Repubs vote to give Barack unprecedented spying ability

Thanks Big Gubmint (crony capitalist) Repubs :thup:

Congress Quietly Bolsters NSA Spying in Intelligence Bill -
The 47-page intelligence bill was headed toward a voice vote when Amash rose to the House floor to ask for a roll call. Despite his efforts—which included a "Dear Colleague" letter sent to all members of the House urging a no vote—the bill passed 325-100, with 55 Democrats and 45 Republicans opposing.

The provision in question is "one of the most egregious sections of law I've encountered during my time as a representative," Amash wrote on his Facebook page. The tea-party libertarian, who teamed up with Rep. John Conyers last year in an almost-successful bid to defund the National Security Agency in the wake of the Snowden revelations, warned that the provision "grants the executive branch virtually unlimited access to the communications of every American."

What are repubs for again? :eusa_eh:

Did you not read your own post, only 55 Dem's voted no. Here's a towel go wipe the egg off your face.
went right over your head as was expected. LESS Repubs voted against it and they are in the majority sooo..... they have more voting members shit stain. THAT means a much greater proportion of them voted FOR IT. Glad to help :)
Wow the GOP is a joke

Priceless........why would you support the Boi King in his efforts to spy on us?
The question is why did the GOP support him in his efforts to spy on us.

Don't hold your breath waiting for input from the right.

Bush got this pushed through and we will be stuck with it forever and that's exactly what the Republicans want.

If they get their way, we'll have cameras in our bedrooms.
some people put those in themselves.....just sayin....
Thanks Big Gubmint (crony capitalist) Repubs :thup:

Congress Quietly Bolsters NSA Spying in Intelligence Bill -
The 47-page intelligence bill was headed toward a voice vote when Amash rose to the House floor to ask for a roll call. Despite his efforts—which included a "Dear Colleague" letter sent to all members of the House urging a no vote—the bill passed 325-100, with 55 Democrats and 45 Republicans opposing.

The provision in question is "one of the most egregious sections of law I've encountered during my time as a representative," Amash wrote on his Facebook page. The tea-party libertarian, who teamed up with Rep. John Conyers last year in an almost-successful bid to defund the National Security Agency in the wake of the Snowden revelations, warned that the provision "grants the executive branch virtually unlimited access to the communications of every American."

What are repubs for again? :eusa_eh:

Yes the far left drones believes the far left propaganda blog sites without question or hesitation..

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The Michigan Republican sounded alarms over recently amended language in the package that he said will for the first time give congressional backing to a controversial Reagan-era decree granting broad surveillance authority to the president.
Congress Quietly Bolsters NSA Spying in Intelligence Bill -
Sure looks like a bi-partisan vote if even the vote count given can be trusted.
It looks like a pretty bipartisan vote to me. But then who cares what Marxists think? We have lots more legislation to shove down their throats in the years to come.
The provision in question is "one of the most egregious sections of law I've encountered during my time as a representative," Amash wrote on his Facebook page

Since Bush and the GOP Congress was doing this shit long before most people ever even heard of Obama, I had to look up how long Amash has been a representative.

The answer is...since 2011.

Kind of takes the air out of his hyperbole.

"In all my years as a representative I've never seen the Twin Towers..." :badgrin:

Nonetheless, no one who was not in a coma during the Bush years should be the least bit surprised the GOP Congress is allowing our government to spy on all of us. Again.

Really? Is Amash supposed to challenged Boner to a duel?
If you like your privacy, you can keep your privacy.
Ironic that the party of small gubmint overwhelmingly voted for less liberty.
It looks like a pretty bipartisan vote to me. But then who cares what Marxists think? We have lots more legislation to shove down their throats in the years to come.
Bi-partisan is the worst kind of partisan.

eXtreme rw partisans like yourself are the reason nothing gets done in this great nation's capital :thup:
Patriot Act

Passed by Bush administration
Extended by Obama administration

So, yea
It's BOTH parties
do you vote for either of them? :eusa_think:
"Wolfgang Schmidt was seated in Berlin's 1,200-foot-high TV tower, one of the few remaining landmarks left from the former East Germany. Peering out over the city that lived in fear when the communist party ruled it, he pondered the magnitude of domestic spying in the United States under the Obama administration. A smile spread across his face.

'You know, for us, this would have been a dream come true,' he said, recalling the days when he was a lieutenant colonel in the defunct communist country's secret police, the Stasi. . . .

