Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

Point is union members must not be that smart.

The national exit polls gave Clinton an 8-point advantage in union households. She did better in some states: In Michigan, Clinton had a 16-point margin among union households.

But those would still be weak performances compared with other recent candidates. Exit polls from 2012 showed Obama taking union households by 18 points.

Trump did something unheard of for a modern Republican presidential candidate: He made a direct appeal to union workers and claimed to be their champion. When the AFL-CIO announced its endorsement of Clinton ― the federation went on to send millions of dollars to her and other Democrats ― Trump predicted that “their members will be voting for me in much larger numbers than for her.”

That probably wasn’t true, but Trump likely took a much greater bite out of union households than your typical Republican. Otherwise, it would have been tough to win the union-dense states that he did, like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and, as of this writing, likely Michigan. (The AFL-CIO had a press conference on the election slated for Wednesday morning, but canceled it after Trump won.)

That’s some bad news for organized labor, and not just because their chosen candidate lost.

Faced with efforts to roll back collective bargaining rights, unions badly wanted a Democrat in the White House, and ideally a Democratic-controlled Senate, to keep those attacks at bay. And the AFL-CIO now sees itself as part of a broad, progressive coalition that cares not just about workers’ rights, but also the environment and racial and criminal justice.

“The presence of racism, misogyny, and anti-immigrant appeals caused damage in this campaign and we must all try to repair it with inclusion, decency and honesty,” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said in a statement Wednesday.

As unions of all kinds made clear all year, they viewed Trump as anathema to those causes. Union leadership made their case for why rank-and-file members should vote against Trump. But it looks like a lot of those members were on a different page.

You need to provide the link to give credit to the actual person that wrote this.

Unions aka Labor aka the Middle class is fucked for not election Clinton.

GOP plans new assault on unions

Donald Trump who complained in a 2015 GOP debate that wages are “too high,” is running for president this fall on the most virulently anti-worker and anti-union platform in the history of his Republican Party.

You, who does not buy the union label, does not give any money for unions, does not own a car made by a union have already made it clear you do not support unions, you just pretend you do. You are a fake.

Oh no, I'm not fake. I've never supported unions in any way shape or form. They are as useful today as a buggy whip in a new car.

As for public sector unions, they should never have been allowed to form and should be eliminated.

My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.

Only 18% of Germans are in a union, so how is German workers treated better than the United States workers?
Last edited:
Unions aka Labor aka the Middle class is fucked for not election Clinton.

GOP plans new assault on unions

Donald Trump who complained in a 2015 GOP debate that wages are “too high,” is running for president this fall on the most virulently anti-worker and anti-union platform in the history of his Republican Party.

You, who does not buy the union label, does not give any money for unions, does not own a car made by a union have already made it clear you do not support unions, you just pretend you do. You are a fake.

Oh no, I'm not fake. I've never supported unions in any way shape or form. They are as useful today as a buggy whip in a new car.

As for public sector unions, they should never have been allowed to form and should be eliminated.

My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.

They are treated better in Germany because they are not lazy and corrupt as American unions.....

What's so hard to comprehend?

There were 10 deaths at the steel mill I spent several decades in. What i comprehend is you`re an incredible ass who`s green with union envy who wouldn`t have lasted 3 days on the job. As a coal miner, maybe 2 days, a union ironworker, maybe 10 minutes you arrogant little shitstain who`s probably sitting in a cubicle typing on your companies dime.

I like how when I point out how workers in other countries have it better than we do it's because we are lazy pieces of shit. Much like what Republicans were saying in 2007 when they controlled the white house and we were bleeding jobs. They wanted McCain to win so they were blaming everyone they could for the economy other than Bush and the GOP House and Senate prior to Pelosi & Reed taking over.

Remember we told them Americans weren't making enough and they said it wasn't that we don't make enough it's that we spend too much? Every excuse possible, every spin imaginable. You can never nail down a Republicans because their bullshit is such spin.

