Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God

From your link;

Why did we inherit this tendency? Long, long ago, in a Paleolithic environment far, far away from the modern world, humans evolved to find meaningful causal patterns in nature to make sense of the world, and infuse many of those patterns with intentional agency, some of which became animistic spirits and powerful gods. I call these two processes patternicity (the tendency to find meaningful patterns in both meaningful and meaningless data) and agenticity (the tendency to infuse patterns with meaning, intention and agency).

Imagine that you are a hominid on the planes of Africa and you hear a rustle in the grass. Is it a dangerous predator or just the wind? If you assume the rustle in the grass is a dangerous predator and it is just the wind, you have made a Type I error (a false positive), but to no harm. But if you believe the rustle is just the wind when it is a dangerous predator, you have made a Type II error (a false negative) and there's a good chance you'll be lunch and thereby removed from your species' gene pool. Because we are poor at discriminating between false positives and false negatives, and because the cost of making a Type I error is much lower than making a Type II error, there was a natural selection for those hominids who tended to believe that all patterns are real and potentially dangerous. This is the basis for the belief not only in God, but in souls, spirits, ghosts, demons, angels, intelligent designers and all manner of invisible agents intending to harm us or help us.​

There was an evolutionary benefit to believing in religion when we were in danger of being eaten by wild animals.

Some of us have evolved beyond that point.
That's the scientific explanation. The Bible told us, over two thousand years ago, that everyone is born with a innate knowledge of God. It's too bad that you reject this knowledge. Your fate is worse than death. Death is not the end. It is merely a transition form one life to another. One is a life in the presence of our Creator. The other is a life of eternal torment. The choice is yours. You've been warned.

Everyone is born an atheist.

You have to be taught about religion and God.
You did read the study they did with twins, didn't you? Even when raised separately, both tended to have the same belief in God. That is not learned behavior. What one believes about God is learned. Not the belief itself. And even many atheists and agnostics believe in some kind of supernatural force. True atheists are so rare as to be almost non existent.

Did you read the part I quoted from the link?

Did you understand the part I quoted from the link?

Evolution favored those who were fearful of false positives. That doesn't mean that your God exists. Instead it is just that evolution worked for those who were scared of the dark and the unknown.

Some of us have evolved beyond that stage and have figured out that the fear of the unknown is not a reason to believe in magical sky fairies.

Instead we use reason, knowledge and logic to survive. The future of mankind will require those attributes because the fear based theists are killing each other if you bother to watch the news.

You are, of course, free to believe what you want. So am I. Why do you care so much about what others believe? Why do you spend so much time and effort, trying to convince others that God does not exist, if you don't believe in Him? That doesn't make any sense.

Kindly refrain from projecting your own shortcomings onto others.

That's the scientific explanation. The Bible told us, over two thousand years ago, that everyone is born with a innate knowledge of God. It's too bad that you reject this knowledge. Your fate is worse than death. Death is not the end. It is merely a transition form one life to another. One is a life in the presence of our Creator. The other is a life of eternal torment. The choice is yours. You've been warned.

Everyone is born an atheist.

You have to be taught about religion and God.
You did read the study they did with twins, didn't you? Even when raised separately, both tended to have the same belief in God. That is not learned behavior. What one believes about God is learned. Not the belief itself. And even many atheists and agnostics believe in some kind of supernatural force. True atheists are so rare as to be almost non existent.

Did you read the part I quoted from the link?

Did you understand the part I quoted from the link?

Evolution favored those who were fearful of false positives. That doesn't mean that your God exists. Instead it is just that evolution worked for those who were scared of the dark and the unknown.

Some of us have evolved beyond that stage and have figured out that the fear of the unknown is not a reason to believe in magical sky fairies.

Instead we use reason, knowledge and logic to survive. The future of mankind will require those attributes because the fear based theists are killing each other if you bother to watch the news.

You are, of course, free to believe what you want. So am I. Why do you care so much about what others believe? Why do you spend so much time and effort, trying to convince others that God does not exist, if you don't believe in Him? That doesn't make any sense.

Kindly refrain from projecting your own shortcomings onto others.

Why don't you answer my question? Why do you spend so much time trying to convince people that God doesn't exist? Pretty intolerant of you. Don't you think?
Everyone is born an atheist.

You have to be taught about religion and God.
You did read the study they did with twins, didn't you? Even when raised separately, both tended to have the same belief in God. That is not learned behavior. What one believes about God is learned. Not the belief itself. And even many atheists and agnostics believe in some kind of supernatural force. True atheists are so rare as to be almost non existent.

Did you read the part I quoted from the link?

Did you understand the part I quoted from the link?

Evolution favored those who were fearful of false positives. That doesn't mean that your God exists. Instead it is just that evolution worked for those who were scared of the dark and the unknown.

