Restaraunt gives discount for praying

I asked you first.
Asked me what? ...

From my very first post in this thread:

I know how you feel about that now, but it's still unclear as to how the restaurant owner and many patrons would feel about it.

...Are you desperately hoping for some shocked "oh no, not them!" response? Sorry champ, no sale. Christians pray, Muslims pray, Buddhists pray, etc. Did you really think you were on to some 'clever' notion here, brainless?

I take it that Satanists would be covered by the "etc.", then?

If so, I'll simply draw your attention back to this question:

...Which gives rise to the question as to how the restaurant staff could differentiate between a sincere believer of an alternative religion ...and a "smirking little douchebag" like me. :D

Just a news flash, if you followed the link in the OP you would know that the restaurant was asked that question, and that they had no problem with giving the discount to Muslims, or any other religion, because the idea is to foster gratitude, not religion.

But feel free to pretend you are being original and clever when all you are actually doing is making an ass of yourself.
Idiots get offended.

The debate over officials praying in government meetings has raged in the past few years, but one restaurant claims to be supporting the religious rights of individuals, by offering a discount for praying in public. While many find the move a positive thing, others say it’s religious discrimination, and that the practice should be stopped.
An image that shows a receipt including a 15% discount for praying in public has been going viral since an Orland, Florida radio station posted it yesterday. Z88.3 shared the image on its Facebook page, saying,
A friend of ours just shared her receipt from lunch where she got a discount for praying in public!!! How cool is that?
When some people expressed doubt that anyone anywhere was getting a discount for praying in public, even calling the image photoshopped, they were directed to a North Carolina restaurant, Mary’s Gourmet Diner. On that restaurant’s Facebook page, the rumor was confirmed:
Yes, if we see you praying, you get 15% off your bill.
While this produced a spate of support, it also returned some anger, and accusations of discrimination. One poster asked,
Just a question, because it has come up in some comments sections. Would a Muslim still enjoy a discount for praying at your restaurant? As a Christian. I would hope you are respectful of all religions that worship.
Restaurant's 'Praying In Public' Discount Returns Praise, Ire; Religious Freedom Or Discrimination?

Matthew 6:5-6New International Version (NIV)

5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

I love telling Christian's what's in their Bible. :D

Newsflash: There is a difference between saying grace over food and what that verse is talking about. I would explain it to you, but you already have all the answers because you are a close minded bigot who never listens to anyone but people that reinforce your own bigotry. I feel pity for idiots like you.
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Asked me what? ...

From my very first post in this thread:

I know how you feel about that now, but it's still unclear as to how the restaurant owner and many patrons would feel about it.

I take it that Satanists would be covered by the "etc.", then?

If so, I'll simply draw your attention back to this question:

...Which gives rise to the question as to how the restaurant staff could differentiate between a sincere believer of an alternative religion ...and a "smirking little douchebag" like me. :D

Just a news flash, if you followed the link in the OP you would know that the restaurant was asked that question, and that they had no problem with giving the discount to Muslims, or any other religion, because the idea is to foster gratitude, not religion.

But feel free to pretend you are being original and clever when all you are actually doing is making an ass of yourself.

As noted earlier, it's a spiritual thing, not a religion thing. There are those who walk among us who still don't get the difference.

Matthew 6:5-6New International Version (NIV)

5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

I love telling Christian's what's in their Bible. :D

Newsflash: There is a difference between saying race over food and what that verse is talking about. I would explain it to you, but you already have all the answers because you are a close minded bigot who never listens to anyone but people that reinforce your own bigotry. I feel pity for idiots like you.

You get these "flashes" often then? Are they hot?

Why do I get the feeling that Windy would never be offered this discount.... :rolleyes:

I've never said "race" over food, but next time I'm in Mary's I'll sit over my grits and go "vrroooom vrooooom". Might get me a bigger discount.
Maybe I should bring my toy Mini Coopers for effect.

