Rest in Peace Muhammad Ali

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What ever, you know what I mean... Ok so then it's the continent of Africa their from.... In fact you make a good point, so why do they put African in front of American ? Are they claiming their homeland is upon the whole continent of Africa, and therefore they are Africans from the continent of Africa who are misplaced in America ? That's huge. Now the ones that came here, what part of the continent did they come from, and we're they all Muslims in their religion mostly ? Did Ali return to his religion from what he felt was his ancestrial homeland in Africa, and did he live his whole live yearning for his original homeland while living in America ?
Putting the word "African" in front of the word "American" is absurd. Blacks is the correct term to describe black people, not African-American. Blacks in America have no connection to Africa whatsoever,. They don't speak African languages, they don't understand African cultures (of which there are many), and few of them have ever set foot in Africa.

Throughout my life, I have met 4 guys are truly African-American. They were BORN IN AFRICA, lived there until adults, and then immigrated to the US, and became American citizens. They all speak the African languages of the home countries (Tanzania, Botswana, South Africa, and Rhodesia - now called Zimbabwe) All 4 truly are African-Americans. All 4 are White.
So do you call the children of people of Black African ancestry born in Britain who then come here European Americans?

But since you bought up the notion of cultural connections let's examine the so-called Latino-Hispanic culture. Most are not even Mestizos, they are just Indians who learned to speak Spanish. That is the ONLY connection they have to Spain.
Germany posed no immediate threat to the US when entered the war, but as with other nations, if you sit back and do nothing, then we might well be speaking German today. The domino affect is always out there, so if you leave your allies behind, then you might as well get ready for the fall just like our allies have fallen over time. We are not immune to war, and especially if our vital interest are at stake.

But they posed a threat to the world. Iraq - and Afghanistan especially - never have. ....

Subjective and short-sighted.
What ever, you know what I mean... Ok so then it's the continent of Africa their from.... In fact you make a good point, so why do they put African in front of American ? Are they claiming their homeland is upon the whole continent of Africa, and therefore they are Africans from the continent of Africa who are misplaced in America ? That's huge. Now the ones that came here, what part of the continent did they come from, and we're they all Muslims in their religion mostly ? Did Ali return to his religion from what he felt was his ancestrial homeland in Africa, and did he live his whole live yearning for his original homeland while living in America ?
Putting the word "African" in front of the word "American" is absurd. Blacks is the correct term to describe black people, not African-American. Blacks in America have no connection to Africa whatsoever,. They don't speak African languages, they don't understand African cultures (of which there are many), and few of them have ever set foot in Africa.

Throughout my life, I have met 4 guys are truly African-American. They were BORN IN AFRICA, lived there until adults, and then immigrated to the US, and became American citizens. They all speak the African languages of the home countries (Tanzania, Botswana, South Africa, and Rhodesia - now called Zimbabwe) All 4 truly are African-Americans. All 4 are White.

But since you bought up the notion of cultural connections let's examine the so-called Latino-Hispanic culture. ...

Many might beg to differ, and it's just the way that we fought wars that changed. The circumstances for the troops remained the same "Win or Lose".

They may beg to differ, but there is only one criterion to use: What threat did Vietnam pose to the US? Answer: None. As was proven when the US lost.

Ditto Iraq and Afghanistan.
Germany posed no immediate threat to the US when entered the war, but as with other nations, if you sit back and do nothing, then we might well be speaking German today. ......

Why would we be speaking German?
. when I say entered the war at my age, I'm talking about World War Two.. Now you get it right...?
This is a racist post, which supports Clay's racism which he demonstrated at the time that he refused the draft, by putting the Vietnam War into racial terms (as Blacks so often do with most everything in life).

What a pile of crap. The Vietnam War was a disgusting and idiotic screwup by the American leaders of the time, but it really wasn't a racial thing. Blacks have a way of making everything be about race, and Clay (note that I don't refer to a dopey Muslim name) was no exception.

