Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God

God is a tyrant.

Yep... But all good parents are.

Unlike your parents however, you've no means to deny God... He makes the laws and you'll either obey those laws and prosper as a result of your obedience, or you'll disobey the laws and suffer the consequences.

There is no third option.
resistance to government tyranny.sounds political to me.

Granting Christians "special rights" is government tyranny so why aren't you opposed to to what is being done in Indiana and Oklahoma?

What special rights are ya speaking of scamp?

(The Reader should know that the above cited contributor is intentionally advancing what it knows to be false, as truth. It does this through deceitful implication, which it fraudulently advances as truth, as a means to influence what it believes is an ignorant reader. In truth, Christians and everyone else has the God-given RESPONSIBILITY to reject behavior which it recognizes as destructive... and behavior which is a consequence of mental disorder, presenting as deviant behavior is ALWAYS destructive. Thus bearing that responsibility provides for the RIGHT to refuse TO SUPPORT OR OTHERWISE PROVIDE FOR THE PARTICIPATION IN THAT WHICH PROMOTES THE IMPRESSION THAT DEVIANCY EQUATES TO NORMALCY, thus is acceptable behavior.)
Does this mean you are going to hijack an airplane and plow it into a building?

There is nothing more dangerous than a retard who thinks he knows the will of God, or who can be talked into doing what someone else tells him is the will of God.

Don't be such a gullible fuck.

Knowing the will of God is not difficult. It is behavior which promotes viability. Therefore Deceit, is not God's will... Theft (Entitlement to the product of others) is not God's will... The morally unjustified taking of a life is not God's will... and so on... which of course, informs the soundly reasoned human being that the Ideological Left exists ENTIRELY outside of God's will.
God is a tyrant.

Yep... But all good parents are.

Unlike your parents however, you've no means to deny God... He makes the laws and you'll either obey those laws and prosper as a result of your obedience, or you'll disobey the laws and suffer the consequences.

There is no third option.
I believe transcendental meditation is available.....
This country was founded on Christianity.

Deal with it

When the Christians started landing in North America there was 4.5 million Indians, after the last battle against the Indians, at Wounded Knee, there was 500,000, see what Christianity gets ya?
God is a tyrant.

Yep... But all good parents are.

Unlike your parents however, you've no means to deny God... He makes the laws and you'll either obey those laws and prosper as a result of your obedience, or you'll disobey the laws and suffer the consequences.

There is no third option.

God is a mythical creature to the rational mind.

But, on the hand, the rational mind is hard pressed to compete with the mind that possesses the hope of some sort of salvation.
This country was founded on Christianity.

Deal with it


BZZZT Wrong!

This nation was founded on making a profit. All of the original colonies were supposed to turn a profit.

Um... I would say you're wrong but its repetitive

The country was founded on Christianity

Deal with it


The facts!

  • There were three types of British colonies: Joint Stock, Royal, and Proprietary. All three had the goal of making money.
  • The British crown controlled royal colonies. A single person or family owned proprietary colonies, also called charter colonies. Investors owned Joint Stock colonies. A Joint Stock colony would sell shares.

Source: Boundless. “English Colonies.” Boundless U.S. History. Boundless, 27 Jun. 2014. Retrieved 03 Apr. 2015 from English Colonies
Knowing the will of God is not difficult. It is behavior which promotes viability. Therefore Deceit, is not God's will... Theft (Entitlement to the product of others) is not God's will... The morally unjustified taking of a life is not God's will... and so on... which of course, informs the soundly reasoned human being that the Ideological Left exists ENTIRELY outside of God's will.
And so you are going to blow up the Ideological Left™?
This country was founded on Christianity.

Deal with it


BZZZT Wrong!

This nation was founded on making a profit. All of the original colonies were supposed to turn a profit.

(Again Reader, the above cited contributor comes to advise you of that which the contributor knows to be false, despite representing such as truth to you, because it believes you to be ignorant of the truth. Such is the stock in trade of that which we call EVIL!)
Knowing the will of God is not difficult. It is behavior which promotes viability. Therefore Deceit, is not God's will... Theft (Entitlement to the product of others) is not God's will... The morally unjustified taking of a life is not God's will... and so on... which of course, informs the soundly reasoned human being that the Ideological Left exists ENTIRELY outside of God's will.
And so you are going to blow up the Ideological Left™?

What would be the point? The Left is Evil and evil always destroys itself... .

LOL! I it didn't... it wouldn't be known as EVIL!
Last edited:
This country was founded on Christianity.

Deal with it


BZZZT Wrong!

This nation was founded on making a profit. All of the original colonies were supposed to turn a profit.

