Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

Minimum wage laws are a kind of socio-economic masturbation. It feels good while we're strokin' it, but nothing ever really comes from it.

So to speak.
Point is union members must not be that smart.

The national exit polls gave Clinton an 8-point advantage in union households. She did better in some states: In Michigan, Clinton had a 16-point margin among union households.

But those would still be weak performances compared with other recent candidates. Exit polls from 2012 showed Obama taking union households by 18 points.

Trump did something unheard of for a modern Republican presidential candidate: He made a direct appeal to union workers and claimed to be their champion. When the AFL-CIO announced its endorsement of Clinton ― the federation went on to send millions of dollars to her and other Democrats ― Trump predicted that “their members will be voting for me in much larger numbers than for her.”

That probably wasn’t true, but Trump likely took a much greater bite out of union households than your typical Republican. Otherwise, it would have been tough to win the union-dense states that he did, like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and, as of this writing, likely Michigan. (The AFL-CIO had a press conference on the election slated for Wednesday morning, but canceled it after Trump won.)

That’s some bad news for organized labor, and not just because their chosen candidate lost.

Faced with efforts to roll back collective bargaining rights, unions badly wanted a Democrat in the White House, and ideally a Democratic-controlled Senate, to keep those attacks at bay. And the AFL-CIO now sees itself as part of a broad, progressive coalition that cares not just about workers’ rights, but also the environment and racial and criminal justice.

“The presence of racism, misogyny, and anti-immigrant appeals caused damage in this campaign and we must all try to repair it with inclusion, decency and honesty,” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said in a statement Wednesday.

As unions of all kinds made clear all year, they viewed Trump as anathema to those causes. Union leadership made their case for why rank-and-file members should vote against Trump. But it looks like a lot of those members were on a different page.

You need to provide the link to give credit to the actual person that wrote this.

It Looks Like Donald Trump Did Really Well With Union Households. That's A Bad Sign For Unions. | The Huffington Post
Politics Is a Spitball Fight in a Prep School

Quit denying that the Democratic Party was taken over in the 60s by born-rich snobs. Snooty Ms. Rodham worked for Goldwater in 1964 and never shed her fear and hatred of those born in the working class, which is what she really means by "deplorable." Without her Daddy's money, she would have wound up a nasty gum-chewing waitress at some dive. Instead, she became a diva.

Except she was a brilliant lawyer/student/politician who rose to be the first woman to win the popular vote in an election. Now who is Don Trump? Silver Spoon all the way.

If you don't like the democratic party by all means vote GOP but tell me what they do for you.

LMFAO master mind criminal brilliant like AL Capone?

Yup she rode bills coat tails all the way...
Behind every great man is a greater woman or so they say
Politics Is a Spitball Fight in a Prep School

Quit denying that the Democratic Party was taken over in the 60s by born-rich snobs. Snooty Ms. Rodham worked for Goldwater in 1964 and never shed her fear and hatred of those born in the working class, which is what she really means by "deplorable." Without her Daddy's money, she would have wound up a nasty gum-chewing waitress at some dive. Instead, she became a diva.

Except she was a brilliant lawyer/student/politician who rose to be the first woman to win the popular vote in an election. Now who is Don Trump? Silver Spoon all the way.

If you don't like the democratic party by all means vote GOP but tell me what they do for you.

LMFAO master mind criminal brilliant like AL Capone?

Yup she rode bills coat tails all the way...
Behind every great man is a greater woman or so they say

Way behind!
Politics Is a Spitball Fight in a Prep School

Quit denying that the Democratic Party was taken over in the 60s by born-rich snobs. Snooty Ms. Rodham worked for Goldwater in 1964 and never shed her fear and hatred of those born in the working class, which is what she really means by "deplorable." Without her Daddy's money, she would have wound up a nasty gum-chewing waitress at some dive. Instead, she became a diva.

Except she was a brilliant lawyer/student/politician who rose to be the first woman to win the popular vote in an election. Now who is Don Trump? Silver Spoon all the way.

If you don't like the democratic party by all means vote GOP but tell me what they do for you.

LMFAO master mind criminal brilliant like AL Capone?

