Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

Because Democrats take money from the rich Republicans say they are both for the rich but the why does the rich give 75 cents to the GOP for every 25 they give to dems? It's obvious

Read the links I posted fucking idiot, the rich give more to the Democrats now, not Republican. So you are flat out wrong little hypocrite.
Meanwhile the gop keep giving the rich all the tax breaks. You don't even know what dark money is or how much the rich give to state level Republicans.

You have no clue what you are talking about. None
What tax breaks have the GOP given the rich in the last, oh, 10 years or so?
Paul Ryan and Mitch got tax breaks for the rich. Republican governors have given huge tax breaks to the rich after the crash. Are you kidding?
Are you referring to tax breaks that Obama signed?

I told you long ago shithead, I would have voted for Sanders, but you assholes wanted your rich catering Clinton and it back fired, you stupid, stupid, Democrats.
They were basically the same on the issues, but you went with the bs propaganda/malevolent gossip, dupe.
What kind of idiot was going to vote Bernie but then voted for trump or Gary Johnson or Jill Stein?

I love it how easy it was for Republicans to take back the house and senate. Maybe papa can tell us what Republicans did to gain our trust back after we booted them out of power in 2006. And what was it that Democrats did to hurt him? And what does he think Republicans are gonna do. Seems guys like papa are blind to the Republicans hand in the widening gap between rich and poor. And if papa cries class warfare then he's lying about feeling the burn

Stein and Johnson are a little far out there. You still pro union even though you don't look for the union label? Sounds shady to me.
I warned socialists like you not to be butt hurt that Hillary beat Berny. Better her than trump but you guys wouldn't listen. Now you keep going on about how the dems are the party of the rich. Sounds like you're making excuses why you fucked up.

You fucked up, you nominated the one person who would lose to Trump and why? Dems wanted a Wall St. 1%er as your President, and you got one. Lol!

Funny you say you would have supported Bernie Sanders but Bernie himself told you to vote for Hillary so Trump wouldn't win and you didn't listen to him. Something doesn't add up here.

What you did was fall for the Republicans bullshit. They said the same shit about Obama and you bought that too. But I notice you don't mind at all that the GOP are the party of Wallstreet and the 1%ers. In fact did you see the stock market sore under Trump? They must not hate it that Republicans are in charge and you don't seem to mind it much either.

I don't believe you are a Bernie supporter. Nothing from your politics leads me to believe you ever felt the Bern.
If what you say is true explain why 80% of union members vote for the Dems on the ticket. You're full of shit. I retired after 41 years for the same company and I saw the union, local 9-288 of the OCAW get every benefit for all employees.....not just their members. Everything a Republican does is geared toward lower taxes and that means taking away everything from a child's lunch to new interstate highways.

They don't vote 80% Democrat, you are not following along anymore. You like Sealy are stuck in the 70's.

Donald Trump got Reagan-like support from union households

It Looks Like Donald Trump Did Really Well With Union Households. That's A Bad Sign For Unions. | The Huffington Post

Obama did well and won 58% to 42%, Hillary fared far worse. Your 80% is another made up fact by Democrats who can't be honest or are really really dumb.

Again, the Republicans have nothing to do with the argument. The perception is the Democrats are the party for the rich and paid for by the rich. In that regard, they are no different Republicans but don't let facts get in the way of your little fantasy world.
So ignorant...incredible.

Yes you are, the facts are there and you like a good little puppy believe what you are told not what is really going on.

So you actually believe unions are voting 80% democratic? Lol! What a dupe.
That's why they're losing all their benefits. No one said they were smart people. Yes a lot of union people didn't believe trump would hurt them. They believed him like people who signed up for trump university

The point is, 80% of unions don't vote Democrat. Hell, you don't support unions, neither does Franco and Campbell, you are frauds and phonies. I support unions more than you chumps do.

Campbell ignored my posts exposing him and his silly 80% stat.

You ignored me on exposing you on not supporting unions.

Franco ducked for a few days until I forced him to respond to me being right about the recession.

Point is union members must not be that smart.

The national exit polls gave Clinton an 8-point advantage in union households. She did better in some states: In Michigan, Clinton had a 16-point margin among union households.

But those would still be weak performances compared with other recent candidates. Exit polls from 2012 showed Obama taking union households by 18 points.

Trump did something unheard of for a modern Republican presidential candidate: He made a direct appeal to union workers and claimed to be their champion. When the AFL-CIO announced its endorsement of Clinton ― the federation went on to send millions of dollars to her and other Democrats ― Trump predicted that “their members will be voting for me in much larger numbers than for her.”

That probably wasn’t true, but Trump likely took a much greater bite out of union households than your typical Republican. Otherwise, it would have been tough to win the union-dense states that he did, like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and, as of this writing, likely Michigan. (The AFL-CIO had a press conference on the election slated for Wednesday morning, but canceled it after Trump won.)

That’s some bad news for organized labor, and not just because their chosen candidate lost.

Faced with efforts to roll back collective bargaining rights, unions badly wanted a Democrat in the White House, and ideally a Democratic-controlled Senate, to keep those attacks at bay. And the AFL-CIO now sees itself as part of a broad, progressive coalition that cares not just about workers’ rights, but also the environment and racial and criminal justice.

