Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God

God is a tyrant.

Yep... But all good parents are.

Unlike your parents however, you've no means to deny God... He makes the laws and you'll either obey those laws and prosper as a result of your obedience, or you'll disobey the laws and suffer the consequences.

There is no third option.
Not following your nonsense is one sure way to find God.

It is adorable to see the loon, Keys, talk about normalcy.
The money to found the colonies came from investors looking to make a profit. What the people who came here believed was incidental. They understood that they had to work off the cost of their passage and still make a profit for the corporate entities that set up the colonies.

Those are indisputable facts.

(The Reader should recognize that the above cited contributor prefers to imply that "profit" as a concept is axiomatically nefarious, where in truth, the pursuit of profits equates to the FREEDOM TO PURSUE THOSE PROFITS! Again demonstrating the nefarious intent of the individual making the deceitful claim.

Such is truly, nothing short of the personification of evil itself.
The money to found the colonies came from investors looking to make a profit. What the people who came here believed was incidental. They understood that they had to work off the cost of their passage and still make a profit for the corporate entities that set up the colonies.

Those are indisputable facts.

(The Reader should recognize that the above cited contributor prefers to imply that "profit" as a concept is axiomatically nefarious, where in truth, the pursuit of profits equates to the FREEDOM TO PURSUE THOSE PROFITS! Again demonstrating the nefarious intent of the individual making the deceitful claim.

Such is truly, nothing short of the personification of evil itself.
The personification of evil is to defend a profit motive in Maryland and Virginia that lead to the early death of almost 70% of the indentured servants because of lousy food, terrible shelter, inhumane working conditions -- all in pursuit of the master's profit.
"Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God"


Some of the most infamous manifestations of tyranny have been in the service of 'god' and religious dogma.

As for:

“The Bible Urges Us to CHALLENGE – Not Obey – Bad Government”

The problem with this is what most on the social, religious right perceive as 'bad government,' isn't.

Respecting the rights of gay Americans isn't 'bad government.'

Respecting the privacy rights of women isn't 'bad government.'

And respecting the due process rights of immigrants isn't 'bad government.'
"Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God"


Some of the most infamous manifestations of tyranny have been in the service of 'god' and religious dogma.

As for:

“The Bible Urges Us to CHALLENGE – Not Obey – Bad Government”

The problem with this is what most on the social, religious right perceive as 'bad government,' isn't.

Respecting the rights of gay Americans isn't 'bad government.'

Respecting the privacy rights of women isn't 'bad government.'

And respecting the due process rights of immigrants isn't 'bad government.'

Respecting the rights of gay Americans? How about gays browbeating Christians into doing something that they have a moral objection to? That's what's really going on.

Respecting the privacy rights of women? You must be referring to the wholesale slaughter of innocents, know as the abortion industry. That's what's really going on.

And respecting the due process rights of immigrants? You must mean allowing illegals to remain in our country, in direct opposition of established law. That's what's really going on.

Sounds like bad government to me.
socon progressive far right reactionaries do not have a constitutional right to treat any sort of people in public business who are going about their way in normal, non-disruptive fashion.
socon progressive far right reactionaries do not have a constitutional right to treat any sort of people in public business who are going about their way in normal, non-disruptive fashion.
Asking a Christian baker to bake a gay cake is disruptive. Why can't fags be happy with a normal wedding cake? Gays don't want equal rights. They want special rights. And they think their 'rights' should supersede others rights. You know, like, peoples right to follow their conscience.
God is a tyrant.

Yep... But all good parents are.

Unlike your parents however, you've no means to deny God... He makes the laws and you'll either obey those laws and prosper as a result of your obedience, or you'll disobey the laws and suffer the consequences.

There is no third option.

God is a mythical creature to the rational mind.

ROFLMNAO! Isn't it delightful to watch the Left try to reason?

Here we see the irrational mind, concluding that nature... LOL! is mythical.

You can't make that crap up kids... . Imagine if I had accused that same idiot of 'believing' such nonsense and the OUTRAGE that it would have thrown in denying that they ''believed' anything of the kind!'

Yet there it is... stating such in, in unambiguous terms.

Then tell us, how does a rational mind conclude that gods exist.?
"Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God"


Some of the most infamous manifestations of tyranny have been in the service of 'god' and religious dogma.

And your point is, what?

You seem to be claiming that culture's which have EARNED the ire of God, disobeyed his laws and consequently suffering the consequences, is synonymous with the benefits of obeying god's law.

But, in your defense, as a relativist, there was no way you could have known that.

Then, there's the whole we are all bound to God's law... believe, don't believe... it doesn't matter.

The good news is that his laws are objective, thus are equally beneficial and equally enforced ... upon everyone.
socon progressive far right reactionaries do not have a constitutional right to treat any sort of people in public business who are going about their way in normal, non-disruptive fashion.
Asking a Christian baker to bake a gay cake is disruptive. Why can't fags be happy with a normal wedding cake? Gays don't want equal rights. They want special rights. And they think their 'rights' should supersede others rights. You know, like, peoples right to follow their conscience.

