Restaraunt gives discount for praying

He can examine it as long as he likes, doesn't mean he understands how it works for people that actually believe. There is plenty of evidence that religion makes a difference in people's lives. Denying that makes you a person that ignores reality in favor of personal beliefs, AKA a closed mind.

Again, you conflate a personal belief -- what one chooses for one's own use -- with what one may believe others believe. Atheism has nothing to do with what others (outside the atheist) believe, any more than Christianism or Islam or (fill in belief here) have to do with what others believe. What another person believes is that person's business, not anyone else's.

A person who does not belief has no experience with religion, all they have is book knowledge, not experience. I read a lot about sex before I ever had it. Trust me, book knowledge does not cover sex even slightly. The same applies to religion, and nothing you can say will change that.

Nope. You have no basis to decide what somebody else's experience is or isn't. You do however seem to have a control freak issue -- spending in fact more time declaring what other people believe than what yourself does.

You, as usual, are confused because, despite all the evidence to the contrary, you think you are smarter than anyone else..

No one need be "smarter than anyone else" -- or smarter at all -- to understand that mindreading doesnt exist. Person A cannot declare what's in Person B's mind in spite of himself.

What you're trying clumsily to suggest is that "everybody who disagrees with me is by definition wrong. Fact."

By definition the thread hadn't developed at the time you created it. That's one thing "post #1" means.

You're claiming to be prescient now?

I'm not seeing anyone "upset" outside of the usual trolls and one guy obviously confuserated about "satanism".

No, I am claiming that everyone who says that no idiots were offended were wrong, and I can point to this thread as evidence.

Apparently someone's confused about linear time.

Your OP, first line, says "idiots are offended". Since that is post #1, at the time you wrote that there were by definition no other posts. If there were, your post #1 would have to be a negative number. Therefore you can only have been referring to the article quoted, which was the next thing posted. Yet there's nothing in that article, including the link, exhibiting anyone "offended".

Had you said "idiots will be offended", and had there been such idiots offended in the thread, then you'd have something to hang your hat on.

Not rocket surgery dood.

Doesn't change the fact that idiots are offended, does it?

By the way, I based my comment on things that were said outside this board, but thanks for insisting you are right when you aren't. It is always amusing watching you try to make a point.
By definition the thread hadn't developed at the time you created it. That's one thing "post #1" means.

You're claiming to be prescient now?

I'm not seeing anyone "upset" outside of the usual trolls and one guy obviously confuserated about "satanism".

No, I am claiming that everyone who says that no idiots were offended were wrong, and I can point to this thread as evidence.

Apparently someone's confused about linear time.

Your OP, first line, says "idiots are offended". Since that is post #1, at the time you wrote that there were by definition no other posts. If there were, your post #1 would have to be a negative number. Therefore you can only have been referring to the article quoted, which was the next thing posted. Yet there's nothing in that article, including the link, exhibiting anyone "offended".

Had you said "idiots will be offended", and had there been such idiots offended in the thread, then you'd have something to hang your hat on.

Not rocket surgery dood.

Windbag is right there in his/her name. :D
Again, you conflate a personal belief -- what one chooses for one's own use -- with what one may believe others believe. Atheism has nothing to do with what others (outside the atheist) believe, any more than Christianism or Islam or (fill in belief here) have to do with what others believe. What another person believes is that person's business, not anyone else's.

Nope. You have no basis to decide what somebody else's experience is or isn't. You do however seem to have a control freak issue -- spending in fact more time declaring what other people believe than what yourself does.

You, as usual, are confused because, despite all the evidence to the contrary, you think you are smarter than anyone else..

No one need be "smarter than anyone else" -- or smarter at all -- to understand that mindreading doesnt exist. Person A cannot declare what's in Person B's mind in spite of himself.

What you're trying clumsily to suggest is that "everybody who disagrees with me is by definition wrong. Fact."


Which probably explains why I never claimed I could read anyone's mind.

But feel free to keep trying to prove you are smarter than anyone else by destroying straw men.
No, I am claiming that everyone who says that no idiots were offended were wrong, and I can point to this thread as evidence.

Apparently someone's confused about linear time.

Your OP, first line, says "idiots are offended". Since that is post #1, at the time you wrote that there were by definition no other posts. If there were, your post #1 would have to be a negative number. Therefore you can only have been referring to the article quoted, which was the next thing posted. Yet there's nothing in that article, including the link, exhibiting anyone "offended".

Had you said "idiots will be offended", and had there been such idiots offended in the thread, then you'd have something to hang your hat on.

