in 22. The pro democracy coalition won a great victory when Joe Biden became President. That victory has brought us some time but all the time in the world can't cure a willful and delusional blindness to the great danger, resilience, ambition and authoritarianism of Trumps movement.

More lies and propaganda and conspiracy. Adjust your tin foil to the left. It keeps playing the same thing over and over.
They got to have somebody to distract the public from the treasonous actions of their president and hoped-for-future-president-again. Conservatives NEED a villain. Fauci suits them, after all he represents science and they tend to react badly to that.

Yeah, who cares if Fauxi created a bioweapon?! Orange man still bad!

True, just because Fauci is untrustworthy that doesn't make Trump any better.
Sure it does, because Trump disagreed with Fauci precisely on those issues Fauci was lying about.
They got to have somebody to distract the public from the treasonous actions of their president and hoped-for-future-president-again. Conservatives NEED a villain. Fauci suits them, after all he represents science and they tend to react badly to that.

Yeah, who cares if Fauxi created a bioweapon?! Orange man still bad!

True, just because Fauci is untrustworthy that doesn't make Trump any better.
Sure it does, because Trump disagreed with Fauci precisely on those issues Fauci was lying about.

Trump was a dick about it all.
NOBODY knew it was coming??

your grandkids will be studying this in history 101​

"It will go away with the heat"
“It is what it is.”
Trump said state governors must "treat me well" in order to obtain masks and ventilators from federal reserves.
Post image

  1. An official to focus on health threats? What did he do? Yeah, that's right, nothing.
  2. What did Bush do to prepare for a pandemic? Yeah, that's right, nothing.
  3. What did Obama do to prepare for a pandemic? Yeah, that's right, nothing.
Talk is cheap, and that's all Democrats ever bring.
They got to have somebody to distract the public from the treasonous actions of their president and hoped-for-future-president-again. Conservatives NEED a villain. Fauci suits them, after all he represents science and they tend to react badly to that.

Yeah, who cares if Fauxi created a bioweapon?! Orange man still bad!

True, just because Fauci is untrustworthy that doesn't make Trump any better.
Sure it does, because Trump disagreed with Fauci precisely on those issues Fauci was lying about.

Trump was a dick about it all.
Resisting the phony Democrat hysteria does not make you a dick.
It's all about ginning up the base.

That's the single entirety of the Republican strategy.

Keep the base enraged 24/7 so they will donate more and more money to them.
Hahahahajanthe demleftists keep you stupid sheep enraged 24/7 .
Racism!sexism bigotry global warming Abortion Kavanaugh guns impeachment Russians trumps taxes stormy cheney haliburton release the strategic oil reserves big oil blood for oil. I could go on and on.

"Politics under democracy consists almost wholly of the discovery, chase and scotching of bugaboos. The statesman becomes, in the last analysis, a mere witch-hunter, a glorified smeller and snooper, eternally chanting "Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum'. It has been so in the United States since the earliest days.
- H. L. Mencken -

So....FOX and the repub party are gonna make the man who is one of the most respected men in America a scary, bad guy? He was able keep us all sane during the days when Trump was talking about shooting up disinfectant...Now he gets his reward from the repub party.

Fauxi might be the most prolific mass murderer since your hero Chairman Mao

What a load of crap. You're paranoia is bursting from your ears.
It is international accepted trumps slow reaction is responsible for hundreds of thousands dying. Is he a mass murderers?
Stay at home son. We'll bring you something from McDonald's.
"internationally accepted?" You mean the claim is laughed at by all intelligent rational people.

So....FOX and the repub party are gonna make the man who is one of the most respected men in America a scary, bad guy? He was able keep us all sane during the days when Trump was talking about shooting up disinfectant...Now he gets his reward from the repub party.
Like the Beast before him, Fauci's a goner.
Yet Trump said that it is one case and it will be over soon.

Then when it was not over soon he declared it will be over in April

then he says he is taking Hydroxychloroquine "the game changer" Yet he still got infected with coronavirus. Find example of leading by example or don't do as I say.

The coronavirus prime time show. Where Trump attends and make such statements as

"couldn't we use UV and disinfectant inside the body to treat coronavirus"

the room goes silent and Fauci just shakes his head.

Well with operation WARP Speed some Corporations made big money while others are facing litigation and lawsuits.