And I remembered while Trump was wooing blue collar that Republicans who blamed Obama for those blue collar losers were not blaming the government before Obama. And so I know eventually they are going to start calling the blue collar underpaid uneducated workers slackers eventually but notice before the election they were blaming Obama and Trump was promising to bring back high paying blue collar jobs to the unskilled people who found themselves out of a job after bush sent their manufacting jobs away.

Do you see what I'm saying? Eventually Republicans are going to be honest that those blue collar people are screwed. Go back to school, get a new job or start your own business will soon be the only thing Republicans will offer those people. Advice.
You need to provide the link to give credit to the actual person that wrote this.

Unions aka Labor aka the Middle class is fucked for not election Clinton.

GOP plans new assault on unions

Donald Trump who complained in a 2015 GOP debate that wages are “too high,” is running for president this fall on the most virulently anti-worker and anti-union platform in the history of his Republican Party.

You, who does not buy the union label, does not give any money for unions, does not own a car made by a union have already made it clear you do not support unions, you just pretend you do. You are a fake.

Oh no, I'm not fake. I've never supported unions in any way shape or form. They are as useful today as a buggy whip in a new car.

As for public sector unions, they should never have been allowed to form and should be eliminated.

My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.

Only 18% of Germans are in a union, so how is German workers treated better than the United States workers?
How are they treated better?
Government pension system, govt. healthcare system, govt. education system, etc. apply to everyone in Germany, union or not.
You, who does not buy the union label, does not give any money for unions, does not own a car made by a union have already made it clear you do not support unions, you just pretend you do. You are a fake.

Oh no, I'm not fake. I've never supported unions in any way shape or form. They are as useful today as a buggy whip in a new car.

As for public sector unions, they should never have been allowed to form and should be eliminated.

My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.

They are treated better in Germany because they are not lazy and corrupt as American unions.....

What's so hard to comprehend?

There were 10 deaths at the steel mill I spent several decades in. What i comprehend is you`re an incredible ass who`s green with union envy who wouldn`t have lasted 3 days on the job. As a coal miner, maybe 2 days, a union ironworker, maybe 10 minutes you arrogant little shitstain who`s probably sitting in a cubicle typing on your companies dime.

I like how when I point out how workers in other countries have it better than we do it's because we are lazy pieces of shit. Much like what Republicans were saying in 2007 when they controlled the white house and we were bleeding jobs. They wanted McCain to win so they were blaming everyone they could for the economy other than Bush and the GOP House and Senate prior to Pelosi & Reed taking over.

Remember we told them Americans weren't making enough and they said it wasn't that we don't make enough it's that we spend too much? Every excuse possible, every spin imaginable. You can never nail down a Republicans because their bullshit is such spin.

And I remembered while Trump was wooing blue collar that Republicans who blamed Obama for those blue collar losers were not blaming the government before Obama. And so I know eventually they are going to start calling the blue collar underpaid uneducated workers slackers eventually but notice before the election they were blaming Obama and Trump was promising to bring back high paying blue collar jobs to the unskilled people who found themselves out of a job after bush sent their manufacting jobs away.

Do you see what I'm saying? Eventually Republicans are going to be honest that those blue collar people are screwed. Go back to school, get a new job or start your own business will soon be the only thing Republicans will offer those people. Advice.

It's the fucking truth I am half German worked for a transplant German company and when I lived in Chicago delt with American style unions no comparison..

American style sucks, German unions style is the way to go.

You need to provide the link to give credit to the actual person that wrote this.

Unions aka Labor aka the Middle class is fucked for not election Clinton.

GOP plans new assault on unions

Donald Trump who complained in a 2015 GOP debate that wages are “too high,” is running for president this fall on the most virulently anti-worker and anti-union platform in the history of his Republican Party.

You, who does not buy the union label, does not give any money for unions, does not own a car made by a union have already made it clear you do not support unions, you just pretend you do. You are a fake.

Oh no, I'm not fake. I've never supported unions in any way shape or form. They are as useful today as a buggy whip in a new car.

As for public sector unions, they should never have been allowed to form and should be eliminated.

My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.

