Result of Government Schooling???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1." The health care bill will "create 4 million jobs, 400,000 jobs almost immediately."
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi put a new spin on health care reform during a recent meeting between President Barack Obama and members of Congress.

"It's about jobs," she said. "In its life [health care reform] will create 4 million jobs, 400,000 jobs almost immediately."
PolitiFact | Pelosi claims that health care reform will create thousands of jobs

2. "Obama flubs during health care conference call with community organizers, claims 'more than 100 MILLION Americans' have enrolled
Obama flubs health care conference call with community organizers: 'More than 100 million Americans already successfully enrolled' | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

3. "Pelosi: Stim will create/save "three million plus" jobs
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi isn't quite as optimistic as she used to be about the job-creating potential of the stimulus package -- telling Charlie Rose on PBS that it will probably fall short of the four million initially predicted, but exceed the 2.5 million guess-timate by pessimistic forecasters."
Pelosi: Stim will create/save "three million plus" jobs - On Congress -

4. "Treasury: Debt Up $0 in August; CBO: But Deficit Was $146B
( - The federal deficit increased by $146 billion in August, according to a report released today by the Congressional Budget Office. But, at the same time, according to the U.S. Treasury, the federal debt did not increase at all during the month."
Treasury: Debt Up $0 in August; CBO: But Deficit Was $146B | CNS News

5. New Democrat Party bumper-sticker:
"Numbers??? Ain't so good at fancy book-larnin'"
"Census ‘faked’ 2012 election jobs report

In the home stretch of the 2012 presidential campaign, from August to September, the unemployment rate fell sharply — raising eyebrows from Wall Street to Washington.
The decline — from 8.1 percent in August to 7.8 percent in September — might not have been all it seemed. The numbers, according to a reliable source, were manipulated.

And a knowledgeable source says the deception went beyond that one employee — that it escalated at the time President Obama was seeking reelection in 2012 and continues today."
Census ?faked? 2012 election jobs report | New York Post

"Numbers: I ain't no good at fancy book-larnin'"
As they say on the internet...


Nancy Pelosi? Government schooling?

Well, no.

Pelosi graduated from a Catholic girl's school, and Trinity College, a Roman Catholic university.

She's the result of Religious private schooling.

It's too bad the author of this thread is too stupid to comprehend the sensation of embarassment.

(PS, someone be sure to quote this because I think she has me on ignore for the last asswhipping I gave her)
The result of government schooling?

Tens of millions of poor and middle class kids whose parents cant afford private to get an education.
Worse, I suspect she supports home schooling.

home schooling is fine. they all have to meet state guidelines anyways, so the reality there isnt too much difference. My cousin is homeschooled because her education level is so high that no school can handle her. She is 8 and already taking college courses. The rest is all home schooled.

Its this silly villianization people like to spew out about public and private thats the issue. The Op is part of the problem.
As they say on the internet...


Nancy Pelosi? Government schooling?

Well, no.

Pelosi graduated from a Catholic girl's school, and Trinity College, a Roman Catholic university.

She's the result of Religious private schooling.

It's too bad the author of this thread is too stupid to comprehend the sensation of embarassment.

(PS, someone be sure to quote this because I think she has me on ignore for the last asswhipping I gave her)

So she has no excuse. She's just a natural moron.
1." The health care bill will "create 4 million jobs, 400,000 jobs almost immediately."
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi put a new spin on health care reform during a recent meeting between President Barack Obama and members of Congress.

