Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

Your logic is stunning.

You want someone to prepare a meal for you, you pay for the price of the preparation. If you can't afford it,

go to the grocery store.
Is that what you think this is about? Really?

What would it be about?
Managed markets, government interference with free markets, etc. It hasn't shown to work in the past. There will always be unintended consequences. It is unavoidable.

The free market is an abomination. Laissez-faire capitalism caused the labor movement, caused the socialist movement.

Free markets are an abomination? Why? The communists tried to manage markets and failed with terrible results.
BUT BUT BUT Libtards laughed when Republicans said higher minimum wages will drive up food costs.

Restaurant diners are footing the bill for rising minimum wages.

In lieu of steep menu price increases, many independent and regional chain restaurants in states including Arizona, California, Colorado and New York are adding surcharges of 3% to 4% to help offset rising labor costs. Industry analysts expect the practice to become widespread as more cities and states increase minimum wages.

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“It’s the emerging new norm,” said Sharokina Shams, spokeswoman for the California Restaurant Association. She said California restaurants are adding surcharges as the state lifts the minimum wage every year until it reaches $15 an hour by 2023. It is currently at $10.50 an hour for employers with 26 or more workers.
Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

So companies have to put up prices in order to have their workers live. Fine, then let it be so.

Or, we could just go back to slavery.
Live? We are discussing minimum wage here. If you are trying to raise a family on minimum wage something is seriously wrong. Liberals seem to think businesses open up to provide incomes for the population.

If you can't pay a decent wage in this country then you should try some other profession.
I'm doing great at this one. I never hired dumb dependent assholes like you, that helped a bunch. I never paid minimum wage, it was irrelevant to me. I need skilled workers not flunky stuff. You think you have the authority and might to dictate what a decent wage is for people starting out in the job market. Like I said earlier, you weren't employable in the private sector. Guys like you suck onto government gigs because you had to.
Sounds like you Republicans have changed all of the sudden. You talked so nicely to get those unemployed people to vote for your side. You said you'd bring good jobs back so they could find work.

Now you're talking like 2007 Republicans who said if you weren't working you're a loser and its your fault. Welcome back. I knew you didn't have a lot of respect for American workers.
I haven't heard the evil Republicans make your argument, but I don't watch political cartoon shows. Minimum wage jobs are the good jobs you think the evil Republicans meant? Of course any raises, artificial or not result in higher end prices.

I don't eat out so they can add $50 in fees to the tab. But the higher costs go the less the demand will be. Bottom line is if you open a business it should be up to you if you go out of business or not, not the do gooders in government.
The guy said people with college degrees would be his waiters.

These are exactly the people promised better jobs. All the unemployed people with degrees or experience but they can't find work in their field of study so they are forced to wait tables.

Yes, of course you don't remember your empty promises
All we need is to elect a republican and play trickle down economics to increase wages..
Or we could embrace progressive policies where they don't mind the poor being poorer as long as the rich are less rich.

You seemed to have done ok the last half century. What I think is that you are just greedy and want a few thousand more back on your taxes each year. And to get it you think us poor and middle class people should be paying a little more. Be honest. In fact, in order to fund the tax breaks republicans give to the rich Republicans always raise middle class taxes
Not all restaurants will be adding the surcharge. If you have that much of a problem with it, eat where it isn't imposed.

If you increase labor costs to restaurants by 40% then those costs WILL get passed along to the consumer. The profit margins for the restaurant industry are far too small to absorb such a massive hit.
Not all restaurants will be adding the surcharge. If you have that much of a problem with it, eat where it isn't imposed.

If you increase labor costs to restaurants of 40% then those costs WILL get passed along to the consumer. The profit margins for the restaurant industry are far too small to absorb such a massive hit.

But why are restaurants letting it get to that point in the first place? You put up prices to go in line with what is happening around you. You can't force your workers to live below the poverty line just so you can have great profits.
But I see what you guys are doing. You didn't like those jobs paying TOO much. So lets say you sent $50 hr jobs overseas. The people you promised a better life will be happy if they come back at $25 hr because right now they're only making $10 at Walmart. You guys are brilliant! I get it now.
You don't know "what you guys think". You make up whatever fits your narrative. Conservatives think the free market decides pricing and wages best. Government imposition tries to artificially dictate economics expecting a trickle up effect. Add increasing regulations and you can kiss business goodbye, which we have been doing for a while now. No amount of negative consequences can deter the good liberal because you all make up the reality you want regardless of outcome.
BUT BUT BUT Libtards laughed when Republicans said higher minimum wages will drive up food costs.