Thanks, this is giving me a great idea...
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Great idea. And I'm pretty much atheist. Be interesting to see who's actually read the Bible where saying grace is mentioned. ;) You're supposed to say it AFTER, not before :)

10 When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God for the good land he has given you. 11 Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving you this day. 12 Otherwise, when you eat and are satisfied, when you build fine houses and settle down, 13 and when your herds and flocks grow large and your silver and gold increase and all you have is multiplied, 14 then your heart will become proud and you will forget the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
- Deuteronomy 8

Can you also provide us the quote for, "And thou shalt then receive thy religious instruction from people who loudly proclaim their lack of faith"?

Or, to dumb it down for you so you'll understand:

Your first sentence told us you were "pretty much an atheist". You then proceeded to lecture people on the correct way to be Christians. The irony is so staggering that I don't even have words to adequately express it. Basically, this means you're too droolingly stupid to realize how droolingly stupid you are.


How would being an atheist (or even more, "pretty much" an atheist) preclude knowing how some religion works? If anything a knowledge of what religions are about would be required to be able to arrive at a rejection of them.

You don't know the difference between understanding something and therefore rejecting its pretexts? What basis then do you have to reject any political idea you find incompatible? Or for that matter any choice at all?

Didn't think this through, didja?

Because religion, at its heart, is about belief. As a former non believer I can tell you categorically that non believers do not understand religion on a level that is necessary to discuss it knowledgeably.

It is a bit like getting advice on sex from a virgin.
Can you also provide us the quote for, "And thou shalt then receive thy religious instruction from people who loudly proclaim their lack of faith"?

Or, to dumb it down for you so you'll understand:

Your first sentence told us you were "pretty much an atheist". You then proceeded to lecture people on the correct way to be Christians. The irony is so staggering that I don't even have words to adequately express it. Basically, this means you're too droolingly stupid to realize how droolingly stupid you are.


How would being an atheist (or even more, "pretty much" an atheist) preclude knowing how some religion works? If anything a knowledge of what religions are about would be required to be able to arrive at a rejection of them.

You don't know the difference between understanding something and therefore rejecting its pretexts? What basis then do you have to reject any political idea you find incompatible? Or for that matter any choice at all?

Didn't think this through, didja?

Because religion, at its heart, is about belief. As a former non believer I can tell you categorically that non believers do not understand religion on a level that is necessary to discuss it knowledgeably.

It is a bit like getting advice on sex from a virgin.

Point not proven, at all. You have no basis beyond ipse dixit to declare the atheist who examined a religion and rejected it, did not do so because he examined it more thoroughly than you did.

Moreover, if you were a "nonbeliever" (a hopelessly unworkable term but we'll mirror it for now) and then progressed to "believer" --- how do you know you won't further progress back to "nonbeliever" given further wisdom?

A virgin by definition has no sex experience. That analogy fails.
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@Katzndogz being her usual rw hack self along w/ OP. Funny how OP knew nothing about the staff (Artsy Left-wing, types) :lol:

Why would the nature of the staff make a difference to the policy? Would you feel better if they were hard core communists and still had the same policy?

Looks to me like Katz made an asssssssumption about who the "left" is in all this.

Yet Dot Com threw in a comment about my OP.
From my very first post in this thread:

I know how you feel about that now, but it's still unclear as to how the restaurant owner and many patrons would feel about it.

I take it that Satanists would be covered by the "etc.", then?

If so, I'll simply draw your attention back to this question:

Just a news flash, if you followed the link in the OP you would know that the restaurant was asked that question, and that they had no problem with giving the discount to Muslims, or any other religion, because the idea is to foster gratitude, not religion.

But feel free to pretend you are being original and clever when all you are actually doing is making an ass of yourself.

As noted earlier, it's a spiritual thing, not a religion thing. There are those who walk among us who still don't get the difference.

Exactly. The thread has nothing to do with Christians, yet idiots get offended by the entire concept and attack Christians over it. And then other idiots step in and claim there is no evidence anyone is offended, despite all the offense expressed in this thread.

By the way, thanks for stepping up and talking about your personal experience in this restaurant, and pointing out that the policy isn't about religion as much as it is about gratitude.
Just a news flash, if you followed the link in the OP you would know that the restaurant was asked that question, and that they had no problem with giving the discount to Muslims, or any other religion, because the idea is to foster gratitude, not religion.

But feel free to pretend you are being original and clever when all you are actually doing is making an ass of yourself.