Not rocket surgery dood.

Windbag is right there in his/her name. :D

So is quantum, which is why you don't get the joke.
You cannot treat people who pray differently to those who don't.

Sure you can.

Perhaps I can offer a translation from human to gadflyese here...

When Noomi says "cannot" she means in the sense of "may not".

Suppose another restaurant did the opposite and charged 15% extra if they saw you praying. What then?

It would likely be in violation of Federal public accommodations law:

All persons shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, as defined in this section, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin.

42 U.S. Code § 2000a - Prohibition against discrimination or segregation in places of public accommodation | LII / Legal Information Institute

If one is charged more for the same menu item solely as a consequence of his religion, then that is not providing access to full and equal enjoyment of the goods and services offered.

And it could be in violation of state and local laws as well.
No, I am claiming that everyone who says that no idiots were offended were wrong, and I can point to this thread as evidence.

Apparently someone's confused about linear time.

Your OP, first line, says "idiots are offended". Since that is post #1, at the time you wrote that there were by definition no other posts. If there were, your post #1 would have to be a negative number. Therefore you can only have been referring to the article quoted, which was the next thing posted. Yet there's nothing in that article, including the link, exhibiting anyone "offended".

Had you said "idiots will be offended", and had there been such idiots offended in the thread, then you'd have something to hang your hat on.

Not rocket surgery dood.

Doesn't change the fact that idiots are offended, does it?

By the way, I based my comment on things that were said outside this board, but thanks for insisting you are right when you aren't. It is always amusing watching you try to make a point.

Offended about what? Is the company discriminating?

I personally wouldn't have ever let it out that I was giving discounts for prayer. I wouldn't want to open that can worms for my business. I don't talk politics at work either. It's not professional.
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Leave it to none other than Quantum Windbag to misspell praying as "paying" in a thread's title. :lol:

Hey, that's why I clicked in here in the first place. I go around paying for things all the time, nobody ever says "well, since you paid here's two bucks back".

I give a 2% discount to anyone who pays me in full within 10 days. Some take advantage....others don't.

I'd have fun in that restaurant. I don't believe in any god....but I can imagine praying for crispy bacon and eggs done juuuuuust right.

Hey OP.....why you so divisive?
Apparently someone's confused about linear time.

Your OP, first line, says "idiots are offended". Since that is post #1, at the time you wrote that there were by definition no other posts. If there were, your post #1 would have to be a negative number. Therefore you can only have been referring to the article quoted, which was the next thing posted. Yet there's nothing in that article, including the link, exhibiting anyone "offended".

Had you said "idiots will be offended", and had there been such idiots offended in the thread, then you'd have something to hang your hat on.

Not rocket surgery dood.

Windbag is right there in his/her name. :D

So is quantum, which is why you don't get the joke.

Simply Windbag would be more appropriate.
Leave it to none other than Quantum Windbag to misspell praying as "paying" in a thread's title. :lol:

Hey, that's why I clicked in here in the first place. I go around paying for things all the time, nobody ever says "well, since you paid here's two bucks back".

I give a 2% discount to anyone who pays me in full within 10 days. Some take advantage....others don't.

I'd have fun in that restaurant. I don't believe in any god....but I can imagine praying for crispy bacon and eggs done juuuuuust right.

Hey OP.....why you so divisive?

As always --- consider the source.

Something tells me this thread isn't working out quite the way its conjurer intended. :lol:

Who's callin' all the posters idiots ♫
Snarlin' at ev-ry body he sees?
Whos trippin' out on contrarianism? ♬
Ev-ryone knows it's Win-dy!

(dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb...)
This post is just ... bizarre. ...

Oh, I agree wholeheartedly! That post (#124) IS bizarre. I'll go ahead and give you credit for admitting it upfront, though. :thup:

First, the restaurant is in Winston Salem, not Asheville (>100 miles away); ...

What, you've never stopped for a meal while passing through or visiting another major metropolitan area in your own home state?

More to the point, regardless of your personal travel habits, I think that little diner in North Carolina might more likely be visited by native Satanists than by out-of-staters, so my goal was to point out that there are, in fact, a number of home-grown Satanists within a reasonable traveling distance from the restaurant.

...second, while Asheville may indeed have a high concentration of pagans, that has nothing to do with "satanism" anyway;...

In reality, although relatively few in number, there are forms of Satanism that fulfill both the lower-case 'p' and upper-case 'P' definitions of the terms "pagan/Pagan" (see Diane Vera's essay, Is Satanism "Pagan"?, here).

