Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

I hope they figure out a "market friendly manner" in which to "hold Mr. Trump's, feet to the fire", regarding his pander pledge.

Holding a politicians feet to the fire has never been the American way. Politicians holding Americans feet to the fire is the American way.
And you sure showed them by voting trump

True if I did however since I didn't vote for him and you voted for evil. Love how you can support evil.

So how do you feel about Trump being a global warming denier?

Donald Trump Is About To Undo Obama’s Legacy On Climate Change
The White House plans to scrap a rule on power plant emissions, kneecapping U.S. participation in the Paris climate accord.

Do you see a difference in how Trump is going to handle climate and energy differently than Hillary? Hillary would have been better on this. I'll show you each time Trump does something that Hillary would have been better/different.

Unless like him you deny global warming too? That doesn't sound like a bernie supporter to me.
I hope they figure out a "market friendly manner" in which to "hold Mr. Trump's, feet to the fire", regarding his pander pledge.

Holding a politicians feet to the fire has never been the American way. Politicians holding Americans feet to the fire is the American way.
And you sure showed them by voting trump

True if I did however since I didn't vote for him and you voted for evil. Love how you can support evil.

So how do you feel about Trump being a global warming denier?

Donald Trump Is About To Undo Obama’s Legacy On Climate Change
The White House plans to scrap a rule on power plant emissions, kneecapping U.S. participation in the Paris climate accord.

Do you see a difference in how Trump is going to handle climate and energy differently than Hillary? Hillary would have been better on this. I'll show you each time Trump does something that Hillary would have been better/different.

Unless like him you deny global warming too? That doesn't sound like a bernie supporter to me.

Again, for you because you are extremely dense, I was for Sanders because of the three Sanders was the best choice, I didn't support Sanders, however if it came between Sanders and Trump, Sanders was a better choice. Between Trump and Clinton, I saw no better choice.

As far as Global Warming, it has been happening since the Ice Age and we can't stop it.
I hope they figure out a "market friendly manner" in which to "hold Mr. Trump's, feet to the fire", regarding his pander pledge.

Holding a politicians feet to the fire has never been the American way. Politicians holding Americans feet to the fire is the American way.
And you sure showed them by voting trump

True if I did however since I didn't vote for him and you voted for evil. Love how you can support evil.

So how do you feel about Trump being a global warming denier?

Donald Trump Is About To Undo Obama’s Legacy On Climate Change
The White House plans to scrap a rule on power plant emissions, kneecapping U.S. participation in the Paris climate accord.

Do you see a difference in how Trump is going to handle climate and energy differently than Hillary? Hillary would have been better on this. I'll show you each time Trump does something that Hillary would have been better/different.

Unless like him you deny global warming too? That doesn't sound like a bernie supporter to me.

Again, for you because you are extremely dense, I was for Sanders because of the three Sanders was the best choice, I didn't support Sanders, however if it came between Sanders and Trump, Sanders was a better choice. Between Trump and Clinton, I saw no better choice.

As far as Global Warming, it has been happening since the Ice Age and we can't stop it.
That's what the martians said
a surcharge is a market friendly metric.

and, we know that the right wing had only hearsay and soothsay, not any form of valid economic argument, regarding price inflation due to the minimum wage going up.

A surcharge is an unnecessary charge when a simple price increase would fill the same void and maintain wages and profit. All I have heard from you is hearsay, no facts.
just your cognitive dissonance.

a surcharge is a market friendly metric.
I hope they figure out a "market friendly manner" in which to "hold Mr. Trump's, feet to the fire", regarding his pander pledge.

Holding a politicians feet to the fire has never been the American way. Politicians holding Americans feet to the fire is the American way.
And you sure showed them by voting trump

True if I did however since I didn't vote for him and you voted for evil. Love how you can support evil.

So how do you feel about Trump being a global warming denier?

Donald Trump Is About To Undo Obama’s Legacy On Climate Change
The White House plans to scrap a rule on power plant emissions, kneecapping U.S. participation in the Paris climate accord.

Do you see a difference in how Trump is going to handle climate and energy differently than Hillary? Hillary would have been better on this. I'll show you each time Trump does something that Hillary would have been better/different.

