Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

LOL! I can see you didn't teach English.

As far as your sig? I block them as they are nothing but propaganda with little or no truth to them.
No, I taught French, History, and Spanish. Not my sig- FACTS are all I care about- too bad GOPers don't know any...

I could tell by your sentence structure you didn't teach English. Again I don't read your propaganda, the only one who believes your insanity is insane people.
Tell me what's bs, and I'll make a total fool of you. lol. I just hate typing.
Papa admits that both sides lie. But it seems to me that Democrats get caught lying over bragging. Republicans lie us into war for haloburton, sending jobs overseas, conspiring with Russians.

And I know trumps lying to blue collar workers. In 4 years they'll blame Democrats for why they haven't delivered on campaign promises.

Hey papa. Trump said he will make your insurance cheaper. Was he lying? Because his current plan sucks. There's his first lie. Let's see if wages go up. We knew the stock market would do well. What about labor?

Franco, Obama gave Haliburton more no bid contracts than the Bush administration, so you lie again. However, only a stupid partisan Dem would believe Bush lied us into war. You have no evidence whatsoever, but you continue to be stupid.

As far as Trump, I didn't vote for him, my expectations of him are low.
Would you fuck with haloburton if you were potus? Do you want to end up dead? Chaney is Darth vader
No, I taught French, History, and Spanish. Not my sig- FACTS are all I care about- too bad GOPers don't know any...

I could tell by your sentence structure you didn't teach English. Again I don't read your propaganda, the only one who believes your insanity is insane people.
Tell me what's bs, and I'll make a total fool of you. lol. I just hate typing.
Papa admits that both sides lie. But it seems to me that Democrats get caught lying over bragging. Republicans lie us into war for haloburton, sending jobs overseas, conspiring with Russians.

And I know trumps lying to blue collar workers. In 4 years they'll blame Democrats for why they haven't delivered on campaign promises.

Hey papa. Trump said he will make your insurance cheaper. Was he lying? Because his current plan sucks. There's his first lie. Let's see if wages go up. We knew the stock market would do well. What about labor?

Franco, Obama gave Haliburton more no bid contracts than the Bush administration, so you lie again. However, only a stupid partisan Dem would believe Bush lied us into war. You have no evidence whatsoever, but you continue to be stupid.

As far as Trump, I didn't vote for him, my expectations of him are low.
Trump at least is right about Iraq. It's why he won. He said some truths you'll never admit.

Because if you're wrong about Iraq what else are you wrong about?

I'm wrong? You made the fucking statement. You high again?
Sure you do. Typing requires thinking.
No, I taught French, History, and Spanish. Not my sig- FACTS are all I care about- too bad GOPers don't know any...
Let's give papa an example how Republicans lie.

We've said for years fox lies. Trump tweets that he heard on fox Obama wiretapped him. Fox lies. Who's spreading the fake news papa?

Sealy, I am not claiming Republicans don't lie, I am saying they are just as bad as the Democrats, so spare the BS, I know Trump lies, as do you and other Democrats. Please prove that Democrats DO NOT lie, that is something you can't do.
Give me some Republican lies that bother you? I think they were not truthful about their role in the great recession of 2007. Then they lied about how bad Obama was doing. Then they convinced you to give Reagan another chance because ultimately you're a Republican. So stop denying it.

When you say they all lie its a cop out.

You actually believe in trickle down.

The Obama birth certificate, he is a Muslim, are just two, to many big issues and then you have that bs. The 2008 recession was brought on by several administrations, sessions of Congress and bad consumer and business practices. Why aren't Democrats truthful about their role in the Recession.
Yeah sure. Funny how ALL the actual shennanigans happened under Booosh, dupe.

See, stupid hater dupe, is too stupid to be a real teacher.
Give us a factual Dem lie then, dupe. And NOT a prediction that the Gop blocked. Lies are all the GOP has, dupe. Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. Obama 2 years of control, anything Trump and Fox SAY...