Pelosi Tours San Francisco's Chinatown To Quell Coronavirus Fears
They got to have somebody to distract the public from the treasonous actions of their president and hoped-for-future-president-again. Conservatives NEED a villain. Fauci suits them, after all he represents science and they tend to react badly to that.
Imo its more that covid brought an end to Trump, and possibly his biz losses will finally catch up to him. He treated covid as a political threat to him, so he downplayed its seriousness and came up with crackpot theories. He destroyed his own credibility for most folks. Not lincolnesque, but few measure up to that.

Counter that to Fauci. The man built his rep moving the govt from the homophobia and failure to do anything by the govt on aids. He was the first one to actually meet with gay activists when Act Up was around. Fauci wanted to stay on till we really have a cure. And yes Fauci tried to keep people from hording masks and hydroxy .... because he was trying to save as many as possible.

There's an 2000 LA Times piece that predicts what is now happening. But I remain hopeful that most people will remember the guy's service of a lifetime.

ps, and Trump should get credit for pushing on the vaccines, but he also shares blame for some not getting it.
While I do not blame Fauci very much since the WHO, all other countries, etc. said that "flattening the curve" was what they recommended, still it is obvious he was totally wrong about almost everything.
Flattening the curve was horrible because it did not and can not end an epidemic, but instead prevented herd immunity by conserving easy hosts, and can make any epidemic last forever.
Fauci was wrong about herd immunity because he said it would require 2.4 million deaths, and he was off by more than a factor of 200 because he failed to count the asymptomatic, who must have inherent immunity, and are more than half the population.

The past is not relevant any more, but Fauci has to admit his mistakes in public or else they could be repeated. And that can not be allowed.
If we do "fattening the curve" with the next epidemic, and there will be one every 7.5 years on average, then we will kill over half a million people for no reason with that one as well, and make it permanent also.
They got to have somebody to distract the public from the treasonous actions of their president and hoped-for-future-president-again. Conservatives NEED a villain. Fauci suits them, after all he represents science and they tend to react badly to that.
Imo its more that covid brought an end to Trump, and possibly his biz losses will finally catch up to him. He treated covid as a political threat to him, so he downplayed its seriousness and came up with crackpot theories. He destroyed his own credibility for most folks. Not lincolnesque, but few measure up to that.

Counter that to Fauci. The man built his rep moving the govt from the homophobia and failure to do anything by the govt on aids. He was the first one to actually meet with gay activists when Act Up was around. Fauci wanted to stay on till we really have a cure. And yes Fauci tried to keep people from hording masks and hydroxy .... because he was trying to save as many as possible.

There's an 2000 LA Times piece that predicts what is now happening. But I remain hopeful that most people will remember the guy's service of a lifetime.
Trump was right: COVID was a political threat to him, and the Dims used it as a weapon.
They got to have somebody to distract the public from the treasonous actions of their president and hoped-for-future-president-again. Conservatives NEED a villain. Fauci suits them, after all he represents science and they tend to react badly to that.

Yeah, who cares if Fauxi created a bioweapon?! Orange man still bad!

True, just because Fauci is untrustworthy that doesn't make Trump any better.
Sure it does, because Trump disagreed with Fauci precisely on those issues Fauci was lying about.

Trump was a dick about it all.
Resisting the phony Democrat hysteria does not make you a dick.

No, being a spoiled little man like Trump is does.
They got to have somebody to distract the public from the treasonous actions of their president and hoped-for-future-president-again. Conservatives NEED a villain. Fauci suits them, after all he represents science and they tend to react badly to that.

Yeah, who cares if Fauxi created a bioweapon?! Orange man still bad!

True, just because Fauci is untrustworthy that doesn't make Trump any better.
Sure it does, because Trump disagreed with Fauci precisely on those issues Fauci was lying about.

Trump was a dick about it all.
Resisting the phony Democrat hysteria does not make you a dick.

No, being a spoiled little man like Trump is does.
Is that supposed to be some kind of valid criticism?
They got to have somebody to distract the public from the treasonous actions of their president and hoped-for-future-president-again. Conservatives NEED a villain. Fauci suits them, after all he represents science and they tend to react badly to that.

Yeah, who cares if Fauxi created a bioweapon?! Orange man still bad!

True, just because Fauci is untrustworthy that doesn't make Trump any better.
Sure it does, because Trump disagreed with Fauci precisely on those issues Fauci was lying about.

Trump was a dick about it all.
Resisting the phony Democrat hysteria does not make you a dick.

No, being a spoiled little man like Trump is does.
Is that supposed to be some kind of valid criticism?