Unless like him you deny global warming too? That doesn't sound like a bernie supporter to me.

Again, for you because you are extremely dense, I was for Sanders because of the three Sanders was the best choice, I didn't support Sanders, however if it came between Sanders and Trump, Sanders was a better choice. Between Trump and Clinton, I saw no better choice.

As far as Global Warming, it has been happening since the Ice Age and we can't stop it.

Not true. You must not believe the scientific community

Global Warming 101

The science is settled: Climate change is real.

This is why even Rex Tillerson isn't denying it. He's saying it isn't as big of a deal as scientists suggest but consider that just last year they were denying it altogether. This is another lie that the corporations have convinced you is true that is a lie. Sad. Now I'm starting to uncover what an uninformed voter you are.

I know what you mean. The planet isn't going to last forever so what's another 100,000 years, right? Who gives a fuck. We won't be around then anyways, right? If the planet lasts another 2 million years or 1.9 million years, is that a reason to go green? Who cares about that last 100,000 years. I agree.
Holding a politicians feet to the fire has never been the American way. Politicians holding Americans feet to the fire is the American way.
And you sure showed them by voting trump

True if I did however since I didn't vote for him and you voted for evil. Love how you can support evil.

So how do you feel about Trump being a global warming denier?

Donald Trump Is About To Undo Obama’s Legacy On Climate Change
The White House plans to scrap a rule on power plant emissions, kneecapping U.S. participation in the Paris climate accord.

Do you see a difference in how Trump is going to handle climate and energy differently than Hillary? Hillary would have been better on this. I'll show you each time Trump does something that Hillary would have been better/different.

Unless like him you deny global warming too? That doesn't sound like a bernie supporter to me.

Again, for you because you are extremely dense, I was for Sanders because of the three Sanders was the best choice, I didn't support Sanders, however if it came between Sanders and Trump, Sanders was a better choice. Between Trump and Clinton, I saw no better choice.

As far as Global Warming, it has been happening since the Ice Age and we can't stop it.
That's what the martians said

Well it seems the Martians are smarter than you.
a surcharge is a market friendly metric.

and, we know that the right wing had only hearsay and soothsay, not any form of valid economic argument, regarding price inflation due to the minimum wage going up.

A surcharge is an unnecessary charge when a simple price increase would fill the same void and maintain wages and profit. All I have heard from you is hearsay, no facts.
just your cognitive dissonance.

a surcharge is a market friendly metric.

LOL! How is it market friendly. You honestly think that a surcharge that an employer blames the employee for is market friendly?

You think a surcharge tacked on after the price is given is friendly? You think the employee is going to get a bigger or smaller tip after the surcharge is put on at the end of the evening?

Explain why you think a surcharge is market friendly, because people would like to know the real cost up front.
a surcharge is a market friendly metric.

and, we know that the right wing had only hearsay and soothsay, not any form of valid economic argument, regarding price inflation due to the minimum wage going up.

A surcharge is an unnecessary charge when a simple price increase would fill the same void and maintain wages and profit. All I have heard from you is hearsay, no facts.
just your cognitive dissonance.

a surcharge is a market friendly metric.

LOL! How is it market friendly. You honestly think that a surcharge that an employer blames the employee for is market friendly?
How is a surcharge blaming the employee? Everybody knows it is government policy to increase wages to become more cost competitive with social services.
Yes you are, the facts are there and you like a good little puppy believe what you are told not what is really going on.

So you actually believe unions are voting 80% democratic? Lol! What a dupe.
That's why they're losing all their benefits. No one said they were smart people. Yes a lot of union people didn't believe trump would hurt them. They believed him like people who signed up for trump university

The point is, 80% of unions don't vote Democrat. Hell, you don't support unions, neither does Franco and Campbell, you are frauds and phonies. I support unions more than you chumps do.

Campbell ignored my posts exposing him and his silly 80% stat.

You ignored me on exposing you on not supporting unions.

Franco ducked for a few days until I forced him to respond to me being right about the recession.

Point is union members must not be that smart.

The national exit polls gave Clinton an 8-point advantage in union households. She did better in some states: In Michigan, Clinton had a 16-point margin among union households.

