Repubs who ended T Party shutdown targeted by Heritage & CFG

''No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP''- TIME- WHAT A BUNCH OF EVIL BOUGHT OFF SCUMBAGS and silly't by extortion and fear...
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Those Repubs averted another Tea Party downgrade & they're being punished :dunno: Wow!. Just wow!!! :shock:

Conservative groups target U.S. Republicans who voted to end shutdown
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Groups aligned with the Tea Party movement are targeting two Republican U.S. senators who backed a bipartisan budget plan on Thursday, vowing to support their challengers in Republican primaries before congressional elections in 2014.

Death by being primaried.
I don't get these threads, what are we suppose to do about it or even care really?

the media and the Democrat party was targeting the Tea Party for last two weeks, where was the concern then? oh that's right you all were here targeting them too

I think we got up to 1015 on threads , it was something to watch....major mass meltdown

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The republicans that gives a damn about our economy can count on my vote ;) The 89 in house...

you're truly radical and fucked to want to crash America.
Those Repubs averted another Tea Party downgrade & they're being punished :dunno: Wow!. Just wow!!! :shock:

Conservative groups target U.S. Republicans who voted to end shutdown
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Groups aligned with the Tea Party movement are targeting two Republican U.S. senators who backed a bipartisan budget plan on Thursday, vowing to support their challengers in Republican primaries before congressional elections in 2014.

Great! It's time to have a purge of all traitors and backstabbers.
living within our means? You have to admit that no one would have wanted to inherit what the President inherited in '08. Heres part of the reason (thanks to Billo_Really ;) )

Republican's did what first?

Republican's caused all the shit we went through these past few weeks because of these fanatical, bullshit issues they created.

I love how for 6 years from 2000-2006, republicans didn't say shit while the BA was pushing through legislation that nullified the Bill of Rights; started 2 bullshit, immoral and illegal wars that cost us over $4 trillion with nothing in return; politicized the justice dept; started torturing people and made us the most hated nation on earth under his watch. Through all this, not a peep from the right. Not one voice of protest or dissent.

Less than 10 days after Obama was inaugarated in his first term, the republican right opened their mouths and haven't shut them since. What is most disgusting about that is 90% of what the republican's are bitching about, either doesn't exist on planet earth or is blown way out of proportion.

Republicans are fucked and they deserve what they get.

I would just add to that the unpaid-for Medicare part D, & tax-cuts during war time.
I find it hilarious you hate the medicare part D but seem to be all in for obiecare, it's like part D gone to the Z. If part D isn't working why the hell would you want more of it?
The RINOs knew, or should have known, that there was an expensive price tag on caving in. Yes, they are going to be "primaried" and by alternative, conservative candidates whose supporters have deep pockets. If those union thugs don't want to lose their choirboys they need to divert a whole pile of money from their usual tame Democrat candidates to RINOs paying for their treason.

I think the whole RINO moniker is backwards. The conservatives being targeted are the REAL Republicans. It's the tea party types who are the RINOs.

You libturds keep saying that, and we all laugh until our sides hurt.
living within our means? You have to admit that no one would have wanted to inherit what the President inherited in '08. Heres part of the reason (thanks to Billo_Really ;) )

I would just add to that the unpaid-for Medicare part D, & tax-cuts during war time.
I find it hilarious you hate the medicare part D but seem to be all in for obiecare, it's like part D gone to the Z. If part D isn't working why the hell would you want more of it?

Every lib was in favor of adding a drug program to Medicare until George Bush beat them to it. Now they all hate it.
living within our means? You have to admit that no one would have wanted to inherit what the President inherited in '08. Heres part of the reason (thanks to Billo_Really ;) )

I would just add to that the unpaid-for Medicare part D, & tax-cuts during war time.
I find it hilarious you hate the medicare part D but seem to be all in for obiecare, it's like part D gone to the Z. If part D isn't working why the hell would you want more of it?

Every lib was in favor of adding a drug program to Medicare until George Bush beat them to it. Now they all hate it.

They hate him because he's white. F*cking racists.
living within our means? You have to admit that no one would have wanted to inherit what the President inherited in '08. Heres part of the reason (thanks to Billo_Really ;) )

I would just add to that the unpaid-for Medicare part D, & tax-cuts during war time.
I find it hilarious you hate the medicare part D but seem to be all in for obiecare, it's like part D gone to the Z. If part D isn't working why the hell would you want more of it?

Every lib was in favor of adding a drug program to Medicare until George Bush beat them to it. Now they all hate it.

Your statement provides a great overview of a polarized partisan political phenomenon. Obamacare was originally devised by the conservative think tank, the Heritage Foundation in 1989. When Hillarycare was brought onto the table, being the good conservatives they are, they completely reversed themselves on their own design for the future of healthcare in the USA.
Or, cap & trade was born by the Reagan Administration, once the Dems joined the GOP in supporting the concept, the GOP decided they were against it.
Thanks bripat for bringing this up and displaying just how child-like partisans really are!:clap2:
Those Repubs averted another Tea Party downgrade & they're being punished :dunno: Wow!. Just wow!!! :shock:

Conservative groups target U.S. Republicans who voted to end shutdown
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Groups aligned with the Tea Party movement are targeting two Republican U.S. senators who backed a bipartisan budget plan on Thursday, vowing to support their challengers in Republican primaries before congressional elections in 2014.

Great! It's time to have a purge of all traitors and backstabbers.

STHU, you are not a Republican, so your vote doesn't count.
Those Repubs averted another Tea Party downgrade & they're being punished :dunno: Wow!. Just wow!!! :shock:

Conservative groups target U.S. Republicans who voted to end shutdown

Great! It's time to have a purge of all traitors and backstabbers.

