Requirements for posting, whining and otherwise engaging in criticism...


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Requirements for posting, whining and otherwise engaging in criticism of the Obama administration

In order to gain a perspective on why someone could or would have the moral and political wherewithal to criticize the Obama Administration after just a year and a half of governance, it is essential that their ideas and values concerning the past eight years be consistent. To be consistent one must have engaged in the following:

You criticized and condemned the Bush administration for its lack of action on immigration.
You criticized the Bush administration for its neglect of the intelligence concerning 911.
You protested the loss of American life in the unnecessary invasion of Iraq.
You protested the trillions of dollars spent on wars that are either illegal or unwinnable and in the case of Afghanistan largely ignored.
You wrote your representatives to protest the illegal invasion of Iraq.
You condemned and protested the Bush administration for allowing Osama bin Laden to escape.
You criticized the Bush administration on their Medicare drug entitlement that gave drug companies free rein to rob the American tax payer.
You protested the lost of rights in America because of Homeland security and illegal wiretaps.
You railed against a deficit that grew and grew while Bush did nothing but advise shopping.
You discussed race and racial inequities during the Bush administration.
You did not whine about taxes as you drove America's roads and bridges and took advantage of a technologically advanced society.
You ride a bike or take public transportation to help keep America green.
You live in a home that is not part of suburban sprawl and is close to work and transportation so our monies do not only go to foreign nations.
You wrote corporations and congress concerning the outsourcing of American jobs.
You paid your taxes fairly.
You tip your fellow Americans well and support an increase in wages for the lowest 20% of workers in America.
You support stores that support American wages with benefits and fair pay: Costco, Starbucks.
You buy American products: cars, tools etc. and write the business when their products are not made here.
You do not shop in Walmart or other businesses that do not support a fair wage.

If you voted Bush / Cheney whose reduced taxes to the wealthy created enormous deficits, a financial bubble of epic portion, and wasted trillions on war, then you cannot criticize Obama as you are part of the current problems. If you voted for Bush / Cheney the second time around you need your head examined as soon as possible.

If you are not without sin concerning the above, feel free to criticize the Obama administration. As the priests would intone after confession, if you did sin, please now shut up, try to practice the golden rule, oh and buy American.

And most of all, if you did not do most of the above then you are simply a hypocrite.
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you know that none of the people with obama derangement syndrome did any of that...

but they did start saying 'ihopehefails' from the day rusbo told them to... and the sore losers never stopped whining for 30 seconds since he was elected.

just saying

I just hate him cuz he's black.:eusa_angel:

(Official retard thread of the week.)
poor little whining libturds, you asswipes bitched about Bush for ten solid years, you can't take it? then don't dish it.. otherwise Kerry on and we shall MOCK you..

:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle: "we will we will mock you! we will we will mock you" :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
you know that none of the people with obama derangement syndrome did any of that...

but they did start saying 'ihopehefails' from the day rusbo told them to... and the sore losers never stopped whining for 30 seconds since he was elected.

just saying

Way to group everyone who opposes the current administration's decisions in with wingnuts jillian.

You just made one of the most dishonest posts I've seen here on this board, it ranks right up there with just about any post made by the OP on this thread.

But, if that's how you really want to portray yourself then go for it. You're looking more and more like a left wing kook with each post like this.

According to the logic of this thread:

Me:"Well, I'm divorcing my wife."
You: "Why?"
Me: "Because the bitch is cheating on me with 10 men."
You: "Yeah, but your last wife cheated on you with 2 men, so you're not being very fair."
Me: "You're right what was I thinking, I love her after all."
Requirements for posting, whining and otherwise engaging in criticism of the Obama administration

In order to gain a perspective on why someone could or would have the moral and political wherewithal to criticize the Obama Administration after just a year and a half of governance, it is essential that their ideas and values concerning the past eight years be consistent. To be consistent one must have engaged in the following:

