Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.

Only 18% of Germans are in a union, so how is German workers treated better than the United States workers?

You clearly don't understand that unions are basically lobbyists for all workers. For example in Michigan, even if you weren't in a union, companies had to treat you right because we WERE in a union state. So if you got wrongfully fired chances are you would be protected when you went to court because the judge is used to defending union workers. In non union states you have no right to your job. They can't fire you because of your age but they can make up any old reason. That used to be a lot harder for employers to do.

Unions have a substantial impact on the compensation and work lives of both unionized and non-unionized workers. This report presents current data on unions’ effect on wages, fringe benefits, total compensation, pay inequality, and workplace protections.

No coincidence as union membership in America has declined, so too have wages.

How unions help all workers

Also German companies haven't yet broken the social contract they have with their workers like we did here in the 70's when guys like Jack Walsh from GE started firing 10% of his staff every year no matter what. In Germany most people have a right to their job and unless they really fuck up pretty much have a job for life. We used to have that here in America but that no longer exists.

A question silly boy boy how many German workers smoke pot like you?

I'm going to Germany for business next year. My company likes to party. I can't wait to go. I saw pictures of this year and it was like

They can handle the alcohol you can't, and still refuse to answer the basic question how many German workers smoke pot like you?
we can handle the pot. who cares who smokes pot.
The point is, 80% of unions don't vote Democrat. Hell, you don't support unions, neither does Franco and Campbell, you are frauds and phonies. I support unions more than you chumps do.

Campbell ignored my posts exposing him and his silly 80% stat.

You ignored me on exposing you on not supporting unions.

Franco ducked for a few days until I forced him to respond to me being right about the recession.

Point is union members must not be that smart.

The national exit polls gave Clinton an 8-point advantage in union households. She did better in some states: In Michigan, Clinton had a 16-point margin among union households.

But those would still be weak performances compared with other recent candidates. Exit polls from 2012 showed Obama taking union households by 18 points.

Trump did something unheard of for a modern Republican presidential candidate: He made a direct appeal to union workers and claimed to be their champion. When the AFL-CIO announced its endorsement of Clinton ― the federation went on to send millions of dollars to her and other Democrats ― Trump predicted that “their members will be voting for me in much larger numbers than for her.”

That probably wasn’t true, but Trump likely took a much greater bite out of union households than your typical Republican. Otherwise, it would have been tough to win the union-dense states that he did, like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and, as of this writing, likely Michigan. (The AFL-CIO had a press conference on the election slated for Wednesday morning, but canceled it after Trump won.)

That’s some bad news for organized labor, and not just because their chosen candidate lost.

Faced with efforts to roll back collective bargaining rights, unions badly wanted a Democrat in the White House, and ideally a Democratic-controlled Senate, to keep those attacks at bay. And the AFL-CIO now sees itself as part of a broad, progressive coalition that cares not just about workers’ rights, but also the environment and racial and criminal justice.

“The presence of racism, misogyny, and anti-immigrant appeals caused damage in this campaign and we must all try to repair it with inclusion, decency and honesty,” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said in a statement Wednesday.

As unions of all kinds made clear all year, they viewed Trump as anathema to those causes. Union leadership made their case for why rank-and-file members should vote against Trump. But it looks like a lot of those members were on a different page.

You need to provide the link to give credit to the actual person that wrote this.

It Looks Like Donald Trump Did Really Well With Union Households. That's A Bad Sign For Unions. | The Huffington Post
Politics Is a Spitball Fight in a Prep School

Quit denying that the Democratic Party was taken over in the 60s by born-rich snobs. Snooty Ms. Rodham worked for Goldwater in 1964 and never shed her fear and hatred of those born in the working class, which is what she really means by "deplorable." Without her Daddy's money, she would have wound up a nasty gum-chewing waitress at some dive. Instead, she became a diva.

Except she was a brilliant lawyer/student/politician who rose to be the first woman to win the popular vote in an election. Now who is Don Trump? Silver Spoon all the way.