You can keep your doctor, you can keep your insurance, I will close Gitmo, I am part Indian, Bush caused the 2008 recession, would not give no bid contracts, Obama waged war against pot when he said he wouldn't. Lied about putting ACA negotiations on C-Span, lied about the cost of ACA, Hillary lied about being in sniper fire, lied about her mother naming her after Sir Edmund Hillary, Bill Clinton lied under oath about his relationship with an intern, Obama lied about the Supreme Court never overturning a law Congress passed, schemer claimed that Tillerson wouldn't divest himself from Exxon and he had already done so weeks before. John Lewis claimed that Trumps Inauguration would be the first one he had missed since being in Congress, he missed Bush in 2001. Jill Stein claimed Wisconsin used illegal voting machines. Dems claim GOP wants to starve kids, seniors, republicans are against clean air, clean water.

I can go on for pages if you would like.
All BS, dupe.

You can keep your doctor, you can keep your insurance, I will close Gitmo: PREDICTIONS

She probably is Indian- unprovable either way.


Hillary's plane landed in sniper mode. Security scared the hell out of everyone. First ady entertainment story.

ALL of this is bs. ALL debatable. AND irrelevant.

Meanwhile, GOP POLICY is based on duping you fools withL Obama had 2 years of control, his policies caused ANYTHING, Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:

Lol! You are a stupid nut.
Pocahontas wasn't lying.
Hillary isn't corrupt.
Soros is not a Nazi.
Acorn did not steal the election.
ACA costs are slower than under Booosh.
Boooshies' oversight of financial institutions caused the bubble.
You live on Planet Foxrush. A disgrace. Over 50% of GOPers believe Obama is Muslim, Kenyan, or Marxist. Or any of the above. Absolute CRAP.

Poor Franco, a real hater dupe. Has to lie what stupid little nutter.
Give us a factual Dem lie then, dupe. And NOT a prediction that the Gop blocked. Lies are all the GOP has, dupe. Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. Obama 2 years of control, anything Trump and Fox SAY...

You can keep your doctor, you can keep your insurance, I will close Gitmo, I am part Indian, Bush caused the 2008 recession, would not give no bid contracts, Obama waged war against pot when he said he wouldn't. Lied about putting ACA negotiations on C-Span, lied about the cost of ACA, Hillary lied about being in sniper fire, lied about her mother naming her after Sir Edmund Hillary, Bill Clinton lied under oath about his relationship with an intern, Obama lied about the Supreme Court never overturning a law Congress passed, schemer claimed that Tillerson wouldn't divest himself from Exxon and he had already done so weeks before. John Lewis claimed that Trumps Inauguration would be the first one he had missed since being in Congress, he missed Bush in 2001. Jill Stein claimed Wisconsin used illegal voting machines. Dems claim GOP wants to starve kids, seniors, republicans are against clean air, clean water.

I can go on for pages if you would like.
All BS, dupe.

You can keep your doctor, you can keep your insurance, I will close Gitmo: PREDICTIONS

She probably is Indian- unprovable either way.


Hillary's plane landed in sniper mode. Security scared the hell out of everyone. First ady entertainment story.

ALL of this is bs. ALL debatable. AND irrelevant.

Meanwhile, GOP POLICY is based on duping you fools withL Obama had 2 years of control, his policies caused ANYTHING, Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:

Lol! You are a stupid nut.
Pocahontas wasn't lying.
Hillary isn't corrupt.
Soros is not a Nazi.
Acorn did not steal the election.
ACA costs are slower than under Booosh.
Boooshies' oversight of financial institutions caused the bubble.
You live on Planet Foxrush. A disgrace. Over 50% of GOPers believe Obama is Muslim, Kenyan, or Marxist. Or any of the above. Absolute CRAP.

Poor Franco, a real hater dupe. Has to lie what stupid little nutter.
I think papas getting tired.
No, I taught French, History, and Spanish. Not my sig- FACTS are all I care about- too bad GOPers don't know any...

