Restaraunt gives discount for praying

Just a news flash, if you followed the link in the OP you would know that the restaurant was asked that question, and that they had no problem with giving the discount to Muslims, or any other religion, because the idea is to foster gratitude, not religion. ...

Here's a news flash backatcha: I read the linked story in the OP of Unkotare's thread -- you know, the one that was merged with your thread. It said nothing about Mary's response to the flack that arose from the story going viral. The reply you quoted was posted prior to the merger.

As I've now stated in this thread, I have no problem with the practice, as long as it's applied equitably.
Just a news flash, if you followed the link in the OP you would know that the restaurant was asked that question, and that they had no problem with giving the discount to Muslims, or any other religion, because the idea is to foster gratitude, not religion. ...

Here's a news flash backatcha: I read the linked story in the OP of Unkotare's thread -- you know, the one that was merged with your thread. It said nothing about Mary's response to the flack that arose from the story going viral. The reply you quoted was posted prior to the merger.

As I've now stated in this thread, I have no problem with the practice, as long as it's applied equitably.

How can such a policy be applied to atheists? An atheist doesn't pray, and in fact finds the practice repugnant and offensive.

By applying this practice to all religions, the owners of this discriminatory diner have announced to the wyrld that they hate enlightened atheists, such as mysylf, and the substantially less-enlightened agnostics who still cling to the irrational belief that there might be some all-knowing, omniscient being out there. They deserve to be shut down, in place of the bigoted bakery that hates Homosexual-Americans.
Reminds me of this from the landover baptist web site
Landover Baptist | Where the Worthwhile Worship. Unsaved Unwelcome.

Restaurants Respond to Theatergoers' New Passion for Blood

Restaurateurs throughout America are noticing that there is one thing their patrons crave more than anything after a matinee at Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ:" blood. "No Christian orders their steaks well done no more," remarked Trixie Turnstyle, waitress at Outback Steak House. "In fact, most folks ask us not to cook it all, so that all the blood from their prime rib can pool on the plate and be slurped up in an ecstatic frenzy while the rest of the table screams Jesus' name." Many restaurants are being asked to leave the skin on meats so that the diner can flail and lacerate the hide for 90-minutes with their steak knives.
There is so much blood being splattered around Sizzler these days, the chain, popular with evangelicals, went through 1,134 lobster bibs yesterday without serving a single lobster. "We have really made a killing since we changed the name of the drink from Bloody Mary to Bloody Jesus!" squealed Dave Dial, bartender at a Marietta Georgia TGIFridays. "We now serve it with a nine-inch nail instead of a stick of celery. And offer two kinds: Type O (well brand) and Type A (premium). Folks are really getting off on letting it drip down the side of their mouths."
Just a news flash, if you followed the link in the OP you would know that the restaurant was asked that question, and that they had no problem with giving the discount to Muslims, or any other religion, because the idea is to foster gratitude, not religion. ...

Here's a news flash backatcha: I read the linked story in the OP of Unkotare's thread -- you know, the one that was merged with your thread. It said nothing about Mary's response to the flack that arose from the story going viral. The reply you quoted was posted prior to the merger.

As I've now stated in this thread, I have no problem with the practice, as long as it's applied equitably.

How can such a policy be applied to atheists? An atheist doesn't pray, and in fact finds the practice repugnant and offensive.

By applying this practice to all religions, the owners of this discriminatory diner have announced to the wyrld that they hate enlightened atheists, such as mysylf, and the substantially less-enlightened agnostics who still cling to the irrational belief that there might be some all-knowing, omniscient being out there. They deserve to be shut down, in place of the bigoted bakery that hates Homosexual-Americans.

This is why it's always essential to look further in than the OP, especially when it's done by a partisan hack trying to start shit. There isn't any religion involved in what they're doing; it's a gesture of gratitude for gratitude. As noted, the proprietor who came up with this idea is one of those agnostics. See also this post. This is why I stepped in here; I knew the OP article and its rabblerouser ilk would try to warp this into something completely different from what it is. I know too much about it to let that happen.

I tell you what, you're in Carolina, why not stop in and tell Mary yourself. After all, according to that Capstone wacko everything in Carolina is "within reasonable traveling distance" of each other so it can't be that far. I tell you what else, next time I go through there, meet me at that restaurant and I'll introduce you and buy you breakfast for your trouble and we'll get it resolved in the real world. Deal or no deal?
How can such a policy be applied to atheists? An atheist doesn't pray, and in fact finds the practice repugnant and offensive.
I don't think this is necessarily true.

