Rest in Peace Muhammad Ali

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During an interview, Muhammad Ali recalled the time he went into a diner and ordered a cup of coffee and a hot dog. The waiter told him they don't serve Negroes. He said: "I don't eat 'em either! Get me some coffee."
One thing to remember when moaning about Ali's racism. The Birmingham church bombings happened in 1963. The main men responsible were not convicted until the late 70s (2 more key men went free until 2000 & 2001). And the FBI refused to release evidence to the Alabama Attorney General who finally tried to prosecute the monsters responsible. And the many tapes of testimony and witness accounts were "lost" by the FBI until 1997.

But yeah, the era of civil rights for all was in full force.
Putting the word "African" in front of the word "American" is absurd. Blacks is the correct term to describe black people, not African-American. Blacks in America have no connection to Africa whatsoever,. They don't speak African languages, they don't understand African cultures (of which there are many), and few of them have ever set foot in Africa.

And where were they taken from? "Blackland"?

You refer to Native Americans as "Red"? Asians as "Yellow" and "Brown"?
. If one is born in a country and immigrates here, then it's customary for these 1st generation Americans to hyphenate I.e. German-American, Irish-American, Kenyan-American. When you're born in America, you don't hyphenate. Other than Australians, nobody calls themselves as [continent name]-American because the remaining continents have defined countries within them. Nobody says "I'm North American-American. That would be dumb. So is calling oneself, African-American. What country is called Africa?

Personally, I don't think 1st generation Americans should hyphenate either. When they swear allegiance to America, they are no longer Kenyans, Russians or whatever. America is supposed to be a melting pot. That's what makes us great. Black people separate themselves from the "pot" by calling themselves African-Americans. Maybe it's time to drop the old ways.
Totally ridiculous post

They call themselves African because their identities and traditions were taken away. The so-called "countries" of Africa were European colonies that had nothing to do with their tribal affiliations

What is wrong with expanding your definition of American? An African American is offensive to you as is Italian or Irish American.
Why not a Teacan American or elderly American or rural American? It helps identify the culture you identify with
. I don't see the leaders of Kenya calling their country anything other than Kenya. Same for the others. It shows that continent of jungle people wanting to enter civilized society. Hyphenating promotes multi-culturalism which is tearing our country apart. A goal of you leftist. I will never call somebody African-American because that is stupid.

Hyphenating does not take away from your helps to define it

America is not one culture. The south has a different culture than the north. Rural America has a different culture than urban America. Orthodox Jews have a different culture than Southern Baptists.
. Ok then why is it being made so to seem now, that if you are among those who are proud of their peace loving, moral standards and, Bible loving culture, that you are now being squashed by another culture or even by a lifestyle choice that is made up by people who disagree with each other, and then use the power of the federal government to oppress with, and enforce culture killing police's and rules in which are used to destroy one culture in order for another to thrive and prosper ?
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One thing to remember when moaning about Ali's racism. The Birmingham church bombings happened in 1963. The main men responsible were not convicted until the late 70s (2 more key men went free until 2000 & 2001). And the FBI refused to release evidence to the Alabama Attorney General who finally tried to prosecute the monsters responsible. And the many tapes of testimony and witness accounts were "lost" by the FBI until 1997.

But yeah, the era of civil rights for all was in full force.
. There were problems back then for sure, but what we have these days is a whole new set of problems developing, and these problems are related to the very things you speak about, but are being used to change the conditions on the ground, and within the youngest minds in order to usher in a new age or newly generated racial devide in the nation, and also a new reverse discrimination era to ensue, along with a values and standards shift by groups who are also jumping on the bandwagon.
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This is a racist post, which supports Clay's racism which he demonstrated at the time that he refused the draft, by putting the Vietnam War into racial terms (as Blacks so often do with most everything in life).

What a pile of crap. The Vietnam War was a disgusting and idiotic screwup by the American leaders of the time, but it really wasn't a racial thing. Blacks have a way of making everything be about race, and Clay (note that I don't refer to a dopey Muslim name) was no exception.

As for your moronic claim of "RW conservatism/racism", there is no such thing. There is however very much so > LEFT wing liberal racism, in the form of AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, the # 1 racism in America, victimizing, by far, the largest number of people (whites), for 55 years now (except in 8 states where it is banned).

And for Clay, there was no "Jim Crow and a plethora of other racial atrocities as the backdrop of his refusal to be drafted" His refusal came in 1968, well after the end of Jim Crow, a few years well into the civil rights laws, and 7 years after the beginning of affirmative action.

And Clay could have served. I opposed the Vietnam War too, and I went out in the street and protested it. That didn't stop me from joining the military (Army National Guard) and putting in 6 years of service to the nation and state, and serving in national defense, 2 riots, 2 blackouts, and 3 floods. If I had been called to go to Vietnam THEN I would have refused it. Instead, I served, am now a veteran, I receive VA benefits in a pension, and a lot of free medical care from the VA. Clay could have done the same thing, but as a Muslim, he had no allegiance to the USA, as all Muslims owe no allegiance to any nation on earth, they owe allegiance only to the Ummah. In essence, Clay was a traitor to this country, as are all Muslims who claim they cannot serve in the US military, because of their religion (which isn't even a religion at all)