As for your moronic claim of "RW conservatism/racism", there is no such thing. There is however very much so > LEFT wing liberal racism, in the form of AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, the # 1 racism in America, victimizing, by far, the largest number of people (whites), for 55 years now (except in 8 states where it is banned).

And for Clay, there was no "Jim Crow and a plethora of other racial atrocities as the backdrop of his refusal to be drafted" His refusal came in 1968, well after the end of Jim Crow, a few years well into the civil rights laws, and 7 years after the beginning of affirmative action.

And Clay could have served. I opposed the Vietnam War too, and I went out in the street and protested it. That didn't stop me from joining the military (Army National Guard) and putting in 6 years of service to the nation and state, and serving in national defense, 2 riots, 2 blackouts, and 3 floods. If I had been called to go to Vietnam THEN I would have refused it. Instead, I served, am now a veteran, I receive VA benefits in a pension, and a lot of free medical care from the VA. Clay could have done the same thing, but as a Muslim, he had no allegiance to the USA, as all Muslims owe no allegiance to any nation on earth, they owe allegiance only to the Ummah. In essence, Clay was a traitor to this country, as are all Muslims who claim they cannot serve in the US military, because of their religion (which isn't even a religion at all)

What I wonder about is why wasn't he jailed. I recall lots of guys left the country, and went to Canada, others went to jail, rather than accept the draft. How did Clay get around that ?
No, Protectionist is a lying racist idiot. I thought you were of better character …thanks for showing your true colors..
. Thanks for expecting what you felt is a mindless loyalist to tow your line. I'm glad she had an open mind when she read that. You might want to take a step back sometimes to re-evaluate your own opinions as well... Don't tow the line all the time.
Red China and the Soviet Union was heavily in supplying arms in Vietnam back then. The political talk was the domino theory. Countries falling to communism.

I know. However, history shows they were wrong.
. Oh yeah, so what's history showing in Syria now ? Oh I know what it is, it's that the Russians are backing Assad.... Who would have ever known or seen that one coming ? Now here we are trying to prop up a bunch of rag tag fighters in that theater, and it ain't going so well.
What ever, you know what I mean... Ok so then it's the continent of Africa their from.... In fact you make a good point, so why do they put African in front of American ? Are they claiming their homeland is upon the whole continent of Africa, and therefore they are Africans from the continent of Africa who are misplaced in America ? That's huge. Now the ones that came here, what part of the continent did they come from, and we're they all Muslims in their religion mostly ? Did Ali return to his religion from what he felt was his ancestrial homeland in Africa, and did he live his whole live yearning for his original homeland while living in America ?
Putting the word "African" in front of the word "American" is absurd. Blacks is the correct term to describe black people, not African-American. Blacks in America have no connection to Africa whatsoever,. They don't speak African languages, they don't understand African cultures (of which there are many), and few of them have ever set foot in Africa.

Throughout my life, I have met 4 guys are truly African-American. They were BORN IN AFRICA, lived there until adults, and then immigrated to the US, and became American citizens. They all speak the African languages of the home countries (Tanzania, Botswana, South Africa, and Rhodesia - now called Zimbabwe) All 4 truly are African-Americans. All 4 are White.
So do you call the children of people of Black African ancestry born in Britain who then come here European Americans?

But since you bought up the notion of cultural connections let's examine the so-called Latino-Hispanic culture. Most are not even Mestizos, they are just Indians who learned to speak Spanish. That is the ONLY connection they have to Spain.
. If anyone becomes American, then they should put American first, and their ancestors or heritage second. It should be Americans of African decent, and not African American, because I think when they put African first, then it's the same as flying their flag above the American flag as we are seeing the Mexicans doing now in various places in America. To disrespect this nation the way it's all going down, tells me that if people hate this country so much, then get the hell out, and don't stay here using the nation for it's wealth and opportunity while holding up the middle finger to her.
Many might beg to differ, and it's just the way that we fought wars that changed. The circumstances for the troops remained the same "Win or Lose".