As noted earlier, it's a spiritual thing, not a religion thing. There are those who walk among us who still don't get the difference.

Exactly. The thread has nothing to do with Christians, yet idiots get offended by the entire concept and attack Christians over it. And then other idiots step in and claim there is no evidence anyone is offended, despite all the offense expressed in this thread.

By the way, thanks for stepping up and talking about your personal experience in this restaurant, and pointing out that the policy isn't about religion as much as it is about gratitude.

You're welcome. Thanks for posting a story on my favorite restaurant. I suspect you didn't see that coming. :cool:

There wasn't any protest documented in your OP article. There was one alleged comment that they offered a link to, which actually goes to --- nothing. Not a whole lot to build a strawman house on, nomsayin'?
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How would being an atheist (or even more, "pretty much" an atheist) preclude knowing how some religion works? If anything a knowledge of what religions are about would be required to be able to arrive at a rejection of them.

You don't know the difference between understanding something and therefore rejecting its pretexts? What basis then do you have to reject any political idea you find incompatible? Or for that matter any choice at all?

Didn't think this through, didja?

Because religion, at its heart, is about belief. As a former non believer I can tell you categorically that non believers do not understand religion on a level that is necessary to discuss it knowledgeably.

It is a bit like getting advice on sex from a virgin.

Point not proven, at all. You have no basis beyond ipse dixit to declare the atheist who examined a religion and rejected it, did not do so because he examined it more thoroughly than you did.

Moreover, if you were a "nonbeliever" (a hopelessly unworkable term but we'll mirror it for now) and then progressed to "believer" --- how do you know you won't further progress back to "nonbeliever" given further wisdom?

A virgin by definition has no sex experience. That analogy fails.

He can examine it as long as he likes, doesn't mean he understands how it works for people that actually believe. There is plenty of evidence that religion makes a difference in people's lives. Denying that makes you a person that ignores reality in favor of personal beliefs, AKA a closed mind.

A person who does not belief has no experience with religion, all they have is book knowledge, not experience. I read a lot about sex before I ever had it. Trust me, book knowledge does not cover sex even slightly. The same applies to religion, and nothing you can say will change that.
As noted earlier, it's a spiritual thing, not a religion thing. There are those who walk among us who still don't get the difference.

Exactly. The thread has nothing to do with Christians, yet idiots get offended by the entire concept and attack Christians over it. And then other idiots step in and claim there is no evidence anyone is offended, despite all the offense expressed in this thread.

By the way, thanks for stepping up and talking about your personal experience in this restaurant, and pointing out that the policy isn't about religion as much as it is about gratitude.

You're welcome. Thanks for posting a story on my favorite restaurant. I suspect you didn't see that coming. :cool:

There wasn't any protest documented in your OP article. There was one alleged comment that they offered a link to, which actually goes to --- nothing. Not a whole lot to build a strawman house on, nomsayin'?

Yet the idiots on this board got upset, which sufficed to prove my point.

Matthew 6:5-6New International Version (NIV)

5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

I love telling Christian's what's in their Bible. :D

Newsflash: There is a difference between saying grace over food and what that verse is talking about. I would explain it to you, but you already have all the answers because you are a close minded bigot who never listens to anyone but people that reinforce your own bigotry. I feel pity for idiots like you.

Spoken like a true Christian! ROFL!
Exactly. The thread has nothing to do with Christians, yet idiots get offended by the entire concept and attack Christians over it. And then other idiots step in and claim there is no evidence anyone is offended, despite all the offense expressed in this thread.

By the way, thanks for stepping up and talking about your personal experience in this restaurant, and pointing out that the policy isn't about religion as much as it is about gratitude.

You're welcome. Thanks for posting a story on my favorite restaurant. I suspect you didn't see that coming. :cool:

There wasn't any protest documented in your OP article. There was one alleged comment that they offered a link to, which actually goes to --- nothing. Not a whole lot to build a strawman house on, nomsayin'?

Yet the idiots on this board got upset, which sufficed to prove my point.

By definition the thread hadn't developed at the time you created it. That's one thing "post #1" means.

You're claiming to be prescient now?