“The presence of racism, misogyny, and anti-immigrant appeals caused damage in this campaign and we must all try to repair it with inclusion, decency and honesty,” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said in a statement Wednesday.

As unions of all kinds made clear all year, they viewed Trump as anathema to those causes. Union leadership made their case for why rank-and-file members should vote against Trump. But it looks like a lot of those members were on a different page.
If what you say is true explain why 80% of union members vote for the Dems on the ticket. You're full of shit. I retired after 41 years for the same company and I saw the union, local 9-288 of the OCAW get every benefit for all employees.....not just their members. Everything a Republican does is geared toward lower taxes and that means taking away everything from a child's lunch to new interstate highways.

They don't vote 80% Democrat, you are not following along anymore. You like Sealy are stuck in the 70's.

Donald Trump got Reagan-like support from union households

It Looks Like Donald Trump Did Really Well With Union Households. That's A Bad Sign For Unions. | The Huffington Post

Obama did well and won 58% to 42%, Hillary fared far worse. Your 80% is another made up fact by Democrats who can't be honest or are really really dumb.

Again, the Republicans have nothing to do with the argument. The perception is the Democrats are the party for the rich and paid for by the rich. In that regard, they are no different Republicans but don't let facts get in the way of your little fantasy world.
So ignorant...incredible.

Yes you are, the facts are there and you like a good little puppy believe what you are told not what is really going on.

So you actually believe unions are voting 80% democratic? Lol! What a dupe.
That's why they're losing all their benefits. No one said they were smart people. Yes a lot of union people didn't believe trump would hurt them. They believed him like people who signed up for trump university

The point is, 80% of unions don't vote Democrat. Hell, you don't support unions, neither does Franco and Campbell, you are frauds and phonies. I support unions more than you chumps do.

Campbell ignored my posts exposing him and his silly 80% stat.

You ignored me on exposing you on not supporting unions.

Franco ducked for a few days until I forced him to respond to me being right about the recession.

Just because I'm not in a union doesn't mean I don't support them. If it weren't for people like me unions would be gone because for the last 20 years people like you have said they have outlived their usefulness. That means the GOP were successful in slandering unions as they sent their jobs overseas.

I remember they attacked unions in 2007 as their jobs went overseas.

I don't know how to argue with you anymore. Who are you? Are you a trump supporter, Bernie supporter? Are you liberal or conservative?

You know what? I don't support unions. Fuck them. I don't get a pension so why should they? And they raise the cost of things because of their high pay. And they didn't go to college so why should they be paid so handsomely? And I especially don't support them because too many of them vote GOP. They need to be fucked in the ass. If it weren't for unions Rick Snyder wouldn't have won re election in Michigan or even his first term he wouldn't have won. So those unions deserve what's coming to them. In fact you all deserve what's coming to you for being so fucking stupid.

State employee unions accuse Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder of 'flip-flopping' on bargaining strategy

State employee unions accuse Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder of 'flip-flopping' on bargaining strategy

No shit he flip flopped on you ya stupid idiots!

With Democrats and labor leaders vowing retribution at the ballot box and beyond, the Republican-dominated Michigan Legislature on Tuesday approved sweeping, statewide changes to the way unions will be financed, substantially reducing their power in a state that has long been a symbol of union might and an incubator for the American labor movement.

As thousands of incensed union members filled the Capitol rotunda and poured out onto its lawn chanting “shame, shame,” labor leaders and Democrats said they would immediately mount an intense, unceasing campaign to regain control of the Legislature and the governor’s office by 2015.

And yet Snyder and Republicans still rule Michigan. Who do I blame? The citizens of Michigan. I don't blame Republicans or Rick Snyder. The people did this to themselves.
Reagan busting air controllers, right to work laws always, etc etc. Seriously, you have to be kidding...

They broke Federal Law endangering all flights and our economy. They made the choice to be fired. The Union Bosses convinced their followers that President Ronald Reagan did not have the stones to fire them all. OOPS...slight miscalculation.
Blue Collar Turned Yellow

I agree, but how was Reagan's action an attack on private-sector unions? The gutless union members just used it as an excuse not to fight back.

If the Scrooges own a man's work, they own that man. But whoever lets them do it is not much of a man in the first place.
I told you long ago shithead, I would have voted for Sanders, but you assholes wanted your rich catering Clinton and it back fired, you stupid, stupid, Democrats.
They were basically the same on the issues, but you went with the bs propaganda/malevolent gossip, dupe.
What kind of idiot was going to vote Bernie but then voted for trump or Gary Johnson or Jill Stein?

I love it how easy it was for Republicans to take back the house and senate. Maybe papa can tell us what Republicans did to gain our trust back after we booted them out of power in 2006. And what was it that Democrats did to hurt him? And what does he think Republicans are gonna do. Seems guys like papa are blind to the Republicans hand in the widening gap between rich and poor. And if papa cries class warfare then he's lying about feeling the burn

Stein and Johnson are a little far out there. You still pro union even though you don't look for the union label? Sounds shady to me.
I warned socialists like you not to be butt hurt that Hillary beat Berny. Better her than trump but you guys wouldn't listen. Now you keep going on about how the dems are the party of the rich. Sounds like you're making excuses why you fucked up.