"It's about jobs," she said. "In its life [health care reform] will create 4 million jobs, 400,000 jobs almost immediately."
PolitiFact | Pelosi claims that health care reform will create thousands of jobs

2. "Obama flubs during health care conference call with community organizers, claims 'more than 100 MILLION Americans' have enrolled
Obama flubs health care conference call with community organizers: 'More than 100 million Americans already successfully enrolled' | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

3. "Pelosi: Stim will create/save "three million plus" jobs
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi isn't quite as optimistic as she used to be about the job-creating potential of the stimulus package -- telling Charlie Rose on PBS that it will probably fall short of the four million initially predicted, but exceed the 2.5 million guess-timate by pessimistic forecasters."
Pelosi: Stim will create/save "three million plus" jobs - On Congress -

4. "Treasury: Debt Up $0 in August; CBO: But Deficit Was $146B
( - The federal deficit increased by $146 billion in August, according to a report released today by the Congressional Budget Office. But, at the same time, according to the U.S. Treasury, the federal debt did not increase at all during the month."
Treasury: Debt Up $0 in August; CBO: But Deficit Was $146B | CNS News

5. New Democrat Party bumper-sticker:
"Numbers??? Ain't so good at fancy book-larnin'"

sticking with #1

those 4 million jobs will increase the cost of hc ins, buy a fucking lot.

ya know, this is funny - sad

funny b/c that's the best that vile skanks team of crack spinners could come up with.

sad b/c the left will not think about it for one moment and just support it.
The result of government schooling?

Tens of millions of poor and middle class kids whose parents cant afford private to get an education.

"While the average U.S. scores look respectable, the result masks a deficit in U.S. performance. Students in even the highest-scoring states don't match the top-performing countries.

"The bad news it that students in even our highest-performing states -- Massachusetts and Vermont -- cannot compete in math with students from the highest performing education systems, such as Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan," U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said in a statement."
Here's How Americans Stack Up Against Students In Other Countries

This is what you get when you put Liberal educrats in charge.

You dope......I guess you were government schooled, huh?
The result of government schooling?

Tens of millions of poor and middle class kids whose parents cant afford private to get an education.

"While the average U.S. scores look respectable, the result masks a deficit in U.S. performance. Students in even the highest-scoring states don't match the top-performing countries.

"The bad news it that students in even our highest-performing states -- Massachusetts and Vermont -- cannot compete in math with students from the highest performing education systems, such as Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan," U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said in a statement."
Here's How Americans Stack Up Against Students In Other Countries

This is what you get when you put Liberal educrats in charge.

You dope......I guess you were government schooled, huh?

If you match the highest and lowest performing States with the percentage of Blacks in each of those States, I wonder how the correlation would look?

For instance, Vermont ranks 49th in percentage of Blacks by population.

And Mississippi ranks #1. Anybody....? Bueller?

Bang up job our libturd pals are doing with their liberalism, huh?

The result of government schooling?

Tens of millions of poor and middle class kids whose parents cant afford private to get an education.

"While the average U.S. scores look respectable, the result masks a deficit in U.S. performance. Students in even the highest-scoring states don't match the top-performing countries.

"The bad news it that students in even our highest-performing states -- Massachusetts and Vermont -- cannot compete in math with students from the highest performing education systems, such as Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan," U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said in a statement."
Here's How Americans Stack Up Against Students In Other Countries

This is what you get when you put Liberal educrats in charge.

You dope......I guess you were government schooled, huh?

If you match the highest and lowest performing States with the percentage of Blacks in each of those States, I wonder how the correlation would look?

For instance, Vermont ranks 49th in percentage of Blacks by population.

And Mississippi ranks #1. Anybody....? Bueller?

Bang up job our libturd pals are doing with their liberalism, huh?


Edgey, let's lay the blame where it belongs.....not with blacks, as you imply some limited natural ability, but with the Liberals who have inculcated three generations of black Americans with the view that they cannot succeed, that they are oppressed, that no blame for any actions or failures accrue to them.

It's the Liberals who destroyed the chances for black economic/social mobility, the same mobility seen in every other ethnic group.

1. Exactly how important, and how 'fixed' is IQ? Culture, in fact may be the more important factor.
Occupational achievements of both Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans exceed those of white Americans with the same IQs. Japanese Americans occupational achievements were equal to those of whites who had 10 points higher in IQ...and Chinese Americans occupational achievements were equal to those of whites who had 20 points higher in IQ... James R. Flynn, "Asian Americans: Achievement Beyond IQ," p. 116-117.