If you don't like the democratic party by all means vote GOP but tell me what they do for you.
Hillary is the ultimate anti-feminist. She cynically rode men's coattails to get everywhere she went, in the process selling herself out to protect one of those men, who, as the most powerful man in the workplace, used one of the least powerful women for his own sexual pleasure. She then sought to pretend she was a champion of the very women that man had harassed and she sought to silence, saying they had the right to be heard and believed.
Point is union members must not be that smart.

The national exit polls gave Clinton an 8-point advantage in union households. She did better in some states: In Michigan, Clinton had a 16-point margin among union households.

But those would still be weak performances compared with other recent candidates. Exit polls from 2012 showed Obama taking union households by 18 points.

Trump did something unheard of for a modern Republican presidential candidate: He made a direct appeal to union workers and claimed to be their champion. When the AFL-CIO announced its endorsement of Clinton ― the federation went on to send millions of dollars to her and other Democrats ― Trump predicted that “their members will be voting for me in much larger numbers than for her.”

That probably wasn’t true, but Trump likely took a much greater bite out of union households than your typical Republican. Otherwise, it would have been tough to win the union-dense states that he did, like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and, as of this writing, likely Michigan. (The AFL-CIO had a press conference on the election slated for Wednesday morning, but canceled it after Trump won.)

That’s some bad news for organized labor, and not just because their chosen candidate lost.

Faced with efforts to roll back collective bargaining rights, unions badly wanted a Democrat in the White House, and ideally a Democratic-controlled Senate, to keep those attacks at bay. And the AFL-CIO now sees itself as part of a broad, progressive coalition that cares not just about workers’ rights, but also the environment and racial and criminal justice.

“The presence of racism, misogyny, and anti-immigrant appeals caused damage in this campaign and we must all try to repair it with inclusion, decency and honesty,” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said in a statement Wednesday.

As unions of all kinds made clear all year, they viewed Trump as anathema to those causes. Union leadership made their case for why rank-and-file members should vote against Trump. But it looks like a lot of those members were on a different page.

You need to provide the link to give credit to the actual person that wrote this.

It Looks Like Donald Trump Did Really Well With Union Households. That's A Bad Sign For Unions. | The Huffington Post
Politics Is a Spitball Fight in a Prep School

Quit denying that the Democratic Party was taken over in the 60s by born-rich snobs. Snooty Ms. Rodham worked for Goldwater in 1964 and never shed her fear and hatred of those born in the working class, which is what she really means by "deplorable." Without her Daddy's money, she would have wound up a nasty gum-chewing waitress at some dive. Instead, she became a diva.

Except she was a brilliant lawyer/student/politician who rose to be the first woman to win the popular vote in an election. Now who is Don Trump? Silver Spoon all the way.

If you don't like the democratic party by all means vote GOP but tell me what they do for you.
Hillary is the ultimate anti-feminist. She cynically rode men's coattails to get everywhere she went, in the process selling herself out to protect one of those men, who, as the most powerful man in the workplace, used one of the least powerful women for his own sexual pleasure. She then sought to pretend she was a champion of the very women that man had harassed and she sought to silence, saying they had the right to be heard and believed.
Do you blame Melania for lying for Donald? Fact is you don't care about monicagate. If you did you wouldn't be voting trump hypocrites
Not sure if that is treated better or not. Just because the government provides something, that does not make it better. We have a government education system, I am not impressed with it.
In the eyes of the German people, the govt. providing the things necessary for a decent life is a good thing. They don`t whine about high taxes when they see a return. Whether you`re impressed with our education system is irrelevant. Like the rest of us, you`re nobody and you need to learn to live with it. If you find paradise let us know.

And the key word is Return

Where is our return of the trillions of dollars plus on welfare the past 50 years?

Where is the return on the trillions we`ve squandered on military adventures since the end of WW2?

Kind of obvious even to a liberal like you, we are not speaking Russian are we?

And theseView attachment 119541
Which adventure was it that kept us from speaking Russian? The search for wmds? Our heroic victory in Granada? You`re pretty damn funny!

Got to love these children who thinks we would still be free with out a strong military...