Besides, tell it to the fundies in that area and really all across the country, who've collectively lumped Wiccan, Pagan, and Satanist beliefs together as being "of the devil" for longer than you or I have been alive to watch them do it.

More importantly, whether or not you believe there are any actual "satanists" among the thriving "Pagan" population of Asheville (and believe me, there are), there are certainly other pagan and Wiccan factions in the area that pray to a slew of 'earth-based deities'. While I didn't explicitly mention them in my previous posts, I think they're implicitly included under the umbrella of "alternative religions" that are close enough to run and grab a bite to eat at the now famous diner.

...third, neither paganism nor "satanism", if the latter even existed, have anything to do with Islam. ...

No, but the phrase "Pagan Mecca of the Southeast" does, as some of the more discerning readers may have concluded from my highlighting of the word "Mecca. -- Duh.

And fourth, the restaurant and its staff are more pagan than anything else, which means they would welcome anything. They're certainly not conventional types. ...

Hey, if the practice has been done equitably all along, I have no problem with it. Of course, the fact that Mary's waitstaff aren't obliged to honor the policy suggests that it hasn't been done that way to date. Not to make any assumption regarding the unhappiness of some of the workers, but an airing of all of the reasons (monetary and otherwise) they're not required to honor the policy ...could make for some interesting discussion. ;)
Someone prolly mentioned this, but opposition can claim there's a 15% TAX on those that don't pray. :)

Yeah, I did. And that point was never answered.

Again I think Mary's in a legal grey area here. I know her heart's in the right place and what she really means, but she might be getting advice by now to modify the policy. Possibly as simple as changing the word 'praying' that shows up on the receipt.

When I was a teenager in the days of whitewall tires I worked in a tire shop that charged three bucks extra for a whitewall version of their selected tire. What management didn't tell the people was that ALL the tires in the warehouse were whitewalls, and if they didn't pay the ransom we were instructed to mount them inside out so the whitewall didn't show.

Of course, if the customer noticed that (or if we told them about it in advance) they'd insist since they already paid for the tire they wanted the whitewalls out. If the tires were already on the car we'd have to re-mount them.

Did that amount to a tax on those who opted for the whitewalls? I'd say it did.
Idiots get offended.

The debate over officials praying in government meetings has raged in the past few years, but one restaurant claims to be supporting the religious rights of individuals, by offering a discount for praying in public. While many find the move a positive thing, others say it’s religious discrimination, and that the practice should be stopped.
An image that shows a receipt including a 15% discount for praying in public has been going viral since an Orland, Florida radio station posted it yesterday. Z88.3 shared the image on its Facebook page, saying,
A friend of ours just shared her receipt from lunch where she got a discount for praying in public!!! How cool is that?
When some people expressed doubt that anyone anywhere was getting a discount for praying in public, even calling the image photoshopped, they were directed to a North Carolina restaurant, Mary’s Gourmet Diner. On that restaurant’s Facebook page, the rumor was confirmed:
Yes, if we see you praying, you get 15% off your bill.
While this produced a spate of support, it also returned some anger, and accusations of discrimination. One poster asked,
Just a question, because it has come up in some comments sections. Would a Muslim still enjoy a discount for praying at your restaurant? As a Christian. I would hope you are respectful of all religions that worship.

Restaurant's 'Praying In Public' Discount Returns Praise, Ire; Religious Freedom Or Discrimination?

My reaction would be....

"Father bless this food for which we are about to receive a 15% discount..."
Someone prolly mentioned this, but opposition can claim there's a 15% TAX on those that don't pray. :)

I guess discounts for active duty military are taxes on civilians.....................of course non prayers can GO TO ANOTHER RESTAURANT, can't they?
This post is just ... bizarre. ...

Oh, I agree wholeheartedly! That post (#124) IS bizarre. I'll go ahead and give you credit for admitting it upfront, though. :thup:

First, the restaurant is in Winston Salem, not Asheville (>100 miles away); ...

What, you've never stopped for a meal while passing through or visiting another major metropolitan area in your own home state?

First, had you bothered to break down and read the first fucking post I made in this thread (post 3 here), you would have seen where I said I do exactly that, which is how I know Mary and her restaurant. :banghead:

It was literally the second sentence I posted in this thread, dude. Read much?

More to the point, regardless of your personal travel habits, I think that little diner in North Carolina might more likely be visited by native Satanists than by out-of-staters, so my goal was to point out that there are, in fact, a number of home-grown Satanists within a reasonable traveling distance from the restaurant.