You fucked up, you nominated the one person who would lose to Trump and why? Dems wanted a Wall St. 1%er as your President, and you got one. Lol!

You fucked up. They're talking about it today. Democrats are asking Gorsuch why he always sides with corporations and never citizens. That's the same thing we asked about Alito and Roberts. So don't cry that the system is rigged when by your ignorance a guy like Trump got elected and Republicans own both houses so they can nominate whoever they want. And who do they want? They want another pro corporate hack in there. So that's why Hillary was better than Trump because she would have nominated a liberal. As a Bernie supporter you must have realized it at the time when you basically sat out and didn't vote. Because that's what you did by not voting Hillary. You wanted to protest NOW? Now is when you decided to say fuck it and give the ship back over to Republicans? You must be dumber than I thought. No, you are exactly as stupid as I thought. You are the typical American. Dumb as a fucking bag of rocks. So when TRUMP appoints a supreme court justice that is a corporate shill, you keep telling us how both parties are bad and it doesn't matter or pretend you care that Hillary takes money from Walstreet so you might as well vote for Wallstreet. How dumb are you?
People say, "I didn't want Hillary because she would just be the same old same old". Yes, that is true. She would have continued steady growth. She would have continued to protect unions and social security. She would have doubled the debt but so will Trump. She would continue pushing free trade but that's because free trade is inevitable. She would have not won the war on terror but neither will Trump. But she would not have given massive tax breaks to the rich, which Trump will give. She would have insisted on making college affordable and fixing healthcare.
They were basically the same on the issues, but you went with the bs propaganda/malevolent gossip, dupe.
What kind of idiot was going to vote Bernie but then voted for trump or Gary Johnson or Jill Stein?

I love it how easy it was for Republicans to take back the house and senate. Maybe papa can tell us what Republicans did to gain our trust back after we booted them out of power in 2006. And what was it that Democrats did to hurt him? And what does he think Republicans are gonna do. Seems guys like papa are blind to the Republicans hand in the widening gap between rich and poor. And if papa cries class warfare then he's lying about feeling the burn

Stein and Johnson are a little far out there. You still pro union even though you don't look for the union label? Sounds shady to me.
I warned socialists like you not to be butt hurt that Hillary beat Berny. Better her than trump but you guys wouldn't listen. Now you keep going on about how the dems are the party of the rich. Sounds like you're making excuses why you fucked up.

You fucked up, you nominated the one person who would lose to Trump and why? Dems wanted a Wall St. 1%er as your President, and you got one. Lol!

You fucked up. They're talking about it today. Democrats are asking Gorsuch why he always sides with corporations and never citizens. That's the same thing we asked about Alito and Roberts. So don't cry that the system is rigged when by your ignorance a guy like Trump got elected and Republicans own both houses so they can nominate whoever they want. And who do they want? They want another pro corporate hack in there. So that's why Hillary was better than Trump because she would have nominated a liberal. As a Bernie supporter you must have realized it at the time when you basically sat out and didn't vote. Because that's what you did by not voting Hillary. You wanted to protest NOW? Now is when you decided to say fuck it and give the ship back over to Republicans? You must be dumber than I thought. No, you are exactly as stupid as I thought. You are the typical American. Dumb as a fucking bag of rocks. So when TRUMP appoints a supreme court justice that is a corporate shill, you keep telling us how both parties are bad and it doesn't matter or pretend you care that Hillary takes money from Walstreet so you might as well vote for Wallstreet. How dumb are you?
The DP Became a Landfill for New Age Sewage

How dumb are you that you don't suggest that the Democrats quit supporting anti-majority treehuggers, Gayists, immigrants, feminists, and minorities? Your elitist party must absolutely obey what the White working class tells it, or it is has no right to call itself democratic. You admit that the common people run away from you into the arms of the economic elitists, but you never conclude that you must eject from your fraternity party those who disgust people enough to send us into the iron fist of the Conservatives.

Another example of your cognitive dissonance: you admit that using more gasoline winds up funding terrorists, but then jump to the conclusion that we should switch to your pet Eco-Buggies. Why not confiscate Muslim oil instead? That would be the honest, logical, and manly solution, but you stubbornly insist on surrendering as the more humane option on how deal with subhumans.
People say, "I didn't want Hillary because she would just be the same old same old". Yes, that is true. She would have continued steady growth. 8 years of GDP growing under 2% is not steady growth, it's stagnation. If it wasn't for the boom in fracking we'd barely be above no growth at all.

She would have continued to protect unions and social security. Private unions have steadily declined in recent decades, including under Obama. Hillary would not have changed that, cuz she can't. And the SSTF is running a deficit, and has been doing so for several years. We better do something about it.

She would have doubled the debt but so will Trump. We'll see if the debt is doubled under Trump, but I think Hillary would have more than doubled it with her far left agenda.

She would continue pushing free trade but that's because free trade is inevitable. I dunno about inevitable, wonder if she would have supported or killed the TPP. I get the impression we would have continued to lose jobs going elsewhere if she were POTUS.

She would have not won the war on terror but neither will Trump. True, but with her policy of increasing the number of refugees by 500% I think the odds of a terrorist attack by one of those people would have increased by quite a bit.