They may beg to differ, but there is only one criterion to use: What threat did Vietnam pose to the US? Answer: None. As was proven when the US lost.

Ditto Iraq and Afghanistan.
Germany posed no immediate threat to the US when entered the war, but as with other nations, if you sit back and do nothing, then we might well be speaking German today. ......

Why would we be speaking German?
. when I say entered the war at my age, I'm talking about World War Two.. Now you get it right...?

Still makes no sense.
Elvis Presley served during the cold war from 1958 to 1960. He was in Germany in a tank unit at that time. I knew he was in Germany, but thought it was way earlier than that... oh well, now I know... LOL
This is a racist post, which supports Clay's racism which he demonstrated at the time that he refused the draft, by putting the Vietnam War into racial terms (as Blacks so often do with most everything in life).

What a pile of crap. The Vietnam War was a disgusting and idiotic screwup by the American leaders of the time, but it really wasn't a racial thing. Blacks have a way of making everything be about race, and Clay (note that I don't refer to a dopey Muslim name) was no exception.

As for your moronic claim of "RW conservatism/racism", there is no such thing. There is however very much so > LEFT wing liberal racism, in the form of AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, the # 1 racism in America, victimizing, by far, the largest number of people (whites), for 55 years now (except in 8 states where it is banned).

And for Clay, there was no "Jim Crow and a plethora of other racial atrocities as the backdrop of his refusal to be drafted" His refusal came in 1968, well after the end of Jim Crow, a few years well into the civil rights laws, and 7 years after the beginning of affirmative action.

And Clay could have served. I opposed the Vietnam War too, and I went out in the street and protested it. That didn't stop me from joining the military (Army National Guard) and putting in 6 years of service to the nation and state, and serving in national defense, 2 riots, 2 blackouts, and 3 floods. If I had been called to go to Vietnam THEN I would have refused it. Instead, I served, am now a veteran, I receive VA benefits in a pension, and a lot of free medical care from the VA. Clay could have done the same thing, but as a Muslim, he had no allegiance to the USA, as all Muslims owe no allegiance to any nation on earth, they owe allegiance only to the Ummah. In essence, Clay was a traitor to this country, as are all Muslims who claim they cannot serve in the US military, because of their religion (which isn't even a religion at all)

What I wonder about is why wasn't he jailed. I recall lots of guys left the country, and went to Canada, others went to jail, rather than accept the draft. How did Clay get around that ?
No, Protectionist is a lying racist idiot. I thought you were of better character …thanks for showing your true colors..
. Thanks for expecting what you felt is a mindless loyalist to tow your line. I'm glad she had an open mind when she read that. You might want to take a step back sometimes to re-evaluate your own opinions as well... Don't tow the line all the time.
When you agree with someone who disparages the entire Black population at every turn and then directs his vile ad hominem attacks at a deceased Black man who is held in the highest esteem in every country, you are no friend of mine. I know where you stand and I want you to know that. Joining the national guard was a cowards way out of Vietnam so I hold no respect for Protectionist for his joining the pansy NG in war time. The difference between him and muhammad Ali is that Ali had the courage to look his domestic enemies in the eye and tell them NO, I won't go. Protectionist took the easy way out through the NG. Now he also claims he would have refused as Ali did if he was ordered to go to 'Nam. He is a damned liar or a fraud, take your pick. real RWers are supposed to be John Wayne types, right? Well would JW have joined the NG to get out of going to combat? Hardly…. Now iif Bodeca falls for the crap Protectionist spews, that is her right. Just be consistent. I am wary of her now.
What ever, you know what I mean... Ok so then it's the continent of Africa their from.... In fact you make a good point, so why do they put African in front of American ? Are they claiming their homeland is upon the whole continent of Africa, and therefore they are Africans from the continent of Africa who are misplaced in America ? That's huge. Now the ones that came here, what part of the continent did they come from, and we're they all Muslims in their religion mostly ? Did Ali return to his religion from what he felt was his ancestrial homeland in Africa, and did he live his whole live yearning for his original homeland while living in America ?
Putting the word "African" in front of the word "American" is absurd. Blacks is the correct term to describe black people, not African-American. Blacks in America have no connection to Africa whatsoever,. They don't speak African languages, they don't understand African cultures (of which there are many), and few of them have ever set foot in Africa.