And second, Asheville and Winston Salem are 145 miles apart, not a "reasonable driving distance". Much as I love Mary's, I don't jump in the car and drive two hours for breakfast. If I lived in Asheville (which I once did) it would be even further. As for "out-of-staters", Virginia is closer than Asheville. So is South Carolina. And third, there is no "satanist religion". That's a joke, and you're the butt.

Of course, feel free to rebut that with links to these "home grown satanists"...

In reality, although relatively few in number, there are forms of Satanism that fulfill both the lower-case 'p' and upper-case 'P' definitions of the terms "pagan/Pagan" (see Diane Vera's essay, Is Satanism "Pagan"?, here).

Oh. I see, you read it on the internets therefore it's real.
Did Windy send you in here to make him look less idiotic?

Paganism has nothing to do with "Satan". Satan is a Christian invention.

Besides, tell it to the fundies in that area and really all across the country, who've collectively lumped Wiccan, Pagan, and Satanist beliefs together as being "of the devil" for longer than you or I have been alive to watch them do it.

Blind squirrel hits nut. Of course they have; it's the height of ignorance to first invent your own devil and then hang it on those competitors who threaten you. Nothing new here; that's what Christianism did by inventing Saul Alinksy in the first place. Uh, I mean Lucifer. Whatever. That's still got absolutely nothing to do with anything here.

More importantly, whether or not you believe there are any actual "satanists" among the thriving "Pagan" population of Asheville (and believe me, there are), there are certainly other pagan and Wiccan factions in the area that pray to a slew of 'earth-based deities'. While I didn't explicitly mention them in my previous posts, I think they're implicitly included under the umbrella of "alternative religions" that are close enough to run and grab a bite to eat at the now famous diner.

Believe me, there are not. Again, "Satan" is a Christianism invention; pagans don't believe in it. "Satanism" is satire based on that silliness, and you're apparently too shallow to process it. Mary (the proprietor here) is herself one of those pagans -- except you're still in the wrong city altogether. WS is further from Asheville that Philadelphia is from Washington DC. How many Philadelphians do you know that traipse down to DC just for breakfast? Do you imagine Asheville has no restaurants?


...third, neither paganism nor "satanism", if the latter even existed, have anything to do with Islam. ...

No, but the phrase "Pagan Mecca of the Southeast" does, as some of the more discerning readers may have concluded from my highlighting of the word "Mecca. -- Duh.

--- a phrase YOU brought in, a metaphorical phrase anyway, in reference to another unrelated city that's nowhere near this restaurant, and now when you've been called on geographical head-up-the-ass ignorance you're spinning like a Maytag on Monday.

I don't think you have a sense of geographic scale; "Oh, you're in North Carolina, you must know ____". It's not Rhode Island. A friend and I once got in a car in western NC and drove to the ocean. It took us literally all day. Even where I live I'm further west than Cleveland. So the fact that two places both exist in North Cackalackee doesn't in any way mean they're in "reasonable traveling distance" of each other. Dumbass.

And fourth, the restaurant and its staff are more pagan than anything else, which means they would welcome anything. They're certainly not conventional types. ...

Hey, if the practice has been done equitably all along, I have no problem with it. Of course, the fact that Mary's waitstaff aren't obliged to honor the policy suggests that it hasn't been done that way to date. Not to make any assumption regarding the unhappiness of some of the workers, but an airing of all of the reasons (monetary and otherwise) they're not required to honor the policy ...could make for some interesting discussion. ;)

What? Now you want to discuss the topic? I can't keep up...

My guess would be requiring the waitstaff universally to apply it would make it definable as company policy, and that might get her in legal trouble. As noted I'm of the opinion that she's already in a grey area by designating a discount for only certain diners and stating the basis. I've always praised them directly for their fare; I never noticed a discount. So I agree.

I understand what she's trying to do; Mary used to live in the Philippines and takes blessings very seriously as a result. I'd advise her to call it something other than "praying", something more inclusive.
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That would not be the same circumstance at all, but I suppose I would simply not take my business to that restaurant.

How would it be significantly different?

You don't know the difference between a discount and a surcharge? Really?
Yeah, I get it. The difference is purely formal. Functionally, a discount for some, is no different than a surcharge for others. The atheist restaurant could, for example, call their policy a "discount" for those who refrained from payer. Either way, people are charged different amounts based on whether out not they pray.

But then, if I recall correctly you didn't get a similar point regarding the equivalence of tax incentives and mandate penalties, so perhaps you'll disagree.
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