But those would still be weak performances compared with other recent candidates. Exit polls from 2012 showed Obama taking union households by 18 points.

Trump did something unheard of for a modern Republican presidential candidate: He made a direct appeal to union workers and claimed to be their champion. When the AFL-CIO announced its endorsement of Clinton ― the federation went on to send millions of dollars to her and other Democrats ― Trump predicted that “their members will be voting for me in much larger numbers than for her.”

That probably wasn’t true, but Trump likely took a much greater bite out of union households than your typical Republican. Otherwise, it would have been tough to win the union-dense states that he did, like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and, as of this writing, likely Michigan. (The AFL-CIO had a press conference on the election slated for Wednesday morning, but canceled it after Trump won.)

That’s some bad news for organized labor, and not just because their chosen candidate lost.

Faced with efforts to roll back collective bargaining rights, unions badly wanted a Democrat in the White House, and ideally a Democratic-controlled Senate, to keep those attacks at bay. And the AFL-CIO now sees itself as part of a broad, progressive coalition that cares not just about workers’ rights, but also the environment and racial and criminal justice.

“The presence of racism, misogyny, and anti-immigrant appeals caused damage in this campaign and we must all try to repair it with inclusion, decency and honesty,” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said in a statement Wednesday.

As unions of all kinds made clear all year, they viewed Trump as anathema to those causes. Union leadership made their case for why rank-and-file members should vote against Trump. But it looks like a lot of those members were on a different page.

You need to provide the link to give credit to the actual person that wrote this.

It Looks Like Donald Trump Did Really Well With Union Households. That's A Bad Sign For Unions. | The Huffington Post
Politics Is a Spitball Fight in a Prep School

Quit denying that the Democratic Party was taken over in the 60s by born-rich snobs. Snooty Ms. Rodham worked for Goldwater in 1964 and never shed her fear and hatred of those born in the working class, which is what she really means by "deplorable." Without her Daddy's money, she would have wound up a nasty gum-chewing waitress at some dive. Instead, she became a diva.
Obama already got his stimulus spending, $862 billion and it didn't stimulate anything.

WE GOT SOMETHING! We got a totally useless TURTLE TUNNEL! I'm not making this up. We have a large lake North of town which has a smaller part on the opposite side of 4 lane US 27 North. For years a single student had raised the issue of the turtles being killed walking from one lake to the smaller one and back.

The issue had been solved by volunteers maintaining fabric, ecology fences about a foot high. Problem solved, and it is free but the student continued on working.

The result was we got a $3.2 MILLION TURTLE TUNNEL!


Ironically, where these turtles are now funneled together, along with other animals, is a favorite hangout for many alligators lining up as if at the drive through at a McDonalds.

I guess the student is happy, the turtles are meeting with a NATURAL death instead of being run over.
Turtle Excluder Device

Wasn't it worth it, because so far it has saved the life of Mitch McConnell?
Last edited:
The point is, 80% of unions don't vote Democrat. Hell, you don't support unions, neither does Franco and Campbell, you are frauds and phonies. I support unions more than you chumps do.

Campbell ignored my posts exposing him and his silly 80% stat.

You ignored me on exposing you on not supporting unions.

Franco ducked for a few days until I forced him to respond to me being right about the recession.

Just because I'm not in a union doesn't mean I don't support them. If it weren't for people like me unions would be gone because for the last 20 years people like you have said they have outlived their usefulness. That means the GOP were successful in slandering unions as they sent their jobs overseas.

I remember they attacked unions in 2007 as their jobs went overseas.

I don't know how to argue with you anymore. Who are you? Are you a trump supporter, Bernie supporter? Are you liberal or conservative?

You know what? I don't support unions. Fuck them. I don't get a pension so why should they? And they raise the cost of things because of their high pay. And they didn't go to college so why should they be paid so handsomely? And I especially don't support them because too many of them vote GOP. They need to be fucked in the ass. If it weren't for unions Rick Snyder wouldn't have won re election in Michigan or even his first term he wouldn't have won. So those unions deserve what's coming to them. In fact you all deserve what's coming to you for being so fucking stupid.

State employee unions accuse Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder of 'flip-flopping' on bargaining strategy

State employee unions accuse Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder of 'flip-flopping' on bargaining strategy

No shit he flip flopped on you ya stupid idiots!

