Repubs who ended T Party shutdown targeted by Heritage & CFG

Reid dangled the funding for the Paducah locks in front of Mitch McConnell's face and McConnell acted just like any resident of a Dominican trailer park who spotted a hundred dollar bill sticking out of the ooze would have.
Any self respecting Japanese politician who was caught doing the same thing as Mitch would have immediately gone home and prepared his ceremonial sword in order to fall on it. Since Mitch and his so called moderate Republican colleagues most certainly won't do any such thing, the most humane thing to do is return all of them to the private sector. In this current Age Of Obama, where if "We don't all hang together, we'll all hang separately" to save this country from its imminent destruction by Obama and his fellow Communists masquerading as quasi patriotic Democrats, we need our representatives to resemble more the Founding Fathers than residents of that Dominican trailer park that Bobby Menendez (D-NJ) gravitates to. Paying ten year old Dominican hos to perform lap dances on you, shame on you Bobby, shades of that fabled lap dancing afficionado, Detroits ex mayor, now convicted felon, Kwami Kilpatrick.

Mitch a moderate :eusa_eh: :rofl: He's been "Mr. Obstruct" in the senate for the last 5 yrs. Remember "our goal is to make Obama a one-term President"? He simply realized that another tea party credit downgrade would not serve this nation well & got a kickback as a thank you.
Reid dangled the funding for the Paducah locks in front of Mitch McConnell's face and McConnell acted just like any resident of a Dominican trailer park who spotted a hundred dollar bill sticking out of the ooze would have.
Any self respecting Japanese politician who was caught doing the same thing as Mitch would have immediately gone home and prepared his ceremonial sword in order to fall on it. Since Mitch and his so called moderate Republican colleagues most certainly won't do any such thing, the most humane thing to do is return all of them to the private sector. In this current Age Of Obama, where if "We don't all hang together, we'll all hang separately" to save this country from its imminent destruction by Obama and his fellow Communists masquerading as quasi patriotic Democrats, we need our representatives to resemble more the Founding Fathers than residents of that Dominican trailer park that Bobby Menendez (D-NJ) gravitates to. Paying ten year old Dominican hos to perform lap dances on you, shame on you Bobby, shades of that fabled lap dancing afficionado, Detroits ex mayor, now convicted felon, Kwami Kilpatrick.

Mitch a moderate :eusa_eh: :rofl: He's been "Mr. Obstruct" in the senate for the last 5 yrs. Remember "our goal is to make Obama a one-term President"? He simply realized that another tea party credit downgrade would not serve this nation well & got a kickback as a thank you.

what a parrot
the tea party downgrade, Is your dear leader and party responsible FOR ANYTHING?

his first term all we heard was, Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh fault
Now his second all we hear is Tea Partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy fault
you people are sheep
The RINOs knew, or should have known, that there was an expensive price tag on caving in. Yes, they are going to be "primaried" and by alternative, conservative candidates whose supporters have deep pockets. If those union thugs don't want to lose their choirboys they need to divert a whole pile of money from their usual tame Democrat candidates to RINOs paying for their treason.

I think the whole RINO moniker is backwards. The conservatives being targeted are the REAL Republicans. It's the tea party types who are the RINOs.

It seems that you require a refresher:

Which group supports individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government?
Those Repubs averted another Tea Party downgrade & they're being punished :dunno: Wow!. Just wow!!! :shock:

Conservative groups target U.S. Republicans who voted to end shutdown
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Groups aligned with the Tea Party movement are targeting two Republican U.S. senators who backed a bipartisan budget plan on Thursday, vowing to support their challengers in Republican primaries before congressional elections in 2014.

Great! It's time to have a purge of all traitors and backstabbers.

And has been correctly noted many times before: at this rate you and your fellow republicans will be able to have your convention at the Super 8 Motel in Keokuk.
I think the whole RINO moniker is backwards. The conservatives being targeted are the REAL Republicans. It's the tea party types who are the RINOs.

Your defination of "RINO" is wrong then.

That is unless you don't count Conservatives as Republicans but do count Liberals like Starkey as one.

In that case, I'm a RINO also.

The TeaPs are, indeed, the RINOs, and we are going after them in the primaries.

Don't forget your hood.
Be careful what you wish for..............

You will not like the ending...............

I doubt it. Nominate Ted Cruz...poor Goldwater's held that record too long.

You had better hope that the TEA Party doesn't get the numbers. If it happens Bonehead will get fired, and the next time we go to the trenches you will be facing those who refuse to budge.

Most of the Rhino's didn't want to fight at all, time to fire them. Next election more will fall.

How'd it go with your PURGE OF THE BLUE NOSES......................

Oh no...I'm absolutely hoping that. Target those moderates in the primary...please.:lol:
The RINOs knew, or should have known, that there was an expensive price tag on caving in. Yes, they are going to be "primaried" and by alternative, conservative candidates whose supporters have deep pockets. If those union thugs don't want to lose their choirboys they need to divert a whole pile of money from their usual tame Democrat candidates to RINOs paying for their treason.

I think the whole RINO moniker is backwards. The conservatives being targeted are the REAL Republicans. It's the tea party types who are the RINOs.

It seems that you require a refresher:

Which group supports individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government?

That’s certainly not republicans or the TPM wing of the Party.

Conservatives fear and despise individualism, diversity, and dissent.

Corporate welfare, corporate tax cuts, and other failed conservative fiscal policies have only enriched a tiny percentage of the population at the expense of working Americans and free markets.

And conservatives clearly don’t believe in a ‘limited constitutional government’ when they seek to expand the power of the state into the private lives of Americans by attempting to dictate who may or may not have a child or who may or may not marry whom.

It is therefore truly backwards, actual republicans are indeed being targeted by the TPM and other extremist interlopers hostile to the tenets republicans once considered important, now abandoned for perceived political expediency.
The TPM does not support "individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government."