I could tell by your sentence structure you didn't teach English. Again I don't read your propaganda, the only one who believes your insanity is insane people.
Tell me what's bs, and I'll make a total fool of you. lol. I just hate typing.
Papa admits that both sides lie. But it seems to me that Democrats get caught lying over bragging. Republicans lie us into war for haloburton, sending jobs overseas, conspiring with Russians.

And I know trumps lying to blue collar workers. In 4 years they'll blame Democrats for why they haven't delivered on campaign promises.

Hey papa. Trump said he will make your insurance cheaper. Was he lying? Because his current plan sucks. There's his first lie. Let's see if wages go up. We knew the stock market would do well. What about labor?

Franco, Obama gave Haliburton more no bid contracts than the Bush administration, so you lie again. However, only a stupid partisan Dem would believe Bush lied us into war. You have no evidence whatsoever, but you continue to be stupid.

As far as Trump, I didn't vote for him, my expectations of him are low.
Would you fuck with haloburton if you were potus? Do you want to end up dead? Chaney is Darth vader

Poor pathetic Dem lies. You are so funny, can't admit you are following liars.
Sure you do. Typing requires thinking.
Let's give papa an example how Republicans lie.

We've said for years fox lies. Trump tweets that he heard on fox Obama wiretapped him. Fox lies. Who's spreading the fake news papa?

Sealy, I am not claiming Republicans don't lie, I am saying they are just as bad as the Democrats, so spare the BS, I know Trump lies, as do you and other Democrats. Please prove that Democrats DO NOT lie, that is something you can't do.
Give me some Republican lies that bother you? I think they were not truthful about their role in the great recession of 2007. Then they lied about how bad Obama was doing. Then they convinced you to give Reagan another chance because ultimately you're a Republican. So stop denying it.

When you say they all lie its a cop out.

You actually believe in trickle down.

The Obama birth certificate, he is a Muslim, are just two, to many big issues and then you have that bs. The 2008 recession was brought on by several administrations, sessions of Congress and bad consumer and business practices. Why aren't Democrats truthful about their role in the Recession.
Yeah sure. Funny how ALL the actual shennanigans happened under Booosh, dupe.

See, stupid hater dupe, is too stupid to be a real teacher.
Sure. Call people stupid enough times, and you'll be right.
You can keep your doctor, you can keep your insurance, I will close Gitmo, I am part Indian, Bush caused the 2008 recession, would not give no bid contracts, Obama waged war against pot when he said he wouldn't. Lied about putting ACA negotiations on C-Span, lied about the cost of ACA, Hillary lied about being in sniper fire, lied about her mother naming her after Sir Edmund Hillary, Bill Clinton lied under oath about his relationship with an intern, Obama lied about the Supreme Court never overturning a law Congress passed, schemer claimed that Tillerson wouldn't divest himself from Exxon and he had already done so weeks before. John Lewis claimed that Trumps Inauguration would be the first one he had missed since being in Congress, he missed Bush in 2001. Jill Stein claimed Wisconsin used illegal voting machines. Dems claim GOP wants to starve kids, seniors, republicans are against clean air, clean water.

I can go on for pages if you would like.
All BS, dupe.

You can keep your doctor, you can keep your insurance, I will close Gitmo: PREDICTIONS

She probably is Indian- unprovable either way.


Hillary's plane landed in sniper mode. Security scared the hell out of everyone. First ady entertainment story.

ALL of this is bs. ALL debatable. AND irrelevant.

Meanwhile, GOP POLICY is based on duping you fools withL Obama had 2 years of control, his policies caused ANYTHING, Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:

Lol! You are a stupid nut.
Pocahontas wasn't lying.
Hillary isn't corrupt.
Soros is not a Nazi.
Acorn did not steal the election.
ACA costs are slower than under Booosh.
Boooshies' oversight of financial institutions caused the bubble.
You live on Planet Foxrush. A disgrace. Over 50% of GOPers believe Obama is Muslim, Kenyan, or Marxist. Or any of the above. Absolute CRAP.