Only 18% of Germans are in a union, so how is German workers treated better than the United States workers?

You clearly don't understand that unions are basically lobbyists for all workers. For example in Michigan, even if you weren't in a union, companies had to treat you right because we WERE in a union state. So if you got wrongfully fired chances are you would be protected when you went to court because the judge is used to defending union workers. In non union states you have no right to your job. They can't fire you because of your age but they can make up any old reason. That used to be a lot harder for employers to do.

Unions have a substantial impact on the compensation and work lives of both unionized and non-unionized workers. This report presents current data on unions’ effect on wages, fringe benefits, total compensation, pay inequality, and workplace protections.

No coincidence as union membership in America has declined, so too have wages.

How unions help all workers

Also German companies haven't yet broken the social contract they have with their workers like we did here in the 70's when guys like Jack Walsh from GE started firing 10% of his staff every year no matter what. In Germany most people have a right to their job and unless they really fuck up pretty much have a job for life. We used to have that here in America but that no longer exists.
Unions aka Labor aka the Middle class is fucked for not election Clinton.

GOP plans new assault on unions

Donald Trump who complained in a 2015 GOP debate that wages are “too high,” is running for president this fall on the most virulently anti-worker and anti-union platform in the history of his Republican Party.

You, who does not buy the union label, does not give any money for unions, does not own a car made by a union have already made it clear you do not support unions, you just pretend you do. You are a fake.

Oh no, I'm not fake. I've never supported unions in any way shape or form. They are as useful today as a buggy whip in a new car.

As for public sector unions, they should never have been allowed to form and should be eliminated.

My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.

Only 18% of Germans are in a union, so how is German workers treated better than the United States workers?
How are they treated better?
Government pension system, govt. healthcare system, govt. education system, etc. apply to everyone in Germany, union or not.

It's the attitude.. German unions don't try to break a company, the unions want the company to succeed as much as the employees... Here the unions don't give a fuck
Oh no, I'm not fake. I've never supported unions in any way shape or form. They are as useful today as a buggy whip in a new car.

As for public sector unions, they should never have been allowed to form and should be eliminated.

My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.

They are treated better in Germany because they are not lazy and corrupt as American unions.....

What's so hard to comprehend?

There were 10 deaths at the steel mill I spent several decades in. What i comprehend is you`re an incredible ass who`s green with union envy who wouldn`t have lasted 3 days on the job. As a coal miner, maybe 2 days, a union ironworker, maybe 10 minutes you arrogant little shitstain who`s probably sitting in a cubicle typing on your companies dime.

I like how when I point out how workers in other countries have it better than we do it's because we are lazy pieces of shit. Much like what Republicans were saying in 2007 when they controlled the white house and we were bleeding jobs. They wanted McCain to win so they were blaming everyone they could for the economy other than Bush and the GOP House and Senate prior to Pelosi & Reed taking over.

Remember we told them Americans weren't making enough and they said it wasn't that we don't make enough it's that we spend too much? Every excuse possible, every spin imaginable. You can never nail down a Republicans because their bullshit is such spin.

And I remembered while Trump was wooing blue collar that Republicans who blamed Obama for those blue collar losers were not blaming the government before Obama. And so I know eventually they are going to start calling the blue collar underpaid uneducated workers slackers eventually but notice before the election they were blaming Obama and Trump was promising to bring back high paying blue collar jobs to the unskilled people who found themselves out of a job after bush sent their manufacting jobs away.

Do you see what I'm saying? Eventually Republicans are going to be honest that those blue collar people are screwed. Go back to school, get a new job or start your own business will soon be the only thing Republicans will offer those people. Advice.

It's the fucking truth I am half German worked for a transplant German company and when I lived in Chicago delt with American style unions no comparison..

American style sucks, German unions style is the way to go.


I bet the pieces of shit American union workers wouldn't get away with what they get away with here. I've heard the horror stories first hand. No doubt the unions need to clean up their act. But I think Papa believes that unions have outlived their usefulness. That's not true at all. Our American unions need to be put in check but they are still necessary.