Yup she rode bills coat tails all the way...
Behind every great man is a greater woman or so they say
Hillary Clinton is a sharp tongued malcontent who treats people she views as not up to her station, like dirt.
Ex-Secret Service Agent: "People Need to Know The Real Hillary Clinton And How Dangerous She Is"
5 Things Secret Service Agents Have Revealed About The Clintons. They’re Not Good.
Please. If a person you knew closely ever treated you this way, you'd have nothing to do with them. NO ONE is that forgiving.
Just admit you are just another pawn in the game of identity politics.
Your faux admiration for this witch, is just blind loyalty to gender.
Politics Is a Spitball Fight in a Prep School

Quit denying that the Democratic Party was taken over in the 60s by born-rich snobs. Snooty Ms. Rodham worked for Goldwater in 1964 and never shed her fear and hatred of those born in the working class, which is what she really means by "deplorable." Without her Daddy's money, she would have wound up a nasty gum-chewing waitress at some dive. Instead, she became a diva.

Except she was a brilliant lawyer/student/politician who rose to be the first woman to win the popular vote in an election. Now who is Don Trump? Silver Spoon all the way.

If you don't like the democratic party by all means vote GOP but tell me what they do for you.

LMFAO master mind criminal brilliant like AL Capone?

Yup she rode bills coat tails all the way...
Behind every great man is a greater woman or so they say
Hillary Clinton is a sharp tongued malcontent who treats people she views as not up to her station, like dirt.
Ex-Secret Service Agent: "People Need to Know The Real Hillary Clinton And How Dangerous She Is"
5 Things Secret Service Agents Have Revealed About The Clintons. They’re Not Good.
Please. If a person you knew closely ever treated you this way, you'd have nothing to do with them. NO ONE is that forgiving.
Just admit you are just another pawn in the game of identity politics.
Your faux admiration for this witch, is just blind loyalty to gender.
Do you care that trumps a real asshole?
then, stop making people on welfare work for under less than fifteen dollars an hour.

I'm not making anybody do anything. Individuals make that choice for themselves.
work for welfare. only the right wing, never gets it.

You don't think that's been tried before? It has and doesn't work.
yet, the right wing insists on a "work or die" ethic from the Age of Iron.
"Give a man a fish and he shall eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he shall eat for a lifetime"...
Tell me oh great one, where's the problem?
the Problem is, all y'all seem to have, is Red Herrings.
I'm not making anybody do anything. Individuals make that choice for themselves.
work for welfare. only the right wing, never gets it.

You don't think that's been tried before? It has and doesn't work.
yet, the right wing insists on a "work or die" ethic from the Age of Iron.
"Give a man a fish and he shall eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he shall eat for a lifetime"...
Tell me oh great one, where's the problem?
the Problem is, all y'all seem to have, is Red Herrings.

Says the king of "Red Herrings."
Tell me how he would have been a disaster, he would have a minority in the House and the Senate, he had enough Democrats think he was too far left and all his ideas would have been DOA.

Democrats line up together no matter what. Nancy Pelosi would have backed him and she'd have beaten any Democrat that did not fall in line to a pulp. Then there is the Congressional Progressive Caucus and the Black Caucus all of whom would vote for anything they're told to vote for.
That's why they're losing all their benefits. No one said they were smart people. Yes a lot of union people didn't believe trump would hurt them. They believed him like people who signed up for trump university

The point is, 80% of unions don't vote Democrat. Hell, you don't support unions, neither does Franco and Campbell, you are frauds and phonies. I support unions more than you chumps do.

Campbell ignored my posts exposing him and his silly 80% stat.

You ignored me on exposing you on not supporting unions.

Franco ducked for a few days until I forced him to respond to me being right about the recession.

Point is union members must not be that smart.

The national exit polls gave Clinton an 8-point advantage in union households. She did better in some states: In Michigan, Clinton had a 16-point margin among union households.

But those would still be weak performances compared with other recent candidates. Exit polls from 2012 showed Obama taking union households by 18 points.

Trump did something unheard of for a modern Republican presidential candidate: He made a direct appeal to union workers and claimed to be their champion. When the AFL-CIO announced its endorsement of Clinton ― the federation went on to send millions of dollars to her and other Democrats ― Trump predicted that “their members will be voting for me in much larger numbers than for her.”

That probably wasn’t true, but Trump likely took a much greater bite out of union households than your typical Republican. Otherwise, it would have been tough to win the union-dense states that he did, like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and, as of this writing, likely Michigan. (The AFL-CIO had a press conference on the election slated for Wednesday morning, but canceled it after Trump won.)

That’s some bad news for organized labor, and not just because their chosen candidate lost.