Poor Franco, a real hater dupe. Has to lie what stupid little nutter.
He thinks everything he disagrees with the other person must be lying. For example I'm not lying when I say trickle down doesn't work. I know papa believes tricked down does work but I don't say he's lying. I say he's wrong.
I could tell by your sentence structure you didn't teach English. Again I don't read your propaganda, the only one who believes your insanity is insane people.
Tell me what's bs, and I'll make a total fool of you. lol. I just hate typing.
Papa admits that both sides lie. But it seems to me that Democrats get caught lying over bragging. Republicans lie us into war for haloburton, sending jobs overseas, conspiring with Russians.

And I know trumps lying to blue collar workers. In 4 years they'll blame Democrats for why they haven't delivered on campaign promises.

Hey papa. Trump said he will make your insurance cheaper. Was he lying? Because his current plan sucks. There's his first lie. Let's see if wages go up. We knew the stock market would do well. What about labor?

Franco, Obama gave Haliburton more no bid contracts than the Bush administration, so you lie again. However, only a stupid partisan Dem would believe Bush lied us into war. You have no evidence whatsoever, but you continue to be stupid.

As far as Trump, I didn't vote for him, my expectations of him are low.
Would you fuck with haloburton if you were potus? Do you want to end up dead? Chaney is Darth vader

Poor pathetic Dem lies. You are so funny, can't admit you are following liars.
I think the American people were conned away from the liberal dream. I've given up all hope based on 2010, 2014 and 2016 elections. It's over. My only goal is to say I told you so to all the people who get fucked over. But I think I'll get screwed too. My social security will get cut.

I'm about to get a big promotion. I already make more than enough. I'm going to save my ass off and hope the GOP don't screw up again.

Stop talking about the past. Does it matter that Hillary lied once every time trump lies?
Sure you do. Typing requires thinking.
LOL! I can see you didn't teach English.

As far as your sig? I block them as they are nothing but propaganda with little or no truth to them.
No, I taught French, History, and Spanish. Not my sig- FACTS are all I care about- too bad GOPers don't know any...
Let's give papa an example how Republicans lie.

We've said for years fox lies. Trump tweets that he heard on fox Obama wiretapped him. Fox lies. Who's spreading the fake news papa?

Sealy, I am not claiming Republicans don't lie, I am saying they are just as bad as the Democrats, so spare the BS, I know Trump lies, as do you and other Democrats. Please prove that Democrats DO NOT lie, that is something you can't do.
Give me some Republican lies that bother you? I think they were not truthful about their role in the great recession of 2007. Then they lied about how bad Obama was doing. Then they convinced you to give Reagan another chance because ultimately you're a Republican. So stop denying it.

When you say they all lie its a cop out.

You actually believe in trickle down.

The Obama birth certificate, he is a Muslim, are just two, to many big issues and then you have that bs. The 2008 recession was brought on by several administrations, sessions of Congress and bad consumer and business practices. Why aren't Democrats truthful about their role in the Recession.
Because Freddy and fanny wouldn't have ever been a problem if it weren't for deregulations, sending all those jobs overseas, corporations hiring all those illegals,

Some of what you say is true like people were irresponsible getting over their heads with mortgages but if you ask me Republicans may have done it on purpose. The rich bought up all those homes that were lost. Banks got nailed out
All BS, dupe.

You can keep your doctor, you can keep your insurance, I will close Gitmo: PREDICTIONS

She probably is Indian- unprovable either way.


Hillary's plane landed in sniper mode. Security scared the hell out of everyone. First ady entertainment story.

ALL of this is bs. ALL debatable. AND irrelevant.