You criticized and condemned the Bush administration for its lack of action on immigration.
You criticized the Bush administration for its neglect of the intelligence concerning 911.
You protested the loss of American life in the unnecessary invasion of Iraq.
You protested the trillions of dollars spent on wars that are either illegal or unwinnable and in the case of Afghanistan largely ignored.
You wrote your representatives to protest the illegal invasion of Iraq.
You condemned and protested the Bush administration for allowing Osama bin Laden to escape.
You criticized the Bush administration on their Medicare drug entitlement that gave drug companies free rein to rob the American tax payer.
You protested the lost of rights in American because of Homeland security and illegal wiretaps.
You railed against a deficit that grew and grew while Bush did nothing but advise shopping.
You discussed race and racial inequities during the Bush administration.
You did not whine about taxes as you drive America's roads and bridges and took advantage of a technologically advanced society.
You ride a bike or take public transportation to help keep America green.
You live in a home that is not part of suburban sprawl and is close to work and transportation so our monies do not only go to foreign nations.
You wrote corporations and congress concerning the outsourcing of American jobs.
You paid your taxes fairly.
You tip your fellow Americans well and support an increase in wages for the lowest 20% of workers in America.
You support stores that support American wages with benefits and fair pay: Costco, Starbucks.
You buy American products: cars, tools etc. and write the business when their products are not made here.
You do not shop in Walmart or other businesses that do not support a fair wage.

If you voted Bush / Cheney whose reduced taxes to the wealthy created enormous deficits, a financial bubble of epic portion, and wasted trillions on war, then you cannot criticize Obama as you are part of the current problems. If you voted for Bush / Cheney the second time around you need your head examined as soon as possible.

If you are not without sin concerning the above, feel free to criticize the Obama administration. As the priests would intone after confession, if you did sin, please now shut up, try to practice the golden rule, oh and buy American.

And most of all, if you did not do most of the above then you are simply a hypocrite.

Hey, you have time for this long post, and you didn't get around to thanking me for introducing you to Herbert Croly, the most important progressive mind of the last century?

Well, some folks....
you know that none of the people with obama derangement syndrome did any of that...

but they did start saying 'ihopehefails' from the day rusbo told them to... and the sore losers never stopped whining for 30 seconds since he was elected.

just saying

Way to group everyone who opposes the current administration's decisions in with wingnuts jillian.

You just made one of the most dishonest posts I've seen here on this board, it ranks right up there with just about any post made by the OP on this thread.

But, if that's how you really want to portray yourself then go for it. You're looking more and more like a left wing kook with each post like this.


Oh, that had to hurt. :doubt:
Poor Dave and his right-wing racist friends. They just can't get over the fact that their nation is being led by a NEGRO.
You can't expect Liberals to have read Conservative threads critical of Bush when they never read anything they attach to their own posts and in fact almost never read their own posts.
Requirements for posting, whining and otherwise engaging in criticism of the Obama administration.
My 1st Amendment Rights are null and void because midcan5 said so. Can't take the criticism eh? It's not our fault you voted for an idiot just because of his skin color:

"I voted for the black guy! I'm soooooo not a racist!" you thought as you pulled the lever for the Communist.

Why don't you and all the other Dems try to pass legislation outlawing criticism of "Dear Reader" eh? The true fascists always hate free speech.
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you know that none of the people with obama derangement syndrome did any of that...

but they did start saying 'ihopehefails' from the day rusbo told them to... and the sore losers never stopped whining for 30 seconds since he was elected.

just saying

Are you sure you aren't talking about the 2000 election and the 8 years of whining thereafter?
Status check:
Sentient? Check
Thinking? Check
Observant? Check

I'll cuss the lying, sorry, jug eared, sack of shit potus as I see fit, when I see fit, by any means I see fit. Just as I did the lying, sorry, smarmy, child of privilege, sack of shit potus that he replaced.

What I don't need is some nitwit internet twat's permission to do so.
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