With Democrats and labor leaders vowing retribution at the ballot box and beyond, the Republican-dominated Michigan Legislature on Tuesday approved sweeping, statewide changes to the way unions will be financed, substantially reducing their power in a state that has long been a symbol of union might and an incubator for the American labor movement.

As thousands of incensed union members filled the Capitol rotunda and poured out onto its lawn chanting “shame, shame,” labor leaders and Democrats said they would immediately mount an intense, unceasing campaign to regain control of the Legislature and the governor’s office by 2015.

And yet Snyder and Republicans still rule Michigan. Who do I blame? The citizens of Michigan. I don't blame Republicans or Rick Snyder. The people did this to themselves.

First show me where I claimed unions have out lived their usefulness. I am an independent, you just don't like those that think for themselves. I don't care what Michigan does or who they elect.

Had most any other GOP had won the nomination, they would have gotten my vote. Not sure why you think supporting Sanders was bad, he was better than trump and Clinton.
Falling back on Trump is what makes you stupid.

Where did I fall back on Trump?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

In Statehouses Won By Republicans, the First Move Is to Consolidate Power By Weakening Unions

Why Republicans Hate Unions: They’re a Threat to Corporate Control

Now compare this reality to what Bernie Sanders says about unions:

"The benefits of joining a union are clear: higher wages, better benefits and a more secure retirement. If we are serious about reducing income and wealth inequality and rebuilding the middle class, we have got to substantially increase the number of union jobs in this country."

"There are folks out there who say, 'it doesn't impact me, I'm not a union guy, I'm not a teacher, I'm not a civil servant.' Let me tell you how it does matter to you. Wages are going down in this country for everybody. When you destroy unions there will be no standard at all, nobody left to negotiate decent jobs for the middle class."

So wake the fuck up Papa. Your ignorance is killing the middle class. YOU are what's wrong with America. At least you vote but you are voting for the wrong party. Tea bag the middle class party. Take it back. Don't try to make the GOP the party for the middle class. It can't or WON'T be both the party for the rich and middle class because that's the Democratic goal. Remember the 90's when even the middle class was making good money? The rich didn't like that. They said it was unsustainable. That was a lie. They just knew that if they broke unions they could increase profits. And you let it happen.
Aynal-Retentive Empty Suits

The real reason, which neither fake side of the Establishment will tell you, is that management wants to protect its incompetent clique of HeirHeads and Low IQ yes men bootlicking traitors to the class they were born in. A strong union will force the owners to get intelligent people to run the corporation instead of lazy Bozo parasites, Diploma Dumbo Bizz Skule graduates passing ungrammatical memoranda to one another and calling themselves "Atlases."
Last edited:
The point is, 80% of unions don't vote Democrat. Hell, you don't support unions, neither does Franco and Campbell, you are frauds and phonies. I support unions more than you chumps do.

Campbell ignored my posts exposing him and his silly 80% stat.

You ignored me on exposing you on not supporting unions.

Franco ducked for a few days until I forced him to respond to me being right about the recession.

Point is union members must not be that smart.

The national exit polls gave Clinton an 8-point advantage in union households. She did better in some states: In Michigan, Clinton had a 16-point margin among union households.

But those would still be weak performances compared with other recent candidates. Exit polls from 2012 showed Obama taking union households by 18 points.

Trump did something unheard of for a modern Republican presidential candidate: He made a direct appeal to union workers and claimed to be their champion. When the AFL-CIO announced its endorsement of Clinton ― the federation went on to send millions of dollars to her and other Democrats ― Trump predicted that “their members will be voting for me in much larger numbers than for her.”

That probably wasn’t true, but Trump likely took a much greater bite out of union households than your typical Republican. Otherwise, it would have been tough to win the union-dense states that he did, like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and, as of this writing, likely Michigan. (The AFL-CIO had a press conference on the election slated for Wednesday morning, but canceled it after Trump won.)

That’s some bad news for organized labor, and not just because their chosen candidate lost.

