Restaraunt gives discount for praying

I don't think this is necessarily true.

I'm an atheist, and I don't find prayer offensive or repugnant. I might find it silly and maybe even sometimes awkward but offensive? Nah, they do what they do and I do what I do, whatever.

I guess that makes you a fake atheist--a fathiest, to coin a term.

Huh, whaaa? I didn't realize we all need to share the same brain. I don't give a diddly shit what people do with their free time, as long as they don't hold up traffic. It's none of my business. If praying makes a person feel better, and helps them get through the night, I say have at it.
No, no, no! The the main thing is conformity. The more we get together, the happier we'll be!
How can such a policy be applied to atheists? An atheist doesn't pray, and in fact finds the practice repugnant and offensive.
I don't think this is necessarily true.

I'm an atheist, and I don't find prayer offensive or repugnant. I might find it silly and maybe even sometimes awkward but offensive? Nah, they do what they do and I do what I do, whatever.

I guess that makes you a fake atheist--a fathiest, to coin a term.

Atheism has dogma? :eusa_shifty:

My lack of god, who knew.
I give a 2% discount to anyone who pays me in full within 10 days. Some take advantage....others don't.

I'd have fun in that restaurant. I don't believe in any god....but I can imagine praying for crispy bacon and eggs done juuuuuust right.

Hey OP.....why you so divisive?

As always --- consider the source.

Something tells me this thread isn't working out quite the way its conjurer intended. :lol:

Who's callin' all the posters idiots ♫
Snarlin' at ev-ry body he sees?
Whos trippin' out on contrarianism? ♬
Ev-ryone knows it's Win-dy!

(dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb...)

I thought you said that people can't read minds, yet you just proclaimed the ability to read mine.

As always, you are wrong.

No, I crafted a song parody. Want another verse?
How can such a policy be applied to atheists? An atheist doesn't pray, and in fact finds the practice repugnant and offensive.

By applying this practice to all religions, the owners of this discriminatory diner have announced to the wyrld that they hate enlightened atheists, such as mysylf, and the substantially less-enlightened agnostics who still cling to the irrational belief that there might be some all-knowing, omniscient being out there. They deserve to be shut down, in place of the bigoted bakery that hates Homosexual-Americans.

This is why it's always essential to look further in than the OP, especially when it's done by a partisan hack trying to start shit. There isn't any religion involved in what they're doing; it's a gesture of gratitude for gratitude. As noted, the proprietor who came up with this idea is one of those agnostics. See also this post. This is why I stepped in here; I knew the OP article and its rabblerouser ilk would try to warp this into something completely different from what it is. I know too much about it to let that happen.

I tell you what, you're in Carolina, why not stop in and tell Mary yourself. After all, according to that Capstone wacko everything in Carolina is "within reasonable traveling distance" of each other so it can't be that far. I tell you what else, next time I go through there, meet me at that restaurant and I'll introduce you and buy you breakfast for your trouble and we'll get it resolved in the real world. Deal or no deal?

A point I have made more than once, but feel free to continue posturing and calling me a hack because you like to think you are smarter than anyone else, despite the fact that I have argued circles around you more than once. Funny how you never admit to being wrong even when the proof is shoved down your throat.

Believe it or not, not everything is about you.

That post for example.

Anyway, you ARE a hack, as everybody knows. It was already pointed out a hundred posts ago that the "idiots are offended" you claimed in your OP simply did not exist. Yet you insisted on propping up a stawman, even trying to spin it into "humma humma, well I meant outside this board". That was before you claimed to know what some atheist was thinking. :rolleyes:

High Hypocritical Hackitude.
Hey, that's why I clicked in here in the first place. I go around paying for things all the time, nobody ever says "well, since you paid here's two bucks back".

I give a 2% discount to anyone who pays me in full within 10 days. Some take advantage....others don't.

I'd have fun in that restaurant. I don't believe in any god....but I can imagine praying for crispy bacon and eggs done juuuuuust right.

Hey OP.....why you so divisive?

Because I hate idiots.

Don't be so hard on yourself.
Here's a news flash backatcha: I read the linked story in the OP of Unkotare's thread -- you know, the one that was merged with your thread. It said nothing about Mary's response to the flack that arose from the story going viral. The reply you quoted was posted prior to the merger.

As I've now stated in this thread, I have no problem with the practice, as long as it's applied equitably.

How can such a policy be applied to atheists? An atheist doesn't pray, and in fact finds the practice repugnant and offensive.

By applying this practice to all religions, the owners of this discriminatory diner have announced to the wyrld that they hate enlightened atheists, such as mysylf, and the substantially less-enlightened agnostics who still cling to the irrational belief that there might be some all-knowing, omniscient being out there. They deserve to be shut down, in place of the bigoted bakery that hates Homosexual-Americans.

This is why it's always essential to look further in than the OP, especially when it's done by a partisan hack trying to start shit. There isn't any religion involved in what they're doing; it's a gesture of gratitude for gratitude. As noted, the proprietor who came up with this idea is one of those agnostics. See also this post. This is why I stepped in here; I knew the OP article and its rabblerouser ilk would try to warp this into something completely different from what it is. I know too much about it to let that happen.