It's why Biden is president.
They got to have somebody to distract the public from the treasonous actions of their president and hoped-for-future-president-again. Conservatives NEED a villain. Fauci suits them, after all he represents science and they tend to react badly to that.
Imo its more that covid brought an end to Trump, and possibly his biz losses will finally catch up to him. He treated covid as a political threat to him, so he downplayed its seriousness and came up with crackpot theories. He destroyed his own credibility for most folks. Not lincolnesque, but few measure up to that.

Counter that to Fauci. The man built his rep moving the govt from the homophobia and failure to do anything by the govt on aids. He was the first one to actually meet with gay activists when Act Up was around. Fauci wanted to stay on till we really have a cure. And yes Fauci tried to keep people from hording masks and hydroxy .... because he was trying to save as many as possible.

There's an 2000 LA Times piece that predicts what is now happening. But I remain hopeful that most people will remember the guy's service of a lifetime.

I don't like Trump, but the reality is he was right on covid-19.
There are only 2 possible strategies, and both are fast.
If an epidemic is very lethal, like Ebola, you do full quarantine with contract tracing.
If an epidemic is not very lethal, like covid-19, then you do accelerated herd immunity.

Flattening the curve is not one of the possible choices because it just delays, and that allows the epidemic to spread deeper and wider, solving nothing.

So if you go back to what Trump said, it was to pretty much ignore the epidemic, which is the herd immunity strategy.
And that would have saved over half a million lives.
The epidemic would have burned out last March, with fewer than 60k deaths.
Technically the best is to deliberately infect those volunteers you are least likely to have problems.
You can then theoretically end the epidemic in less than 3 weeks.
Wow, this place is getting Qier and Qier everyday.
Indeed! Did you see the completely fabricated bullshit op? The right have been after him for around a year but if you read this Q infused op you would think we just started going after the guy.

Conspiracy? Not really. Bold faced lying to achieve a false narrative? Absolutely

Leftist propaganda in full gear

tldr....We've been attacking the dickhead for over a fucking year.

No, there is definitely more of a concerted effort to attack Fauci and make all sorts of false accusations. Didn't you hear Fauci is getting rich off of Moderna? Total bullshit, you guys don't give a fuck about the truth just as long as you keep thinking the former guy is right.

Some of you are just part timers. You admit the former guy says stupid shit or even go as far as to say that he does tell lies. But it's always explained away as either trolling the media or he was only joking. And in the end you still buy into conspiracies about stolen elections or medications that didn't work or whether or not Alabama was sharpied into hurricane warnings. It's really depressing to witness.
The right has been demanding his head on a platter for a year.

Your propaganda is all bullshit lol

The right has been demanding his head on a platter because he kept contradicting Donald Trump. Every time there was a press conference Donald Trump would say one thing, and Dr. Fauci would say the opposite.

Decisions were based on Trump’s lies that it would all disappear “soon”. Dr. Faucci was banned from appearing at press conferencesbwcause he refused to back up Trump’s lies.

When the MSM tried to get the real story from Dr. Fauci as to what the best precautions were, Dr. Fauci was then ordered not allowed to be appear on any media without the approval of the White House, which approval was never forthcoming.

Trump proceeded to blame Dr. Fauci and the Chinese for the spread of the virus instead of taking responsibility for the harm caused by all of his bad decisions.

If you examine all of Trump’s decisions, a pattern quickly becomes apparent: All of Trump’s decisions were based on ensuring maximum profit for Big Pharma and the medical industrial complex from the pandemic. Starting with his decision to sell ALL of the US stock piles of PPE to China in January, keeping none for domestic use.

Trump could have gone with the WHO covid test, but there would be no big profit for American pharmaceutical companies unless they developed their own tests and owned exclusive rights to the patent. So they did that around for three months and still didn’t have a proper testing system, while 400,000 Americans travelled from China back to the USA with no testing.
They got to have somebody to distract the public from the treasonous actions of their president and hoped-for-future-president-again. Conservatives NEED a villain. Fauci suits them, after all he represents science and they tend to react badly to that.

Yeah, who cares if Fauxi created a bioweapon?! Orange man still bad!

True, just because Fauci is untrustworthy that doesn't make Trump any better.
Sure it does, because Trump disagreed with Fauci precisely on those issues Fauci was lying about.

Trump was a dick about it all.

The fact I do not like Trump or his manners, does not change what is right or wrong.
And essentially Trump did get covid-19 right, and it was Fauci who got it all wrong.

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