Repubs vote to give Barack unprecedented spying ability

Patriot Act

Passed by Bush administration
Extended by Obama administration

So, yea
It's BOTH parties

Extended AND expanded, by both parties.
by both parties but to a greater degree by Repubs

H.R. 4681 Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 --
Repubs for: ..... 184 Against: 45

Democrats for: 141 Against: 55

More Democrats were against it and they are in the minority. Who is the party of civil liberties. It aint the Repubs :thup:
Oh, nannynannybooboo, Bullshit "my party's better than yours"
I can stretch that shit too.
Look at your numbers.
Now let's play the percentage angle.
Which party had the higher percentage of yes votes?
See how this works.
I can be honest enough to blame Bush.
At least TRY to spit dem-balls out of your mouth long enough to admit your party lent a hand.
So you are implying that I vote for either party are you? You would be wrong to assume that friendo.
sure you dont.....thats why everything you post is badmouthing republicans....and you are always defending those democrats you "claim" you have problems are a phony dottie.....
Not surprising.

RWs are getting what they want and what they voted for - more and more laws and more invasive laws.

No problem,but 1st you get Obama care
This should come as no shock to anyone. Conservatives love the surveillance police state. They worship it while claiming to believe in less intrusive government.

As do democrats.
Both sides of the aisle are guilty in this and morons like you play right into their hands by trying to appoint blame.
Thanks Big Gubmint (crony capitalist) Repubs :thup:

Congress Quietly Bolsters NSA Spying in Intelligence Bill -
The 47-page intelligence bill was headed toward a voice vote when Amash rose to the House floor to ask for a roll call. Despite his efforts—which included a "Dear Colleague" letter sent to all members of the House urging a no vote—the bill passed 325-100, with 55 Democrats and 45 Republicans opposing.

The provision in question is "one of the most egregious sections of law I've encountered during my time as a representative," Amash wrote on his Facebook page. The tea-party libertarian, who teamed up with Rep. John Conyers last year in an almost-successful bid to defund the National Security Agency in the wake of the Snowden revelations, warned that the provision "grants the executive branch virtually unlimited access to the communications of every American."

What are repubs for again? :eusa_eh:

Yes the far left drones believes the far left propaganda blog sites without question or hesitation..
finally you are calling a person far left who actually is....
This should come as no shock to anyone. Conservatives love the surveillance police state. They worship it while claiming to believe in less intrusive government.

As do democrats.
Both sides of the aisle are guilty in this and morons like you play right into their hands by trying to appoint blame.
Ironically, it is the rw party that votes for increased police state-like powers in larger numbers & percentages. Go figure. :eusa_whistle:
This should come as no shock to anyone. Conservatives love the surveillance police state. They worship it while claiming to believe in less intrusive government.

As do democrats.
Both sides of the aisle are guilty in this and morons like you play right into their hands by trying to appoint blame.
Ironically, it is the rw party that votes for increased police state-like powers in larger numbers & percentages. Go figure. :eusa_whistle:

So why did your messiah extend the PA?
And why are you okay with it?
The boi king had the votes he could have done away with it why didnt he?
Partisan hack...
If you like your privacy, you can keep your privacy.
Ironic that the party of small gubmint overwhelmingly voted for less liberty.
It looks like a pretty bipartisan vote to me. But then who cares what Marxists think? We have lots more legislation to shove down their throats in the years to come.
Bi-partisan is the worst kind of partisan.

eXtreme rw partisans like yourself are the reason nothing gets done in this great nation's capital :thup:

Me, partisan?? Seriously?
If you like your privacy, you can keep your privacy.
Ironic that the party of small gubmint overwhelmingly voted for less liberty.
It looks like a pretty bipartisan vote to me. But then who cares what Marxists think? We have lots more legislation to shove down their throats in the years to come.
Bi-partisan is the worst kind of partisan.

eXtreme rw partisans like yourself are the reason nothing gets done in this great nation's capital :thup:

Me, partisan?? Seriously?
read your prior post Skippy. Do you want the gubmint to function or not? You a libertarian perchance?
If you like your privacy, you can keep your privacy.
Ironic that the party of small gubmint overwhelmingly voted for less liberty.
It looks like a pretty bipartisan vote to me. But then who cares what Marxists think? We have lots more legislation to shove down their throats in the years to come.
Bi-partisan is the worst kind of partisan.

eXtreme rw partisans like yourself are the reason nothing gets done in this great nation's capital :thup:

Me, partisan?? Seriously?
read your prior post Skippy. Do you want the gubmint to function or not? You a libertarian perchance?