I tell you what, you're in Carolina, why not stop in and tell Mary yourself. After all, according to that Capstone wacko everything in Carolina is "within reasonable traveling distance" of each other so it can't be that far. I tell you what else, next time I go through there, meet me at that restaurant and I'll introduce you and buy you breakfast for your trouble and we'll get it resolved in the real world. Deal or no deal?

I am going up there next weekend its about an hour away, great place and food
I know this was a merger of two threads -- which self-styled linguistic maven spelled the word Restaraunt [sic]?
This is why it's always essential to look further in than the OP, especially when it's done by a partisan hack trying to start shit. There isn't any religion involved in what they're doing; it's a gesture of gratitude for gratitude. As noted, the proprietor who came up with this idea is one of those agnostics. See also this post. This is why I stepped in here; I knew the OP article and its rabblerouser ilk would try to warp this into something completely different from what it is. I know too much about it to let that happen.

I tell you what, you're in Carolina, why not stop in and tell Mary yourself. After all, according to that Capstone wacko everything in Carolina is "within reasonable traveling distance" of each other so it can't be that far. I tell you what else, next time I go through there, meet me at that restaurant and I'll introduce you and buy you breakfast for your trouble and we'll get it resolved in the real world. Deal or no deal?

A point I have made more than once, but feel free to continue posturing and calling me a hack because you like to think you are smarter than anyone else, despite the fact that I have argued circles around you more than once. Funny how you never admit to being wrong even when the proof is shoved down your throat.

Believe it or not, not everything is about you.

That post for example.

Anyway, you ARE a hack, as everybody knows. It was already pointed out a hundred posts ago that the "idiots are offended" you claimed in your OP simply did not exist. Yet you insisted on propping up a stawman, even trying to spin it into "humma humma, well I meant outside this board". That was before you claimed to know what some atheist was thinking. :rolleyes:

High Hypocritical Hackitude.

Yet they do, as this thread aptly demonstrates.
I give a 2% discount to anyone who pays me in full within 10 days. Some take advantage....others don't.

I'd have fun in that restaurant. I don't believe in any god....but I can imagine praying for crispy bacon and eggs done juuuuuust right.

Hey OP.....why you so divisive?

Because I hate idiots.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

I am not the one that throws around sexuality as an insult, am I?
What proof does the restaurant need that you were indeed actually praying and not just standing there looking solemn with your head hung down for a few moments?

Or does it need to be audible and official praying to get the discount?

:eusa_pray: ".... in the name of Jesus, amen."

Step one: Name your god.

How would it be significantly different?

There's a difference between taking someone's money, and giving your own money away.

Which is not to say that they can't charge for anything they want, so long as it's posted and people are aware of incurring that charge beforehand. I believe it's actually illegal in every state to charge people for something you didn't tell them you were going to charge for ahead of time.

This restaurant doesn't advertise this discount; are they not therefore charging everybody they don't see praying 15% more than those they do?

It isn't "giving your own money away" anyway. It's on the bill; they haven't been paid yet.

Suppose another restaurant did the opposite and charged 15% extra if they saw you praying. What then?

That would not be the same circumstance at all, but I suppose I would simply not take my business to that restaurant.

On the contrary it's the same thing expressed in reverse. See above.

*sigh* Just how many years did you spend on the short bus, anyway?

There are laws against hidden charges. There are no laws against "hidden discounts". Even you should be able to figure out why that is, and extrapolate the difference from there.

As for "haven't been paid yet", what's that got to do with anything? Confusing money and currency is only one step above choosing a nickel over a dime because it's bigger. Just because they haven't received the currency for the bill doesn't mean they aren't giving their money - expressed in this case as the product they're selling for less than they could have gotten - away.

It must really suck being a leftist. I don't think I could stand being that obtuse.
There's a difference between taking someone's money, and giving your own money away.

Which is not to say that they can't charge for anything they want, so long as it's posted and people are aware of incurring that charge beforehand. I believe it's actually illegal in every state to charge people for something you didn't tell them you were going to charge for ahead of time.

This restaurant doesn't advertise this discount; are they not therefore charging everybody they don't see praying 15% more than those they do?

It isn't "giving your own money away" anyway. It's on the bill; they haven't been paid yet.

That would not be the same circumstance at all, but I suppose I would simply not take my business to that restaurant.

On the contrary it's the same thing expressed in reverse. See above.

*sigh* Just how many years did you spend on the short bus, anyway?

There are laws against hidden charges. There are no laws against "hidden discounts". Even you should be able to figure out why that is, and extrapolate the difference from there.

As for "haven't been paid yet", what's that got to do with anything? Confusing money and currency is only one step above choosing a nickel over a dime because it's bigger. Just because they haven't received the currency for the bill doesn't mean they aren't giving their money - expressed in this case as the product they're selling for less than they could have gotten - away.

It must really suck being a leftist. I don't think I could stand being that obtuse.