Restaurant diners are footing the bill for rising minimum wages.

In lieu of steep menu price increases, many independent and regional chain restaurants in states including Arizona, California, Colorado and New York are adding surcharges of 3% to 4% to help offset rising labor costs. Industry analysts expect the practice to become widespread as more cities and states increase minimum wages.

More on this...

Wendy's installing self-ordering kiosks in 1,000 restaurants
US retail sales rise in January, led by gas and restaurants
What does 'A Day Without a Woman' mean for restaurants?
“It’s the emerging new norm,” said Sharokina Shams, spokeswoman for the California Restaurant Association. She said California restaurants are adding surcharges as the state lifts the minimum wage every year until it reaches $15 an hour by 2023. It is currently at $10.50 an hour for employers with 26 or more workers.
Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

Oh my, 3-4% price increase? :eek-52:

How will America survive such onslaught from decent paying jobs?
Sounds like you Republicans have changed all of the sudden. You talked so nicely to get those unemployed people to vote for your side. You said you'd bring good jobs back so they could find work.

Now you're talking like 2007 Republicans who said if you weren't working you're a loser and its your fault. Welcome back. I knew you didn't have a lot of respect for American workers.
I haven't heard the evil Republicans make your argument, but I don't watch political cartoon shows. Minimum wage jobs are the good jobs you think the evil Republicans meant? Of course any raises, artificial or not result in higher end prices.

I don't eat out so they can add $50 in fees to the tab. But the higher costs go the less the demand will be. Bottom line is if you open a business it should be up to you if you go out of business or not, not the do gooders in government.
The guy said people with college degrees would be his waiters.

These are exactly the people promised better jobs. All the unemployed people with degrees or experience but they can't find work in their field of study so they are forced to wait tables.

Yes, of course you don't remember your empty promises
there never has been much demand for degrees in stupid shit like women's studies

Then colleges should be sued for offering a useless degree.

No the idiots who waste their money on stupid worthless degrees should have either not gone to college or pursued a degree that would actually get them a job
Not all restaurants will be adding the surcharge. If you have that much of a problem with it, eat where it isn't imposed.

If you increase labor costs to restaurants of 40% then those costs WILL get passed along to the consumer. The profit margins for the restaurant industry are far too small to absorb such a massive hit.

But why are restaurants letting it get to that point in the first place? You put up prices to go in line with what is happening around you. You can't force your workers to live below the poverty line just so you can have great profits.
You babble endlessly on things you know nothing about. Food service profits are razor thin, those selling booze stand a better chance. The workers are often students, if you've made a career out of busing tables you deserve to live under a bridge.
BUT BUT BUT Libtards laughed when Republicans said higher minimum wages will drive up food costs.

Restaurant diners are footing the bill for rising minimum wages.

In lieu of steep menu price increases, many independent and regional chain restaurants in states including Arizona, California, Colorado and New York are adding surcharges of 3% to 4% to help offset rising labor costs. Industry analysts expect the practice to become widespread as more cities and states increase minimum wages.

More on this...

Wendy's installing self-ordering kiosks in 1,000 restaurants
US retail sales rise in January, led by gas and restaurants
What does 'A Day Without a Woman' mean for restaurants?
“It’s the emerging new norm,” said Sharokina Shams, spokeswoman for the California Restaurant Association. She said California restaurants are adding surcharges as the state lifts the minimum wage every year until it reaches $15 an hour by 2023. It is currently at $10.50 an hour for employers with 26 or more workers.
Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

Oh my, 3-4% price increase? How will America survive such onslaught from decent paying jobs?

I'll $4.00 for my Big Mac but I'll be damned if I'll pay $4.16!

That's just highway robbery!
Sounds like you Republicans have changed all of the sudden. You talked so nicely to get those unemployed people to vote for your side. You said you'd bring good jobs back so they could find work.

Now you're talking like 2007 Republicans who said if you weren't working you're a loser and its your fault. Welcome back. I knew you didn't have a lot of respect for American workers.
I haven't heard the evil Republicans make your argument, but I don't watch political cartoon shows. Minimum wage jobs are the good jobs you think the evil Republicans meant? Of course any raises, artificial or not result in higher end prices.