I'm not seeing anyone "upset" outside of the usual trolls and one guy obviously confuserated about "satanism".
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From a local TV station:

>> Owner Mary Haglund says she enjoys watching the moment of quietness some customers show before eating. “It’s a gift to us to watch them appreciate our food,” Haglund said who co-owns the restaurant with her daughter.

Whether a bowed head or a few seconds of stillness, Haglund tries to notice all displays of gratitude.

“We don’t tell the people they’re getting a discount,” Haglund said. “We’ve never promoted it. We just present the ticket.”

It’s a ticket presented to all customers no matter who or what they believe in.

“This is not a religious thing,” she said. “This is a thankful thing.”

“My wait staff is under no obligation,” Haglund said. “Some people I have that work here are kind of opposed to it and that’s fine.”

“A lot of people on the Internet right now have a lot of negative things to say about it,” Haglund said. “It’s Christian, or it’s this, or it’s that,” she said. “It’s not. It’s just an attitude of gratitude.”

It’s an attitude some customers say brings a different energy to the restaurant. “There’s just an atmosphere here of an open-heartedness,” said one customer.
Video here

There sure is. That's always impressed me about the place.

I don't usually look over my receipts in that much detail. Guess I should.

I guess I'm gonna have to try me a grit. :D
Idiots get offended.

The debate over officials praying in government meetings has raged in the past few years, but one restaurant claims to be supporting the religious rights of individuals, by offering a discount for praying in public. While many find the move a positive thing, others say it’s religious discrimination, and that the practice should be stopped.
An image that shows a receipt including a 15% discount for praying in public has been going viral since an Orland, Florida radio station posted it yesterday. Z88.3 shared the image on its Facebook page, saying,
A friend of ours just shared her receipt from lunch where she got a discount for praying in public!!! How cool is that?
When some people expressed doubt that anyone anywhere was getting a discount for praying in public, even calling the image photoshopped, they were directed to a North Carolina restaurant, Mary’s Gourmet Diner. On that restaurant’s Facebook page, the rumor was confirmed:
Yes, if we see you praying, you get 15% off your bill.
While this produced a spate of support, it also returned some anger, and accusations of discrimination. One poster asked,
Just a question, because it has come up in some comments sections. Would a Muslim still enjoy a discount for praying at your restaurant? As a Christian. I would hope you are respectful of all religions that worship.

Restaurant's 'Praying In Public' Discount Returns Praise, Ire; Religious Freedom Or Discrimination?

So if I went in there and nodded my head, closed my eyes and had dirty thoughts of Brad Pitt butt raping me I'd be able to get off and get a discount on my meal?

Because religion, at its heart, is about belief. As a former non believer I can tell you categorically that non believers do not understand religion on a level that is necessary to discuss it knowledgeably.

It is a bit like getting advice on sex from a virgin.

Point not proven, at all. You have no basis beyond ipse dixit to declare the atheist who examined a religion and rejected it, did not do so because he examined it more thoroughly than you did.

Moreover, if you were a "nonbeliever" (a hopelessly unworkable term but we'll mirror it for now) and then progressed to "believer" --- how do you know you won't further progress back to "nonbeliever" given further wisdom?

A virgin by definition has no sex experience. That analogy fails.

He can examine it as long as he likes, doesn't mean he understands how it works for people that actually believe. There is plenty of evidence that religion makes a difference in people's lives. Denying that makes you a person that ignores reality in favor of personal beliefs, AKA a closed mind.

Again, you conflate a personal belief -- what one chooses for one's own use -- with what one may believe others believe. Atheism has nothing to do with what others (outside the atheist) believe, any more than Christianism or Islam or (fill in belief here) have to do with what others believe. What another person believes is that person's business, not anyone else's.

A person who does not belief has no experience with religion, all they have is book knowledge, not experience. I read a lot about sex before I ever had it. Trust me, book knowledge does not cover sex even slightly. The same applies to religion, and nothing you can say will change that.

Nope. You have no basis to decide what somebody else's experience is or isn't. You do however seem to have a control freak issue -- spending in fact more time declaring what other people believe than what yourself does.
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Idiots get offended.

