Respect for Marriage Act?

Are you going with some Snowflake definition of superior? Your ideas have lost both legally and socially and the people like you who espouse them are widely regarded as bigots by the mainstream. If you're anything it's a hilarious minority of mutants.

In the end their opinion is only that and means nothing so in the big picture it's not worth considering.
In America marriage is a privilege, it's not a right.

Marriage is also based off of religion, a religion that believes marriage is between a man and a woman.

Letting gays get married is the reason why we have pedophiles trying to convince everyone they aren't bad people, dragfags are doing dildo ring toss with kids and doing drag story time with kids, and why trannies tell people to lie and say a man can be a woman.

Once we let gays get married we took a fringe group that was once not normalized and we normalized them. We lowered our societies morals, standards and values to accommodate gays.

Once you lower the bar for one fringe group all you do is set the bar closer to the even more fringe group below them. By letting gays get married we set the bar closer to drag queens to become normal, then we set the bar closer to trannies that are becoming normal, then we set the bar closer to pedos that now actually publicly talk about being a "minor attracted persons".

Marriage is a contract between consenting adults. Ask a lawyer.
Are you going with some Snowflake definition of superior? 😆 Your ideas have lost both legally and socially and the people like you who espouse them are widely regarded as homophonic bigots by the mainstream. If you're anything it's a hilarious minority of mutants.

I get how the lazy minded might think so. So back to your Lego’s. The adults are back and about to take over.

I see you’ve failed at finding my bigoted statement. Typical of the immature mind I guess.
I get how the lazy minded might think so. So back to your Lego’s. The adults are back and about to take over.
Are these adults meeting in your imagination? I love how you cosplayers retreat to fanfiction when slapped by reality. It's okay Snowflake, enjoy your safe space. 😆
I see you’ve failed at finding my bigoted statement. Typical of the immature mind I guess.
I've pointed them out repeatedly. That you're a cowardly bigot is all the more amusing.
Marriage is a contract between consenting adults. Ask a lawyer.

Correct, and because, unlike any other contract, must be between two consenting adults, “not to closely related”, it has specific purpose.
Are these adults meeting in your imagination? I love how you cosplayers retreat to fanfiction when slapped by reality. It's okay Snowflake, enjoy your safe space. 😆

I've pointed them out repeatedly. That you're a cowardly bigot is all the more amusing.

Quote me Einstein Jr.
Correct, and because, unlike any other contract, must be between two consenting adults, “not to closely related”, it has specific purpose.
Which makes our idea of marriage superior to those in the Bible where Jacob married sisters as payment for labor.
Correct, and because, unlike any other contract, must be between two consenting adults, “not to closely related”, it has specific purpose.

What is the specific purpose? The state is not party to the contract.
Which makes our idea of marriage superior to those in the Bible where Jacob married sisters as payment for labor.
Never read it. Traditionally speaking though, never has a same sex Union, regardless of the sexuality of the couple, ever produced offspring. I call that incredibly interesting
What is the specific purpose? The state is not party to the contract.

You didn’t attend biology class? I know a tutor. Reasonably priced because you obviously need one, but likely can’t afford much.
Are these adults meeting in your imagination? I love how you cosplayers retreat to fanfiction when slapped by reality. It's okay Snowflake, enjoy your safe space. 😆

I've pointed them out repeatedly. That you're a cowardly bigot is all the more amusing.
HeyNorm just needs to be ignored. He is so stupid that he does not know how stupid he is. He is a bigot, a troll and a flam baiter who destroying any hope of a reasonable or rational disgussion. He lowers the bar on civility and drags every one down with him. His arguments are so idiotic that I am only left with one question: Does he believe his own bullshit or is he jusr playing a sick game?
HeyNorm just needs to be ignored. He is so stupid that he does not know how stupid he is. He is a bigot, a troll and a flam baiter who destroying any hope of a reasonable or rational disgussion. He lowers the bar on civility and drags every one down with him. His arguments are so idiotic that I am only left with one question: Does he believe his own bullshit or is he jusr playing a sick game?

Why wonder? Just find my one bigoted statement you claim I made kid. Shouldn’t really be that hard.

Did I mention gays have been marrying since, well, forever?
Never read it. Traditionally speaking though, never has a same sex Union, regardless of the sexuality of the couple, ever produced offspring. I call that incredibly interesting
I'm just going to skip ahead and assume you mean gay sex has never produced offspring since couples in same sex Unions do produce offspring via in vitro fertilization. Now that may be interesting to cowards such as yourself but that's only because you find yourself incapable of successfully arguing the relevance. And to be clear I'm using the real world definition not the snowflake definition of success. Proponents of gay marriage were able to successfully gain legal recognition and opponents to gay marriage failed to stop it and continue to fail in their efforts.
I knew you couldn’t. 😂 and who’s the loser? You crack me up.
You're the loser. Literally. Where else other than in your imagination have you won you LARPer? 😆
I'm just going to skip ahead and assume you mean gay sex has never produced offspring since couples in same sex Unions do produce offspring via in vitro fertilization. Now that may be interesting to cowards such as yourself but that's only because you find yourself incapable of successfully arguing the relevance. And to be clear I'm using the real world definition not the snowflake definition of success. Proponents of gay marriage were able to successfully gain legal recognition and opponents to gay marriage failed to stop it and continue to fail in their efforts.

You're the loser. Literally. Where else other than in your imagination have you won you LARPer? 😆

Actually in vitro involves members of opposite sex. Did you not know this?

Well? I guess if you can redefine anything, your statement might make sense in an immature mind?

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