Now are you done deflecting child? Again what return did we get on the trillions of dollars at spent on welfare?

We know what the democrats got out of it votes and sheep like you.

In the eyes of the German people, the govt. providing the things necessary for a decent life is a good thing. They don`t whine about high taxes when they see a return. Whether you`re impressed with our education system is irrelevant. Like the rest of us, you`re nobody and you need to learn to live with it. If you find paradise let us know.

And the key word is Return

Where is our return of the trillions of dollars plus on welfare the past 50 years?

Where is the return on the trillions we`ve squandered on military adventures since the end of WW2?

Kind of obvious even to a liberal like you, we are not speaking Russian are we?

And theseView attachment 119541
Which adventure was it that kept us from speaking Russian? The search for wmds? Our heroic victory in Granada? You`re pretty damn funny!

Got to love these children who thinks we would still be free with out a strong military...

Now are you done deflecting child? Again what return did we get on the trillions of dollars at spent on welfare?

We know what the democrats got out of it votes and sheep like you.

What were you expecting to get out of it bear? The trailer park crowd votes solid GOP and what does the GOP do for them? What did we get out of the trillions spent in Iraq, Vietnam, Syria, Granada, Panama, Nicaragua, etc.?Pentagon buries evidence of $125 billion in bureaucratic waste
Politics Is a Spitball Fight in a Prep School

Quit denying that the Democratic Party was taken over in the 60s by born-rich snobs. Snooty Ms. Rodham worked for Goldwater in 1964 and never shed her fear and hatred of those born in the working class, which is what she really means by "deplorable." Without her Daddy's money, she would have wound up a nasty gum-chewing waitress at some dive. Instead, she became a diva.

Except she was a brilliant lawyer/student/politician who rose to be the first woman to win the popular vote in an election. Now who is Don Trump? Silver Spoon all the way.

If you don't like the democratic party by all means vote GOP but tell me what they do for you.
Hillary is the ultimate anti-feminist. She cynically rode men's coattails to get everywhere she went, in the process selling herself out to protect one of those men, who, as the most powerful man in the workplace, used one of the least powerful women for his own sexual pleasure. She then sought to pretend she was a champion of the very women that man had harassed and she sought to silence, saying they had the right to be heard and believed.
Do you blame Melania for lying for Donald? Fact is you don't care about monicagate. If you did you wouldn't be voting trump hypocrites
When you claim to be a champion of sexual assault victims during a presidential campaign, but won't address the time you tried to silence those same victims in your past, expect to be called on it. You might as well take Ted Kennedy seriously as a MADD spokesman.
Only 18% of Germans are in a union, so how is German workers treated better than the United States workers?

You clearly don't understand that unions are basically lobbyists for all workers. For example in Michigan, even if you weren't in a union, companies had to treat you right because we WERE in a union state. So if you got wrongfully fired chances are you would be protected when you went to court because the judge is used to defending union workers. In non union states you have no right to your job. They can't fire you because of your age but they can make up any old reason. That used to be a lot harder for employers to do.

Unions have a substantial impact on the compensation and work lives of both unionized and non-unionized workers. This report presents current data on unions’ effect on wages, fringe benefits, total compensation, pay inequality, and workplace protections.

No coincidence as union membership in America has declined, so too have wages.

How unions help all workers

Also German companies haven't yet broken the social contract they have with their workers like we did here in the 70's when guys like Jack Walsh from GE started firing 10% of his staff every year no matter what. In Germany most people have a right to their job and unless they really fuck up pretty much have a job for life. We used to have that here in America but that no longer exists.

A question silly boy boy how many German workers smoke pot like you?

I'm going to Germany for business next year. My company likes to party. I can't wait to go. I saw pictures of this year and it was like

They can handle the alcohol you can't, and still refuse to answer the basic question how many German workers smoke pot like you?
we can handle the pot. who cares who smokes pot.
They don't ca
My brother is a VP who deals with unions. He admits you are dead wrong. That without unions labor would be screwed. And for the record, it is sad labor in Germany is treated better than labor here in America.