Some of us have evolved beyond that stage and have figured out that the fear of the unknown is not a reason to believe in magical sky fairies.

Instead we use reason, knowledge and logic to survive. The future of mankind will require those attributes because the fear based theists are killing each other if you bother to watch the news.

You are, of course, free to believe what you want. So am I. Why do you care so much about what others believe? Why do you spend so much time and effort, trying to convince others that God does not exist, if you don't believe in Him? That doesn't make any sense.

Kindly refrain from projecting your own shortcomings onto others.

Why don't you answer my question? Why do you spend so much time trying to convince people that God doesn't exist? Pretty intolerant of you. Don't you think?

I asked you once already to not project your shortcomings onto me. I really don't care what you believe as long as you keep it to yourself and don't try to impose your beliefs on anyone else. How hard is it for you to grasp this simple concept?
Why do evangelicals try so hard to witness to non-believers?

Because they care.

BZZZT Wrong!

Fundamentalist theists have a need for validation of their beliefs. They are fearful that they might be wrong so they demand that everyone else believe as they do.

Normal Christians like Jake are secure in their faith and their beliefs and don't need validation from others. They have a "relationship" with their God that works for them.

Fundamentalist theists have a dysfunctional "relationship" with God which is why they go around hating gays and trying to murder people who work at abortion clinics.

The most extreme of the fundamentalist theists go around killing innocent people in the name of their God. That makes them criminals.
Speaking of tyranny,

"If absolute power corrupts absolutely, where does that leave God?" George Deacon
Ignorant. God is perfect. He can't be corrupted.

Perfect is an idea, it doesn't actually exist in Nature. Universe wouldn't even exist if it did since early on matter distribution being imperfect is what led to it coming together to make the first stars. If matter's distribution were perfect, then nothing would have formed since everything'd be in perfect balance.

If God were perfect why did his very first created humans disobey him?
Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God[/url]
Ironic that it was the Tyrants that supressed the Hebrews who created the image of Jesus to be that god they forced all to be obedient to. Of course we very much was warned and prepared for this,thus not part of the 1/3 deceived in the first fallen imposter messiah who would be claimed a god. D'OH!
Speaking of tyranny,

"If absolute power corrupts absolutely, where does that leave God?" George Deacon
Ignorant. God is perfect. He can't be corrupted.

Logical fallacy.

Creating something imperfect would be a violation of perfection. Since the universe and ourselves are imperfect your God cannot be perfect. And since he isn't perfect he can be corrupted by his power.
Speaking of tyranny,

"If absolute power corrupts absolutely, where does that leave God?" George Deacon
Ignorant. God is perfect. He can't be corrupted.

Logical fallacy.

Creating something imperfect would be a violation of perfection. Since the universe and ourselves are imperfect your God cannot be perfect. And since he isn't perfect he can be corrupted by his power.
Humans were perfect when God created them. He gave them freedom of choice. They made a poor choice. Your argument is refuted.
Speaking of tyranny,

"If absolute power corrupts absolutely, where does that leave God?" George Deacon
Ignorant. God is perfect. He can't be corrupted.

Logical fallacy.

Creating something imperfect would be a violation of perfection. Since the universe and ourselves are imperfect your God cannot be perfect. And since he isn't perfect he can be corrupted by his power.
Humans were perfect when God created them. He gave them freedom of choice. They made a poor choice. Your argument is refuted.

How could something that was allegedly "perfect" be capable of "making a poor choice"?

You just disproved your own argument.

Oh and it gets even worse for your God. He is allegedly omniscient so he must have known which choice they were going to make before they made it. So your God was an accessory before the fact and is therefore equally culpable for what happened to mankind.

Doesn't matter which way you want to spin this your God comes out looking bad. Then again he doesn't exactly cover himself with glory when he throws hissyfits because the Egyptians chose not to believe in him.
Mr. Right, your understanding of God refutes no one else's opinion.

It merely reveals you as a low intelligent human being.
Mr. Right, your understanding of God refutes no one else's opinion.

It merely reveals you as a low intelligent human being.
If it was simply my own understanding, you would be correct. However, what I said is exactly what the the Bible teaches. It is not open to interpretation. It's right there in the Book of Genesis.
Mr. Right, your understanding of God refutes no one else's opinion.

It merely reveals you as a low intelligent human being.
If it was simply my own understanding, you would be correct. However, what I said is exactly what the the Bible teaches. It is not open to interpretation. It's right there in the Book of Genesis.

Which version?

Remember Lilith? Adam's equal since she was created from the same dust that he was? How come Adam wanted her to be subservient to her if he was "perfect"?

Yes, the bible is open to interpretation. Your close minded attitude that it is not open to interpretation is your problem.

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