Respect for Marriage Act?

Marriage isn't just for procreation.

No, Windsor said it was about tax benefits as well.

I actually think same sex couples, regardless of the sexuality of the couple, should pay higher taxes as they never produce offspring, who will someday become taxpayers. But that’s a completely different subject.
Actually in vitro involves members of opposite sex. Did you not know this?
What it doesn't involve is hetero sexual activity. Do you not know this? 😆
Well? I guess if you can redefine anything, your statement might make sense in an immature mind?
It makes sense to everyone living in reality, Short Bus. Gay marriage is legal. That makes you a literal loser. 😆
No, Windsor said it was about tax benefits as well.

I actually think same sex couples, regardless of the sexuality of the couple, should pay higher taxes as they never produce offspring, who will someday become taxpayers. But that’s a completely different subject.
Another hilarious subject. Will you argue next that couples owe children as tribute to government? 😆
What it doesn't involve is hetero sexual activity. Do you not know this? 😆

It makes sense to everyone living in reality, Short Bus. Gay marriage is legal. That makes you a literal loser. 😆

Sorry, the requirement to create a child is the product of a male combining with the product of a female. I would think anyone over the age of 10 would know this? Maybe I’ve given you too much credit?

Oh, and short bus? You really are a bigot.
Another hilarious subject. Will you argue next that couples owe children as tribute to government? 😆

Why would you think that. You really are warped. I have a doctor that help with med adjustment. It appears you need his help.
No, Windsor said it was about tax benefits as well.

I actually think same sex couples, regardless of the sexuality of the couple, should pay higher taxes as they never produce offspring, who will someday become taxpayers. But that’s a completely different subject.

Gay couples without children also pay taxes to support public schools. Do you ever think?
Sorry, the requirement to create a child is the product of a male combining with the product of a female. I would think anyone over the age of 10 would know this? Maybe I’ve given you too much credit?
That requirement however does not need to be fulfilled by hetero sexual activity. Do you not know the difference between in vitro and sex? 😆
Oh, and short bus? You really are a bigot.
Against homophobes. What's wrong with that? No one is going to care when someone pisses on a homophobe. 😆
Gay couples without children also pay taxes to support public schools. Do you ever think?

Yes, and it was the product of heterosexuals that created the teachers that you obviously did not listen to.

Do I ever think. Of course, but with my head and not just my dick.
That requirement however does not need to be fulfilled by hetero sexual activity. Do you not know the difference between in vitro and sex? 😆

Against homophobes. What's wrong with that? No one is going to care when someone pisses on a homophobe. 😆

It’s always fun to show how the true bigots are the ones pointing and yelling BIGOT!

Next your going to call me the dreaded “breeder”! Which of course I’ve been highly successful at!
Yes, and it was the product of heterosexuals that created the teachers that you obviously did not listen to.

Do I ever think. Of course, but with head and not just my dick.
Are you still confusing hetero sex with reproduction.....? 😆
It’s always fun to show how the true bigots are the ones pointing and yelling BIGOT!

Next your going to call me the dreaded “breeder”! Which of course I’ve been highly successful at!
I don't mind admitting I'm bigoted against homophobes. Who would? 😆
No confusion here. Never had a same sex couple ever produced offspring as a result of their coupling.
This is what's called a red herring. I wasn't talking about same sex coupling, I was talking about you confusing reproduction with hetero sex.
Opposite sex are batting 1000 in that game.
As I've pointed out we do however have reproduction without hetero sex.
This is what's called a red herring. I wasn't talking about same sex coupling, I was talking about you confusing reproduction with hetero sex.

As I've pointed out we do however have reproduction without hetero sex.

The combination of male/female components have been, and always will be necessary Junior.

Now, did you want the number of the biology teacher or not?

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