Restaurant Adds Mandatory Tip for Non-English Speakers


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
Civil Rights Commission is reviewing the legality

Posted Feb 4, 2011– A restaurant in Hawaii is under review by the state's Civil Right Commission because of its policy of adding a 15% gratuity to the bills of patrons who don't speak English. The Waikiki eatery says the policy isn't xenophobic—it's just that many customers come from abroad where tipping isn't customary and it needs to take care of its staff.
Restaurant Adds Mandatory Tip for Non-English Speakers - Hawaii's Civil Rights Commission is reviewing the legality
i'm sure you'd be just as for this if europeans did it to trash like you.
Kind of surprising that Hawai'i is doing this. From Arizona or New Mexico or Texas, yeah I could see it. But Hawai'i? :confused:

Why not just put something on the receipt, like "Please consider tipping your server. They make less than $3 an hour without your gratuity, and have to put up with a lot of shit throughout the day. Don't be a cheap-ass. Thanks."
Kind of surprising that Hawai'i is doing this. From Arizona or New Mexico or Texas, yeah I could see it. But Hawai'i? :confused:

Why not just put something on the receipt, like "Please consider tipping your server. They make less than $3 an hour without your gratuity, and have to put up with a lot of shit throughout the day. Don't be a cheap-ass. Thanks."

Or, just add the 15% to ALL the bills.............

Places do that if there is a party of 6 or more all the time. If they feel their employees are getting stiffed then they can just add it on for all, and people can choose to eat there or not knowing that.
Kind of surprising that Hawai'i is doing this. From Arizona or New Mexico or Texas, yeah I could see it. But Hawai'i? :confused:

Why not just put something on the receipt, like "Please consider tipping your server. They make less than $3 an hour without your gratuity, and have to put up with a lot of shit throughout the day. Don't be a cheap-ass. Thanks."

Or, just add the 15% to ALL the bills.............

Places do that if there is a party of 6 or more all the time. If they feel their employees are getting stiffed then they can just add it on for all, and people can choose to eat there or not knowing that.


Not to blow my own horn or anything, but if the service was at least decent I tip roughly 20%. I know what the job is like, how it feels when someone leaves just the loose change even if you do good, and there's some days where it's REALLY hard to smile when a customer is being a whiny ass.

Then tack on an extra percent for every drink I have. :lol:
All this talk of Hawaii on this snowy, cold day is making me long for those sandy beaches and shirtless men!

HI has lots of Japanese tourists and such.

Hawaii also has a lot of Hawiians.

Has anyone ever heard a Hawaiian speak English?

It ain't da' kine pretty, bra'!

sure Dano spoke excellent english :)

Actually I used to work with a lot of folks from HI and I understood them perfectly.
Our missionaries took care of that and educated those heathens and made them wear clothes and such. Of course they killed off most of them with disease...
Ohh well colateral damage in the war of americanization.
How much of a tip should a tourist leave the person who serves their food in McDonald's?
How much of a tip should a tourist leave the person who serves their food in McDonald's?

Well, since McDonalds pays their workers more than $2.15 an hour and doesn't require tipping, I would venture to say NOTHING!
This American tradition of tipping people for doing their job is very strange to outsiders
Leave it to Tank to make a thread about a place in Hawaii and it's workers not getting tipped by Non-English Speakers to turn it into a "Black Thing" :cuckoo:
This American tradition of tipping people for doing their job is very strange to outsiders

Yes it is. Imagine if all those places you like to go out to eat and have to tip, paying their employees fair wages instead instead of you not having to tip.

Don't you think the price of your food and drink would go up to make up for it?
How much of a tip should a tourist leave the person who serves their food in McDonald's?

Well, since McDonalds pays their workers more than $2.15 an hour and doesn't require tipping, I would venture to say NOTHING!

We have had this discussion about tips before.

Wait staff get paid minimum wage in SF PLUS all tips they make. Overpaid in my opinion.

Tips are voluntary. A good deal of wait staff SUCK and they still feel they deserve 15%. Thats bullshit.


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