. . . East Germany's Stasi has long been considered the standard of police state surveillance during the Cold War years, a monitoring regime so vile and so intrusive that agents even noted when their subjects were overheard engaging in sexual intercourse. Against that backdrop, Germans have greeted with disappointment, verging on anger, the news that somewhere in a U.S. government databank are the records of where millions of people were when they made phone calls or what video content they streamed on their computers in the privacy of their homes.

Even Schmidt, 73, who headed one of the more infamous departments in the infamous Stasi, called himself appalled. The dark side to gathering such a broad, seemingly untargeted, amount of information is obvious, he said.

'It is the height of naivete to think that once collected this information won't be used,' he said. 'This is the nature of secret government organizations. The only way to protect the people's privacy is not to allow the government to collect their information in the first place.' . . ."

Source: "Memories of Stasi color Germans' view of U.S. surveillance programs" by Matthew Schofield, published on 26 June 2013 at BERLIN Memories of Stasi color Germans 146 view of U.S. surveillance programs National McClatchy DC
Patriot Act

Passed by Bush administration
Extended by Obama administration

So, yea
It's BOTH parties

Extended AND expanded, by both parties.
by both parties but to a greater degree by Repubs

H.R. 4681 Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 --
Repubs for: ..... 184 Against: 45

Democrats for: 141 Against: 55

More Democrats were against it and they are in the minority. Who is the party of civil liberties. It aint the Repubs :thup:
Patriot Act

Passed by Bush administration
Extended by Obama administration

So, yea
It's BOTH parties

Extended AND expanded, by both parties.
by both parties but to a greater degree by Repubs

H.R. 4681 Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 --
Repubs for: ..... 184 Against: 45

Democrats for: 141 Against: 55

More Democrats were against it and they are in the minority. Who is the party of civil liberties. It aint the Repubs :thup:
Oh, nannynannybooboo, Bullshit "my party's better than yours"
I can stretch that shit too.
Look at your numbers.
Now let's play the percentage angle.
Which party had the higher percentage of yes votes?
See how this works.
I can be honest enough to blame Bush.
At least TRY to spit dem-balls out of your mouth long enough to admit your party lent a hand.
And when you get done with that, look back at the past several years and show the dem/rep votes to continue said PA.

GOP and Dems work together to expand the Survelliance society, and only a minority in either party fight against it.

The next step is for Washington to legalize mind probes and the hacking of our brains for information.

They already read all our emails and text messages, hack all our computers, and listen to our phone calls.
Patriot Act

Passed by Bush administration
Extended by Obama administration

So, yea
It's BOTH parties

Extended AND expanded, by both parties.
by both parties but to a greater degree by Repubs

H.R. 4681 Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 --
Repubs for: ..... 184 Against: 45

Democrats for: 141 Against: 55

More Democrats were against it and they are in the minority. Who is the party of civil liberties. It aint the Repubs :thup:
Oh, nannynannybooboo, Bullshit "my party's better than yours"
I can stretch that shit too.
Look at your numbers.
Now let's play the percentage angle.
Which party had the higher percentage of yes votes?
See how this works.
I can be honest enough to blame Bush.
At least TRY to spit dem-balls out of your mouth long enough to admit your party lent a hand.
So you are implying that I vote for either party are you? You would be wrong to assume that friendo.
If you like your privacy, you can keep your privacy.
Ironic that the party of small gubmint overwhelmingly voted for less liberty.
It looks like a pretty bipartisan vote to me. But then who cares what Marxists think? We have lots more legislation to shove down their throats in the years to come.
Bi-partisan is the worst kind of partisan.

eXtreme rw partisans like yourself are the reason nothing gets done in this great nation's capital :thup:
oh geezus....unfucking believable.....
Patriot Act

Passed by Bush administration
Extended by Obama administration

So, yea
It's BOTH parties

Extended AND expanded, by both parties.
by both parties but to a greater degree by Repubs

H.R. 4681 Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 --
Repubs for: ..... 184 Against: 45

Democrats for: 141 Against: 55

More Democrats were against it and they are in the minority. Who is the party of civil liberties. It aint the Repubs :thup:
Oh, nannynannybooboo, Bullshit "my party's better than yours"
I can stretch that shit too.
Look at your numbers.
Now let's play the percentage angle.
Which party had the higher percentage of yes votes?
See how this works.
I can be honest enough to blame Bush.
At least TRY to spit dem-balls out of your mouth long enough to admit your party lent a hand.
dottie honest?.....

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