But she would not have given massive tax breaks to the rich, which Trump will give. No doubt Hillary would have tried to increase taxes, and gotten nowhere with Congress. There is no way on God's green earth she could get a tax hike until the Dems control the House and have a filibuster proof Senate.

She would have insisted on making college affordable and fixing healthcare. No way can she make college more affordable or fixing healthcare if she tries to keep the ACA. What will she do that is different from what Obama did to make college cheaper? And HC is imploding, only a complete idiot/ideologue can argue against that.
They were basically the same on the issues, but you went with the bs propaganda/malevolent gossip, dupe.
What kind of idiot was going to vote Bernie but then voted for trump or Gary Johnson or Jill Stein?

I love it how easy it was for Republicans to take back the house and senate. Maybe papa can tell us what Republicans did to gain our trust back after we booted them out of power in 2006. And what was it that Democrats did to hurt him? And what does he think Republicans are gonna do. Seems guys like papa are blind to the Republicans hand in the widening gap between rich and poor. And if papa cries class warfare then he's lying about feeling the burn

Stein and Johnson are a little far out there. You still pro union even though you don't look for the union label? Sounds shady to me.
I warned socialists like you not to be butt hurt that Hillary beat Berny. Better her than trump but you guys wouldn't listen. Now you keep going on about how the dems are the party of the rich. Sounds like you're making excuses why you fucked up.

You fucked up, you nominated the one person who would lose to Trump and why? Dems wanted a Wall St. 1%er as your President, and you got one. Lol!

Funny you say you would have supported Bernie Sanders but Bernie himself told you to vote for Hillary so Trump wouldn't win and you didn't listen to him. Something doesn't add up here.

What you did was fall for the Republicans bullshit. They said the same shit about Obama and you bought that too. But I notice you don't mind at all that the GOP are the party of Wallstreet and the 1%ers. In fact did you see the stock market sore under Trump? They must not hate it that Republicans are in charge and you don't seem to mind it much either.

I don't believe you are a Bernie supporter. Nothing from your politics leads me to believe you ever felt the Bern.

Bernie was the best of the three, I rated them Bernie, Trump and then Clinton. I would rather have Bernie over eith Clinton or Trump, as I stated many times, both Clinton and Trump were disasters and nothing has changed my mind.
What kind of idiot was going to vote Bernie but then voted for trump or Gary Johnson or Jill Stein?

I love it how easy it was for Republicans to take back the house and senate. Maybe papa can tell us what Republicans did to gain our trust back after we booted them out of power in 2006. And what was it that Democrats did to hurt him? And what does he think Republicans are gonna do. Seems guys like papa are blind to the Republicans hand in the widening gap between rich and poor. And if papa cries class warfare then he's lying about feeling the burn

Stein and Johnson are a little far out there. You still pro union even though you don't look for the union label? Sounds shady to me.
I warned socialists like you not to be butt hurt that Hillary beat Berny. Better her than trump but you guys wouldn't listen. Now you keep going on about how the dems are the party of the rich. Sounds like you're making excuses why you fucked up.

You fucked up, you nominated the one person who would lose to Trump and why? Dems wanted a Wall St. 1%er as your President, and you got one. Lol!

Funny you say you would have supported Bernie Sanders but Bernie himself told you to vote for Hillary so Trump wouldn't win and you didn't listen to him. Something doesn't add up here.

What you did was fall for the Republicans bullshit. They said the same shit about Obama and you bought that too. But I notice you don't mind at all that the GOP are the party of Wallstreet and the 1%ers. In fact did you see the stock market sore under Trump? They must not hate it that Republicans are in charge and you don't seem to mind it much either.

I don't believe you are a Bernie supporter. Nothing from your politics leads me to believe you ever felt the Bern.

Bernie was the best of the three, I rated them Bernie, Trump and then Clinton. I would rather have Bernie over eith Clinton or Trump, as I stated many times, both Clinton and Trump were disasters and nothing has changed my mind.

You don't think Bernie would have been a disaster? Different kind maybe, but an avowed socialist?
People say, "I didn't want Hillary because she would just be the same old same old". Yes, that is true. She would have continued steady growth. 8 years of GDP growing under 2% is not steady growth, it's stagnation. If it wasn't for the boom in fracking we'd barely be above no growth at all.

She would have continued to protect unions and social security. Private unions have steadily declined in recent decades, including under Obama. Hillary would not have changed that, cuz she can't. And the SSTF is running a deficit, and has been doing so for several years. We better do something about it.

She would have doubled the debt but so will Trump. We'll see if the debt is doubled under Trump, but I think Hillary would have more than doubled it with her far left agenda.

She would continue pushing free trade but that's because free trade is inevitable. I dunno about inevitable, wonder if she would have supported or killed the TPP. I get the impression we would have continued to lose jobs going elsewhere if she were POTUS.

She would have not won the war on terror but neither will Trump. True, but with her policy of increasing the number of refugees by 500% I think the odds of a terrorist attack by one of those people would have increased by quite a bit.

But she would not have given massive tax breaks to the rich, which Trump will give. No doubt Hillary would have tried to increase taxes, and gotten nowhere with Congress. There is no way on God's green earth she could get a tax hike until the Dems control the House and have a filibuster proof Senate.