2. Considering the negative effects of black subculture on intellectual development, "Schooling in a homogeneous group of students appears to have a positive effect on high-ability students' achievements and even stronger effects on the achievements of high-ability minority youth."
Page and Keith, "The Elephant in the Classroom: Ability Grouping and the Gifted," Intellectual Talent: Psychometric and Social Issues, p. 208.

To be clear- intellectual grouping rather than racial grouping is more important.

a. A study of high-IQ black adults found that they described theire childhooods as "extremely unhappy" more often than other blacks.
Sowell, "Intellectuals and Race," p. 76. The study was done long before current reports of academically striving blacks being accused by their peers of "acting white."

b. Nor is this a racial characteristic; it is cultural. In England, lower class whites show a pattern strikingly similar to American blacks, who resent academically achieving classmates. Theodore Dalrymple reports lower class school children being beaten so badly that they require hospital treatment simply because they are doing well in school. Dalrymple, "Life At The Bottom: The Worldview That Makes The Underclass," p.69.

It's not's Liberals/Progressives/Democrats who have destroyed America to attain power.

Make it illegal for Liberals to be anywhere education, the media, academia.....or children.
As they say on the internet...


Nancy Pelosi? Government schooling?

Well, no.

Pelosi graduated from a Catholic girl's school, and Trinity College, a Roman Catholic university.

She's the result of Religious private schooling.

It's too bad the author of this thread is too stupid to comprehend the sensation of embarassment.

(PS, someone be sure to quote this because I think she has me on ignore for the last asswhipping I gave her)

So she has no excuse. She's just a natural moron.

You mean PolticalChic. Yes, you nailed it comprehensively. The Queen of googling, is so lacking in intellect that she is not even capable of taking the 60 seconds needed to research her latest cheap shot,

so as not to once again shoot herself in the foot.

An attempted attack on public schools turns into an attack on private schools and the Catholic Church.

I couldn't do better if I myself were to try to write a scathing parody of PC.
"While the average U.S. scores look respectable, the result masks a deficit in U.S. performance. Students in even the highest-scoring states don't match the top-performing countries.

"The bad news it that students in even our highest-performing states -- Massachusetts and Vermont -- cannot compete in math with students from the highest performing education systems, such as Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan," U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said in a statement."
Here's How Americans Stack Up Against Students In Other Countries

This is what you get when you put Liberal educrats in charge.

You dope......I guess you were government schooled, huh?

If you match the highest and lowest performing States with the percentage of Blacks in each of those States, I wonder how the correlation would look?

For instance, Vermont ranks 49th in percentage of Blacks by population.

And Mississippi ranks #1. Anybody....? Bueller?

Bang up job our libturd pals are doing with their liberalism, huh?


Edgey, let's lay the blame where it belongs.....not with blacks, as you imply some limited natural ability, but with the Liberals who have inculcated three generations of black Americans with the view that they cannot succeed, that they are oppressed, that no blame for any actions or failures accrue to them.

It's the Liberals who destroyed the chances for black economic/social mobility, the same mobility seen in every other ethnic group.

1. Exactly how important, and how 'fixed' is IQ? Culture, in fact may be the more important factor.
Occupational achievements of both Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans exceed those of white Americans with the same IQs. Japanese Americans occupational achievements were equal to those of whites who had 10 points higher in IQ...and Chinese Americans occupational achievements were equal to those of whites who had 20 points higher in IQ... James R. Flynn, "Asian Americans: Achievement Beyond IQ," p. 116-117.

2. Considering the negative effects of black subculture on intellectual development, "Schooling in a homogeneous group of students appears to have a positive effect on high-ability students' achievements and even stronger effects on the achievements of high-ability minority youth."
Page and Keith, "The Elephant in the Classroom: Ability Grouping and the Gifted," Intellectual Talent: Psychometric and Social Issues, p. 208.