Faced with efforts to roll back collective bargaining rights, unions badly wanted a Democrat in the White House, and ideally a Democratic-controlled Senate, to keep those attacks at bay. And the AFL-CIO now sees itself as part of a broad, progressive coalition that cares not just about workers’ rights, but also the environment and racial and criminal justice.

“The presence of racism, misogyny, and anti-immigrant appeals caused damage in this campaign and we must all try to repair it with inclusion, decency and honesty,” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said in a statement Wednesday.

As unions of all kinds made clear all year, they viewed Trump as anathema to those causes. Union leadership made their case for why rank-and-file members should vote against Trump. But it looks like a lot of those members were on a different page.

You need to provide the link to give credit to the actual person that wrote this.

Unions aka Labor aka the Middle class is fucked for not election Clinton.

GOP plans new assault on unions

Donald Trump who complained in a 2015 GOP debate that wages are “too high,” is running for president this fall on the most virulently anti-worker and anti-union platform in the history of his Republican Party.

You, who does not buy the union label, does not give any money for unions, does not own a car made by a union have already made it clear you do not support unions, you just pretend you do. You are a fake.

Oh no, I'm not fake. I've never supported unions in any way shape or form. They are as useful today as a buggy whip in a new car.

As for public sector unions, they should never have been allowed to form and should be eliminated.
The point is, 80% of unions don't vote Democrat. Hell, you don't support unions, neither does Franco and Campbell, you are frauds and phonies. I support unions more than you chumps do.

Campbell ignored my posts exposing him and his silly 80% stat.

You ignored me on exposing you on not supporting unions.

Franco ducked for a few days until I forced him to respond to me being right about the recession.

Point is union members must not be that smart.

The national exit polls gave Clinton an 8-point advantage in union households. She did better in some states: In Michigan, Clinton had a 16-point margin among union households.

But those would still be weak performances compared with other recent candidates. Exit polls from 2012 showed Obama taking union households by 18 points.

Trump did something unheard of for a modern Republican presidential candidate: He made a direct appeal to union workers and claimed to be their champion. When the AFL-CIO announced its endorsement of Clinton ― the federation went on to send millions of dollars to her and other Democrats ― Trump predicted that “their members will be voting for me in much larger numbers than for her.”

That probably wasn’t true, but Trump likely took a much greater bite out of union households than your typical Republican. Otherwise, it would have been tough to win the union-dense states that he did, like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and, as of this writing, likely Michigan. (The AFL-CIO had a press conference on the election slated for Wednesday morning, but canceled it after Trump won.)

That’s some bad news for organized labor, and not just because their chosen candidate lost.

Faced with efforts to roll back collective bargaining rights, unions badly wanted a Democrat in the White House, and ideally a Democratic-controlled Senate, to keep those attacks at bay. And the AFL-CIO now sees itself as part of a broad, progressive coalition that cares not just about workers’ rights, but also the environment and racial and criminal justice.

“The presence of racism, misogyny, and anti-immigrant appeals caused damage in this campaign and we must all try to repair it with inclusion, decency and honesty,” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said in a statement Wednesday.

As unions of all kinds made clear all year, they viewed Trump as anathema to those causes. Union leadership made their case for why rank-and-file members should vote against Trump. But it looks like a lot of those members were on a different page.

You need to provide the link to give credit to the actual person that wrote this.

Unions aka Labor aka the Middle class is fucked for not election Clinton.

GOP plans new assault on unions

Donald Trump who complained in a 2015 GOP debate that wages are “too high,” is running for president this fall on the most virulently anti-worker and anti-union platform in the history of his Republican Party.

You, who does not buy the union label, does not give any money for unions, does not own a car made by a union have already made it clear you do not support unions, you just pretend you do. You are a fake.

Oh no, I'm not fake. I've never supported unions in any way shape or form. They are as useful today as a buggy whip in a new car.

As for public sector unions, they should never have been allowed to form and should be eliminated.

My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.
work for welfare. only the right wing, never gets it.

You don't think that's been tried before? It has and doesn't work.
yet, the right wing insists on a "work or die" ethic from the Age of Iron.
"Give a man a fish and he shall eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he shall eat for a lifetime"...
Tell me oh great one, where's the problem?
the Problem is, all y'all seem to have, is Red Herrings.

Says the king of "Red Herrings."
you don't know what you are talking about, like usual.
Minimum wage laws are a kind of socio-economic masturbation. It feels good while we're strokin' it, but nothing ever really comes from it.