Faced with efforts to roll back collective bargaining rights, unions badly wanted a Democrat in the White House, and ideally a Democratic-controlled Senate, to keep those attacks at bay. And the AFL-CIO now sees itself as part of a broad, progressive coalition that cares not just about workers’ rights, but also the environment and racial and criminal justice.

“The presence of racism, misogyny, and anti-immigrant appeals caused damage in this campaign and we must all try to repair it with inclusion, decency and honesty,” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said in a statement Wednesday.

As unions of all kinds made clear all year, they viewed Trump as anathema to those causes. Union leadership made their case for why rank-and-file members should vote against Trump. But it looks like a lot of those members were on a different page.

You need to provide the link to give credit to the actual person that wrote this.

It Looks Like Donald Trump Did Really Well With Union Households. That's A Bad Sign For Unions. | The Huffington Post
I hope they figure out a "market friendly manner" in which to "hold Mr. Trump's, feet to the fire", regarding his pander pledge.

Holding a politicians feet to the fire has never been the American way. Politicians holding Americans feet to the fire is the American way.
Wags Wearing Wigs Working Behind Closed Doors to Create an American House of Lords

The oligarchy created by your anti-democratic Constitution causes all that. Only massive brainwashing makes Americans think just the opposite. If what shows above ground is rotten, look at its roots.
That's why they're losing all their benefits. No one said they were smart people. Yes a lot of union people didn't believe trump would hurt them. They believed him like people who signed up for trump university

The point is, 80% of unions don't vote Democrat. Hell, you don't support unions, neither does Franco and Campbell, you are frauds and phonies. I support unions more than you chumps do.

Campbell ignored my posts exposing him and his silly 80% stat.

You ignored me on exposing you on not supporting unions.

Franco ducked for a few days until I forced him to respond to me being right about the recession.

Point is union members must not be that smart.

The national exit polls gave Clinton an 8-point advantage in union households. She did better in some states: In Michigan, Clinton had a 16-point margin among union households.

But those would still be weak performances compared with other recent candidates. Exit polls from 2012 showed Obama taking union households by 18 points.

Trump did something unheard of for a modern Republican presidential candidate: He made a direct appeal to union workers and claimed to be their champion. When the AFL-CIO announced its endorsement of Clinton ― the federation went on to send millions of dollars to her and other Democrats ― Trump predicted that “their members will be voting for me in much larger numbers than for her.”

That probably wasn’t true, but Trump likely took a much greater bite out of union households than your typical Republican. Otherwise, it would have been tough to win the union-dense states that he did, like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and, as of this writing, likely Michigan. (The AFL-CIO had a press conference on the election slated for Wednesday morning, but canceled it after Trump won.)

That’s some bad news for organized labor, and not just because their chosen candidate lost.

Faced with efforts to roll back collective bargaining rights, unions badly wanted a Democrat in the White House, and ideally a Democratic-controlled Senate, to keep those attacks at bay. And the AFL-CIO now sees itself as part of a broad, progressive coalition that cares not just about workers’ rights, but also the environment and racial and criminal justice.

“The presence of racism, misogyny, and anti-immigrant appeals caused damage in this campaign and we must all try to repair it with inclusion, decency and honesty,” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said in a statement Wednesday.

As unions of all kinds made clear all year, they viewed Trump as anathema to those causes. Union leadership made their case for why rank-and-file members should vote against Trump. But it looks like a lot of those members were on a different page.

You need to provide the link to give credit to the actual person that wrote this.

It Looks Like Donald Trump Did Really Well With Union Households. That's A Bad Sign For Unions. | The Huffington Post
Politics Is a Spitball Fight in a Prep School

Quit denying that the Democratic Party was taken over in the 60s by born-rich snobs. Snooty Ms. Rodham worked for Goldwater in 1964 and never shed her fear and hatred of those born in the working class, which is what she really means by "deplorable." Without her Daddy's money, she would have wound up a nasty gum-chewing waitress at some dive. Instead, she became a diva.

Except she was a brilliant lawyer/student/politician who rose to be the first woman to win the popular vote in an election. Now who is Don Trump? Silver Spoon all the way.

If you don't like the democratic party by all means vote GOP but tell me what they do for you.
And you sure showed them by voting trump

True if I did however since I didn't vote for him and you voted for evil. Love how you can support evil.