What I wonder about is why wasn't he jailed. I recall lots of guys left the country, and went to Canada, others went to jail, rather than accept the draft. How did Clay get around that ?
No, Protectionist is a lying racist idiot. I thought you were of better character …thanks for showing your true colors..
. Thanks for expecting what you felt is a mindless loyalist to tow your line. I'm glad she had an open mind when she read that. You might want to take a step back sometimes to re-evaluate your own opinions as well... Don't tow the line all the time.
When you agree with someone who disparages the entire Black population at every turn and then directs his vile ad hominem attacks at a deceased Black man who is held in the highest esteem in every country, you are no friend of mine. I know where you stand and I want you to know that. Joining the national guard was a cowards way out of Vietnam so I hold no respect for Protectionist for his joining the pansy NG in war time. The difference between him and muhammad Ali is that Ali had the courage to look his domestic enemies in the eye and tell them NO, I won't go. Protectionist took the easy way out through the NG. Now he also claims he would have refused as Ali did if he was ordered to go to 'Nam. He is a damned liar or a fraud, take your pick. real RWers are supposed to be John Wayne types, right? Well would JW have joined the NG to get out of going to combat? Hardly…. Now iif Bodeca falls for the crap Protectionist spews, that is her right. Just be consistent. I am wary of her now.
The dumbest excuse Ali ever uttered was "No Viet Cong ever called me a ******". Neither did they call the white boy who had to take his place a "cracker".
If you don't grasp the deeper meaning of what Ali was saying, YOU are the dumb one.
I met him when I was a kid in the locker room after his fight with Charlie Powell in Pittsburgh. When you were on the room with him, you realized that you were in the presence of greatness.
Is Iraq?
Tell Obama to get the fuck out of there idiot

Are you serious ? Of course Iraq is justified. And American troops are there now fighting ISIS. And no war in all American history has ever been more justified than this. And America has never been more threatened than by ISIS now.

I thought Liberals said there were no terrorists in Iraq?
. Now your talking dumb. Bob hope was flat outright the best when it came to troop morale. Denounce the war & undermine the troops in action ? A typical weak knees liberal move, but not the move of true American patriots who were fighting for those in the world who wanted what America has "Freedom".

Bob Hope coming out against the war would have ended it two years earlier

Sometimes supporting the troops is not making them laugh but looking out for their well being
. Winning that war should have been the order of the day, and us not bowing down to freaks & hippies who didn't know their butt from a hole in the ground is where it all went wrong & where we went wrong. It's been a shame and a sham ever since. It opened up Pandora's box, and it all but erased our victories in Europe and in the Pacific theater.

The "freaks and hippies" we're proven correct about Vietnam

It was the war Hawks who wrapped themselves in the American flag who sent 60,000 boys to their deaths
War hawks like Kennedy and Johnson?
Kennedy refused to send ground troops and it cost him his life. If LBJ and Nixon were still here I would want them tried for war crimes. They`re gone but there is another murdering piece of shit living in exile on a fake ranch in Texas. Do you want to know why 4,500 died looking for wmds? Me too.

Maybe Bush should have ignored these two know nothing Democrats, don't you agree?

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source
Is Iraq?
Tell Obama to get the fuck out of there idiot

Are you serious ? Of course Iraq is justified. And American troops are there now fighting ISIS. And no war in all American history has ever been more justified than this. And America has never been more threatened than by ISIS now.

Iraq is justified? Since when? You assholes and Obama wAnted us out
We left
iSIS grew tenfold

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I met him when I was a kid in the locker room after his fight with Charlie Powell in Pittsburgh. When you were on the room with him, you realized that you were in the presence of greatness.
I was a fan even though I didn't know at the time anything about his racial politics or racial stance in life. I just new him as a heavy weight boxer who was running his mouth big time, and then backing it up in the ring. Learned way later on about his refusing his military service requirement at the time, and his racial ideology at the time. He was a great fighter in the ring, and we sure did enjoy the show.
Muhammad Ali starred in a Broadway musical

CBS Photo Archive via Getty Images
Ali was billed under his birth name, Cassius Clay, when he starred in the Broadway musical, “Buck White.”
In 1969, during his suspension from boxing over his refusal to go to Vietnam, Ali was reportedly drowning in debt and still appealing his conviction. He made pocket change by touring colleges to discuss the war, and, as Playbill points out, he starred in the Broadway musical, “Buck White.”
Trump in December: What Muslim sports heroes?
Source: The Hill

After Donald Trump tweeted to pay tribute to boxing legend Muhammad Ali, who died on Friday, critics took to social media to call Trump a hypocrite for his proposed Muslim ban and a previous tweet about Muslim athletes.

“Obama said in his speech that Muslims are our sports heroes. What sport is he talking about, and who?,” Trump tweeted in December.

* * *
Ali, and prominent civil rights activist who called himself a "proud Muslim", had publicly criticized the ban.

"We as Muslims have to stand up to those who use Islam to advance their own personal agenda. They have alienated many from learning about Islam," Ali said in a statement after Trump vocalized his proposal. "I am a Muslim and there is nothing Islamic about killing innocent people in Paris, San Bernardino, or anywhere else in the world."

Read more: Trump in December: What Muslim sports heroes?
In all honesty, Mohammad Ali's fights were not that impressive. He as like the Nate Diaz of MMA today. His brain had turned to mush, so it was tough to knock him out.
In all honesty, Mohammad Ali's fights were not that impressive. He is like the Nate Diaz of MMA. His brain had turned to mush, so it was tought to knock him out.
Right wing truffles have turned your brain to "doo doo" dude..
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