So to speak.
Knuckle-Draggers Walking Tall by Walking All Over People

Low IQ King Ape businessmen can only make money by underpaying their employees. These loudmouth bullies run their playstation by grunting, howling at the moon, pounding their chests, and swatting their workers with their paws and claws.
Politics Is a Spitball Fight in a Prep School

Quit denying that the Democratic Party was taken over in the 60s by born-rich snobs. Snooty Ms. Rodham worked for Goldwater in 1964 and never shed her fear and hatred of those born in the working class, which is what she really means by "deplorable." Without her Daddy's money, she would have wound up a nasty gum-chewing waitress at some dive. Instead, she became a diva.

Except she was a brilliant lawyer/student/politician who rose to be the first woman to win the popular vote in an election. Now who is Don Trump? Silver Spoon all the way.

If you don't like the democratic party by all means vote GOP but tell me what they do for you.

LMFAO master mind criminal brilliant like AL Capone?

Yup she rode bills coat tails all the way...
Behind every great man is a greater woman or so they say
Hillary Clinton is a sharp tongued malcontent who treats people she views as not up to her station, like dirt.
Ex-Secret Service Agent: "People Need to Know The Real Hillary Clinton And How Dangerous She Is"
5 Things Secret Service Agents Have Revealed About The Clintons. They’re Not Good.
Please. If a person you knew closely ever treated you this way, you'd have nothing to do with them. NO ONE is that forgiving.
Just admit you are just another pawn in the game of identity politics.
Your faux admiration for this witch, is just blind loyalty to gender.
Loving Rich Trash Won't Make You Rich; It Will Only Make You Trash

Ms. Rodham belongs on the Right Wing of this topic. She got where she is only through money from her Daddy, one of the businessmen you bootlickers worship enough to give them total say on their employees' wages. His workers had to take a pay cut so she could go to one of the guillotine-fodder upper class's elitist colleges.
Tell me how he would have been a disaster, he would have a minority in the House and the Senate, he had enough Democrats think he was too far left and all his ideas would have been DOA.

Democrats line up together no matter what. Nancy Pelosi would have backed him and she'd have beaten any Democrat that did not fall in line to a pulp. Then there is the Congressional Progressive Caucus and the Black Caucus all of whom would vote for anything they're told to vote for.
BS. The blue dog democrats blocked true healthcare reform. Single payer. Nationalized healthcare. We had the votes if it weren't for traitor blue dogs. Just like the weirdo's in your party stopped you from repealing and replacing Obamacare.
Point is union members must not be that smart.

The national exit polls gave Clinton an 8-point advantage in union households. She did better in some states: In Michigan, Clinton had a 16-point margin among union households.

But those would still be weak performances compared with other recent candidates. Exit polls from 2012 showed Obama taking union households by 18 points.

Trump did something unheard of for a modern Republican presidential candidate: He made a direct appeal to union workers and claimed to be their champion. When the AFL-CIO announced its endorsement of Clinton ― the federation went on to send millions of dollars to her and other Democrats ― Trump predicted that “their members will be voting for me in much larger numbers than for her.”

That probably wasn’t true, but Trump likely took a much greater bite out of union households than your typical Republican. Otherwise, it would have been tough to win the union-dense states that he did, like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and, as of this writing, likely Michigan. (The AFL-CIO had a press conference on the election slated for Wednesday morning, but canceled it after Trump won.)

That’s some bad news for organized labor, and not just because their chosen candidate lost.

Faced with efforts to roll back collective bargaining rights, unions badly wanted a Democrat in the White House, and ideally a Democratic-controlled Senate, to keep those attacks at bay. And the AFL-CIO now sees itself as part of a broad, progressive coalition that cares not just about workers’ rights, but also the environment and racial and criminal justice.

“The presence of racism, misogyny, and anti-immigrant appeals caused damage in this campaign and we must all try to repair it with inclusion, decency and honesty,” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said in a statement Wednesday.

As unions of all kinds made clear all year, they viewed Trump as anathema to those causes. Union leadership made their case for why rank-and-file members should vote against Trump. But it looks like a lot of those members were on a different page.

You need to provide the link to give credit to the actual person that wrote this.

Unions aka Labor aka the Middle class is fucked for not election Clinton.

GOP plans new assault on unions

Donald Trump who complained in a 2015 GOP debate that wages are “too high,” is running for president this fall on the most virulently anti-worker and anti-union platform in the history of his Republican Party.

