Resounding Theme- Obama’s Approval Rating Falls In Deep-blue States


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
What a king douche bag Obama is. Wonder how he feels about himself now that America put the new Scarlet letter 'L' for loser on his bust? Obama should stick to golf and basketball as he is definitely not up to the task of POTUS.



Obama’s approval rating falls in deep-blue states
September 24, 2014, 12:59 pm

Just weeks after President Obama's approval rating hit record lows in the liberal bastion of California, a new survey shows the president in trouble in another deep blue state: New York.

Only 39 percent of registered New York voters surveyed in a Marist College poll said Obama is doing an "excellent" or "good" job, the lowest level for Obama in the poll since the beginning of his presidency.

That's down 6 points from July, when 45 percent said they approved of his job performance. Sixty-one percent of survey respondents judged Obama as doing a "fair" or "poor" job in office.
Earlier this month, only 45 percent of California voters said they approved of how Obama was handling his job, according to a Field Poll released by the Sacramento Bee. That was down 5 percent from June.

The president has seen his support erode steadily throughout the summer as he grappled with a series of international crises, including the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, Russia's repeated incursions into Ukraine, and fighting between Israel and Palestine.

The Marist poll could change the calculus for national Democrats, who had hoped Obama could be an asset in New York during the home stretch of the midterm election campaign.

Obama s approval rating falls in deep-blue states TheHill
We, the American People, elected him to two terms. I would say that is an endorsement of his policies. And you stupid "Conservatives" lost twice. You will lose again, big time, in 2016.
We, the American People, elected him to two terms. I would say that is an endorsement of his policies. And you stupid "Conservatives" lost twice. You will lose again, big time, in 2016.

a little more than 1/2 of the american people elected him to two terms (less the 2nd time).

Old Rocks is finally going off the deep end.
We, the American People, elected him to two terms. I would say that is an endorsement of his policies. And you stupid "Conservatives" lost twice. You will lose again, big time, in 2016.
Yes conservative voters were outnumbered, but we as a nation lost. How proud you must feel
Obama’s approval rating sinks even lower


Photo: AP
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President Obama’s approval rating has sunk to an administration-low 38 percent, Gallup pollsters said Thursday.

It was the seventh time Obama hit the 38 percent mark, the pollsters said, speculating the latest dive may reflect global strife.

Obama 8217 s approval rating sinks even lower poll New York Post
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Obama's job performance. Fifty percent (50%) disapprove (see trends).

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