Only 18% of Germans are in a union, so how is German workers treated better than the United States workers?
How are they treated better?
Government pension system, govt. healthcare system, govt. education system, etc. apply to everyone in Germany, union or not.

It's the attitude.. German unions don't try to break a company, the unions want the company to succeed as much as the employees... Here the unions don't give a fuck
It sure is the attitude. In America the executives are cheap greedy dicks. Capitalists. In Germany the execs are more socialist. I work for Germans. They aren't cheap or dicks. And my brother worked in Switzerland for four years. Much slower pace. Home by five weekends off. Much easier being a German worker.

I work for an Americans they are cheap or dicks. I'm home by 5:30 and have weekends off, six weeks paid vacation, I don't usually take off more than two weeks off total a year. The rest goes unclaimed. I will sometimes send my vacation time to an employee that has a family need. Great American place to work.

Then can I ask you what your beef is? Why are you so anti government if you got it so good? And what is it that you think conservatives are going to do to improve upon your success?

I have some ideas of what you think will happen. Your taxes will go down, the debt will go down. They won't. And your pay won't go up. In fact you'll be lucky to have a job at the end of 8 years of Republicans. I know you say your industry did well under Bush but that's just REpublicans picking winners and losers. Manufacturing is the most important and those are the people repubs hurt. Defense, healthcare, oil and "transportation" do well apparently under republicans

Does The Economy Do Better Under Democrats Or Republicans? | The Huffington Post

the U.S. economy performs better under Democratic presidents than Republican ones.

Manufacturing Jobs Rise Under Democratic Presidents
"Give a man a fish and he shall eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he shall eat for a lifetime"...
Tell me oh great one, where's the problem?
the Problem is, all y'all seem to have, is Red Herrings.

Says the king of "Red Herrings."
you don't know what you are talking about, like usual.

From you that is a great compliment! Thank you, you never did answer my question earlier in the thread, tells me a lot about you. Have a good day danniboi.
begging the question is not debate, only fallacy.

Didn't ask for a debate, asked only for an answer which you have none. I didn't think you thought your statement through and it turns out I was right.
Only 18% of Germans are in a union, so how is German workers treated better than the United States workers?

You clearly don't understand that unions are basically lobbyists for all workers. For example in Michigan, even if you weren't in a union, companies had to treat you right because we WERE in a union state. So if you got wrongfully fired chances are you would be protected when you went to court because the judge is used to defending union workers. In non union states you have no right to your job. They can't fire you because of your age but they can make up any old reason. That used to be a lot harder for employers to do.

Unions have a substantial impact on the compensation and work lives of both unionized and non-unionized workers. This report presents current data on unions’ effect on wages, fringe benefits, total compensation, pay inequality, and workplace protections.

No coincidence as union membership in America has declined, so too have wages.

How unions help all workers

Also German companies haven't yet broken the social contract they have with their workers like we did here in the 70's when guys like Jack Walsh from GE started firing 10% of his staff every year no matter what. In Germany most people have a right to their job and unless they really fuck up pretty much have a job for life. We used to have that here in America but that no longer exists.

A question silly boy boy how many German workers smoke pot like you?

I'm going to Germany for business next year. My company likes to party. I can't wait to go. I saw pictures of this year and it was like

They can handle the alcohol you can't, and still refuse to answer the basic question how many German workers smoke pot like you?
we can handle the pot. who cares who smokes pot.

I am all for legalizing pot, people who smoke it aren't bright, cigarette smokers aren't bright either.
Politics Is a Spitball Fight in a Prep School

Quit denying that the Democratic Party was taken over in the 60s by born-rich snobs. Snooty Ms. Rodham worked for Goldwater in 1964 and never shed her fear and hatred of those born in the working class, which is what she really means by "deplorable." Without her Daddy's money, she would have wound up a nasty gum-chewing waitress at some dive. Instead, she became a diva.

Except she was a brilliant lawyer/student/politician who rose to be the first woman to win the popular vote in an election. Now who is Don Trump? Silver Spoon all the way.