To be clear- intellectual grouping rather than racial grouping is more important.

a. A study of high-IQ black adults found that they described theire childhooods as "extremely unhappy" more often than other blacks.
Sowell, "Intellectuals and Race," p. 76. The study was done long before current reports of academically striving blacks being accused by their peers of "acting white."

b. Nor is this a racial characteristic; it is cultural. In England, lower class whites show a pattern strikingly similar to American blacks, who resent academically achieving classmates. Theodore Dalrymple reports lower class school children being beaten so badly that they require hospital treatment simply because they are doing well in school. Dalrymple, "Life At The Bottom: The Worldview That Makes The Underclass," p.69.

It's not's Liberals/Progressives/Democrats who have destroyed America to attain power.

Make it illegal for Liberals to be anywhere education, the media, academia.....or children.

I was afraid you might infer that.

That is not my point. My point is that there is no group of people more subject to the whims and controls of dimocraps and libturds than Blacks.

If we could isolate White libturds, I truly believe we would find the same results. But we can't.

Think about it. Look around.

Are there White people you know who would fall into the 'generational government dependency' category?

I do. I know them. I see them and talk to them all the time.

Do you sometimes see a promising youth, a kid, that you wish you could take away from the environment of dependency he or she is currently trapped?

Do you sometimes feel, "That kid doesn't have a chance" because of the idiots raising him/her?

I do. I wish I could do something about it, but I can't.

Black people, unfortunately, were chosen as LBJ's Great Society experiment. And libturds have continued that experiment to this very day.

Just like he chose Cities like Detroit as an experiment in big government oversight and generosity.

What did he call those cities? Forgot.

But libturds did the same with Blacks.

Look how they ran the man out of the House. Look how they gave women the dominant role in Black society. Look how their entire world, their life, their income, their family, their children, their education, their careers, even their food.... Everything centers around big gubmint.

Black people are victims alright. Victims of dimocrap stupidity.

That's all I was saying.
The result of government schooling?

Tens of millions of poor and middle class kids whose parents cant afford private to get an education.

"While the average U.S. scores look respectable, the result masks a deficit in U.S. performance. Students in even the highest-scoring states don't match the top-performing countries.

"The bad news it that students in even our highest-performing states -- Massachusetts and Vermont -- cannot compete in math with students from the highest performing education systems, such as Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan," U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said in a statement."
Here's How Americans Stack Up Against Students In Other Countries

This is what you get when you put Liberal educrats in charge.

You dope......I guess you were government schooled, huh?

If you match the highest and lowest performing States with the percentage of Blacks in each of those States, I wonder how the correlation would look?

For instance, Vermont ranks 49th in percentage of Blacks by population.

And Mississippi ranks #1. Anybody....? Bueller?

Bang up job our libturd pals are doing with their liberalism, huh?


Vermont is considered the most liberal state in the Union. Mississippi is considered the most conservative.
If you match the highest and lowest performing States with the percentage of Blacks in each of those States, I wonder how the correlation would look?

For instance, Vermont ranks 49th in percentage of Blacks by population.

And Mississippi ranks #1. Anybody....? Bueller?

Bang up job our libturd pals are doing with their liberalism, huh?


Edgey, let's lay the blame where it belongs.....not with blacks, as you imply some limited natural ability, but with the Liberals who have inculcated three generations of black Americans with the view that they cannot succeed, that they are oppressed, that no blame for any actions or failures accrue to them.

It's the Liberals who destroyed the chances for black economic/social mobility, the same mobility seen in every other ethnic group.

1. Exactly how important, and how 'fixed' is IQ? Culture, in fact may be the more important factor.
Occupational achievements of both Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans exceed those of white Americans with the same IQs. Japanese Americans occupational achievements were equal to those of whites who had 10 points higher in IQ...and Chinese Americans occupational achievements were equal to those of whites who had 20 points higher in IQ... James R. Flynn, "Asian Americans: Achievement Beyond IQ," p. 116-117.

2. Considering the negative effects of black subculture on intellectual development, "Schooling in a homogeneous group of students appears to have a positive effect on high-ability students' achievements and even stronger effects on the achievements of high-ability minority youth."
Page and Keith, "The Elephant in the Classroom: Ability Grouping and the Gifted," Intellectual Talent: Psychometric and Social Issues, p. 208.