I'm an atheist, and I don't find prayer offensive or repugnant. I might find it silly and maybe even sometimes awkward but offensive? Nah, they do what they do and I do what I do, whatever.
Fake it libs and take the discount. Times are tough

"Stopped into a church I passed along the way. Well, I got down on my knees and I pretend to pray." ....California Dreamin...Momma's and the Poppa's.
How can such a policy be applied to atheists? An atheist doesn't pray, and in fact finds the practice repugnant and offensive.
I don't think this is necessarily true.

I'm an atheist, and I don't find prayer offensive or repugnant. I might find it silly and maybe even sometimes awkward but offensive? Nah, they do what they do and I do what I do, whatever.

I guess that makes you a fake atheist--a fathiest, to coin a term.
How can such a policy be applied to atheists? An atheist doesn't pray, and in fact finds the practice repugnant and offensive.
I don't think this is necessarily true.

I'm an atheist, and I don't find prayer offensive or repugnant. I might find it silly and maybe even sometimes awkward but offensive? Nah, they do what they do and I do what I do, whatever.

I guess that makes you a fake atheist--a fathiest, to coin a term.
How so?

Or are you just having some pun fun?
Leave it to none other than Quantum Windbag to misspell praying as "paying" in a thread's title. :lol:

Hey, that's why I clicked in here in the first place. I go around paying for things all the time, nobody ever says "well, since you paid here's two bucks back".

I give a 2% discount to anyone who pays me in full within 10 days. Some take advantage....others don't.

I'd have fun in that restaurant. I don't believe in any god....but I can imagine praying for crispy bacon and eggs done juuuuuust right.

Hey OP.....why you so divisive?

Because I hate idiots.
Hey, that's why I clicked in here in the first place. I go around paying for things all the time, nobody ever says "well, since you paid here's two bucks back".

I give a 2% discount to anyone who pays me in full within 10 days. Some take advantage....others don't.

I'd have fun in that restaurant. I don't believe in any god....but I can imagine praying for crispy bacon and eggs done juuuuuust right.

Hey OP.....why you so divisive?

As always --- consider the source.

Something tells me this thread isn't working out quite the way its conjurer intended. :lol:

Who's callin' all the posters idiots ♫
Snarlin' at ev-ry body he sees?
Whos trippin' out on contrarianism? ♬
Ev-ryone knows it's Win-dy!

(dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb...)

I thought you said that people can't read minds, yet you just proclaimed the ability to read mine.

As always, you are wrong.
Apparently someone's confused about linear time.

Your OP, first line, says "idiots are offended". Since that is post #1, at the time you wrote that there were by definition no other posts. If there were, your post #1 would have to be a negative number. Therefore you can only have been referring to the article quoted, which was the next thing posted. Yet there's nothing in that article, including the link, exhibiting anyone "offended".

Had you said "idiots will be offended", and had there been such idiots offended in the thread, then you'd have something to hang your hat on.

Not rocket surgery dood.

Doesn't change the fact that idiots are offended, does it?

By the way, I based my comment on things that were said outside this board, but thanks for insisting you are right when you aren't. It is always amusing watching you try to make a point.

Offended about what? Is the company discriminating?

I personally wouldn't have ever let it out that I was giving discounts for prayer. I wouldn't want to open that can worms for my business. I don't talk politics at work either. It's not professional.

Believe it or not, not everything is about you.
Doesn't change the fact that idiots are offended, does it?

By the way, I based my comment on things that were said outside this board, but thanks for insisting you are right when you aren't. It is always amusing watching you try to make a point.

Offended about what? Is the company discriminating?

I personally wouldn't have ever let it out that I was giving discounts for prayer. I wouldn't want to open that can worms for my business. I don't talk politics at work either. It's not professional.

Believe it or not, not everything is about you.
Duh, most of it is about me.
Someone prolly mentioned this, but opposition can claim there's a 15% TAX on those that don't pray. :)

Yeah, I did. And that point was never answered.

Again I think Mary's in a legal grey area here. I know her heart's in the right place and what she really means, but she might be getting advice by now to modify the policy. Possibly as simple as changing the word 'praying' that shows up on the receipt.