Do German unions ever bully the company? Do they ever go on strike? Do German companies try to be cheap and not share the profits with their employees?
Unions aka Labor aka the Middle class is fucked for not election Clinton.

GOP plans new assault on unions

Donald Trump who complained in a 2015 GOP debate that wages are “too high,” is running for president this fall on the most virulently anti-worker and anti-union platform in the history of his Republican Party.

You, who does not buy the union label, does not give any money for unions, does not own a car made by a union have already made it clear you do not support unions, you just pretend you do. You are a fake.

Oh no, I'm not fake. I've never supported unions in any way shape or form. They are as useful today as a buggy whip in a new car.

As for public sector unions, they should never have been allowed to form and should be eliminated.

My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.

Only 18% of Germans are in a union, so how is German workers treated better than the United States workers?

You clearly don't understand that unions are basically lobbyists for all workers. For example in Michigan, even if you weren't in a union, companies had to treat you right because we WERE in a union state. So if you got wrongfully fired chances are you would be protected when you went to court because the judge is used to defending union workers. In non union states you have no right to your job. They can't fire you because of your age but they can make up any old reason. That used to be a lot harder for employers to do.

Unions have a substantial impact on the compensation and work lives of both unionized and non-unionized workers. This report presents current data on unions’ effect on wages, fringe benefits, total compensation, pay inequality, and workplace protections.

No coincidence as union membership in America has declined, so too have wages.

How unions help all workers

Also German companies haven't yet broken the social contract they have with their workers like we did here in the 70's when guys like Jack Walsh from GE started firing 10% of his staff every year no matter what. In Germany most people have a right to their job and unless they really fuck up pretty much have a job for life. We used to have that here in America but that no longer exists.

A question silly boy boy how many German workers smoke pot like you?

You, who does not buy the union label, does not give any money for unions, does not own a car made by a union have already made it clear you do not support unions, you just pretend you do. You are a fake.

Oh no, I'm not fake. I've never supported unions in any way shape or form. They are as useful today as a buggy whip in a new car.

As for public sector unions, they should never have been allowed to form and should be eliminated.

My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.

Only 18% of Germans are in a union, so how is German workers treated better than the United States workers?
How are they treated better?
Government pension system, govt. healthcare system, govt. education system, etc. apply to everyone in Germany, union or not.

It's the attitude.. German unions don't try to break a company, the unions want the company to succeed as much as the employees... Here the unions don't give a fuck

That is true. A lot of the union workers in America are horrible horrible people I will not deny that. Blue collar, white or black trash, uneducated, arrogant, cocky, ignorant.
You, who does not buy the union label, does not give any money for unions, does not own a car made by a union have already made it clear you do not support unions, you just pretend you do. You are a fake.

Oh no, I'm not fake. I've never supported unions in any way shape or form. They are as useful today as a buggy whip in a new car.

As for public sector unions, they should never have been allowed to form and should be eliminated.

My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.

Only 18% of Germans are in a union, so how is German workers treated better than the United States workers?

You clearly don't understand that unions are basically lobbyists for all workers. For example in Michigan, even if you weren't in a union, companies had to treat you right because we WERE in a union state. So if you got wrongfully fired chances are you would be protected when you went to court because the judge is used to defending union workers. In non union states you have no right to your job. They can't fire you because of your age but they can make up any old reason. That used to be a lot harder for employers to do.

Unions have a substantial impact on the compensation and work lives of both unionized and non-unionized workers. This report presents current data on unions’ effect on wages, fringe benefits, total compensation, pay inequality, and workplace protections.

No coincidence as union membership in America has declined, so too have wages.

How unions help all workers

Also German companies haven't yet broken the social contract they have with their workers like we did here in the 70's when guys like Jack Walsh from GE started firing 10% of his staff every year no matter what. In Germany most people have a right to their job and unless they really fuck up pretty much have a job for life. We used to have that here in America but that no longer exists.

A question silly boy boy how many German workers smoke pot like you?

