Requirements for posting, whining and otherwise engaging in criticism...

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I'll cuss the lying, sorry, jug eared, sack of shit potus as I see fit, when I see fit, by any means I see fit. Just as I did the lying, sorry, smarmy, child of privilege, sack of shit potus that he replaced.

What I don't need is some nitwit internet twat's permission to do so.

Friend, while you certainly have the freedom to do so, I must register a strong objection to your language with respect, or in this case without respect, to the office of the presidency.
So just to get this straight....

Since GWB, the man I did not vote for the second time around did what many perceive as the wrong thing, I am a whiner if I express my disatisfaction with the initiatives of this administration.

So since GWB did not enforce the border properly, I have no right to complain that Obama is not doing it as well.

Since GWB is the one many claim to be the cause of our recession, I am a whiner for complaining that the stimulus cost more than it should have for the returns it gave us.

Since GWB is a warmonger and "lied" to congress, I am a whiner if I am not pleased with the way Obama is handling the war on terror efforts.

Since many oin the left are not pleaseed with GWB's arrogant attitude with the international community, I am a whiner if I do not feel it appropriate for Obama to apologize for America.

The way I see it, this thread is written to say to those that do not agree with the ideology of the author..."since you and I disagree, instead of me saying you are wrong and poroving it, it is easier and more appropriate to say you are a whiner."

I find that attitude quite pathetic.
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I'll cuss the lying, sorry, jug eared, sack of shit potus as I see fit, when I see fit, by any means I see fit. Just as I did the lying, sorry, smarmy, child of privilege, sack of shit potus that he replaced.

What I don't need is some nitwit internet twat's permission to do so.

Friend, while you certainly have the freedom to do so, I must register a strong objection to your language with respect, or in this case without respect, to the office of the presidency.

Darlin' if anything we've become too respectful, too mystified, and too deferential to our overlords.
Status check:
Sentient? Check
Thinking? Check
Observant? Check

I'll cuss the lying, sorry, jug eared, sack of shit potus as I see fit, when I see fit, by any means I see fit. Just as I did the lying, sorry, smarmy, child of privilege, sack of shit potus that he replaced.

What I don't need is some nitwit internet twat's permission to do so.

Friend, while you certainly have the freedom to do so, I must register a strong objection to your language with respect, or in this case without respect, to the office of the presidency.

Darlin' if anything we've become too respectful, too mystified, and too deferential to our overlords.

If we lose the desire to show respect to those we converse with, we will lose respect for ourselves in just a matter of time
poor little whining libturds, you asswipes bitched about Bush for ten solid years, you can't take it? then don't dish it.. otherwise Kerry on and we shall MOCK you..

:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle: "we will we will mock you! we will we will mock you" :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

And they're STILL bitching and whining about Bush.

OOOOOH but don't bitch about THEIR messiah... no, no, no, no, no. You just CAN'T DO THAT.... cause... cause... THEY SAY SO!
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That is restriction of free speech.

Guess you'll just have to fire me. Good luck with that.
Requirements for posting, whining and otherwise engaging in criticism of the Obama administration

In order to gain a perspective on why someone could or would have the moral and political wherewithal to criticize the Obama Administration after just a year and a half of governance, it is essential that their ideas and values concerning the past eight years be consistent. To be consistent one must have engaged in the following:

You criticized and condemned the Bush administration for its lack of action on immigration.
I did
You criticized the Bush administration for its neglect of the intelligence concerning 911.
Sure did
You protested the loss of American life in the unnecessary invasion of Iraq.
You protested the trillions of dollars spent on wars that are either illegal or unwinnable and in the case of Afghanistan largely ignored.
The wars were both legal, and winnable, I agree that Bush used piss poor strategy though and often said so
You wrote your representatives to protest the illegal invasion of Iraq.
Read the COTUS, the invasion was not illegal. Unwarranted perhaps, but not illegal. Continually calling it illegal is just as dumb as those who continually call Obama a kenyan.
You condemned and protested the Bush administration for allowing Osama bin Laden to escape.
The son of a bitch has eluded three Presidents over a period of about 13 years. I condemn our nation for not being able to correct that.
You criticized the Bush administration on their Medicare drug entitlement that gave drug companies free rein to rob the American tax payer.
Do you also condemn Obama who gave health insurance companies free reign to pillage the tax payers by mandating that they become customers? I condemn both.
You protested the lost of rights in American because of Homeland security and illegal wiretaps.
Do you condemn Holder for wanting to strip the rights of Americans who are ACCUSED but not yet convicted of being terrorists? I condemn both.
You railed against a deficit that grew and grew while Bush did nothing but advise shopping.
Obama makes Bush look like Mr Scrooge, but no one ever called Bush a fiscal conservative, well except screwy left wingers.
You discussed race and racial inequities during the Bush administration.
Race was not a big of issue under Bush as it is under Obama, the fucker has divided us as if were back in the 60s.
You did not whine about taxes as you drive America's roads and bridges and took advantage of a technologically advanced society. [/QUOTE]
Everyone has the right to bitch about taxes, regardless of whether they use public resources or not
You ride a bike or take public transportation to help keep America green.
I see, so your contention is that only Americans who live in an area that has public transportation or live close enough to work have the right to gripe
You live in a home that is not part of suburban sprawl and is close to work and transportation so our monies do not only go to foreign nations.
Oh, here you have further narrowed it down, now not only do rural Americans count, but neither do suburban Americans. I guess that leaves just the inner city folks?
You wrote corporations and congress concerning the outsourcing of American jobs.
A worthy civic cause
You paid your taxes fairly.
Ah , I see, so a tax cheat can say run the IRS, but should refrain from complaining about Obama, excellent opinion.
You tip your fellow Americans well and support an increase in wages for the lowest 20% of workers in America.[/QUOTE] So you're suggesting that there should be some sort of financial obligation met before one can gripe
You support stores that support American wages with benefits and fair pay: Costco, Starbucks.
You buy American products: cars, tools etc. and write the business when their products are not made here.
You do not shop in Walmart or other businesses that do not support a fair wage.
I support companies being able to hire who they want and pay whatever compensation they want. If no one wanted to work at wal mart at 7.56 an hour, Wal Mart would obviously hae to pay more. I also buy the best products I can for the money, if that happens to be American made, even better, but I will not buy an inferior product at an inflated price simply because it says "made in America" on it.
If you voted for Bush / Cheney the second time around you need your head examined as soon as possible.
If you try to shut others up becuase they didn't vote how you liked, you should have YOUR head examined. PS I voted for Bush exactly ZERO times, not senior and not junior.

If you are not without sin concerning the above, feel free to criticize the Obama administration. As the priests would intone after confession, if you did sin, please now shut up, try to practice the golden rule, oh and buy American.
Answer me this, are you going to want to hear shut up if you supported Obama after 2012? I suspect not, and so now call you hypocrite.
Requirements for posting, whining and otherwise engaging in criticism of the Obama administration

In order to gain a perspective on why someone could or would have the moral and political wherewithal to criticize the Obama Administration after just a year and a half of governance, it is essential that their ideas and values concerning the past eight years be consistent. To be consistent one must have engaged in the following:

You criticized and condemned the Bush administration for its lack of action on immigration.
You criticized the Bush administration for its neglect of the intelligence concerning 911.
You protested the loss of American life in the unnecessary invasion of Iraq.
You protested the trillions of dollars spent on wars that are either illegal or unwinnable and in the case of Afghanistan largely ignored.
You wrote your representatives to protest the illegal invasion of Iraq.
You condemned and protested the Bush administration for allowing Osama bin Laden to
You criticized the Bush administration on their Medicare drug entitlement that gave drug companies free rein to rob the American tax payer.
You protested the lost of rights in American because of Homeland security and illegal wiretaps.
You railed against a deficit that grew and grew while Bush did nothing but advise shopping.
You discussed race and racial inequities during the Bush administration.
You did not whine about taxes as you drive America's roads and bridges and took advantage of a technologically advanced society.
You ride a bike or take public transportation to help keep America green.
You live in a home that is not part of suburban sprawl and is close to work and transportation so our monies do not only go to foreign nations.
You wrote corporations and congress concerning the outsourcing of American jobs.
You paid your taxes fairly.
You tip your fellow Americans well and support an increase in wages for the lowest 20% of workers in America.
You support stores that support American wages with benefits and fair pay: Costco, Starbucks.
You buy American products: cars, tools etc. and write the business when their products are not made here.
You do not shop in Walmart or other businesses that do not support a fair wage.