Um... I would say you're wrong but its repetitive

The country was founded on Christianity

Deal with it


The facts!

  • There were three types of British colonies: Joint Stock, Royal, and Proprietary. All three had the goal of making money.
  • The British crown controlled royal colonies. A single person or family owned proprietary colonies, also called charter colonies. Investors owned Joint Stock colonies. A Joint Stock colony would sell shares.
Source: Boundless. “English Colonies.” Boundless U.S. History. Boundless, 27 Jun. 2014. Retrieved 03 Apr. 2015 from English Colonies

Learn up dude



Last week, I heard it again: That oft-repeated urban legend that we’ve heard so often. This time, to my horror, I heard it from a well-educated pastor: “Our founding fathers were not Christians. They were deists, atheists, and agnostics.”

Au contraire!

The pilgrims, as you will recall, were, Christians fleeing Europe in order to escape religious persecution, and they literally began their stay in their new land with the words, “In the name of God, Amen.”


The pilgrims were followed to New England by the Puritans, who created bible-based commonwealths. Those commonwealths practiced the same sort of representative government as their church covenants. Those governmental covenants and compacts numbered more than 100, and were the foundation for our Constitution.

New Haven (Connecticut) and Massachusetts were founded by Puritans who wanted to reform the Church of England, who later became known as Congregationalists. Roger Williams founded the colony of Rhode Island based on the principle of freedom of conscience. Pennsylvania was established by William Penn as a Quaker colony. Maryland was a haven for Catholics from Protestant England.

America was indeed founded by bible-believing Christians and based on Christian principles. When they founded this country, the Founding Fathers envisioned a government that would promote and encourage Christianity.

Christianity and America Faith of Our Fathers
This country was founded on Christianity.

Deal with it


BZZZT Wrong!

This nation was founded on making a profit. All of the original colonies were supposed to turn a profit.

Um... I would say you're wrong but its repetitive

The country was founded on Christianity

Deal with it


The facts!

  • There were three types of British colonies: Joint Stock, Royal, and Proprietary. All three had the goal of making money.
  • The British crown controlled royal colonies. A single person or family owned proprietary colonies, also called charter colonies. Investors owned Joint Stock colonies. A Joint Stock colony would sell shares.
Source: Boundless. “English Colonies.” Boundless U.S. History. Boundless, 27 Jun. 2014. Retrieved 03 Apr. 2015 from English Colonies

Learn up dude



Last week, I heard it again: That oft-repeated urban legend that we’ve heard so often. This time, to my horror, I heard it from a well-educated pastor: “Our founding fathers were not Christians. They were deists, atheists, and agnostics.”

Au contraire!

The pilgrims, as you will recall, were, Christians fleeing Europe in order to escape religious persecution, and they literally began their stay in their new land with the words, “In the name of God, Amen.”


The pilgrims were followed to New England by the Puritans, who created bible-based commonwealths. Those commonwealths practiced the same sort of representative government as their church covenants. Those governmental covenants and compacts numbered more than 100, and were the foundation for our Constitution.

New Haven (Connecticut) and Massachusetts were founded by Puritans who wanted to reform the Church of England, who later became known as Congregationalists. Roger Williams founded the colony of Rhode Island based on the principle of freedom of conscience. Pennsylvania was established by William Penn as a Quaker colony. Maryland was a haven for Catholics from Protestant England.

America was indeed founded by bible-believing Christians and based on Christian principles. When they founded this country, the Founding Fathers envisioned a government that would promote and encourage Christianity.

Christianity and America Faith of Our Fathers

The money to found the colonies came from investors looking to make a profit. What the people who came here believed was incidental. They understood that they had to work off the cost of their passage and still make a profit for the corporate entities that set up the colonies.

Those are indisputable facts.
God is a tyrant.

Yep... But all good parents are.

Unlike your parents however, you've no means to deny God... He makes the laws and you'll either obey those laws and prosper as a result of your obedience, or you'll disobey the laws and suffer the consequences.

There is no third option.

God is a mythical creature to the rational mind.

ROFLMNAO! Isn't it delightful to watch the Left try to reason?

Here we see the irrational mind, concluding that nature... LOL! is mythical.

You can't make that crap up kids... . Imagine if I had accused that same idiot of 'believing' such nonsense and the OUTRAGE that it would have thrown in denying that they ''believed' anything of the kind!'

Yet there it is... stating such in, in unambiguous terms.
God is a tyrant.

Yep... But all good parents are.

Unlike your parents however, you've no means to deny God... He makes the laws and you'll either obey those laws and prosper as a result of your obedience, or you'll disobey the laws and suffer the consequences.

There is no third option.
Not following your nonsense is one sure way to find God.

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