The debate over officials praying in government meetings has raged in the past few years, but one restaurant claims to be supporting the religious rights of individuals, by offering a discount for praying in public. While many find the move a positive thing, others say it’s religious discrimination, and that the practice should be stopped.
An image that shows a receipt including a 15% discount for praying in public has been going viral since an Orland, Florida radio station posted it yesterday. Z88.3 shared the image on its Facebook page, saying,
A friend of ours just shared her receipt from lunch where she got a discount for praying in public!!! How cool is that?
When some people expressed doubt that anyone anywhere was getting a discount for praying in public, even calling the image photoshopped, they were directed to a North Carolina restaurant, Mary’s Gourmet Diner. On that restaurant’s Facebook page, the rumor was confirmed:
Yes, if we see you praying, you get 15% off your bill.
While this produced a spate of support, it also returned some anger, and accusations of discrimination. One poster asked,
Just a question, because it has come up in some comments sections. Would a Muslim still enjoy a discount for praying at your restaurant? As a Christian. I would hope you are respectful of all religions that worship.

Restaurant's 'Praying In Public' Discount Returns Praise, Ire; Religious Freedom Or Discrimination?

So if I went in there and nodded my head, closed my eyes and had dirty thoughts of Brad Pitt butt raping me I'd be able to get off and get a discount on my meal?


Not if someone noticed your hard on.
You're welcome. Thanks for posting a story on my favorite restaurant. I suspect you didn't see that coming. :cool:

There wasn't any protest documented in your OP article. There was one alleged comment that they offered a link to, which actually goes to --- nothing. Not a whole lot to build a strawman house on, nomsayin'?

Yet the idiots on this board got upset, which sufficed to prove my point.

By definition the thread hadn't developed at the time you created it. That's one thing "post #1" means.

You're claiming to be prescient now?

I'm not seeing anyone "upset" outside of the usual trolls and one guy obviously confuserated about "satanism".

No, I am claiming that everyone who says that no idiots were offended were wrong, and I can point to this thread as evidence.
Point not proven, at all. You have no basis beyond ipse dixit to declare the atheist who examined a religion and rejected it, did not do so because he examined it more thoroughly than you did.

Moreover, if you were a "nonbeliever" (a hopelessly unworkable term but we'll mirror it for now) and then progressed to "believer" --- how do you know you won't further progress back to "nonbeliever" given further wisdom?

A virgin by definition has no sex experience. That analogy fails.

He can examine it as long as he likes, doesn't mean he understands how it works for people that actually believe. There is plenty of evidence that religion makes a difference in people's lives. Denying that makes you a person that ignores reality in favor of personal beliefs, AKA a closed mind.

Again, you conflate a personal belief -- what one chooses for one's own use -- with what one may believe others believe. Atheism has nothing to do with what others (outside the atheist) believe, any more than Christianism or Islam or (fill in belief here) have to do with what others believe. What another person believes is that person's business, not anyone else's.

A person who does not belief has no experience with religion, all they have is book knowledge, not experience. I read a lot about sex before I ever had it. Trust me, book knowledge does not cover sex even slightly. The same applies to religion, and nothing you can say will change that.

Nope. You have no basis to decide what somebody else's experience is or isn't. You do however seem to have a control freak issue -- spending in fact more time declaring what other people believe than what yourself does.

You, as usual, are confused because, despite all the evidence to the contrary, you think you are smarter than anyone else..
Yet the idiots on this board got upset, which sufficed to prove my point.

By definition the thread hadn't developed at the time you created it. That's one thing "post #1" means.

You're claiming to be prescient now?

I'm not seeing anyone "upset" outside of the usual trolls and one guy obviously confuserated about "satanism".

No, I am claiming that everyone who says that no idiots were offended were wrong, and I can point to this thread as evidence.

Apparently someone's confused about linear time.

Your OP, first line, says "idiots are offended". Since that is post #1, at the time you wrote that there were by definition no other posts. If there were, your post #1 would have to be a negative number. Therefore you can only have been referring to the article quoted, which was the next thing posted. Yet there's nothing in that article, including the link, exhibiting anyone "offended".

Had you said "idiots will be offended", and had there been such idiots offended in the thread, then you'd have something to hang your hat on.

Not rocket surgery dood.

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