Throughout my life, I have met 4 guys are truly African-American. They were BORN IN AFRICA, lived there until adults, and then immigrated to the US, and became American citizens. They all speak the African languages of the home countries (Tanzania, Botswana, South Africa, and Rhodesia - now called Zimbabwe) All 4 truly are African-Americans. All 4 are White.
So do you call the children of people of Black African ancestry born in Britain who then come here European Americans?

But since you bought up the notion of cultural connections let's examine the so-called Latino-Hispanic culture. Most are not even Mestizos, they are just Indians who learned to speak Spanish. That is the ONLY connection they have to Spain.
. If anyone becomes American, then they should put American first, and their ancestors or heritage second. It should be Americans of African decent, and not African American, because I think when they put African first, then it's the same as flying their flag above the American flag as we are seeing the Mexicans doing now in various places in America. To disrespect this nation the way it's all going down, tells me that if people hate this country so much, then get the hell out, and don't stay here using the nation for it's wealth and opportunity while holding up the middle finger to her.
Well, that is your opinion. Thank God this is a free country and people can identify themselves as they see fit. I don't see self identity as hate against this country regardless of how it is expressed as long as it is peaceful. And the people who hate this country are increasingly from the right. Many are expatriating elsewhere.
Record number of expatriates renounce U.S. citizenship
Oh yeah, so what's history showing in Syria now ? Oh I know what it is, it's that the Russians are backing Assad.... Who would have ever known or seen that one coming ? Now here we are trying to prop up a bunch of rag tag fighters in that theater, and it ain't going so well.

All that shit in the ME is a direct result of your invasion of Iraq. You started it. You own it.
Putting the word "African" in front of the word "American" is absurd. Blacks is the correct term to describe black people, not African-American. Blacks in America have no connection to Africa whatsoever,. They don't speak African languages, they don't understand African cultures (of which there are many), and few of them have ever set foot in Africa.

And where were they taken from? "Blackland"?

You refer to Native Americans as "Red"? Asians as "Yellow" and "Brown"?
. If one is born in a country and immigrates here, then it's customary for these 1st generation Americans to hyphenate I.e. German-American, Irish-American, Kenyan-American. When you're born in America, you don't hyphenate. Other than Australians, nobody calls themselves as [continent name]-American because the remaining continents have defined countries within them. Nobody says "I'm North American-American. That would be dumb. So is calling oneself, African-American. What country is called Africa?

Personally, I don't think 1st generation Americans should hyphenate either. When they swear allegiance to America, they are no longer Kenyans, Russians or whatever. America is supposed to be a melting pot. That's what makes us great. Black people separate themselves from the "pot" by calling themselves African-Americans. Maybe it's time to drop the old ways.
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Putting the word "African" in front of the word "American" is absurd. Blacks is the correct term to describe black people, not African-American. Blacks in America have no connection to Africa whatsoever,. They don't speak African languages, they don't understand African cultures (of which there are many), and few of them have ever set foot in Africa.

And where were they taken from? "Blackland"?

You refer to Native Americans as "Red"? Asians as "Yellow" and "Brown"?
. If one is born in a country and immigrates here, then it's customary for these 1st generation Americans to hyphenate I.e. German-American, Irish-American, Kenyan-American. When you're born in America, you don't hyphenate. Other than Australians, nobody calls themselves as [continent name]-American because the remaining continents have defined countries within them. Nobody says "I'm North American-American. That would be dumb. So is calling oneself, African-American. What country is called Africa?