She would have insisted on making college affordable and fixing healthcare. No way can she make college more affordable or fixing healthcare if she tries to keep the ACA. What will she do that is different from what Obama did to make college cheaper? And HC is imploding, only a complete idiot/ideologue can argue against that.
And if you gave Obama the infrastructure/stimulus you are going to give Trump Obama would have had 4% growth. So why even bother reading the rest of your bad points when # 1 is already fatally flawed?
People say, "I didn't want Hillary because she would just be the same old same old". Yes, that is true. She would have continued steady growth. 8 years of GDP growing under 2% is not steady growth, it's stagnation. If it wasn't for the boom in fracking we'd barely be above no growth at all.

She would have continued to protect unions and social security. Private unions have steadily declined in recent decades, including under Obama. Hillary would not have changed that, cuz she can't. And the SSTF is running a deficit, and has been doing so for several years. We better do something about it.

She would have doubled the debt but so will Trump. We'll see if the debt is doubled under Trump, but I think Hillary would have more than doubled it with her far left agenda.

She would continue pushing free trade but that's because free trade is inevitable. I dunno about inevitable, wonder if she would have supported or killed the TPP. I get the impression we would have continued to lose jobs going elsewhere if she were POTUS.

She would have not won the war on terror but neither will Trump. True, but with her policy of increasing the number of refugees by 500% I think the odds of a terrorist attack by one of those people would have increased by quite a bit.

But she would not have given massive tax breaks to the rich, which Trump will give. No doubt Hillary would have tried to increase taxes, and gotten nowhere with Congress. There is no way on God's green earth she could get a tax hike until the Dems control the House and have a filibuster proof Senate.

She would have insisted on making college affordable and fixing healthcare. No way can she make college more affordable or fixing healthcare if she tries to keep the ACA. What will she do that is different from what Obama did to make college cheaper? And HC is imploding, only a complete idiot/ideologue can argue against that.
And if you gave Obama the infrastructure/stimulus you are going to give Trump Obama would have had 4% growth. So why even bother reading the rest of your bad points when # 1 is already fatally flawed?

Obama already got his stimulus spending, $862 billion and it didn't stimulate anything. Oh, I give him credit for stopping the recession we were in but that's it. Since the recession ended in June 2010 his record totally sucks with respect to the economy. And if you really think we would have had 4% growth just from infrastructure spending then you are sadly mistaken.
What kind of idiot was going to vote Bernie but then voted for trump or Gary Johnson or Jill Stein?

I love it how easy it was for Republicans to take back the house and senate. Maybe papa can tell us what Republicans did to gain our trust back after we booted them out of power in 2006. And what was it that Democrats did to hurt him? And what does he think Republicans are gonna do. Seems guys like papa are blind to the Republicans hand in the widening gap between rich and poor. And if papa cries class warfare then he's lying about feeling the burn

Stein and Johnson are a little far out there. You still pro union even though you don't look for the union label? Sounds shady to me.
I warned socialists like you not to be butt hurt that Hillary beat Berny. Better her than trump but you guys wouldn't listen. Now you keep going on about how the dems are the party of the rich. Sounds like you're making excuses why you fucked up.

You fucked up, you nominated the one person who would lose to Trump and why? Dems wanted a Wall St. 1%er as your President, and you got one. Lol!

Funny you say you would have supported Bernie Sanders but Bernie himself told you to vote for Hillary so Trump wouldn't win and you didn't listen to him. Something doesn't add up here.

What you did was fall for the Republicans bullshit. They said the same shit about Obama and you bought that too. But I notice you don't mind at all that the GOP are the party of Wallstreet and the 1%ers. In fact did you see the stock market sore under Trump? They must not hate it that Republicans are in charge and you don't seem to mind it much either.

I don't believe you are a Bernie supporter. Nothing from your politics leads me to believe you ever felt the Bern.

Bernie was the best of the three, I rated them Bernie, Trump and then Clinton. I would rather have Bernie over eith Clinton or Trump, as I stated many times, both Clinton and Trump were disasters and nothing has changed my mind.
This is all the proof I need you are an ignorant voter. You got conned. Bernie tried to explain to you why you should vote for Clinton but you didn't listen. And your problem goes much deeper than just this past election. From the retarded threads you've started I see why the Democratic party said fuck the stupid middle class retards. If they aren't smart enough to vote for their own financial best interests, we need to move on and get some money from the special interests groups too. Clearly these retards don't hold it against Republicans when they take money from the rich and wallstreet so clearly papa won't hold it against us if we raise money too because it's expensive to run a campaign against the rich.

And then you fell for it. You believed Hillary was corrupt because she took money from Wallstreet, but not only did Trump take money from them, he appointed them to key cabinet positions. So where is your outrage about Wallstreet now Papa?
People say, "I didn't want Hillary because she would just be the same old same old". Yes, that is true. She would have continued steady growth. 8 years of GDP growing under 2% is not steady growth, it's stagnation. If it wasn't for the boom in fracking we'd barely be above no growth at all.

She would have continued to protect unions and social security. Private unions have steadily declined in recent decades, including under Obama. Hillary would not have changed that, cuz she can't. And the SSTF is running a deficit, and has been doing so for several years. We better do something about it.

