Resistance to the leftist federal government grows.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

Just as we're watching Some counties in Nevada, the TX Governor has signed a resolution affirming the 10th Amendment limits of the federal government. I'm not a secessionist in that I don't believe the State needs to exit the Union, the small enclaves of democrook parasites need to be purged from the union, their passports canceled so that they can not move back into the US so that they have to create their own "utopian" (LOL) "governments" in their shithole regions or cities.

Let's just face facts here. Liberal democrooks hate this country. When you love your country, you don't sympathize with, let alone actively support or join groups like BLM or Anitfa. You don't burn the flag, you don't openly loathe most of it's people because they're white Christians, you don't undermine or seek to destroy all of the morality, traditions and institutions in the country you're supposed to love. We have come to a point where we're so polarized between those demanding a collectivist centralized global government and those of us who are sick of having freaks of nature indoctrinating our kids, trying to disarm us, and creating racial division and conflicts within classes of people. We can not "coexist" with "people" who want us eliminated.


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