To be clear- intellectual grouping rather than racial grouping is more important.

a. A study of high-IQ black adults found that they described theire childhooods as "extremely unhappy" more often than other blacks.
Sowell, "Intellectuals and Race," p. 76. The study was done long before current reports of academically striving blacks being accused by their peers of "acting white."

b. Nor is this a racial characteristic; it is cultural. In England, lower class whites show a pattern strikingly similar to American blacks, who resent academically achieving classmates. Theodore Dalrymple reports lower class school children being beaten so badly that they require hospital treatment simply because they are doing well in school. Dalrymple, "Life At The Bottom: The Worldview That Makes The Underclass," p.69.

It's not's Liberals/Progressives/Democrats who have destroyed America to attain power.

Make it illegal for Liberals to be anywhere education, the media, academia.....or children.

I was afraid you might infer that.

That is not my point. My point is that there is no group of people more subject to the whims and controls of dimocraps and libturds than Blacks.

If we could isolate White libturds, I truly believe we would find the same results. But we can't.

Think about it. Look around.

Are there White people you know who would fall into the 'generational government dependency' category?

I do. I know them. I see them and talk to them all the time.

Do you sometimes see a promising youth, a kid, that you wish you could take away from the environment of dependency he or she is currently trapped?

Do you sometimes feel, "That kid doesn't have a chance" because of the idiots raising him/her?

I do. I wish I could do something about it, but I can't.

Black people, unfortunately, were chosen as LBJ's Great Society experiment. And libturds have continued that experiment to this very day.

Just like he chose Cities like Detroit as an experiment in big government oversight and generosity.

What did he call those cities? Forgot.

But libturds did the same with Blacks.

Look how they ran the man out of the House. Look how they gave women the dominant role in Black society. Look how their entire world, their life, their income, their family, their children, their education, their careers, even their food.... Everything centers around big gubmint.

Black people are victims alright. Victims of dimocrap stupidity.

That's all I was saying.

Not really sure as to what he called the cities either, however? I just read through his Great Society Speech.

Aristotle said: "Men come together in cities in order to live, but they remain together in order to live the good life." It is harder and harder to live the good life in American cities today.

How prophetic...and it also remains.

Interesting how nothing has changed but has gotten worse...and the items he cited would lend credibility to the failed experiment as the complaints are still there and in larger numbers, and more shrill.

Prescription to this day? More of the same.

So much for Liberalism...indeed.
1." The health care bill will "create 4 million jobs, 400,000 jobs almost immediately."
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi put a new spin on health care reform during a recent meeting between President Barack Obama and members of Congress.

"It's about jobs," she said. "In its life [health care reform] will create 4 million jobs, 400,000 jobs almost immediately."
PolitiFact | Pelosi claims that health care reform will create thousands of jobs

2. "Obama flubs during health care conference call with community organizers, claims 'more than 100 MILLION Americans' have enrolled
Obama flubs health care conference call with community organizers: 'More than 100 million Americans already successfully enrolled' | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

3. "Pelosi: Stim will create/save "three million plus" jobs
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi isn't quite as optimistic as she used to be about the job-creating potential of the stimulus package -- telling Charlie Rose on PBS that it will probably fall short of the four million initially predicted, but exceed the 2.5 million guess-timate by pessimistic forecasters."
Pelosi: Stim will create/save "three million plus" jobs - On Congress -

4. "Treasury: Debt Up $0 in August; CBO: But Deficit Was $146B
( - The federal deficit increased by $146 billion in August, according to a report released today by the Congressional Budget Office. But, at the same time, according to the U.S. Treasury, the federal debt did not increase at all during the month."
Treasury: Debt Up $0 in August; CBO: But Deficit Was $146B | CNS News

5. New Democrat Party bumper-sticker:
"Numbers??? Ain't so good at fancy book-larnin'"

Ah, obviously one of those that are for destroying education. You're so smart, I bet you get a sex change when the cons take away women's rights.

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