Do they grow pot in Germany? What I do know is they drink a lot of beer.
You, who does not buy the union label, does not give any money for unions, does not own a car made by a union have already made it clear you do not support unions, you just pretend you do. You are a fake.

Oh no, I'm not fake. I've never supported unions in any way shape or form. They are as useful today as a buggy whip in a new car.

As for public sector unions, they should never have been allowed to form and should be eliminated.

My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.

Only 18% of Germans are in a union, so how is German workers treated better than the United States workers?

You clearly don't understand that unions are basically lobbyists for all workers. For example in Michigan, even if you weren't in a union, companies had to treat you right because we WERE in a union state. So if you got wrongfully fired chances are you would be protected when you went to court because the judge is used to defending union workers. In non union states you have no right to your job. They can't fire you because of your age but they can make up any old reason. That used to be a lot harder for employers to do.

Unions have a substantial impact on the compensation and work lives of both unionized and non-unionized workers. This report presents current data on unions’ effect on wages, fringe benefits, total compensation, pay inequality, and workplace protections.

No coincidence as union membership in America has declined, so too have wages.

How unions help all workers

Also German companies haven't yet broken the social contract they have with their workers like we did here in the 70's when guys like Jack Walsh from GE started firing 10% of his staff every year no matter what. In Germany most people have a right to their job and unless they really fuck up pretty much have a job for life. We used to have that here in America but that no longer exists.

A question silly boy boy how many German workers smoke pot like you?

I'm going to Germany for business next year. My company likes to party. I can't wait to go. I saw pictures of this year and it was like

You, who does not buy the union label, does not give any money for unions, does not own a car made by a union have already made it clear you do not support unions, you just pretend you do. You are a fake.

Oh no, I'm not fake. I've never supported unions in any way shape or form. They are as useful today as a buggy whip in a new car.

As for public sector unions, they should never have been allowed to form and should be eliminated.

My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.

Only 18% of Germans are in a union, so how is German workers treated better than the United States workers?
How are they treated better?
Government pension system, govt. healthcare system, govt. education system, etc. apply to everyone in Germany, union or not.

It's the attitude.. German unions don't try to break a company, the unions want the company to succeed as much as the employees... Here the unions don't give a fuck

My dad came from Greece. He got a job at Ford and used to complain about his co-workers all the time. He said if they didn't start acting right the cafeteria would be outsourced. It happened. Then ultimately the Lincoln plant he worked at moved to Mexico. Those union jackasses are horrible. I'm not going to defend them but I will defend unions.
Unions aka Labor aka the Middle class is fucked for not election Clinton.

GOP plans new assault on unions

Donald Trump who complained in a 2015 GOP debate that wages are “too high,” is running for president this fall on the most virulently anti-worker and anti-union platform in the history of his Republican Party.

You, who does not buy the union label, does not give any money for unions, does not own a car made by a union have already made it clear you do not support unions, you just pretend you do. You are a fake.

Oh no, I'm not fake. I've never supported unions in any way shape or form. They are as useful today as a buggy whip in a new car.

As for public sector unions, they should never have been allowed to form and should be eliminated.

My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.

Only 18% of Germans are in a union, so how is German workers treated better than the United States workers?
How are they treated better?
Government pension system, govt. healthcare system, govt. education system, etc. apply to everyone in Germany, union or not.

Not sure if that is treated better or not. Just because the government provides something, that does not make it better. We have a government education system, I am not impressed with it.
You, who does not buy the union label, does not give any money for unions, does not own a car made by a union have already made it clear you do not support unions, you just pretend you do. You are a fake.

Oh no, I'm not fake. I've never supported unions in any way shape or form. They are as useful today as a buggy whip in a new car.

As for public sector unions, they should never have been allowed to form and should be eliminated.

My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.

Only 18% of Germans are in a union, so how is German workers treated better than the United States workers?

You clearly don't understand that unions are basically lobbyists for all workers. For example in Michigan, even if you weren't in a union, companies had to treat you right because we WERE in a union state. So if you got wrongfully fired chances are you would be protected when you went to court because the judge is used to defending union workers. In non union states you have no right to your job. They can't fire you because of your age but they can make up any old reason. That used to be a lot harder for employers to do.