Meanwhile, GOP POLICY is based on duping you fools withL Obama had 2 years of control, his policies caused ANYTHING, Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:

Lol! You are a stupid nut.
Pocahontas wasn't lying.
Hillary isn't corrupt.
Soros is not a Nazi.
Acorn did not steal the election.
ACA costs are slower than under Booosh.
Boooshies' oversight of financial institutions caused the bubble.
You live on Planet Foxrush. A disgrace. Over 50% of GOPers believe Obama is Muslim, Kenyan, or Marxist. Or any of the above. Absolute CRAP.

Poor Franco, a real hater dupe. Has to lie what stupid little nutter.
He thinks everything he disagrees with the other person must be lying. For example I'm not lying when I say trickle down doesn't work. I know papa believes tricked down does work but I don't say he's lying. I say he's wrong.
I say he's duped. The USA has never seen such a huge, well financed bs propaganda machine. Hopefully, Trump believing Fox etccould end this mess...
Sure you do. Typing requires thinking.
No, I taught French, History, and Spanish. Not my sig- FACTS are all I care about- too bad GOPers don't know any...
Let's give papa an example how Republicans lie.

We've said for years fox lies. Trump tweets that he heard on fox Obama wiretapped him. Fox lies. Who's spreading the fake news papa?

Sealy, I am not claiming Republicans don't lie, I am saying they are just as bad as the Democrats, so spare the BS, I know Trump lies, as do you and other Democrats. Please prove that Democrats DO NOT lie, that is something you can't do.
Give me some Republican lies that bother you? I think they were not truthful about their role in the great recession of 2007. Then they lied about how bad Obama was doing. Then they convinced you to give Reagan another chance because ultimately you're a Republican. So stop denying it.

When you say they all lie its a cop out.

You actually believe in trickle down.

The Obama birth certificate, he is a Muslim, are just two, to many big issues and then you have that bs. The 2008 recession was brought on by several administrations, sessions of Congress and bad consumer and business practices. Why aren't Democrats truthful about their role in the Recession.
Because Freddy and fanny wouldn't have ever been a problem if it weren't for deregulations, sending all those jobs overseas, corporations hiring all those illegals,

Some of what you say is true like people were irresponsible getting over their heads with mortgages but if you ask me Republicans may have done it on purpose. The rich bought up all those homes that were lost. Banks got nailed out
F+F's share of the market at least halved 2003-4 and went to GOP cronies like Countrywide. Hello corrupt bubble.
Sure you do. Typing requires thinking.
No, I taught French, History, and Spanish. Not my sig- FACTS are all I care about- too bad GOPers don't know any...
Let's give papa an example how Republicans lie.

We've said for years fox lies. Trump tweets that he heard on fox Obama wiretapped him. Fox lies. Who's spreading the fake news papa?

Sealy, I am not claiming Republicans don't lie, I am saying they are just as bad as the Democrats, so spare the BS, I know Trump lies, as do you and other Democrats. Please prove that Democrats DO NOT lie, that is something you can't do.
Give me some Republican lies that bother you? I think they were not truthful about their role in the great recession of 2007. Then they lied about how bad Obama was doing. Then they convinced you to give Reagan another chance because ultimately you're a Republican. So stop denying it.

When you say they all lie its a cop out.

You actually believe in trickle down.

The Obama birth certificate, he is a Muslim, are just two, to many big issues and then you have that bs. The 2008 recession was brought on by several administrations, sessions of Congress and bad consumer and business practices. Why aren't Democrats truthful about their role in the Recession.
Yeah sure. Funny how ALL the actual shennanigans happened under Booosh, dupe.
It would be like if in 6 years we had another recession and Republicans blamed Obama. Sorry but it will be Ryan McConnell trumps fault just like it was bush hastert and delay.
I could tell by your sentence structure you didn't teach English. Again I don't read your propaganda, the only one who believes your insanity is insane people.
Tell me what's bs, and I'll make a total fool of you. lol. I just hate typing.
Papa admits that both sides lie. But it seems to me that Democrats get caught lying over bragging. Republicans lie us into war for haloburton, sending jobs overseas, conspiring with Russians.

