Research shows armed school staff can save lives....from Perdue....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep.....actual research shows that these mass shooters commit suicide, surrender, or run away as soon as they are confronted by an armed individual, this could be a cop, guard....or even an armed civilian....the following article shows research that supports these findings...

A 70% reduction in fatalities....just by having an armed staff member.......

And yet...the democrats...they need dead kids....

Support For Armed Teachers Comes From Unexpected Place: Science!

The Chicago Tribune reported last month that armed teachers aren’t such a bad idea after all (emphasis mine).

When President Donald Trump suggested arming teachers would make schools safer, many educators recoiled.

As the first-month anniversary of a mass shooting at a Parkland, Fla., high school is marked Wednesday, the debate has gone nationwide.

“If you had a teacher who was adept at firearms, they could end the attack very quickly,” Trump said last month following a Feb. 14 shooting rampage that killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

While some rolled their eyes, a graduate research project at Purdue University’s Homeland Security Institute bears out the President’s theory.

In 2014, Purdue students analyzed FBI active shooter data from past mass shootings and created a detailed computer simulation model that replicates a school assaulted by an active shooter. The study concluded that arming school personnel and locking doors can slow down a shooter and possibly prevent killings.

In their study, the Purdue students created four scenarios and ran them through the computer models that followed an active shooter in a school. It’s available at

They learned what could seem obvious: if a police officer or other armed school official confronts the shooter, fewer casualties are likely to occur. Dietz said the gun debate is so polarizing, his students sought to use science to inform people in the middle of the debate.

“What we found was profound,” said Dietz. He said a single resource officer “or even an armed teacher in a defensive position between attacker and students can reduce the number of victims by up to 70 percent.”

Dietz and his students have been presenting their findings at seminars across the country. They’re using models now to study stadiums and sporting events.

From the Tribune article...

Arming teachers: Science or shot in the dark?

"In all cases, some presence of weapons was an advantage," he said. "Essentially, our model shows what President Trump said after the Florida shooting – arm more people. That's what we predict from the science we built."

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You know, instead of giving one or two teachers a gun, how about we arm ALL teachers with those dart tasers capable of shooting 35 feet and can fire 3 shots before needing to be reloaded.

If a person is tasered, they can't suicide out, and can be brought to justice.

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