Unions have a substantial impact on the compensation and work lives of both unionized and non-unionized workers. This report presents current data on unions’ effect on wages, fringe benefits, total compensation, pay inequality, and workplace protections.

No coincidence as union membership in America has declined, so too have wages.

How unions help all workers

Also German companies haven't yet broken the social contract they have with their workers like we did here in the 70's when guys like Jack Walsh from GE started firing 10% of his staff every year no matter what. In Germany most people have a right to their job and unless they really fuck up pretty much have a job for life. We used to have that here in America but that no longer exists.

A question silly boy boy how many German workers smoke pot like you?

Who is the girl in your picture she is really beautiful.
Oh no, I'm not fake. I've never supported unions in any way shape or form. They are as useful today as a buggy whip in a new car.

As for public sector unions, they should never have been allowed to form and should be eliminated.

My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.

Only 18% of Germans are in a union, so how is German workers treated better than the United States workers?

You clearly don't understand that unions are basically lobbyists for all workers. For example in Michigan, even if you weren't in a union, companies had to treat you right because we WERE in a union state. So if you got wrongfully fired chances are you would be protected when you went to court because the judge is used to defending union workers. In non union states you have no right to your job. They can't fire you because of your age but they can make up any old reason. That used to be a lot harder for employers to do.

Unions have a substantial impact on the compensation and work lives of both unionized and non-unionized workers. This report presents current data on unions’ effect on wages, fringe benefits, total compensation, pay inequality, and workplace protections.

No coincidence as union membership in America has declined, so too have wages.

How unions help all workers

Also German companies haven't yet broken the social contract they have with their workers like we did here in the 70's when guys like Jack Walsh from GE started firing 10% of his staff every year no matter what. In Germany most people have a right to their job and unless they really fuck up pretty much have a job for life. We used to have that here in America but that no longer exists.

A question silly boy boy how many German workers smoke pot like you?

I'm going to Germany for business next year. My company likes to party. I can't wait to go. I saw pictures of this year and it was like

They can handle the alcohol you can't, and still refuse to answer the basic question how many German workers smoke pot like you?
You, who does not buy the union label, does not give any money for unions, does not own a car made by a union have already made it clear you do not support unions, you just pretend you do. You are a fake.

Oh no, I'm not fake. I've never supported unions in any way shape or form. They are as useful today as a buggy whip in a new car.

As for public sector unions, they should never have been allowed to form and should be eliminated.

My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.

Only 18% of Germans are in a union, so how is German workers treated better than the United States workers?
How are they treated better?
Government pension system, govt. healthcare system, govt. education system, etc. apply to everyone in Germany, union or not.

Not sure if that is treated better or not. Just because the government provides something, that does not make it better. We have a government education system, I am not impressed with it.

Don't blame your math teacher because you are dumb. My brother and all the Asian kids did real well in my public high school. What is it that you would change? I don't think the problem is the public schools I think the problem is the students and parents who send their kids to public (free) school. A lot of them don't care.

Anyone who pays for private school clearly cares. Right there is the main difference.
My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.

Only 18% of Germans are in a union, so how is German workers treated better than the United States workers?

You clearly don't understand that unions are basically lobbyists for all workers. For example in Michigan, even if you weren't in a union, companies had to treat you right because we WERE in a union state. So if you got wrongfully fired chances are you would be protected when you went to court because the judge is used to defending union workers. In non union states you have no right to your job. They can't fire you because of your age but they can make up any old reason. That used to be a lot harder for employers to do.

Unions have a substantial impact on the compensation and work lives of both unionized and non-unionized workers. This report presents current data on unions’ effect on wages, fringe benefits, total compensation, pay inequality, and workplace protections.

No coincidence as union membership in America has declined, so too have wages.