So how do you feel about Trump being a global warming denier?

Donald Trump Is About To Undo Obama’s Legacy On Climate Change
The White House plans to scrap a rule on power plant emissions, kneecapping U.S. participation in the Paris climate accord.

Do you see a difference in how Trump is going to handle climate and energy differently than Hillary? Hillary would have been better on this. I'll show you each time Trump does something that Hillary would have been better/different.

Unless like him you deny global warming too? That doesn't sound like a bernie supporter to me.

Again, for you because you are extremely dense, I was for Sanders because of the three Sanders was the best choice, I didn't support Sanders, however if it came between Sanders and Trump, Sanders was a better choice. Between Trump and Clinton, I saw no better choice.

As far as Global Warming, it has been happening since the Ice Age and we can't stop it.
That's what the martians said

Well it seems the Martians are smarter than you.

While you're worrying that Hillary took money from WallStreet

Clayton, one of the most powerful attorneys on Wall Street, had worked on everything from the sale of the Atlanta Hawks to Goldman Sachs’ bailout to mortgage fraud settlements with several major financial institutions.

But then President Donald Trump nominated Clayton to chair the Securities and Exchange Commission, an agency tasked with policing Wall Street misconduct. Clayton’s bio all but disappeared from the Sullivan & Cromwell site ― trimmed from more than 800 words to less than 30.

Donald Trump's SEC Pick Deleted His Wall Street Bio. Here's What It Said. | The Huffington Post
And you sure showed them by voting trump

True if I did however since I didn't vote for him and you voted for evil. Love how you can support evil.

So how do you feel about Trump being a global warming denier?

Donald Trump Is About To Undo Obama’s Legacy On Climate Change
The White House plans to scrap a rule on power plant emissions, kneecapping U.S. participation in the Paris climate accord.

Do you see a difference in how Trump is going to handle climate and energy differently than Hillary? Hillary would have been better on this. I'll show you each time Trump does something that Hillary would have been better/different.

Unless like him you deny global warming too? That doesn't sound like a bernie supporter to me.

Again, for you because you are extremely dense, I was for Sanders because of the three Sanders was the best choice, I didn't support Sanders, however if it came between Sanders and Trump, Sanders was a better choice. Between Trump and Clinton, I saw no better choice.

As far as Global Warming, it has been happening since the Ice Age and we can't stop it.
That's what the martians said

Well it seems the Martians are smarter than you.

Trump and Republicans have only begun their assault on the middle class.

Companies that commit wage theft and put their workers in harm’s way just received a favor from the Trump administration.

President Donald Trump signed a bill Monday repealing a regulation that had encouraged federal contractors to follow labor laws. Under the Obama-era rule, companies with an egregious record of violating wage and safety laws would lose their government contracts if they didn’t come into compliance.

The idea behind the rule was to make sure unscrupulous employers didn’t receive taxpayer dollars. But Republicans in Congress thought the rule was too punitive and unfair

Trump Repeals Regulation Protecting Workers From Wage Theft | The Huffington Post
It's not the job of an employer to make you happy. It's the job of an employer to produce products or services for a profit.

Nobody is forced to work for minimum wage. If you need more money, don't cry for government to get you more, do it yourself.
then, stop making people on welfare work for under less than fifteen dollars an hour.

I'm not making anybody do anything. Individuals make that choice for themselves.
work for welfare. only the right wing, never gets it.

You don't think that's been tried before? It has and doesn't work.
yet, the right wing insists on a "work or die" ethic from the Age of Iron.
"Give a man a fish and he shall eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he shall eat for a lifetime"...
Tell me oh great one, where's the problem?
True if I did however since I didn't vote for him and you voted for evil. Love how you can support evil.

So how do you feel about Trump being a global warming denier?

Donald Trump Is About To Undo Obama’s Legacy On Climate Change
The White House plans to scrap a rule on power plant emissions, kneecapping U.S. participation in the Paris climate accord.

Do you see a difference in how Trump is going to handle climate and energy differently than Hillary? Hillary would have been better on this. I'll show you each time Trump does something that Hillary would have been better/different.

Unless like him you deny global warming too? That doesn't sound like a bernie supporter to me.