And I know trumps lying to blue collar workers. In 4 years they'll blame Democrats for why they haven't delivered on campaign promises.

Hey papa. Trump said he will make your insurance cheaper. Was he lying? Because his current plan sucks. There's his first lie. Let's see if wages go up. We knew the stock market would do well. What about labor?

Franco, Obama gave Haliburton more no bid contracts than the Bush administration, so you lie again. However, only a stupid partisan Dem would believe Bush lied us into war. You have no evidence whatsoever, but you continue to be stupid.

As far as Trump, I didn't vote for him, my expectations of him are low.
Would you fuck with haloburton if you were potus? Do you want to end up dead? Chaney is Darth vader

Poor pathetic Dem lies. You are so funny, can't admit you are following liars.
Remember when you used to pretend you weren't a Republican? That was a lie.
Sure you do. Typing requires thinking.
No, I taught French, History, and Spanish. Not my sig- FACTS are all I care about- too bad GOPers don't know any...
Let's give papa an example how Republicans lie.

We've said for years fox lies. Trump tweets that he heard on fox Obama wiretapped him. Fox lies. Who's spreading the fake news papa?

Sealy, I am not claiming Republicans don't lie, I am saying they are just as bad as the Democrats, so spare the BS, I know Trump lies, as do you and other Democrats. Please prove that Democrats DO NOT lie, that is something you can't do.
Give me some Republican lies that bother you? I think they were not truthful about their role in the great recession of 2007. Then they lied about how bad Obama was doing. Then they convinced you to give Reagan another chance because ultimately you're a Republican. So stop denying it.

When you say they all lie its a cop out.

You actually believe in trickle down.

The Obama birth certificate, he is a Muslim, are just two, to many big issues and then you have that bs. The 2008 recession was brought on by several administrations, sessions of Congress and bad consumer and business practices. Why aren't Democrats truthful about their role in the Recession.
Because Freddy and fanny wouldn't have ever been a problem if it weren't for deregulations, sending all those jobs overseas, corporations hiring all those illegals,

Some of what you say is true like people were irresponsible getting over their heads with mortgages but if you ask me Republicans may have done it on purpose. The rich bought up all those homes that were lost. Banks got nailed out

So neither Republicans or Democrats were honest about the Recession, at least you admit that.
Tell me what's bs, and I'll make a total fool of you. lol. I just hate typing.
Papa admits that both sides lie. But it seems to me that Democrats get caught lying over bragging. Republicans lie us into war for haloburton, sending jobs overseas, conspiring with Russians.

And I know trumps lying to blue collar workers. In 4 years they'll blame Democrats for why they haven't delivered on campaign promises.

Hey papa. Trump said he will make your insurance cheaper. Was he lying? Because his current plan sucks. There's his first lie. Let's see if wages go up. We knew the stock market would do well. What about labor?

Franco, Obama gave Haliburton more no bid contracts than the Bush administration, so you lie again. However, only a stupid partisan Dem would believe Bush lied us into war. You have no evidence whatsoever, but you continue to be stupid.

As far as Trump, I didn't vote for him, my expectations of him are low.
Would you fuck with haloburton if you were potus? Do you want to end up dead? Chaney is Darth vader

Poor pathetic Dem lies. You are so funny, can't admit you are following liars.
Remember when you used to pretend you weren't a Republican? That was a lie.

Yeah, that's why I don't always vote GOP, more proof you are clueless.

Why does it bother you that I am not a Republican? I don't believe in just two parties.
No, I taught French, History, and Spanish. Not my sig- FACTS are all I care about- too bad GOPers don't know any...