Personally, I don't think 1st generation Americans should hyphenate either. When they swear allegiance to America, they are no longer Kenyans, Russians or whatever. America is supposed to be a melting pot. That's what makes us great. Black people separate themselves from the "pot" by calling themselves African-Americans. Maybe it's time to drop the old ways.
Totally ridiculous post

They call themselves African because their identities and traditions were taken away. The so-called "countries" of Africa were European colonies that had nothing to do with their tribal affiliations

What is wrong with expanding your definition of American? An African American is offensive to you as is Italian or Irish American.
Why not a Teacan American or elderly American or rural American? It helps identify the culture you identify with
This is a racist post, which supports Clay's racism which he demonstrated at the time that he refused the draft, by putting the Vietnam War into racial terms (as Blacks so often do with most everything in life).

What a pile of crap. The Vietnam War was a disgusting and idiotic screwup by the American leaders of the time, but it really wasn't a racial thing. Blacks have a way of making everything be about race, and Clay (note that I don't refer to a dopey Muslim name) was no exception.

As for your moronic claim of "RW conservatism/racism", there is no such thing. There is however very much so > LEFT wing liberal racism, in the form of AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, the # 1 racism in America, victimizing, by far, the largest number of people (whites), for 55 years now (except in 8 states where it is banned).

And for Clay, there was no "Jim Crow and a plethora of other racial atrocities as the backdrop of his refusal to be drafted" His refusal came in 1968, well after the end of Jim Crow, a few years well into the civil rights laws, and 7 years after the beginning of affirmative action.

And Clay could have served. I opposed the Vietnam War too, and I went out in the street and protested it. That didn't stop me from joining the military (Army National Guard) and putting in 6 years of service to the nation and state, and serving in national defense, 2 riots, 2 blackouts, and 3 floods. If I had been called to go to Vietnam THEN I would have refused it. Instead, I served, am now a veteran, I receive VA benefits in a pension, and a lot of free medical care from the VA. Clay could have done the same thing, but as a Muslim, he had no allegiance to the USA, as all Muslims owe no allegiance to any nation on earth, they owe allegiance only to the Ummah. In essence, Clay was a traitor to this country, as are all Muslims who claim they cannot serve in the US military, because of their religion (which isn't even a religion at all)

What I wonder about is why wasn't he jailed. I recall lots of guys left the country, and went to Canada, others went to jail, rather than accept the draft. How did Clay get around that ?
No, Protectionist is a lying racist idiot. I thought you were of better character …thanks for showing your true colors..
. Thanks for expecting what you felt is a mindless loyalist to tow your line. I'm glad she had an open mind when she read that. You might want to take a step back sometimes to re-evaluate your own opinions as well... Don't tow the line all the time.
When you agree with someone who disparages the entire Black population at every turn and then directs his vile ad hominem attacks at a deceased Black man who is held in the highest esteem in every country, you are no friend of mine. I know where you stand and I want you to know that. Joining the national guard was a cowards way out of Vietnam so I hold no respect for Protectionist for his joining the pansy NG in war time. The difference between him and muhammad Ali is that Ali had the courage to look his domestic enemies in the eye and tell them NO, I won't go. Protectionist took the easy way out through the NG. Now he also claims he would have refused as Ali did if he was ordered to go to 'Nam. He is a damned liar or a fraud, take your pick. real RWers are supposed to be John Wayne types, right? Well would JW have joined the NG to get out of going to combat? Hardly…. Now iif Bodeca falls for the crap Protectionist spews, that is her right. Just be consistent. I am wary of her now.
The dumbest excuse Ali ever uttered was "No Viet Cong ever called me a ******". Neither did they call the white boy who had to take his place a "cracker".
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Ali did not dodge the draft, he met it head on. While conservatives were sending their sons to Canada or getting them college deferments, Muhammad Ali just refused to step across that line at the inception station. That was a powerful moment that stands as one of the most spectacular in Black History.