She would have doubled the debt but so will Trump. We'll see if the debt is doubled under Trump, but I think Hillary would have more than doubled it with her far left agenda.

She would continue pushing free trade but that's because free trade is inevitable. I dunno about inevitable, wonder if she would have supported or killed the TPP. I get the impression we would have continued to lose jobs going elsewhere if she were POTUS.

She would have not won the war on terror but neither will Trump. True, but with her policy of increasing the number of refugees by 500% I think the odds of a terrorist attack by one of those people would have increased by quite a bit.

But she would not have given massive tax breaks to the rich, which Trump will give. No doubt Hillary would have tried to increase taxes, and gotten nowhere with Congress. There is no way on God's green earth she could get a tax hike until the Dems control the House and have a filibuster proof Senate.

She would have insisted on making college affordable and fixing healthcare. No way can she make college more affordable or fixing healthcare if she tries to keep the ACA. What will she do that is different from what Obama did to make college cheaper? And HC is imploding, only a complete idiot/ideologue can argue against that.
And if you gave Obama the infrastructure/stimulus you are going to give Trump Obama would have had 4% growth. So why even bother reading the rest of your bad points when # 1 is already fatally flawed?

Obama already got his stimulus spending, $862 billion and it didn't stimulate anything. Oh, I give him credit for stopping the recession we were in but that's it. Since the recession ended in June 2010 his record totally sucks with respect to the economy. And if you really think we would have had 4% growth just from infrastructure spending then you are sadly mistaken.

A. Yes it did stimulate the economy. It got a lot of people training, etc. You're either a fool or liar.
B. Thanks for giving him credit for getting us out of the greatest recession since the great depression. Cute how you try to minimize how great he is for it.
C. Infrastructure would have accounted for 1% growth. That would have put him over 3%. Good enough for me. You act like Trump has achieved better growth all while raising wages and cutting the government in half. You are unrealistic
They don't vote 80% Democrat, you are not following along anymore. You like Sealy are stuck in the 70's.

Donald Trump got Reagan-like support from union households

It Looks Like Donald Trump Did Really Well With Union Households. That's A Bad Sign For Unions. | The Huffington Post

Obama did well and won 58% to 42%, Hillary fared far worse. Your 80% is another made up fact by Democrats who can't be honest or are really really dumb.

Again, the Republicans have nothing to do with the argument. The perception is the Democrats are the party for the rich and paid for by the rich. In that regard, they are no different Republicans but don't let facts get in the way of your little fantasy world.
So ignorant...incredible.

Yes you are, the facts are there and you like a good little puppy believe what you are told not what is really going on.

So you actually believe unions are voting 80% democratic? Lol! What a dupe.
That's why they're losing all their benefits. No one said they were smart people. Yes a lot of union people didn't believe trump would hurt them. They believed him like people who signed up for trump university

The point is, 80% of unions don't vote Democrat. Hell, you don't support unions, neither does Franco and Campbell, you are frauds and phonies. I support unions more than you chumps do.

Campbell ignored my posts exposing him and his silly 80% stat.

You ignored me on exposing you on not supporting unions.

Franco ducked for a few days until I forced him to respond to me being right about the recession.

Point is union members must not be that smart.

The national exit polls gave Clinton an 8-point advantage in union households. She did better in some states: In Michigan, Clinton had a 16-point margin among union households.

But those would still be weak performances compared with other recent candidates. Exit polls from 2012 showed Obama taking union households by 18 points.

Trump did something unheard of for a modern Republican presidential candidate: He made a direct appeal to union workers and claimed to be their champion. When the AFL-CIO announced its endorsement of Clinton ― the federation went on to send millions of dollars to her and other Democrats ― Trump predicted that “their members will be voting for me in much larger numbers than for her.”

That probably wasn’t true, but Trump likely took a much greater bite out of union households than your typical Republican. Otherwise, it would have been tough to win the union-dense states that he did, like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and, as of this writing, likely Michigan. (The AFL-CIO had a press conference on the election slated for Wednesday morning, but canceled it after Trump won.)

That’s some bad news for organized labor, and not just because their chosen candidate lost.

Faced with efforts to roll back collective bargaining rights, unions badly wanted a Democrat in the White House, and ideally a Democratic-controlled Senate, to keep those attacks at bay. And the AFL-CIO now sees itself as part of a broad, progressive coalition that cares not just about workers’ rights, but also the environment and racial and criminal justice.

“The presence of racism, misogyny, and anti-immigrant appeals caused damage in this campaign and we must all try to repair it with inclusion, decency and honesty,” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said in a statement Wednesday.

As unions of all kinds made clear all year, they viewed Trump as anathema to those causes. Union leadership made their case for why rank-and-file members should vote against Trump. But it looks like a lot of those members were on a different page.

You need to provide the link to give credit to the actual person that wrote this.
So ignorant...incredible.

Yes you are, the facts are there and you like a good little puppy believe what you are told not what is really going on.

So you actually believe unions are voting 80% democratic? Lol! What a dupe.
That's why they're losing all their benefits. No one said they were smart people. Yes a lot of union people didn't believe trump would hurt them. They believed him like people who signed up for trump university

The point is, 80% of unions don't vote Democrat. Hell, you don't support unions, neither does Franco and Campbell, you are frauds and phonies. I support unions more than you chumps do.