When I was a teenager in the days of whitewall tires I worked in a tire shop that charged three bucks extra for a whitewall version of their selected tire. What management didn't tell the people was that ALL the tires in the warehouse were whitewalls, and if they didn't pay the ransom we were instructed to mount them inside out so the whitewall didn't show.

Of course, if the customer noticed that (or if we told them about it in advance) they'd insist since they already paid for the tire they wanted the whitewalls out. If the tires were already on the car we'd have to re-mount them.

Did that amount to a tax on those who opted for the whitewalls? I'd say it did.

And, as usual, you would be wrong because taxes are not levied by businesses, they are levied by the government and backed up with force of arms.
Just a news flash, if you followed the link in the OP you would know that the restaurant was asked that question, and that they had no problem with giving the discount to Muslims, or any other religion, because the idea is to foster gratitude, not religion. ...

Here's a news flash backatcha: I read the linked story in the OP of Unkotare's thread -- you know, the one that was merged with your thread. It said nothing about Mary's response to the flack that arose from the story going viral. The reply you quoted was posted prior to the merger.

As I've now stated in this thread, I have no problem with the practice, as long as it's applied equitably.

How can such a policy be applied to atheists? An atheist doesn't pray, and in fact finds the practice repugnant and offensive.

By applying this practice to all religions, the owners of this discriminatory diner have announced to the wyrld that they hate enlightened atheists, such as mysylf, and the substantially less-enlightened agnostics who still cling to the irrational belief that there might be some all-knowing, omniscient being out there. They deserve to be shut down, in place of the bigoted bakery that hates Homosexual-Americans.

Not all atheist find the practice of praying to be repugnant and offensive. Some of us even attend Church.
Here's a news flash backatcha: I read the linked story in the OP of Unkotare's thread -- you know, the one that was merged with your thread. It said nothing about Mary's response to the flack that arose from the story going viral. The reply you quoted was posted prior to the merger.

As I've now stated in this thread, I have no problem with the practice, as long as it's applied equitably.

How can such a policy be applied to atheists? An atheist doesn't pray, and in fact finds the practice repugnant and offensive.

By applying this practice to all religions, the owners of this discriminatory diner have announced to the wyrld that they hate enlightened atheists, such as mysylf, and the substantially less-enlightened agnostics who still cling to the irrational belief that there might be some all-knowing, omniscient being out there. They deserve to be shut down, in place of the bigoted bakery that hates Homosexual-Americans.

This is why it's always essential to look further in than the OP, especially when it's done by a partisan hack trying to start shit. There isn't any religion involved in what they're doing; it's a gesture of gratitude for gratitude. As noted, the proprietor who came up with this idea is one of those agnostics. See also this post. This is why I stepped in here; I knew the OP article and its rabblerouser ilk would try to warp this into something completely different from what it is. I know too much about it to let that happen.

I tell you what, you're in Carolina, why not stop in and tell Mary yourself. After all, according to that Capstone wacko everything in Carolina is "within reasonable traveling distance" of each other so it can't be that far. I tell you what else, next time I go through there, meet me at that restaurant and I'll introduce you and buy you breakfast for your trouble and we'll get it resolved in the real world. Deal or no deal?

A point I have made more than once, but feel free to continue posturing and calling me a hack because you like to think you are smarter than anyone else, despite the fact that I have argued circles around you more than once. Funny how you never admit to being wrong even when the proof is shoved down your throat.
How can such a policy be applied to atheists? An atheist doesn't pray, and in fact finds the practice repugnant and offensive.
I don't think this is necessarily true.

I'm an atheist, and I don't find prayer offensive or repugnant. I might find it silly and maybe even sometimes awkward but offensive? Nah, they do what they do and I do what I do, whatever.

I guess that makes you a fake atheist--a fathiest, to coin a term.

Actually, it just makes you wrong.
How can such a policy be applied to atheists? An atheist doesn't pray, and in fact finds the practice repugnant and offensive.
I don't think this is necessarily true.

I'm an atheist, and I don't find prayer offensive or repugnant. I might find it silly and maybe even sometimes awkward but offensive? Nah, they do what they do and I do what I do, whatever.

I guess that makes you a fake atheist--a fathiest, to coin a term.

Huh, whaaa? I didn't realize we all need to share the same brain. I don't give a diddly shit what people do with their free time, as long as they don't hold up traffic. It's none of my business. If praying makes a person feel better, and helps them get through the night, I say have at it.

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