Rest in Peace Muhammad Ali

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All that shit in the ME is a direct result of your invasion of Iraq. You started it. You own it.
The invasion that Hillary Clinton voted for and Donald Trump was against? That invasion?

That's right, the one that 263 GoPers in the senate and house voted for and 7 voted against.

The one that 111 Dems in the Senate and house voted for and 147 voted against. That invasion.

The one that people voted on trusting the intel Dumbya and his cabal were spouting forth...that invasion..
No, the one Hillary voted for based on her experience being elected to first lady and realizing the threat Saddam was.
Your biased spin holds no water.

"Elected to First Lady"?

And you wouldn't do the same with Hillary? You're a ridiculous hypocrite.

I wouldn't vote for Hillary. I'd vote Bernie. Hillary is not that great, but Trump is a walking disaster. He is beyond vacuous. Nothing but soundbites and bullshit. Whenever anybody asks him a serious question he gets abusive - traits of a dumbarse and demigod....
And you wouldn't do the same with Hillary? You're a ridiculous hypocrite.

I wouldn't vote for Hillary. I'd vote Bernie. Hillary is not that great, but Trump is a walking disaster. He is beyond vacuous. Nothing but soundbites and bullshit. Whenever anybody asks him a serious question he gets abusive - traits of a dumbarse and demigod....

Do you want to sober up and try that again?
Dumbya has too busy doing good things for veteran's and their families to be bothered with your rage and stupidity, dingbat. Ditto for Trump. The left's attempts to smear him are fucking laughable. I can't wait until he and the old-twat, wife of a pedophile Hillary debate. He will eat her the fuck alive. Will you be jerking off while watching? Of course you will, faggot.

Any body who votes for the Trump has the IQ of an amoeba. Explains your posts. Hillary eats people like him as after dinner mints.

I bet if Donald stood butt naked in front of a crowd of people you'd beat them to death to be first in front of him on your knees.

You are a complete idiot
Stuck on stupid as well

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All that shit in the ME is a direct result of your invasion of Iraq. You started it. You own it.
The invasion that Hillary Clinton voted for and Donald Trump was against? That invasion?

That's right, the one that 263 GoPers in the senate and house voted for and 7 voted against.

The one that 111 Dems in the Senate and house voted for and 147 voted against. That invasion.

The one that people voted on trusting the intel Dumbya and his cabal were spouting forth...that invasion..
No, the one Hillary voted for based on her experience being elected to first lady and realizing the threat Saddam was.
Your biased spin holds no water.

"Elected to First Lady"?

That's called cynicism.
No, the one Hillary voted for based on her experience being elected to first lady and realizing the threat Saddam was.
Your biased spin holds no water.

I reiterate -

2.6% of Repub pollies voted against Iraq.
57% of Dem pollies voted against it.
Says something..
It says that a lot voted for it, including HR Haldeman Clinton.
No, the one Hillary voted for based on her experience being elected to first lady and realizing the threat Saddam was.
Your biased spin holds no water.

I reiterate -

2.6% of Repub pollies voted against Iraq.
57% of Dem pollies voted against it.
Says something..
It says that a lot voted for it, including HR Haldeman Clinton.

It shows that a vast majority of Repubs voted for it, the majority of Dems voted against it.
No, the one Hillary voted for based on her experience being elected to first lady and realizing the threat Saddam was.
Your biased spin holds no water.

I reiterate -

2.6% of Repub pollies voted against Iraq.
57% of Dem pollies voted against it.
Says something..
It says that a lot voted for it, including HR Haldeman Clinton.

It shows that a vast majority of Repubs voted for it, the majority of Dems voted against it.
It shows that almost half of Dems voted for it. That's a lot in a divided Congress with a Republican president.
No, the one Hillary voted for based on her experience being elected to first lady and realizing the threat Saddam was.
Your biased spin holds no water.

I reiterate -

2.6% of Repub pollies voted against Iraq.
57% of Dem pollies voted against it.
Says something..
It says that a lot voted for it, including HR Haldeman Clinton.

It shows that a vast majority of Repubs voted for it, the majority of Dems voted against it.

Besides Hillary Clinton's name on the list - need help with any others, shitstain?

All that shit in the ME is a direct result of your invasion of Iraq. You started it. You own it.
The invasion that Hillary Clinton voted for and Donald Trump was against? That invasion?

That's right, the one that 263 GoPers in the senate and house voted for and 7 voted against.

The one that 111 Dems in the Senate and house voted for and 147 voted against. That invasion.

The one that people voted on trusting the intel Dumbya and his cabal were spouting forth...that invasion..

You mean the Intel that was also backed by Gore, Clinton and Kerry? You nut jobs need to give it a rest. You get dumber each year.
You mean the Intel that was also backed by Gore, Clinton and Kerry? You nut jobs need to give it a rest. You get dumber each year.

Sure, they were dumb enough to believe it.

Oh, you want to give it a rest. You'll get all frothy over Benghazi where half a dozen US nationals were killed, but you don't mind thousands killed and 10s of thousands wounded in Afghanistan and Iraq in a war based on lies.

I'd put my IQ up against yours any day of the week.
Besides Hillary Clinton's name on the list - need help with any others, shitstain?

So you're making my point for me. Now talk about the house, Cletus....
Besides Hillary Clinton's name on the list - need help with any others, shitstain?

So you're making my point for me. Now talk about the house, Cletus....

Look it up yourself stupid
Point made
You're an idiot

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