I don't eat out so they can add $50 in fees to the tab. But the higher costs go the less the demand will be. Bottom line is if you open a business it should be up to you if you go out of business or not, not the do gooders in government.
The guy said people with college degrees would be his waiters.

These are exactly the people promised better jobs. All the unemployed people with degrees or experience but they can't find work in their field of study so they are forced to wait tables.

Yes, of course you don't remember your empty promises
there never has been much demand for degrees in stupid shit like women's studies

Then colleges should be sued for offering a useless degree.

No the idiots who waste their money on stupid worthless degrees should have either not gone to college or pursued a degree that would actually get them a job
Who are you to determine what college degrees are worthless and which are not?
BUT BUT BUT Libtards laughed when Republicans said higher minimum wages will drive up food costs.

Restaurant diners are footing the bill for rising minimum wages.

In lieu of steep menu price increases, many independent and regional chain restaurants in states including Arizona, California, Colorado and New York are adding surcharges of 3% to 4% to help offset rising labor costs. Industry analysts expect the practice to become widespread as more cities and states increase minimum wages.

More on this...

Wendy's installing self-ordering kiosks in 1,000 restaurants
US retail sales rise in January, led by gas and restaurants
What does 'A Day Without a Woman' mean for restaurants?
“It’s the emerging new norm,” said Sharokina Shams, spokeswoman for the California Restaurant Association. She said California restaurants are adding surcharges as the state lifts the minimum wage every year until it reaches $15 an hour by 2023. It is currently at $10.50 an hour for employers with 26 or more workers.
Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

So companies have to put up prices in order to have their workers live. Fine, then let it be so.

Or, we could just go back to slavery.
Live? We are discussing minimum wage here. If you are trying to raise a family on minimum wage something is seriously wrong. Liberals seem to think businesses open up to provide incomes for the population.

If you can't pay a decent wage in this country then you should try some other profession.
if you do not possess the skill to merit a decent wage then you better do something about it
I haven't heard the evil Republicans make your argument, but I don't watch political cartoon shows. Minimum wage jobs are the good jobs you think the evil Republicans meant? Of course any raises, artificial or not result in higher end prices.

I don't eat out so they can add $50 in fees to the tab. But the higher costs go the less the demand will be. Bottom line is if you open a business it should be up to you if you go out of business or not, not the do gooders in government.
The guy said people with college degrees would be his waiters.

These are exactly the people promised better jobs. All the unemployed people with degrees or experience but they can't find work in their field of study so they are forced to wait tables.

Yes, of course you don't remember your empty promises
there never has been much demand for degrees in stupid shit like women's studies

Then colleges should be sued for offering a useless degree.

No the idiots who waste their money on stupid worthless degrees should have either not gone to college or pursued a degree that would actually get them a job
Who are you to determine what college degrees are worthless and which are not?


Just look at what people with varying degrees get paid and there's your answer
You want someone to prepare a meal for you, you pay for the price of the preparation. If you can't afford it,

go to the grocery store.
Is that what you think this is about? Really?

What would it be about?
Managed markets, government interference with free markets, etc. It hasn't shown to work in the past. There will always be unintended consequences. It is unavoidable.

The free market is an abomination. Laissez-faire capitalism caused the labor movement, caused the socialist movement.

Free markets are an abomination? Why? The communists tried to manage markets and failed with terrible results.
Whats free about a wage that you can't live on. Whats free about having to use government services to make ends meet. These corporations are paying as little as they can, knowing the US government will pick up the difference. That means its coming out of your pocket.
Go to fast food restaurant chains now and take note of the "kiosks" that are being installed so that fewer workers will be behind the counter. Yes, wages will be higher for minimum wage jobs...but there will be far fewer of those jobs to be had.

Liberals were told that would be the result of imposing a much higher minimum wage but they did it anyways. Good luck finding entry level jobs for your kids know...the ones that teach them to be responsible?

So your view of America is that we are doomed to become a low wage country with ongoing and increasing gaps between the rich and poor.

My view of America is that whenever government tries to impose artificially high wages all that results is higher prices for goods and services. Raise wages all you want but be intelligent enough to understand the results.

I don't know where you're from, but $15.00 an hour is not a high wage.

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