If you don't like the democratic party by all means vote GOP but tell me what they do for you.
Hillary is the ultimate anti-feminist. She cynically rode men's coattails to get everywhere she went, in the process selling herself out to protect one of those men, who, as the most powerful man in the workplace, used one of the least powerful women for his own sexual pleasure. She then sought to pretend she was a champion of the very women that man had harassed and she sought to silence, saying they had the right to be heard and believed.
Do you blame Melania for lying for Donald? Fact is you don't care about monicagate. If you did you wouldn't be voting trump hypocrites

Clinton should have told Congress it wasn't their business, instead he was a coward and lied
You clearly don't understand that unions are basically lobbyists for all workers. For example in Michigan, even if you weren't in a union, companies had to treat you right because we WERE in a union state. So if you got wrongfully fired chances are you would be protected when you went to court because the judge is used to defending union workers. In non union states you have no right to your job. They can't fire you because of your age but they can make up any old reason. That used to be a lot harder for employers to do.

Unions have a substantial impact on the compensation and work lives of both unionized and non-unionized workers. This report presents current data on unions’ effect on wages, fringe benefits, total compensation, pay inequality, and workplace protections.

No coincidence as union membership in America has declined, so too have wages.

How unions help all workers

Also German companies haven't yet broken the social contract they have with their workers like we did here in the 70's when guys like Jack Walsh from GE started firing 10% of his staff every year no matter what. In Germany most people have a right to their job and unless they really fuck up pretty much have a job for life. We used to have that here in America but that no longer exists.

A question silly boy boy how many German workers smoke pot like you?

I'm going to Germany for business next year. My company likes to party. I can't wait to go. I saw pictures of this year and it was like

They can handle the alcohol you can't, and still refuse to answer the basic question how many German workers smoke pot like you?
we can handle the pot. who cares who smokes pot.
They don't ca
Only 18% of Germans are in a union, so how is German workers treated better than the United States workers?
How are they treated better?
Government pension system, govt. healthcare system, govt. education system, etc. apply to everyone in Germany, union or not.

It's the attitude.. German unions don't try to break a company, the unions want the company to succeed as much as the employees... Here the unions don't give a fuck
It sure is the attitude. In America the executives are cheap greedy dicks. Capitalists. In Germany the execs are more socialist. I work for Germans. They aren't cheap or dicks. And my brother worked in Switzerland for four years. Much slower pace. Home by five weekends off. Much easier being a German worker.

I work for an Americans they are cheap or dicks. I'm home by 5:30 and have weekends off, six weeks paid vacation, I don't usually take off more than two weeks off total a year. The rest goes unclaimed. I will sometimes send my vacation time to an employee that has a family need. Great American place to work.

Then can I ask you what your beef is? Why are you so anti government if you got it so good? And what is it that you think conservatives are going to do to improve upon your success?

I have some ideas of what you think will happen. Your taxes will go down, the debt will go down. They won't. And your pay won't go up. In fact you'll be lucky to have a job at the end of 8 years of Republicans. I know you say your industry did well under Bush but that's just REpublicans picking winners and losers. Manufacturing is the most important and those are the people repubs hurt. Defense, healthcare, oil and "transportation" do well apparently under republicans

Does The Economy Do Better Under Democrats Or Republicans? | The Huffington Post

the U.S. economy performs better under Democratic presidents than Republican ones.

Manufacturing Jobs Rise Under Democratic Presidents

Where did I say I was anti-government? My pay went up already this year, you said you are getting big raise this year, so far you are 0-2. LOL!
In the eyes of the German people, the govt. providing the things necessary for a decent life is a good thing. They don`t whine about high taxes when they see a return. Whether you`re impressed with our education system is irrelevant. Like the rest of us, you`re nobody and you need to learn to live with it. If you find paradise let us know.

And the key word is Return

Where is our return of the trillions of dollars plus on welfare the past 50 years?

Where is the return on the trillions we`ve squandered on military adventures since the end of WW2?

Kind of obvious even to a liberal like you, we are not speaking Russian are we?