Being bigoted against gays is disruptive,

and Mike Pence found out.
"Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God"


Some of the most infamous manifestations of tyranny have been in the service of 'god' and religious dogma.

And your point is, what?

You seem to be claiming that culture's which have EARNED the ire of God, disobeyed his laws and consequently suffering the consequences, is synonymous with the benefits of obeying god's law.

But, in your defense, as a relativist, there was no way you could have known that.

Then, there's the whole we are all bound to God's law... believe, don't believe... it doesn't matter.

The good news is that his laws are objective, thus are equally beneficial and equally enforced ... upon everyone.

We are not bound by God's law because no one can demonstrate

1. that God exists

2. that a God set down a set of laws for humans to obey.
God is a tyrant.

Yep... But all good parents are.

Unlike your parents however, you've no means to deny God... He makes the laws and you'll either obey those laws and prosper as a result of your obedience, or you'll disobey the laws and suffer the consequences.

There is no third option.

God is a mythical creature to the rational mind.

ROFLMNAO! Isn't it delightful to watch the Left try to reason?

Here we see the irrational mind, concluding that nature... LOL! is mythical.

You can't make that crap up kids... . Imagine if I had accused that same idiot of 'believing' such nonsense and the OUTRAGE that it would have thrown in denying that they ''believed' anything of the kind!'

Yet there it is... stating such in, in unambiguous terms.

Then tell us, how does a rational mind conclude that gods exist.?

God is nature... nature exists ... therefore God exist.

LOL! Did you 'feel' it was something more complex?
"Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God"


Some of the most infamous manifestations of tyranny have been in the service of 'god' and religious dogma.

As for:

“The Bible Urges Us to CHALLENGE – Not Obey – Bad Government”

The problem with this is what most on the social, religious right perceive as 'bad government,' isn't.

Respecting the rights of gay Americans isn't 'bad government.'

Respecting the privacy rights of women isn't 'bad government.'

And respecting the due process rights of immigrants isn't 'bad government.'

Respecting the rights of gay Americans? How about gays browbeating Christians into doing something that they have a moral objection to? That's what's really going on.

Respecting the privacy rights of women? You must be referring to the wholesale slaughter of innocents, know as the abortion industry. That's what's really going on.

And respecting the due process rights of immigrants? You must mean allowing illegals to remain in our country, in direct opposition of established law. That's what's really going on.

Sounds like bad government to me.

A moral objection to giving others equal rights is not a relevant objection in a country that supports equal rights as the law of the land.

The people who had a moral objection the mixing of the races found that out.
God is a tyrant.

Yep... But all good parents are.

Unlike your parents however, you've no means to deny God... He makes the laws and you'll either obey those laws and prosper as a result of your obedience, or you'll disobey the laws and suffer the consequences.

There is no third option.

God is a mythical creature to the rational mind.

ROFLMNAO! Isn't it delightful to watch the Left try to reason?

Here we see the irrational mind, concluding that nature... LOL! is mythical.

You can't make that crap up kids... . Imagine if I had accused that same idiot of 'believing' such nonsense and the OUTRAGE that it would have thrown in denying that they ''believed' anything of the kind!'

Yet there it is... stating such in, in unambiguous terms.

Then tell us, how does a rational mind conclude that gods exist.?

God is nature... nature exists ... therefore God exist.

LOL! Did you 'feel' it was something more complex?

That's an invalid syllogism because it begins with an unprovable assumption.

Claims of supernatural beings that have no basis in fact and are wholly unprovable and are totally devoid of supporting evidence,

those claims are of no value in a fact based argument.
We are not bound by God's law because no one can demonstrate

1. that God exists

2. that a God set down a set of laws for humans to obey.

LOL! I just never seem to tire of that drivel...

Well Cabby, you go to any structure that you can find 6 stories or higher... get to the roof, walk to the edge. Take one set... and flap those arms.

If you aren't bound by God's law, you'll FLYyyyy like a bird.

But... and; you should try to find a way to accept this, then ya are, you're gonna die. SO! BE SURE before ya take that last step.

When should we expect that you'll prove your position valid? We'll accept nothing in response except video of the exercise.
We are not bound by God's law because no one can demonstrate

1. that God exists

2. that a God set down a set of laws for humans to obey.

LOL! I just never seem to tire of that drivel...

Well Cabby, you go to any structure that you can find 6 stories or higher... get to the roof, walk to the edge. Take one set... and flap those arms.

If you aren't bound by God's law, you'll FLYyyyy like a bird.

But... and; you should try to find a way to accept this, then ya are, you're gonna die. SO! BE SURE before ya take that last step.

When should we expect that you'll prove your position valid? We'll accept nothing in response except video of the exercise.

You do it and pray to God, on the way down, to save you.

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