You, who does not buy the union label, does not give any money for unions, does not own a car made by a union have already made it clear you do not support unions, you just pretend you do. You are a fake.

Oh no, I'm not fake. I've never supported unions in any way shape or form. They are as useful today as a buggy whip in a new car.

As for public sector unions, they should never have been allowed to form and should be eliminated.

My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.

They are treated better in Germany because they are not lazy and corrupt as American unions.....

What's so hard to comprehend?

You need to provide the link to give credit to the actual person that wrote this.

Unions aka Labor aka the Middle class is fucked for not election Clinton.

GOP plans new assault on unions

Donald Trump who complained in a 2015 GOP debate that wages are “too high,” is running for president this fall on the most virulently anti-worker and anti-union platform in the history of his Republican Party.

You, who does not buy the union label, does not give any money for unions, does not own a car made by a union have already made it clear you do not support unions, you just pretend you do. You are a fake.

Oh no, I'm not fake. I've never supported unions in any way shape or form. They are as useful today as a buggy whip in a new car.

As for public sector unions, they should never have been allowed to form and should be eliminated.

My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.

They are treated better in Germany because they are not lazy and corrupt as American unions.....

What's so hard to comprehend?

There you go, back to the republicans I remembered back in 2007. Attacking American workers. We are too lazy and make too much. Tell Trumps blue collar workers that they are lazy and corrupt and that's why their jobs went overseas.

And notice they didn't go to red right to work states they went overseas. So you tell me when those jobs are going to come back to red states. We are waiting.

And notice Germans understand the value of having unions? Funny they need them being that they aren't corrupt and lazy like we are, why do they even have unions? I thought they were unnecessary?

Anyways, your reply is 100% grade a right wing bullshit! But thank you for admitting you think Americans are second to Germans. Nice.
You don't think that's been tried before? It has and doesn't work.
yet, the right wing insists on a "work or die" ethic from the Age of Iron.
"Give a man a fish and he shall eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he shall eat for a lifetime"...
Tell me oh great one, where's the problem?
the Problem is, all y'all seem to have, is Red Herrings.

Says the king of "Red Herrings."
you don't know what you are talking about, like usual.

From you that is a great compliment! Thank you, you never did answer my question earlier in the thread, tells me a lot about you. Have a good day danniboi.
You need to provide the link to give credit to the actual person that wrote this.

Unions aka Labor aka the Middle class is fucked for not election Clinton.

GOP plans new assault on unions

Donald Trump who complained in a 2015 GOP debate that wages are “too high,” is running for president this fall on the most virulently anti-worker and anti-union platform in the history of his Republican Party.

You, who does not buy the union label, does not give any money for unions, does not own a car made by a union have already made it clear you do not support unions, you just pretend you do. You are a fake.

Oh no, I'm not fake. I've never supported unions in any way shape or form. They are as useful today as a buggy whip in a new car.

As for public sector unions, they should never have been allowed to form and should be eliminated.

My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.

They are treated better in Germany because they are not lazy and corrupt as American unions.....

What's so hard to comprehend?

There were 10 deaths at the steel mill I spent several decades in. What i comprehend is you`re an incredible ass who`s green with union envy who wouldn`t have lasted 3 days on the job. As a coal miner, maybe 2 days, a union ironworker, maybe 10 minutes you arrogant little shitstain who`s probably sitting in a cubicle typing on your companies dime.
They are treated better in Germany because they are not lazy and corrupt as American unions.....

Workers are treated very well when they work for firms for which returns to intellectual capital are the firms' source of revenue.

What's so hard to comprehend?

Well, if you ask me, nothing having to do with how workers are treated. It's really very simple and sloth and degeneracy have little, if anything, to do with it:
  • Work in a field where human labor -- be it physical or mental -- cannot be replaced with capital, and workers are well treated.
  • Work in any other field, and one won't be nearly as well treated.
Putting that in economics parlance, when one works in a disciple that aligns with the comparative advantage of the region in which one finds oneself, one will be treated and paid very well. Don't, and one won't. It is just that simple. All the stuff we observe people griping about derives from whether the disaffected parties are:
  • riding the wave of comparative advantage --> these folks are thriving and being well treated
  • ahead of the wave --> these folks are on the upswing, but their heyday has yet to arrive
  • behind the wave --> these folks are hating life because they are sinking

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