If you voted Bush / Cheney whose reduced taxes to the wealthy created enormous deficits, a financial bubble of epic portion, and wasted trillions on war, then you cannot criticize Obama as you are part of the current problems. If you voted for Bush / Cheney the second time around you need your head examined as soon as possible.

If you are not without sin concerning the above, feel free to criticize the Obama administration. As the priests would intone after confession, if you did sin, please now shut up, try to practice the golden rule, oh and buy American.

And most of all, if you did not do most of the above then you are simply a hypocrite.

What a load of bullshit, but your opinions duly noted.
you know that none of the people with obama derangement syndrome did any of that...

but they did start saying 'ihopehefails' from the day rusbo told them to... and the sore losers never stopped whining for 30 seconds since he was elected.

just saying

I just hate him cuz he's black.:eusa_angel:

(Official retard thread of the week.)

i don't know why you hate him. only you do.

i just know you're irrational and uninformed on the subject.

this isn/t close to retard thread of the week, one of yours would probably fill the bill better. :cuckoo:
When I criticize him I'm only making fun of the white half of that no good honky cracker. :lol: I think his black half is cool. :cool:
Let's see, while I think the thread author is genuine in his beliefs, I do think it's worth pointing out a few things here. Lets take the war in Iraq for instance, most would agree that the purpose for going to war in that nation was and still is unworthy. Having said that, the fact remains we are there and have been there for many years and with the consent of not just one party but both parties and even with the staunch support of some in the current Administration. Is this President any better than the last one in terms of domestic affiars, such as the economy? IMHO they are clones of one another and the only difference is the accent and the current one is a better basketball player and better speech giver. As for the green issue, while it does make sense to be a good steward of the environment to do so in a manner that effects our own citizens is complete nonsense, so yes ride a bike by all means but I dont think it will stop production of the coal plants in China anytime soon. Ad for the buy American thing and support companies like Starbucks, Costco, etc. all I will say is this, if you walk into a Starbucks and pick up one of tose fancy coffee mugs , you will see the same Made in China logo that you see in the Wal-Mart Store and the same holds true for Costco. The point here is that they are all service related companies that do not produce a thing and can be replaced over night by someone that does the same exact thing. It points to a even bigger problem of a nation with nno heavy industry left hardly save for a large jet maker, and perhaps Navy Ship building and a few car companies is a service related economy. You want to stop shipping business offshore, stop making it so hard for business to produce here and you might have some of those industries return here and provide incentives for them to stay. Want an American car? what is an American Car ? as Toyota, Honda, Kia, BMW, Mercedes Benz, etc. all make cars in this country and employ American workers to do so an at the same time GM. Ford, Chrysler make cars in Mexico, Canada, etc. so by all means buy American but when you do, know exactly what American is in todays economy. The bottom line here is this, want al lthis to change it takes the work of both sides working together to make it change not just one side lecturing to the other or presenting rules to the other side and expecting that theirs is the only solution , after all the word United is in front if the word states is about time we started acting like it.
Requirements for posting, whining and otherwise engaging in criticism of the Obama administration

In order to gain a perspective on why someone could or would have the moral and political wherewithal to criticize the Obama Administration after just a year and a half of governance, it is essential that their ideas and values concerning the past eight years be consistent. To be consistent one must have engaged in the following:

You criticized and condemned the Bush administration for its lack of action on immigration.
You criticized the Bush administration for its neglect of the intelligence concerning 911.
You protested the loss of American life in the unnecessary invasion of Iraq.
You protested the trillions of dollars spent on wars that are either illegal or unwinnable and in the case of Afghanistan largely ignored.
You wrote your representatives to protest the illegal invasion of Iraq.
You condemned and protested the Bush administration for allowing Osama bin Laden to escape.
You criticized the Bush administration on their Medicare drug entitlement that gave drug companies free rein to rob the American tax payer.
You protested the lost of rights in America because of Homeland security and illegal wiretaps.
You railed against a deficit that grew and grew while Bush did nothing but advise shopping.
You discussed race and racial inequities during the Bush administration.
You did not whine about taxes as you drove America's roads and bridges and took advantage of a technologically advanced society.
You ride a bike or take public transportation to help keep America green.
You live in a home that is not part of suburban sprawl and is close to work and transportation so our monies do not only go to foreign nations.
You wrote corporations and congress concerning the outsourcing of American jobs.
You paid your taxes fairly.
You tip your fellow Americans well and support an increase in wages for the lowest 20% of workers in America.
You support stores that support American wages with benefits and fair pay: Costco, Starbucks.
You buy American products: cars, tools etc. and write the business when their products are not made here.
You do not shop in Walmart or other businesses that do not support a fair wage.

If you voted Bush / Cheney whose reduced taxes to the wealthy created enormous deficits, a financial bubble of epic portion, and wasted trillions on war, then you cannot criticize Obama as you are part of the current problems. If you voted for Bush / Cheney the second time around you need your head examined as soon as possible.

If you are not without sin concerning the above, feel free to criticize the Obama administration. As the priests would intone after confession, if you did sin, please now shut up, try to practice the golden rule, oh and buy American.

And most of all, if you did not do most of the above then you are simply a hypocrite.

AKA speaking the truth. You lame-o's on the left won't even criticize the goof for doing the same damned thing we listened to whining, wailing and gnashing of teeth for over for 8 years.

How're those NSA wiretaps coming?

How's that patriot act doing?

The deficit is WHAT now?

Get a clue, huh?
AKA speaking the truth. You lame-o's on the left won't even criticize the goof for doing the same damned thing we listened to whining, wailing and gnashing of teeth for over for 8 years.

How're those NSA wiretaps coming?

How's that patriot act doing?

The deficit is WHAT now?

Get a clue, huh?

you must spread some reputation around before giving it to Gunny again.
i don't know why you hate him. only you do.

i just know you're irrational and uninformed on the subject.

this isn/t close to retard thread of the week, one of yours would probably fill the bill better. :cuckoo:

Let me guess: Your definition of "rational and informed" is anyone who supports Obama. :lol:
Thanks Navy1960 for reply.

Yes folks, life is complicated and if you are going to pretend to be fair and impartial at least make a small effort, Bush could do no wrong but by a magical wand presto chango, he became something else and you all on Monday noticed some wrongs. Such insight.

In vino veritas, same with satire and exaggeration, I love how some claim their constitutional freedom. It makes it even funnier when writing is taken this serious. You guys need to stop listening to Rush Glenn and Sarah and get out into the real world. Listen to Joe.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪(1 of 5) - Joe Bageant Interview‬‎[/ame]
Thanks Navy1960 for reply.

Yes folks, life is complicated and if you are going to pretend to be fair and impartial at least make a small effort, Bush could do no wrong but by a magical wand presto chango, he became something else and you all on Monday noticed some wrongs. Such insight.

In vino veritas, same with satire and exaggeration, I love how some claim their constitutional freedom. It makes it even funnier when writing is taken this serious. You guys need to stop listening to Rush Glenn and Sarah and get out into the real world. Listen to Joe.
Yes, life is complicated. If you can't handle criticism of the President, obviously you're not equipped to handle the complexity. Arbitrary and capricious "rules" designed to stifle opposing views are not the hallmark of a mature individual.