None of which addresses my argument, but I accept your concession since I know you need to change that diaper. :itsok:
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Great idea. And I'm pretty much atheist. Be interesting to see who's actually read the Bible where saying grace is mentioned. ;) You're supposed to say it AFTER, not before :)

10 When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God for the good land he has given you. 11 Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving you this day. 12 Otherwise, when you eat and are satisfied, when you build fine houses and settle down, 13 and when your herds and flocks grow large and your silver and gold increase and all you have is multiplied, 14 then your heart will become proud and you will forget the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
- Deuteronomy 8

Can you also provide us the quote for, "And thou shalt then receive thy religious instruction from people who loudly proclaim their lack of faith"?

Or, to dumb it down for you so you'll understand:

Your first sentence told us you were "pretty much an atheist". You then proceeded to lecture people on the correct way to be Christians. The irony is so staggering that I don't even have words to adequately express it. Basically, this means you're too droolingly stupid to realize how droolingly stupid you are.


How would being an atheist (or even more, "pretty much" an atheist) preclude knowing how some religion works? If anything a knowledge of what religions are about would be required to be able to arrive at a rejection of them.

You don't know the difference between understanding something and therefore rejecting its pretexts? What basis then do you have to reject any political idea you find incompatible? Or for that matter any choice at all?

Didn't think this through, didja?

Strangely enough, not coming to the same retarded conclusions you do doesn't mean I haven't thought it through. It actually means I've already bypassed stupid and gone on to brilliant.

Do you understand the difference between "I actually believe this and live my life based on it" and "I took a college course in a religion I don't believe in or practice from a professor who also doesn't believe in it or practice it, and can now cherrypick verses in that religion's sacred texts"? No, you probably don't. You probably also think that reading a book about the aerodynamics of bird flight makes you more qualified to discuss what it feels like to flap your wings and soar than an eagle is.

Which is why I view you with derision, in case you've ever wondered.
Oh and this post is directed to my fellow Christians. Just a gentle reminder

John 17:14 I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

Personally, I like "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you." Which is why I don't stoop to actually trying to explain and argue Scripture with these vermin; instead, I just deny their standing to address the topic at all, and be done with it.
If by "other people" you mean Christian Fundamentalists from the Bible Belt, I stand guilty as charged.

I know some decent, kind, and caring fundamentalists,...

So do I (my own mother comes to mind here), but their decency, kindness, and generally caring attitudes don't negate the irreparable damage that's been done and is still being done to our society by certain aspects of their faith. There have been 'good people' in the ranks of nearly all of the failed ideological groups of the past; that didn't make their flawed ideas and principles any less damaging.

That's a rude thing to say about leftists, even if it IS true. :eusa_whistle:
Can you also provide us the quote for, "And thou shalt then receive thy religious instruction from people who loudly proclaim their lack of faith"?

Or, to dumb it down for you so you'll understand:

Your first sentence told us you were "pretty much an atheist". You then proceeded to lecture people on the correct way to be Christians. The irony is so staggering that I don't even have words to adequately express it. Basically, this means you're too droolingly stupid to realize how droolingly stupid you are.


How would being an atheist (or even more, "pretty much" an atheist) preclude knowing how some religion works? If anything a knowledge of what religions are about would be required to be able to arrive at a rejection of them.

You don't know the difference between understanding something and therefore rejecting its pretexts? What basis then do you have to reject any political idea you find incompatible? Or for that matter any choice at all?

Didn't think this through, didja?

Strangely enough, not coming to the same retarded conclusions you do doesn't mean I haven't thought it through. It actually means I've already bypassed stupid and gone on to brilliant.

Do you understand the difference between "I actually believe this and live my life based on it" and "I took a college course in a religion I don't believe in or practice from a professor who also doesn't believe in it or practice it, and can now cherrypick verses in that religion's sacred texts"? No, you probably don't. You probably also think that reading a book about the aerodynamics of bird flight makes you more qualified to discuss what it feels like to flap your wings and soar than an eagle is.

Which is why I view you with derision, in case you've ever wondered.

I didn't, thanks. Your specious reasoning is entertaining enough on its own.

Once again, you can't answer the actual argument and retort with nothing but the same ad hom poo you flung at the first guy. This is why you're second tier. :eusa_hand:
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Can you also provide us the quote for, "And thou shalt then receive thy religious instruction from people who loudly proclaim their lack of faith"?

Or, to dumb it down for you so you'll understand:

Your first sentence told us you were "pretty much an atheist". You then proceeded to lecture people on the correct way to be Christians. The irony is so staggering that I don't even have words to adequately express it. Basically, this means you're too droolingly stupid to realize how droolingly stupid you are.


How would being an atheist (or even more, "pretty much" an atheist) preclude knowing how some religion works? If anything a knowledge of what religions are about would be required to be able to arrive at a rejection of them.

You don't know the difference between understanding something and therefore rejecting its pretexts? What basis then do you have to reject any political idea you find incompatible? Or for that matter any choice at all?

Didn't think this through, didja?

Because religion, at its heart, is about belief. As a former non believer I can tell you categorically that non believers do not understand religion on a level that is necessary to discuss it knowledgeably.

It is a bit like getting advice on sex from a virgin.

Or asking someone with no children about maternal instinct.

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