It wishes to outsource government to the highest bidders and limit American freedoms.

Americans increasingly are aware of this witnessed by plummeting TP popularity: rightfully so.
Those Repubs averted another Tea Party downgrade & they're being punished :dunno: Wow!. Just wow!!! :shock:

Conservative groups target U.S. Republicans who voted to end shutdown
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Groups aligned with the Tea Party movement are targeting two Republican U.S. senators who backed a bipartisan budget plan on Thursday, vowing to support their challengers in Republican primaries before congressional elections in 2014.

Great! It's time to have a purge of all traitors and backstabbers.

Spoken like a true apparatchik even as the loyalty oaths and the ideological purity tests are collated and reviewed for the stamp of approval by the Commissar. No doubt the unelected Norquist will be involved in the pass/fail final determination.
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Reid dangled the funding for the Paducah locks in front of Mitch McConnell's face and McConnell acted just like any resident of a Dominican trailer park who spotted a hundred dollar bill sticking out of the ooze would have.
Any self respecting Japanese politician who was caught doing the same thing as Mitch would have immediately gone home and prepared his ceremonial sword in order to fall on it. Since Mitch and his so called moderate Republican colleagues most certainly won't do any such thing, the most humane thing to do is return all of them to the private sector. In this current Age Of Obama, where if "We don't all hang together, we'll all hang separately" to save this country from its imminent destruction by Obama and his fellow Communists masquerading as quasi patriotic Democrats, we need our representatives to resemble more the Founding Fathers than residents of that Dominican trailer park that Bobby Menendez (D-NJ) gravitates to. Paying ten year old Dominican hos to perform lap dances on you, shame on you Bobby, shades of that fabled lap dancing afficionado, Detroits ex mayor, now convicted felon, Kwami Kilpatrick.

Mitch a moderate :eusa_eh: :rofl: He's been "Mr. Obstruct" in the senate for the last 5 yrs. Remember "our goal is to make Obama a one-term President"? He simply realized that another tea party credit downgrade would not serve this nation well & got a kickback as a thank you.

What bills has Mitch McConnell "obstructed?"
The TPM does not support "individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government."

It wishes to outsource government to the highest bidders and limit American freedoms.

Americans increasingly are aware of this witnessed by plummeting TP popularity: rightfully so.

Thanks, once again, for demonstrating that your posts are purely the result of senility. They have no possible connection with reality.
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Be careful what you wish for..............

You will not like the ending...............

I doubt it. Nominate Ted Cruz...poor Goldwater's held that record too long.

You had better hope that the TEA Party doesn't get the numbers. If it happens Bonehead will get fired, and the next time we go to the trenches you will be facing those who refuse to budge.

Most of the Rhino's didn't want to fight at all, time to fire them. Next election more will fall.

How'd it go with your PURGE OF THE BLUE NOSES......................

And this is an example of the partisan radical right poisoning American politics today.

There are no ‘trenches,’ we’re not at ‘war,’ democrats are not the ‘enemy,’ they are your fellow Americans, interested in what’s best for America, and willing to address the Nation’s issues in good faith negotiations, not with the country held hostage and its economic well-being threatened.
Those Repubs averted another Tea Party downgrade & they're being punished :dunno: Wow!. Just wow!!! :shock:

Conservative groups target U.S. Republicans who voted to end shutdown
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Groups aligned with the Tea Party movement are targeting two Republican U.S. senators who backed a bipartisan budget plan on Thursday, vowing to support their challengers in Republican primaries before congressional elections in 2014.

Actually, the better question would have have been How, how?

50% of the electorate are on the dole. Those folks are addicted to welfare. There is no way that will vote for someone who is going to threaten "their" freebies.

May nature's god have mercy on our souls.

Hey liberals.

Would you donate money to an anti abortion Democrat?

How about a real pro gun Democrat?

Why on earth therefore would Heritage Senate Conservatives or Freedom Works give money to a liberal Republican?
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Those Repubs averted another Tea Party downgrade & they're being punished :dunno: Wow!. Just wow!!! :shock:

Conservative groups target U.S. Republicans who voted to end shutdown

Great! It's time to have a purge of all traitors and backstabbers.

Spoken like a true apparatchik even as the loyalty oaths and the ideological purity tests are collated and reviewed for the stamp of approval by the Commissar. No doubt the unelected Norquist will be involved in the final pass/fail final determination.

With those who ‘fail’ sent to re-education camps or the gulags.

The totalitarianism and authoritarianism inherent in American conservative dogma is truly remarkable.
I doubt it. Nominate Ted Cruz...poor Goldwater's held that record too long.

You had better hope that the TEA Party doesn't get the numbers. If it happens Bonehead will get fired, and the next time we go to the trenches you will be facing those who refuse to budge.

Most of the Rhino's didn't want to fight at all, time to fire them. Next election more will fall.

How'd it go with your PURGE OF THE BLUE NOSES......................

And this is an example of the partisan radical right poisoning American politics today.

There are no ‘trenches,’ we’re not at ‘war,’ democrats are not the ‘enemy,’ they are your fellow Americans, interested in what’s best for America, and willing to address the Nation’s issues in good faith negotiations, not with the country held hostage and its economic well-being threatened.

Wrong. Democrats are the enemy. They are thieves intent on looting other Americans. The last thing they are interested in is what's best for America. They just want a government check. Good faith is the last thing any rational person would accuse the Democrats of. They are lying sleazy weasels who have no scruples about pulling the most outrageous cons on the American public. Obama is the one who held America hostage. He's the one who placed guards an barricades around open air monuments to prevent Americans from visiting them. It takes a special kind of gullibility to believe that a Democrat is capable of honor or integrity.

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