How unions help all workers

Also German companies haven't yet broken the social contract they have with their workers like we did here in the 70's when guys like Jack Walsh from GE started firing 10% of his staff every year no matter what. In Germany most people have a right to their job and unless they really fuck up pretty much have a job for life. We used to have that here in America but that no longer exists.

A question silly boy boy how many German workers smoke pot like you?

I'm going to Germany for business next year. My company likes to party. I can't wait to go. I saw pictures of this year and it was like

They can handle the alcohol you can't, and still refuse to answer the basic question how many German workers smoke pot like you?
Unions aka Labor aka the Middle class is fucked for not election Clinton.

GOP plans new assault on unions

Donald Trump who complained in a 2015 GOP debate that wages are “too high,” is running for president this fall on the most virulently anti-worker and anti-union platform in the history of his Republican Party.

You, who does not buy the union label, does not give any money for unions, does not own a car made by a union have already made it clear you do not support unions, you just pretend you do. You are a fake.

Oh no, I'm not fake. I've never supported unions in any way shape or form. They are as useful today as a buggy whip in a new car.

As for public sector unions, they should never have been allowed to form and should be eliminated.

My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.

Only 18% of Germans are in a union, so how is German workers treated better than the United States workers?

You clearly don't understand that unions are basically lobbyists for all workers. For example in Michigan, even if you weren't in a union, companies had to treat you right because we WERE in a union state. So if you got wrongfully fired chances are you would be protected when you went to court because the judge is used to defending union workers. In non union states you have no right to your job. They can't fire you because of your age but they can make up any old reason. That used to be a lot harder for employers to do.

Unions have a substantial impact on the compensation and work lives of both unionized and non-unionized workers. This report presents current data on unions’ effect on wages, fringe benefits, total compensation, pay inequality, and workplace protections.

No coincidence as union membership in America has declined, so too have wages.

How unions help all workers

Also German companies haven't yet broken the social contract they have with their workers like we did here in the 70's when guys like Jack Walsh from GE started firing 10% of his staff every year no matter what. In Germany most people have a right to their job and unless they really fuck up pretty much have a job for life. We used to have that here in America but that no longer exists.

I know what unions are, I also believe they aren't what they used to be either.
You, who does not buy the union label, does not give any money for unions, does not own a car made by a union have already made it clear you do not support unions, you just pretend you do. You are a fake.

Oh no, I'm not fake. I've never supported unions in any way shape or form. They are as useful today as a buggy whip in a new car.

As for public sector unions, they should never have been allowed to form and should be eliminated.

My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.

Only 18% of Germans are in a union, so how is German workers treated better than the United States workers?
How are they treated better?
Government pension system, govt. healthcare system, govt. education system, etc. apply to everyone in Germany, union or not.

It's the attitude.. German unions don't try to break a company, the unions want the company to succeed as much as the employees... Here the unions don't give a fuck
Oh no, I'm not fake. I've never supported unions in any way shape or form. They are as useful today as a buggy whip in a new car.

As for public sector unions, they should never have been allowed to form and should be eliminated.

My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.

Only 18% of Germans are in a union, so how is German workers treated better than the United States workers?
How are they treated better?
Government pension system, govt. healthcare system, govt. education system, etc. apply to everyone in Germany, union or not.

Not sure if that is treated better or not. Just because the government provides something, that does not make it better. We have a government education system, I am not impressed with it.

Don't blame your math teacher because you are dumb. My brother and all the Asian kids did real well in my public high school. What is it that you would change? I don't think the problem is the public schools I think the problem is the students and parents who send their kids to public (free) school. A lot of them don't care.

Anyone who pays for private school clearly cares. Right there is the main difference.

Where did I say anything about math teachers? I have dealt with stupid teachers, look at Franco, he is as dumb as the come. Hell, you sound like a teacher!
Government pension system, govt. healthcare system, govt. education system, etc. apply to everyone in Germany, union or not.

Yeah, we see how well things are working in Germany.

As you know too, Germany has a two-tier health insurance system. The compulsory low cost side for the commoners or private insurance, which is as it, says. Private higher cost, higher benefits.

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