Request for examples of American Muslims:


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Dear USMB:

The head of CAIR in Houston asked me for specific examples of what American Muslims are doing (besides just being Muslim) that are causing threats to people.

"Again, I agree but please give me examples of what American Muslims are doing that is threatening or imposing other than being Muslim?."

This is a SEPARATE issue from what nonMuslims are SAYING, this is asking for what Muslims are DOING in AMERICA not other countries.

I did provide an example of an American Muslim on USMB here SAYING he supported more reforms adopted in American law that are in keeping with his standards he holds very highly.

Can you give me specific examples of what American Muslims are DOING that adds to the negative perception of fear and threat of imposition.

I have seen people cite cases of "honor killings" (which could be compared to criminal violence and murder by crazed parents who kill or mutilate their babies trying to "exorcise them of demons" which can be blamed on radical fundamental religion WITHOUT trying to shut down Christianity).

I am also hearing contested conflicting reports about what is REALLY going on with the Shariah scare in Tennessee I think?

Are there any other examples?

Can you send links to articles or other sources about American Muslims?

Thanks in advance!

Yours truly,

P.S. If you have personal experiences or accounts you prefer not to post online, please email me at emilynghiem at hotmail or at yahoo. I can relay the example in general terms without using names, and delete your msg when I am done if it is confidential. Thank you!
This is a great idea for a thread. BTW, Herman Cain sat down with and apologized to a group of American Muslims.
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So Long Church/State Separation
By Debbie Schlussel

Forget about the Constitutionally mandated separation of church and state . . . at least when it comes to mosque and state.

When students return in the fall, the University of Michigan-Dearbornistan is set to have Muslim footbaths in at least two locations.

And your tax funds are paying for it.
I'd love to see the return email if you sent this to a columnist in the Jewish-American press*, or worse (depending on your attention span), an AIPAC official.

*I can almost guarantee you (if you were to choose this avenue) that the reply would begin with: 'This organisation doesn't support or advocate discrimination, but...'
I'd love to see the return email if you sent this to a columnist in the Jewish-American press*, or worse (depending on your attention span), an AIPAC official.

*I can almost guarantee you (if you were to choose this avenue) that the reply would begin with: 'This organisation doesn't support or advocate discrimination, but...'

Actually concerning the Jewish advocacy groups, when my friend with CAIR brought up why shouldn't Muslims also have their own civil rights advocacy focused on those interests

I answered that my concern is about not making these same mistakes!

I agree with the good part of mobilization where you unify members of a community to become educated and participate in enforcing equal rights. That part is effective and needed.

But where all groups seem to make public relation mistakes is in coming across as lobbying for that group above others or in conflict with others so this causes the division, backlash and fear of imposition.

So I support my friend in working ALONGSIDE all other groups on civil rights education and Constitutional corrections, and especially prevention of legal or religious abuse by ANY group, so that ALL groups participate and work together equally (while still representing their interest and membership, and not compromising that either).

In order to STOP this perception and conflict of favoring certain political interests or groups over others!

I DO want to bypass this habit, hit control alt delete on the whole political
factioning by party, and instead support coalition building that INCLUDES all these
groups EXACTLY as they identify and express themselves and their focus, yet stay cohesive in the common purpose of stopping and correcting ALL abuses, resolving ALL conflicts, so nobody gets disenfranchised by any other, or has fear of bullying or imposition
by other groups. All that has got to stop, and I believe working together is the key!
So Long Church/State Separation
By Debbie Schlussel

Forget about the Constitutionally mandated separation of church and state . . . at least when it comes to mosque and state.

When students return in the fall, the University of Michigan-Dearbornistan is set to have Muslim footbaths in at least two locations.

And your tax funds are paying for it.

As a Michigan taxpayer whose son will be attending U of M in the fall for his freshman year, I have no problem with it. As a tax payer I too will have access to these footbaths, and can use the public facilities. There are many christian chaples all over U of M of just about all sects. Also I am neither Muslim, Christian, or Jewish.
Dear USMB:

The head of CAIR in Houston asked me for specific examples of what American Muslims are doing (besides just being Muslim) that are causing threats to people.

"Again, I agree but please give me examples of what American Muslims are doing that is threatening or imposing other than being Muslim?."

This is a SEPARATE issue from what nonMuslims are SAYING, this is asking for what Muslims are DOING in AMERICA not other countries.

I did provide an example of an American Muslim on USMB here SAYING he supported more reforms adopted in American law that are in keeping with his standards he holds very highly.

Can you give me specific examples of what American Muslims are DOING that adds to the negative perception of fear and threat of imposition.

I have seen people cite cases of "honor killings" (which could be compared to criminal violence and murder by crazed parents who kill or mutilate their babies trying to "exorcise them of demons" which can be blamed on radical fundamental religion WITHOUT trying to shut down Christianity).

I am also hearing contested conflicting reports about what is REALLY going on with the Shariah scare in Tennessee I think?

Are there any other examples?

Can you send links to articles or other sources about American Muslims?

Thanks in advance!

Yours truly,

P.S. If you have personal experiences or accounts you prefer not to post online, please email me at emilynghiem at hotmail or at yahoo. I can relay the example in general terms without using names, and delete your msg when I am done if it is confidential. Thank you!
Advocating intolerance,funding terrorist.trying to shove sharia law down our throats.advocating child molestation....where do i stop!!!:eusa_whistle:

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