I could tell by your sentence structure you didn't teach English. Again I don't read your propaganda, the only one who believes your insanity is insane people.
Tell me what's bs, and I'll make a total fool of you. lol. I just hate typing.
Papa admits that both sides lie. But it seems to me that Democrats get caught lying over bragging. Republicans lie us into war for haloburton, sending jobs overseas, conspiring with Russians.

And I know trumps lying to blue collar workers. In 4 years they'll blame Democrats for why they haven't delivered on campaign promises.

Hey papa. Trump said he will make your insurance cheaper. Was he lying? Because his current plan sucks. There's his first lie. Let's see if wages go up. We knew the stock market would do well. What about labor?

Franco, Obama gave Haliburton more no bid contracts than the Bush administration, so you lie again. However, only a stupid partisan Dem would believe Bush lied us into war. You have no evidence whatsoever, but you continue to be stupid.

As far as Trump, I didn't vote for him, my expectations of him are low.
Trump at least is right about Iraq. It's why he won. He said some truths you'll never admit.

Because if you're wrong about Iraq what else are you wrong about?

Iraq had nothing to do with Trump's victory,
No, I taught French, History, and Spanish. Not my sig- FACTS are all I care about- too bad GOPers don't know any...

I could tell by your sentence structure you didn't teach English. Again I don't read your propaganda, the only one who believes your insanity is insane people.
Tell me what's bs, and I'll make a total fool of you. lol. I just hate typing.
Here is what's bs.

Hillary's lie about friendly fire is nothing. Bills lie about a bj was nothing. Warren lying about being part indian. These are unimportant.

Lying us into Iraq or that you met with Russians seem a little more serious yet papa don't preach.

And trump proved fox is peddling bullshit daily. That's where trumps getting his information. Don't forget trumps a birther.. You bought trump university basically. He conned you

No lie was told getting us into war with Iraq, too many Democrat leaders believed what Bush believed based on evidence. So Bush was the smartest person in the world, or Democrats are just too stupid to breathe dumb,
Remember when countries like Canada didn't go along with invading Iraq? They knew it was a lie.

And the Brits know bush lied and so did Tony Blair but they pretend bush lied to him.

Senator Clinton only sees the fake Intel bush and Powell gave. They certainly weren't told the whole truth. We all know that now

Yes, we all know that now (and always) it's never a Democrats fault.
All BS, dupe.

You can keep your doctor, you can keep your insurance, I will close Gitmo: PREDICTIONS

She probably is Indian- unprovable either way.


Hillary's plane landed in sniper mode. Security scared the hell out of everyone. First ady entertainment story.

ALL of this is bs. ALL debatable. AND irrelevant.

Meanwhile, GOP POLICY is based on duping you fools withL Obama had 2 years of control, his policies caused ANYTHING, Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:

Lol! You are a stupid nut.
Pocahontas wasn't lying.
Hillary isn't corrupt.
Soros is not a Nazi.
Acorn did not steal the election.
ACA costs are slower than under Booosh.
Boooshies' oversight of financial institutions caused the bubble.
You live on Planet Foxrush. A disgrace. Over 50% of GOPers believe Obama is Muslim, Kenyan, or Marxist. Or any of the above. Absolute CRAP.

Poor Franco, a real hater dupe. Has to lie what stupid little nutter.
He thinks everything he disagrees with the other person must be lying. For example I'm not lying when I say trickle down doesn't work. I know papa believes tricked down does work but I don't say he's lying. I say he's wrong.

He tells the same shit over and over and when proven wrong, he tells the same shit over and over. So he is either lying or a really really stupid idiot.
so what; that does not let an employer off the hook unless they are independent contractors.

Off the hook for...?
regular wages for regular employees; there should be no exception for persons in the restaurant business.

the rich should not care how much the poor make in tips.
the rich don't care but you bet your ass the government does
why do capitalists get a wage break for their employees?

taxes and tips could both be considered regular wages; with wages being covered by employers, in the usual and customary manner for all other businesses.
tips are considered wages you idiot that's why they have to be claimed on your taxes

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