Campbell ignored my posts exposing him and his silly 80% stat.

You ignored me on exposing you on not supporting unions.

Franco ducked for a few days until I forced him to respond to me being right about the recession.

Point is union members must not be that smart.

The national exit polls gave Clinton an 8-point advantage in union households. She did better in some states: In Michigan, Clinton had a 16-point margin among union households.

But those would still be weak performances compared with other recent candidates. Exit polls from 2012 showed Obama taking union households by 18 points.

Trump did something unheard of for a modern Republican presidential candidate: He made a direct appeal to union workers and claimed to be their champion. When the AFL-CIO announced its endorsement of Clinton ― the federation went on to send millions of dollars to her and other Democrats ― Trump predicted that “their members will be voting for me in much larger numbers than for her.”

That probably wasn’t true, but Trump likely took a much greater bite out of union households than your typical Republican. Otherwise, it would have been tough to win the union-dense states that he did, like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and, as of this writing, likely Michigan. (The AFL-CIO had a press conference on the election slated for Wednesday morning, but canceled it after Trump won.)

That’s some bad news for organized labor, and not just because their chosen candidate lost.

Faced with efforts to roll back collective bargaining rights, unions badly wanted a Democrat in the White House, and ideally a Democratic-controlled Senate, to keep those attacks at bay. And the AFL-CIO now sees itself as part of a broad, progressive coalition that cares not just about workers’ rights, but also the environment and racial and criminal justice.

“The presence of racism, misogyny, and anti-immigrant appeals caused damage in this campaign and we must all try to repair it with inclusion, decency and honesty,” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said in a statement Wednesday.

As unions of all kinds made clear all year, they viewed Trump as anathema to those causes. Union leadership made their case for why rank-and-file members should vote against Trump. But it looks like a lot of those members were on a different page.

You need to provide the link to give credit to the actual person that wrote this.

It Looks Like Donald Trump Did Really Well With Union Households. That's A Bad Sign For Unions. | The Huffington Post
They don't vote 80% Democrat, you are not following along anymore. You like Sealy are stuck in the 70's.

Donald Trump got Reagan-like support from union households

It Looks Like Donald Trump Did Really Well With Union Households. That's A Bad Sign For Unions. | The Huffington Post

Obama did well and won 58% to 42%, Hillary fared far worse. Your 80% is another made up fact by Democrats who can't be honest or are really really dumb.

Again, the Republicans have nothing to do with the argument. The perception is the Democrats are the party for the rich and paid for by the rich. In that regard, they are no different Republicans but don't let facts get in the way of your little fantasy world.
So ignorant...incredible.

Yes you are, the facts are there and you like a good little puppy believe what you are told not what is really going on.

So you actually believe unions are voting 80% democratic? Lol! What a dupe.
That's why they're losing all their benefits. No one said they were smart people. Yes a lot of union people didn't believe trump would hurt them. They believed him like people who signed up for trump university

The point is, 80% of unions don't vote Democrat. Hell, you don't support unions, neither does Franco and Campbell, you are frauds and phonies. I support unions more than you chumps do.

Campbell ignored my posts exposing him and his silly 80% stat.

You ignored me on exposing you on not supporting unions.

Franco ducked for a few days until I forced him to respond to me being right about the recession.

Just because I'm not in a union doesn't mean I don't support them. If it weren't for people like me unions would be gone because for the last 20 years people like you have said they have outlived their usefulness. That means the GOP were successful in slandering unions as they sent their jobs overseas.

I remember they attacked unions in 2007 as their jobs went overseas.

I don't know how to argue with you anymore. Who are you? Are you a trump supporter, Bernie supporter? Are you liberal or conservative?

You know what? I don't support unions. Fuck them. I don't get a pension so why should they? And they raise the cost of things because of their high pay. And they didn't go to college so why should they be paid so handsomely? And I especially don't support them because too many of them vote GOP. They need to be fucked in the ass. If it weren't for unions Rick Snyder wouldn't have won re election in Michigan or even his first term he wouldn't have won. So those unions deserve what's coming to them. In fact you all deserve what's coming to you for being so fucking stupid.

State employee unions accuse Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder of 'flip-flopping' on bargaining strategy

State employee unions accuse Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder of 'flip-flopping' on bargaining strategy

No shit he flip flopped on you ya stupid idiots!

With Democrats and labor leaders vowing retribution at the ballot box and beyond, the Republican-dominated Michigan Legislature on Tuesday approved sweeping, statewide changes to the way unions will be financed, substantially reducing their power in a state that has long been a symbol of union might and an incubator for the American labor movement.

As thousands of incensed union members filled the Capitol rotunda and poured out onto its lawn chanting “shame, shame,” labor leaders and Democrats said they would immediately mount an intense, unceasing campaign to regain control of the Legislature and the governor’s office by 2015.

And yet Snyder and Republicans still rule Michigan. Who do I blame? The citizens of Michigan. I don't blame Republicans or Rick Snyder. The people did this to themselves.

First show me where I claimed unions have out lived their usefulness. I am an independent, you just don't like those that think for themselves. I don't care what Michigan does or who they elect.