And theseView attachment 119541
Which adventure was it that kept us from speaking Russian? The search for wmds? Our heroic victory in Granada? You`re pretty damn funny!

Got to love these children who thinks we would still be free with out a strong military...

Now are you done deflecting child? Again what return did we get on the trillions of dollars at spent on welfare?

We know what the democrats got out of it votes and sheep like you.


Eisenhower warns of military-industrial complex - Jan 17, 1961 -

And you failed to listen to his warnings. And then you cry about socialism or people sucking off the government tit? These private defense contractors only customer is the US Government. That's not capitalism even though they are private for profit companies.

Now don't think that I'm saying I don't appreciate the value of our defense contractors. I do. But when Trump promises to pump a lot of money into defense, just remember that this is basically a false economy. This isn't a sustainable economy unless you plan on these companies making bombs and guns for the government year after year after year. And of course they're going to want to increase profits every year just like every other for profit wants to. So basically even if we are in times of peace, you keep funding these defense contractors because you don't want to cost your constituents jobs, even if they are sucking off the governments tit.
Republicans can't sink a bunch of money into defense and then say they are running the government like a business. Where was the profit in the Iraq war? A corporation would have never invested in the Iraq war unless they were going to get the oil.
Republicans can't sink a bunch of money into defense and then say they are running the government like a business. Where was the profit in the Iraq war? A corporation would have never invested in the Iraq war unless they were going to get the oil.
That's dumb. A defense contractor supplies weapons, end of story. Thus, a war increases demand for its products and it doesn't matter what the war is for.
How are they treated better?
Government pension system, govt. healthcare system, govt. education system, etc. apply to everyone in Germany, union or not.

Not sure if that is treated better or not. Just because the government provides something, that does not make it better. We have a government education system, I am not impressed with it.
In the eyes of the German people, the govt. providing the things necessary for a decent life is a good thing. They don`t whine about high taxes when they see a return. Whether you`re impressed with our education system is irrelevant. Like the rest of us, you`re nobody and you need to learn to live with it. If you find paradise let us know.

I found my paradise, I hope you find yours. I didn't need government to help me find it.
Really? Go to Mexico or Somalian and try to become successful. Then you'll appreciate what your government did for you

Who said I didn't appreciate my government? You make silly assumptions.
You clearly don't appreciate your government when you say "you found your paradise and didn't need government to help me find it."

Well then go to Mexico and show us how you don't need government. You'll see how much this government allows or helps you to have a good standard of living. If government didn't protect your sorry ass you'd be crossing the border trying to find illegal work in Canada.
Republicans can't sink a bunch of money into defense and then say they are running the government like a business. Where was the profit in the Iraq war? A corporation would have never invested in the Iraq war unless they were going to get the oil.
That's dumb. A defense contractor supplies weapons, end of story. Thus, a war increases demand for its products and it doesn't matter what the war is for.
Point is you don't run government like a business. How do you make a profit running a government?
Republicans can't sink a bunch of money into defense and then say they are running the government like a business. Where was the profit in the Iraq war? A corporation would have never invested in the Iraq war unless they were going to get the oil.
That's dumb. A defense contractor supplies weapons, end of story. Thus, a war increases demand for its products and it doesn't matter what the war is for.
Point is you don't run government like a business. How do you make a profit running a government?
You spend less than you make in revenue so you can reduce debt and set aside money in a rainy day fund, like Virginia does. Then, when all obligations have been met, you rebate any surplus back to the tax payers, in proportion to what they paid in. That's how.
Republicans can't sink a bunch of money into defense and then say they are running the government like a business. Where was the profit in the Iraq war? A corporation would have never invested in the Iraq war unless they were going to get the oil.

But they get more than oil. They get the compliant appreciation of the corporations that profit from their adventures. We like to pretend that 'American Ingenuity' is what keeps our companies dominant, but military supremacy don't hurt.
Republicans can't sink a bunch of money into defense and then say they are running the government like a business. Where was the profit in the Iraq war? A corporation would have never invested in the Iraq war unless they were going to get the oil.

Dept. of Defense is for the protection of the country.

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