I don't think you understand what the term "partisan" actually means. You might have reason to call me an ideologue, though I'd still reject the label. But I don't even belong, or actively support, any political party, Democrats, Republicans, nor Libertarians. So, "eXtreme rw partisans like" me have nothing to do with what does or doesn't get done in DC.
If you like your privacy, you can keep your privacy.
Ironic that the party of small gubmint overwhelmingly voted for less liberty.
It looks like a pretty bipartisan vote to me. But then who cares what Marxists think? We have lots more legislation to shove down their throats in the years to come.
Bi-partisan is the worst kind of partisan.

eXtreme rw partisans like yourself are the reason nothing gets done in this great nation's capital :thup:

Me, partisan?? Seriously?
read your prior post Skippy. Do you want the gubmint to function or not? You a libertarian perchance?

I don't think you understand what the term partisan actually means.
nice non-answer. Care to try again?
If you like your privacy, you can keep your privacy.
Ironic that the party of small gubmint overwhelmingly voted for less liberty.
It looks like a pretty bipartisan vote to me. But then who cares what Marxists think? We have lots more legislation to shove down their throats in the years to come.
Bi-partisan is the worst kind of partisan.

eXtreme rw partisans like yourself are the reason nothing gets done in this great nation's capital :thup:

Me, partisan?? Seriously?
read your prior post Skippy. Do you want the gubmint to function or not? You a libertarian perchance?

I don't think you understand what the term "partisan" actually means. You might have reason to call me an ideologue, though I'd still reject the label. But I don't even belong, or actively support, any political party, Democrats, Republicans, nor Libertarians. So, "eXtreme rw partisans like" me have nothing to do with what does or doesn't get done in DC.
to a genuine partisan.....everyone must be the same....people like dottie cannot comprehend someone not following one of the 2 parties....
Thanks Big Gubmint (crony capitalist) Repubs :thup:

Congress Quietly Bolsters NSA Spying in Intelligence Bill -
The 47-page intelligence bill was headed toward a voice vote when Amash rose to the House floor to ask for a roll call. Despite his efforts—which included a "Dear Colleague" letter sent to all members of the House urging a no vote—the bill passed 325-100, with 55 Democrats and 45 Republicans opposing.

The provision in question is "one of the most egregious sections of law I've encountered during my time as a representative," Amash wrote on his Facebook page. The tea-party libertarian, who teamed up with Rep. John Conyers last year in an almost-successful bid to defund the National Security Agency in the wake of the Snowden revelations, warned that the provision "grants the executive branch virtually unlimited access to the communications of every American."

What are repubs for again? :eusa_eh:

Yes the far left drones believes the far left propaganda blog sites without question or hesitation..
finally you are calling a person far left who actually is....

Many are called that when they deserve it, even when you can not see it..
Regardless, an larger proportion of Repubs/rwers voted FOR the big gov't piece of..... legislation

Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 2014 and 2015 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Section 309
An amendment to the bill in December added Section 309, which statutorily authorized the retention of communications involving United States person for a period of five years with various exemptions the Electronic Frontier Foundation criticized as "massive loopholes" in the law. This prompted Representative Justin Amash to force the roll call vote and send a letter to representatives calling for them to vote against the legislation.[6][7] A petition to call for president Obama veto the bill on grounds of unconstitutionality was created, and is due to complete on January 10th 2015.
I guess "eXtreme rw partisan" just means "anyone who disagrees with me".
Considering it passed the senate which has more dems then than reps...
Patriot Act

Passed by Bush administration
Extended by Obama administration

So, yea
It's BOTH parties

Extended AND expanded, by both parties.
by both parties but to a greater degree by Repubs

H.R. 4681 Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 --
Repubs for: ..... 184 Against: 45

Democrats for: 141 Against: 55

More Democrats were against it and they are in the minority. Who is the party of civil liberties. It aint the Repubs :thup:
This should come as no shock to anyone. Conservatives love the surveillance police state. They worship it while claiming to believe in less intrusive government.

As do democrats.
Both sides of the aisle are guilty in this and morons like you play right into their hands by trying to appoint blame.

I'm well aware both sides are guilty and I've made my disdain of the Democratic Party quite clear on this forum, however, which party is the one always running around at election time telling everyone how much they support less government intrusion in our lives and more individual freedom? Here's a hint, it's not the Democrats.
This should come as no shock to anyone. Conservatives love the surveillance police state. They worship it while claiming to believe in less intrusive government.

As do democrats.
Both sides of the aisle are guilty in this and morons like you play right into their hands by trying to appoint blame.

I'm well aware both sides are guilty and I've made my disdain of the Democratic Party quite clear on this forum, however, which party is the one always running around at election time telling everyone how much they support less government intrusion in our lives and more individual freedom? Here's a hint, it's not the Democrats.

Pure back peddling.

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