Again, for you because you are extremely dense, I was for Sanders because of the three Sanders was the best choice, I didn't support Sanders, however if it came between Sanders and Trump, Sanders was a better choice. Between Trump and Clinton, I saw no better choice.

As far as Global Warming, it has been happening since the Ice Age and we can't stop it.
That's what the martians said

Well it seems the Martians are smarter than you.

Trump and Republicans have only begun their assault on the middle class.

Companies that commit wage theft and put their workers in harm’s way just received a favor from the Trump administration.

President Donald Trump signed a bill Monday repealing a regulation that had encouraged federal contractors to follow labor laws. Under the Obama-era rule, companies with an egregious record of violating wage and safety laws would lose their government contracts if they didn’t come into compliance.

The idea behind the rule was to make sure unscrupulous employers didn’t receive taxpayer dollars. But Republicans in Congress thought the rule was too punitive and unfair

Trump Repeals Regulation Protecting Workers From Wage Theft | The Huffington Post
No.. That rules was designed to mandate that government contractors pay union scale wages and offer union style Cadillac benefits.
Essentially, the federal govt is ordering private enterprise to behave in a manner which the federal government adheres. That same business model that drives costs through the proverbial roof. Companies take govt work because they can live with the losses. The dirty little secret is the government also pays BACK the contractor in tax breaks and refunds.
The point is, 80% of unions don't vote Democrat. Hell, you don't support unions, neither does Franco and Campbell, you are frauds and phonies. I support unions more than you chumps do.

Campbell ignored my posts exposing him and his silly 80% stat.

You ignored me on exposing you on not supporting unions.

Franco ducked for a few days until I forced him to respond to me being right about the recession.

Point is union members must not be that smart.

The national exit polls gave Clinton an 8-point advantage in union households. She did better in some states: In Michigan, Clinton had a 16-point margin among union households.

But those would still be weak performances compared with other recent candidates. Exit polls from 2012 showed Obama taking union households by 18 points.

Trump did something unheard of for a modern Republican presidential candidate: He made a direct appeal to union workers and claimed to be their champion. When the AFL-CIO announced its endorsement of Clinton ― the federation went on to send millions of dollars to her and other Democrats ― Trump predicted that “their members will be voting for me in much larger numbers than for her.”

That probably wasn’t true, but Trump likely took a much greater bite out of union households than your typical Republican. Otherwise, it would have been tough to win the union-dense states that he did, like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and, as of this writing, likely Michigan. (The AFL-CIO had a press conference on the election slated for Wednesday morning, but canceled it after Trump won.)

That’s some bad news for organized labor, and not just because their chosen candidate lost.

Faced with efforts to roll back collective bargaining rights, unions badly wanted a Democrat in the White House, and ideally a Democratic-controlled Senate, to keep those attacks at bay. And the AFL-CIO now sees itself as part of a broad, progressive coalition that cares not just about workers’ rights, but also the environment and racial and criminal justice.

“The presence of racism, misogyny, and anti-immigrant appeals caused damage in this campaign and we must all try to repair it with inclusion, decency and honesty,” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said in a statement Wednesday.

As unions of all kinds made clear all year, they viewed Trump as anathema to those causes. Union leadership made their case for why rank-and-file members should vote against Trump. But it looks like a lot of those members were on a different page.

You need to provide the link to give credit to the actual person that wrote this.

It Looks Like Donald Trump Did Really Well With Union Households. That's A Bad Sign For Unions. | The Huffington Post
Politics Is a Spitball Fight in a Prep School

Quit denying that the Democratic Party was taken over in the 60s by born-rich snobs. Snooty Ms. Rodham worked for Goldwater in 1964 and never shed her fear and hatred of those born in the working class, which is what she really means by "deplorable." Without her Daddy's money, she would have wound up a nasty gum-chewing waitress at some dive. Instead, she became a diva.

Except she was a brilliant lawyer/student/politician who rose to be the first woman to win the popular vote in an election. Now who is Don Trump? Silver Spoon all the way.

If you don't like the democratic party by all means vote GOP but tell me what they do for you.

LMFAO master mind criminal brilliant like AL Capone?

Yup she rode bills coat tails all the way...

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