This ain't kindergarten, son. Man up. You want to be a hypocrite, go for it. Just don't try to justify it with foot stamping and pouting.
<insert Hillary's "We have a right to criticize ANY administration" screaming clip>

sorry - YouTube blocked at work...
Requirements for posting, whining and otherwise engaging in criticism of the Obama administration

In order to gain a perspective on why someone could or would have the moral and political wherewithal to criticize the Obama Administration after just a year and a half of governance, it is essential that their ideas and values concerning the past eight years be consistent. To be consistent one must have engaged in the following:

This is going to be fun.

You criticized and condemned the Bush administration for its lack of action on immigration.
Check. As a bonus I also opposed Bush's version of amnesty.

You criticized the Bush administration for its neglect of the intelligence concerning 911.
They missed a memo, if you are talking about anything beyond that you are the moral equivalent of a birther, and can be safely ignored.
You protested the loss of American life in the unnecessary invasion of Iraq.
I don't think it was unnecessary. I do believe it was none of our business though, if that helps.

You protested the trillions of dollars spent on wars that are either illegal or unwinnable and in the case of Afghanistan largely ignored.
I even protest the war on drugs.

You wrote your representatives to protest the illegal invasion of Iraq.
Wasn't illegal, Saddam vioolated the terms of the armistice.
You condemned and protested the Bush administration for allowing Osama bin Laden to escape.
Check, and Clinton before him.

You criticized the Bush administration on their Medicare drug entitlement that gave drug companies free rein to rob the American tax payer.
You protested the lost of rights in America because of Homeland security and illegal wiretaps.
You railed against a deficit that grew and grew while Bush did nothing but advise shopping.
You discussed race and racial inequities during the Bush administration.
Nope, and still don't. The races are legally equal in today's society.

You did not whine about taxes as you drove America's roads and bridges and took advantage of a technologically advanced society.
This doesn't even make sense. The highways are paid for by gas taxes, not income taxes. Why can I not support one and oppose the other?
You ride a bike or take public transportation to help keep America green.
I work from hom

You live in a home that is not part of suburban sprawl and is close to work and transportation so our monies do not only go to foreign nations.
I work from home.
You wrote corporations and congress concerning the outsourcing of American jobs.
Why? I don't think the outsourcing of American jobs is a major issue, especially since it resulted in me being able to work from home.
You paid your taxes fairly.
My policy is to screw with the IRS by screwing up my return and paying more than I owe. I always get a note and a check for my troubles. They love me.
You tip your fellow Americans well and support an increase in wages for the lowest 20% of workers in America.
Nope. I do tip well, but I oppose minimum wage laws because they drive down the availability of jobs for untrained workers.
You support stores that support American wages with benefits and fair pay: Costco, Starbucks.
I support stores that give me the best buy for my money, like WalMart.
You buy American products: cars, tools etc. and write the business when their products are not made here.

I always buy only the best, no matter where it is made.

You do not shop in Walmart or other businesses that do not support a fair wage.

Funny how everyone who does not work at WalMart thinks they are unfair. Ever notice the inconvenient fact that WalMart workers have never once voted to unionize? Could that be because they actually like working for WalMart just the way it is?

If you voted Bush / Cheney whose reduced taxes to the wealthy created enormous deficits, a financial bubble of epic portion, and wasted trillions on war, then you cannot criticize Obama as you are part of the current problems. If you voted for Bush / Cheney the second time around you need your head examined as soon as possible.

Most of that massive tax cut you think was so bad actually went to the middle, and lower, class of American workers, and actually expanded the number of people who pay no federal taxes.

That said, increasing the deficit was a bad thing, and I said so at the time.

If you are not without sin concerning the above, feel free to criticize the Obama administration. As the priests would intone after confession, if you did sin, please now shut up, try to practice the golden rule, oh and buy American.

Definitely have sin, but I also know that criticizing the government is an American right and privilege, and possibly a duty, of every citizen.

And most of all, if you did not do most of the above then you are simply a hypocrite.

Actually, you are the hypocrite. You are attempting to restrict people who disagree with you from criticizing the government while simultaneously insisting you have the right to criticize it if you disagree.
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