Rest in Peace Muhammad Ali

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. You don't have to be more inclined to believe Ali, and thanks for confirming his racist position in life, but you want to believe in Ali's position, and so your just looking for an excuse.
. Oh and just so you know, I have a wonderful elderly black American couple who live next to me, and they are on a fixed income. When I cut my grass, I cut their grass free of charge as well... I do this because I understand their situation in life as elderly people who are on a fixed income, and it's not because they are black, and so I feel sorry for them God forbid because they are black (in which would be total foolishness), but it's because I see them as being human beings just like my mom, aunt and other elderly people in which I help out in life as well.
When you do things like that, you only make them more dependent

Now they will want free stuff from everyone
. Who are they rightwinger ?
I don't know...they are your neighbors
. Yes they are, but their not your typical dependent liberal democrats on the dole, where as my friend tries to pay me, but I refuse his money. He is on disability, and she helps out at school even though she is in her seventies. Gotta respect people like that, because they paid their dues, and better yet are still working too. He was working until diabetes got the best of him. Great neighbors.
. You don't have to be more inclined to believe Ali, and thanks for confirming his racist position in life, but you want to believe in Ali's position, and so your just looking for an excuse.
. Oh and just so you know, I have a wonderful elderly black American couple who live next to me, and they are on a fixed income. When I cut my grass, I cut their grass free of charge as well... I do this because I understand their situation in life as elderly people who are on a fixed income, and it's not because they are black, and so I feel sorry for them God forbid because they are black (in which would be total foolishness), but it's because I see them as being human beings just like my mom, aunt and other elderly people in which I help out in life as well.
When you do things like that, you only make them more dependent

Now they will want free stuff from everyone
. Who are they rightwinger ?
I don't know...they are your neighbors
Supposedly. Looks like he forgot about them rather quickly.
I'll repeat my question here: having seen clips of Clay in his near stupor state, why doesn't boxing do more to prevent this outcome the way the NFL is being pressured to do? I figure a ruthless boxing audience wouldn't buy that product. But they may accept it over time.

The repeated blows to the head is what causes it, so ban gloves and the head will take less damage and you can reduce these kinds of injuries.
The NFL has this concussion thing going on, Ali lived a long life but suffered from concussion related injuries. Sports related injuries need to be addressed. My father died at age 52 from inhaling toxic fumes from welding, his life long profession. OSHA or the union he belonged to didn't protect him. And only a few wept for him . Ali? Made millions and outlived me dear o'l da. I won't shed a single tear for Cassias.
I served because I wanted to do something meaningful for myself and this country. At the time I was drafted, I felt extremely patriotic and had a head full of fanciful dreams of seeing far away places, meeting people and enriching my existence here on earth.

My youthful exuberance drove me to take advantage of my conscription and the camaraderie I found among soldiers of all races was enough to cause me to stay until retirement. I got a much fairer shake in the Army than I did as a civilian; I rose through the ranks so fast, I couldn't quit. I loved it. But when I retired, I returned to the real world where racism and bigotry and White Flight was still pervasive, I was disappointed , saddened and somewhat embittered.

Colin Powell? Where did you see that I quoted him? And what has he to do with this op?
. So the government coddled you instead of preparing you, and therefore it had you believing that you couldn't make it in the real world instead of preparing you for it once you got out ? And because of this, it led to your utter disappointment when re-entering the real world once you left the safety blanket found in the governments bosom who created a world for you free of problems while there ? Is it your dreams that the government would take over the real world for you, just so you won't ever be offended again in life ? This is the problem of government, where as it isn't fixing things, but rather creating dependency as seen in this post that illustrates what happened once you left the governments safety net created for you.

So you are equating military retirees with being coddled? Careful, you are treading on thin ice there, buster. First you deride people for not serving and when they do serve you don't appreciate that either. Screw you. WhenI retired from service I was still a young man but I had no problem honing the leadership skills I had learned in the military and putting those skills to good use in starting my own business. My disappointment came as a result of running into assholes like you, not not because I couldn't "make it." I was used to Whites and Blacks working, living and fighting together to achieve mutual goals. The very existence of people like you makes me more inclined to agree with Ali. He must have been around people of yourilk more thanI was in his formative years…your kind created his worldview of America.
I am working directly from your attitude in which covers you specifically, and not blanketing all of the military service, so get over it or give your opinions somewhere else.

Sorry, I don't understand gobbledygook…. please get a bright 1st grader to translate.
. I'll take that as a win.. Moving right along now.:coffee:
What kid of win is that?…You don't have a coherent argument.
. So the government coddled you instead of preparing you, and therefore it had you believing that you couldn't make it in the real world instead of preparing you for it once you got out ? And because of this, it led to your utter disappointment when re-entering the real world once you left the safety blanket found in the governments bosom who created a world for you free of problems while there ? Is it your dreams that the government would take over the real world for you, just so you won't ever be offended again in life ? This is the problem of government, where as it isn't fixing things, but rather creating dependency as seen in this post that illustrates what happened once you left the governments safety net created for you.