STHU, you are not a Republican, so your vote doesn't count.

Wrong, Fakey, I am a registered Republican. Furthermore, I even vote Republican. I didn't register Republican, like you, just so I can vote for the weakest candidate in the primaries and then vote against him in the general election. I'm not a mole in the Republican party like you are, Fakey.
I find it hilarious you hate the medicare part D but seem to be all in for obiecare, it's like part D gone to the Z. If part D isn't working why the hell would you want more of it?

Every lib was in favor of adding a drug program to Medicare until George Bush beat them to it. Now they all hate it.

Your statement provides a great overview of a polarized partisan political phenomenon. Obamacare was originally devised by the conservative think tank, the Heritage Foundation in 1989. When Hillarycare was brought onto the table, being the good conservatives they are, they completely reversed themselves on their own design for the future of healthcare in the USA.
Or, cap & trade was born by the Reagan Administration, once the Dems joined the GOP in supporting the concept, the GOP decided they were against it.
Thanks bripat for bringing this up and displaying just how child-like partisans really are!:clap2:

Obamacare bares no resemblance to the program that the Heritage Organization devised. That's great propaganda for the Obama administration, but it's just a plain lie. Cap and trade may work for eliminating substances that are only produced in trace amounts, but warmist nut burgers like yourself want to eliminate the process that powers the world. You might as well put a tax on breathing. Do you think that would work as well? After all, if you want to breath, you can just pay someone else for his right to breath.

I know the Tea Partiers here won't like this, but conservative columnist Kathleen Parker (evidently an evil communist RINO who must immedately expunged forthwith from the GOP forever to make the party absolutely as small as possible) hits on what is really concerning those who don't want to vote for the Democrats:

To the most important point, the crux of Cruz: The only person who loves Ted Cruz more than Ted Cruz is Barack Obama. It is the White House and Democrats, not Republicans, who have advanced the idea that Cruz is the face of the GOP. Remember when the White House insisted that Rush Limbaugh was the leader of the GOP? These narratives are useful to Democrats because they loonify the GOP, driving voters away from their fiery rhetoric just as intense heat repels any sensible mammal.

Kathleen Parker: The crux of Ted Cruz - The Washington Post

Okay, let 'er have it.

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living within our means? You have to admit that no one would have wanted to inherit what the President inherited in '08. Heres part of the reason (thanks to Billo_Really ;) )

I would just add to that the unpaid-for Medicare part D, & tax-cuts during war time.
I find it hilarious you hate the medicare part D but seem to be all in for obiecare, it's like part D gone to the Z. If part D isn't working why the hell would you want more of it?

Every lib was in favor of adding a drug program to Medicare until George Bush beat them to it. Now they all hate it.

Ah...but the "libs" would have ensured Medicare could negotiate drug prices like the VA does. Alas...too much pharmaceutical money for that to happen.

I know the Tea Partiers here won't like this, but conservative columnist Kathleen Parker (evidently an evil communist RINO who must immedately expunged forthwith from the GOP forever to make the party absolutely as small as possible) hits on what is really concerning those who don't want to vote for the Democrats:

To the most important point, the crux of Cruz: The only person who loves Ted Cruz more than Ted Cruz is Barack Obama. It is the White House and Democrats, not Republicans, who have advanced the idea that Cruz is the face of the GOP. Remember when the White House insisted that Rush Limbaugh was the leader of the GOP? These narratives are useful to Democrats because they loonify the GOP, driving voters away from their fiery rhetoric just as intense heat repels any sensible mammal.

Kathleen Parker: The crux of Ted Cruz - The Washington Post

Okay, let 'er have it.


I just want to clarify that it is the RW loons that are loonifying the party...Dems are just shining lights on the little roaches. (Actually, roaches are more popular than the Tea "Party")

I know the Tea Partiers here won't like this, but conservative columnist Kathleen Parker (evidently an evil communist RINO who must immedately expunged forthwith from the GOP forever to make the party absolutely as small as possible) hits on what is really concerning those who don't want to vote for the Democrats:

To the most important point, the crux of Cruz: The only person who loves Ted Cruz more than Ted Cruz is Barack Obama. It is the White House and Democrats, not Republicans, who have advanced the idea that Cruz is the face of the GOP. Remember when the White House insisted that Rush Limbaugh was the leader of the GOP? These narratives are useful to Democrats because they loonify the GOP, driving voters away from their fiery rhetoric just as intense heat repels any sensible mammal.

Kathleen Parker: The crux of Ted Cruz - The Washington Post

Okay, let 'er have it.


I just want to clarify that it is the RW loons that are loonifying the party...Dems are just shining lights on the little roaches. (Actually, roaches are more popular than the Tea "Party")

What's fascinating is that if you ask a Tea Partier why the Democrats keep bringing up Limbaugh and Beck and Palin and Cruz and Bachmann at absolutely every last freaking opportunity, even if you have to cram their names into the conversation out of context, they'll say it's because you're "afraid" of those people.

I'm pretty sure they really, really do believe that.

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Great! It's time to have a purge of all traitors and backstabbers.

STHU, you are not a Republican, so your vote doesn't count.

Wrong, Fakey, I am a registered Republican. Furthermore, I even vote Republican. I didn't register Republican, like you, just so I can vote for the weakest candidate in the primaries and then vote against him in the general election. I'm not a mole in the Republican party like you are, Fakey.

I am a registered Republican . . . . I didn't register Republican

You are a conflicted, confused mess.

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