Here was a real man who was courageous enough to let the the White world know he was a Black man who demanded to be in control of his fate and not just a shill for corporate America. With Jim Crow and a plethora of other racial atrocities as the backdrop of his refusal to be drafted, Ali's decision became even more important during the era of MLK. Frankly it would have been interesting to see other Black draftees follow the advise of MLK and do what Ali did.

Thousands of Black men died in Vietnam as in all of our wars; even as their loved ones, left behind, still had to struggle with their real enemy: RW conservatism/racism. Ali knew that and was brave enough and smart enough to bring it out to be recorded by the unblinking eye of the news cameras for the entire world to see. He was willing to make that ultimate sacrifice and gained more respect in that moment than all the Blacks who acquiesced and went with the flow; earning nothing but more contempt by many Whites who hated them anyway…and hated obsequious Blacks even more.
This is a racist post, which supports Clay's racism which he demonstrated at the time that he refused the draft, by putting the Vietnam War into racial terms (as Blacks so often do with most everything in life).

What a pile of crap. The Vietnam War was a disgusting and idiotic screwup by the American leaders of the time, but it really wasn't a racial thing. Blacks have a way of making everything be about race, and Clay (note that I don't refer to a dopey Muslim name) was no exception.

As for your moronic claim of "RW conservatism/racism", there is no such thing. There is however very much so > LEFT wing liberal racism, in the form of AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, the # 1 racism in America, victimizing, by far, the largest number of people (whites), for 55 years now (except in 8 states where it is banned).

And for Clay, there was no "Jim Crow and a plethora of other racial atrocities as the backdrop of his refusal to be drafted" His refusal came in 1968, well after the end of Jim Crow, a few years well into the civil rights laws, and 7 years after the beginning of affirmative action.

And Clay could have served. I opposed the Vietnam War too, and I went out in the street and protested it. That didn't stop me from joining the military (Army National Guard) and putting in 6 years of service to the nation and state, and serving in national defense, 2 riots, 2 blackouts, and 3 floods. If I had been called to go to Vietnam THEN I would have refused it. Instead, I served, am now a veteran, I receive VA benefits in a pension, and a lot of free medical care from the VA. Clay could have done the same thing, but as a Muslim, he had no allegiance to the USA, as all Muslims owe no allegiance to any nation on earth, they owe allegiance only to the Ummah. In essence, Clay was a traitor to this country, as are all Muslims who claim they cannot serve in the US military, because of their religion (which isn't even a religion at all)

What I wonder about is why wasn't he jailed. I recall lots of guys left the country, and went to Canada, others went to jail, rather than accept the draft. How did Clay get around that ?

His refusal to serve came in 1966. Whether legislation had been passed or not, he and other blacks were still very much victims of a racist system.

And this was only 3 short years after racists had bombed a church in Birmingham (a fucking CHURCH!) and murdered 4 young girls. The gov't was negligent in the prosecution of those murders. But you call Ali racist for not going to war to support that same gov't.

MLK was shot and killed in 1968. So obviously there was still plenty of animosity towards people of color. The US Supreme Court had to order Mississippi schools to desegregate in October of 1969. But I guess that was not Jim Crow?

When you grow up black in KY in the 1950s and 1960s, your view would have been based on how you were treated. Imagine winning the gold medal at the Olympics, representing your country, and then having a restaurant refuse to serve you because you are black. Then act surprised he was racist?

Yeah, Ali said some shit. Like pointing out that the Vietamese had never called him a "******".

And we don't even need to go into the fact that the war in Vietnam was a disaster. We had no business there. We hamstrung the men fighting there. And we sacrificed 58,000 young men to boost the economy and pretend we were badasses.
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