So you are equating military retirees with being coddled? Careful, you are treading on thin ice there, buster. First you deride people for not serving and when they do serve you don't appreciate that either. Screw you. WhenI retired from service I was still a young man but I had no problem honing the leadership skills I had learned in the military and putting those skills to good use in starting my own business. My disappointment came as a result of running into assholes like you, not not because I couldn't "make it." I was used to Whites and Blacks working, living and fighting together to achieve mutual goals. The very existence of people like you makes me more inclined to agree with Ali. He must have been around people of yourilk more thanI was in his formative years…your kind created his worldview of America.
I am working directly from your attitude in which covers you specifically, and not blanketing all of the military service, so get over it or give your opinions somewhere else.

Sorry, I don't understand gobbledygook…. please get a bright 1st grader to translate.
. I'll take that as a win.. Moving right along now.:coffee:
What kid of win is that?…You don't have a coherent argument.
Thats just what they say when they are embarrassed and have no argument.
The NFL has this concussion thing going on, Ali lived a long life but suffered from concussion related injuries. Sports related injuries need to be addressed. My father died at age 52 from inhaling toxic fumes from welding, his life long profession. OSHA or the union he belonged to didn't protect him. And only a few wept for him . Ali? Made millions and outlived me dear o'l da. I won't shed a single tear for Cassias.
Are you David Duke's sister or something? I wonder where you cretins come from. I guess you just HAD to get that off your chest…you just HAD to let us know which demons are haunting you…. like we care…. heh heh heh!
All that shit in the ME is a direct result of your invasion of Iraq. You started it. You own it.
The invasion that Hillary Clinton voted for and Donald Trump was against? That invasion?

That's right, the one that 263 GoPers in the senate and house voted for and 7 voted against.

The one that 111 Dems in the Senate and house voted for and 147 voted against. That invasion.

The one that people voted on trusting the intel Dumbya and his cabal were spouting forth...that invasion..
Is Iraq?
Tell Obama to get the fuck out of there idiot

No Iraq is not. Once he's finished cleaning up Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz's clusterfuck, I'm sure he will.
Dear lord, you're still whining about bush? Get a fucking life asshole

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah. Let's all give Dumbya a free pass. What do you do for an encore, chastise the Jews for calling Hitler an arsehole?

You're a fucking moronic tool...
Yeah. Let's all give Dumbya a free pass. What do you do for an encore, chastise the Jews for calling Hitler an arsehole?

You're a fucking moronic tool...

Dumbya has too busy doing good things for veteran's and their families to be bothered with your rage and stupidity, dingbat. Ditto for Trump. The left's attempts to smear him are fucking laughable. I can't wait until he and the old-twat, wife of a pedophile Hillary debate. He will eat her the fuck alive. Will you be jerking off while watching? Of course you will, faggot.
Yeah. Let's all give Dumbya a free pass. What do you do for an encore, chastise the Jews for calling Hitler an arsehole?

You're a fucking moronic tool...

Dumbya has too busy doing good things for veteran's and their families to be bothered with your rage and stupidity, dingbat. Ditto for Trump. The left's attempts to smear him are fucking laughable. I can't wait until he and the old-twat, wife of a pedophile Hillary debate. He will eat her the fuck alive. Will you be jerking off while watching? Of course you will, faggot.

Dumbya was busy creating more Gold Star Mothers and cripples
All that shit in the ME is a direct result of your invasion of Iraq. You started it. You own it.
The invasion that Hillary Clinton voted for and Donald Trump was against? That invasion?

That's right, the one that 263 GoPers in the senate and house voted for and 7 voted against.

The one that 111 Dems in the Senate and house voted for and 147 voted against. That invasion.

The one that people voted on trusting the intel Dumbya and his cabal were spouting forth...that invasion..
Well they sure knew how to take a lie and run with it.. LOL
All that shit in the ME is a direct result of your invasion of Iraq. You started it. You own it.
The invasion that Hillary Clinton voted for and Donald Trump was against? That invasion?

That's right, the one that 263 GoPers in the senate and house voted for and 7 voted against.

The one that 111 Dems in the Senate and house voted for and 147 voted against. That invasion.

The one that people voted on trusting the intel Dumbya and his cabal were spouting forth...that invasion..
No, the one Hillary voted for based on her experience being elected to first lady and realizing the threat Saddam was.
Your biased spin holds no water.
Dumbya has too busy doing good things for veteran's and their families to be bothered with your rage and stupidity, dingbat. Ditto for Trump. The left's attempts to smear him are fucking laughable. I can't wait until he and the old-twat, wife of a pedophile Hillary debate. He will eat her the fuck alive. Will you be jerking off while watching? Of course you will, faggot.

Any body who votes for the Trump has the IQ of an amoeba. Explains your posts. Hillary eats people like him as after dinner mints.

I bet if Donald stood butt naked in front of a crowd of people you'd beat them to death to be first in front of him on your knees.
Dumbya has too busy doing good things for veteran's and their families to be bothered with your rage and stupidity, dingbat. Ditto for Trump. The left's attempts to smear him are fucking laughable. I can't wait until he and the old-twat, wife of a pedophile Hillary debate. He will eat her the fuck alive. Will you be jerking off while watching? Of course you will, faggot.

Any body who votes for the Trump has the IQ of an amoeba. Explains your posts. Hillary eats people like him as after dinner mints.

I bet if Donald stood butt naked in front of a crowd of people you'd beat them to death to be first in front of him on your knees.

And you wouldn't do the same with Hillary? You're a ridiculous hypocrite.
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