Had most any other GOP had won the nomination, they would have gotten my vote. Not sure why you think supporting Sanders was bad, he was better than trump and Clinton.
So ignorant...incredible.

Yes you are, the facts are there and you like a good little puppy believe what you are told not what is really going on.

So you actually believe unions are voting 80% democratic? Lol! What a dupe.
That's why they're losing all their benefits. No one said they were smart people. Yes a lot of union people didn't believe trump would hurt them. They believed him like people who signed up for trump university

The point is, 80% of unions don't vote Democrat. Hell, you don't support unions, neither does Franco and Campbell, you are frauds and phonies. I support unions more than you chumps do.

Campbell ignored my posts exposing him and his silly 80% stat.

You ignored me on exposing you on not supporting unions.

Franco ducked for a few days until I forced him to respond to me being right about the recession.

Point is union members must not be that smart.

The national exit polls gave Clinton an 8-point advantage in union households. She did better in some states: In Michigan, Clinton had a 16-point margin among union households.

But those would still be weak performances compared with other recent candidates. Exit polls from 2012 showed Obama taking union households by 18 points.

Trump did something unheard of for a modern Republican presidential candidate: He made a direct appeal to union workers and claimed to be their champion. When the AFL-CIO announced its endorsement of Clinton ― the federation went on to send millions of dollars to her and other Democrats ― Trump predicted that “their members will be voting for me in much larger numbers than for her.”

That probably wasn’t true, but Trump likely took a much greater bite out of union households than your typical Republican. Otherwise, it would have been tough to win the union-dense states that he did, like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and, as of this writing, likely Michigan. (The AFL-CIO had a press conference on the election slated for Wednesday morning, but canceled it after Trump won.)

That’s some bad news for organized labor, and not just because their chosen candidate lost.

Faced with efforts to roll back collective bargaining rights, unions badly wanted a Democrat in the White House, and ideally a Democratic-controlled Senate, to keep those attacks at bay. And the AFL-CIO now sees itself as part of a broad, progressive coalition that cares not just about workers’ rights, but also the environment and racial and criminal justice.

“The presence of racism, misogyny, and anti-immigrant appeals caused damage in this campaign and we must all try to repair it with inclusion, decency and honesty,” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said in a statement Wednesday.

As unions of all kinds made clear all year, they viewed Trump as anathema to those causes. Union leadership made their case for why rank-and-file members should vote against Trump. But it looks like a lot of those members were on a different page.

You need to provide the link to give credit to the actual person that wrote this.

Unions aka Labor aka the Middle class is fucked for not election Clinton.

GOP plans new assault on unions

Donald Trump who complained in a 2015 GOP debate that wages are “too high,” is running for president this fall on the most virulently anti-worker and anti-union platform in the history of his Republican Party.
Yes you are, the facts are there and you like a good little puppy believe what you are told not what is really going on.

So you actually believe unions are voting 80% democratic? Lol! What a dupe.
That's why they're losing all their benefits. No one said they were smart people. Yes a lot of union people didn't believe trump would hurt them. They believed him like people who signed up for trump university

The point is, 80% of unions don't vote Democrat. Hell, you don't support unions, neither does Franco and Campbell, you are frauds and phonies. I support unions more than you chumps do.

Campbell ignored my posts exposing him and his silly 80% stat.

You ignored me on exposing you on not supporting unions.

Franco ducked for a few days until I forced him to respond to me being right about the recession.

Point is union members must not be that smart.

The national exit polls gave Clinton an 8-point advantage in union households. She did better in some states: In Michigan, Clinton had a 16-point margin among union households.

But those would still be weak performances compared with other recent candidates. Exit polls from 2012 showed Obama taking union households by 18 points.

Trump did something unheard of for a modern Republican presidential candidate: He made a direct appeal to union workers and claimed to be their champion. When the AFL-CIO announced its endorsement of Clinton ― the federation went on to send millions of dollars to her and other Democrats ― Trump predicted that “their members will be voting for me in much larger numbers than for her.”

That probably wasn’t true, but Trump likely took a much greater bite out of union households than your typical Republican. Otherwise, it would have been tough to win the union-dense states that he did, like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and, as of this writing, likely Michigan. (The AFL-CIO had a press conference on the election slated for Wednesday morning, but canceled it after Trump won.)

That’s some bad news for organized labor, and not just because their chosen candidate lost.

Faced with efforts to roll back collective bargaining rights, unions badly wanted a Democrat in the White House, and ideally a Democratic-controlled Senate, to keep those attacks at bay. And the AFL-CIO now sees itself as part of a broad, progressive coalition that cares not just about workers’ rights, but also the environment and racial and criminal justice.

“The presence of racism, misogyny, and anti-immigrant appeals caused damage in this campaign and we must all try to repair it with inclusion, decency and honesty,” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said in a statement Wednesday.

As unions of all kinds made clear all year, they viewed Trump as anathema to those causes. Union leadership made their case for why rank-and-file members should vote against Trump. But it looks like a lot of those members were on a different page.

You need to provide the link to give credit to the actual person that wrote this.

It Looks Like Donald Trump Did Really Well With Union Households. That's A Bad Sign For Unions. | The Huffington Post
I hope they figure out a "market friendly manner" in which to "hold Mr. Trump's, feet to the fire", regarding his pander pledge.

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