Results from a National Survey of Black Adults

No, that is what Biden said, you retard.

Still waiting on proof I'm a racist.

It's almost like you've never found any.
Thats what we were saying in the black comunity idiot.

It's what we say now.

You have been shown proof.

And the fact you support Trump is even more proof.
Yes he did.
No he didn't. He put children who came here by themselves in those camps. That was not a goOd thing, but he did not separate fmilies. That was a Stephen Miller policy.
Thats what we were saying in the black comunity idiot.

It's what we say now.

You have been shown proof.

And the fact you support Trump is even more proof.
You know black people are individuals, right? You're not a hive mind? Because I don't think you know that.

Nope, no proof has been shown, by you or anybody else. I keep telling you I will not be shamed into silence by false charges of racism. But you keep trying it, like a fucking idiot.
As opposed to an anon internet buffoon like you. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And here we see projection. I'm right. And if Trump is elected, you will learn that.
You know black people are individuals, right? You're not a hive mind? Because I don't think you know that.

Nope, no proof has been shown, by you or anybody else. I keep telling you I will not be shamed into silence by false charges of racism. But you keep trying it, like a fucking idiot.
I don't need some white boy telling me what blacks are.

I know many more black people than you. I participate in discussions on black social media and forums. What I am teling you is how bcks fee about blacks who support Trump. You are a racist who is of the opinion that we cannot think unless white liberals tell us what to think. Biden defined nothing. We define blacks who are stupid enough to vote for Trump.

AP fact check: Obama didn’t have a family separation policy​

President Donald Trump is falsely asserting that the federal policy that split migrant families at the border was practiced by his predecessor, Barack Obama, as well.

The Obama and Trump administrations operated under the same immigration laws but the “zero tolerance” policy that drove children from their parents was Trump’s.

Obama did not have a separation policy. The Trump administration didn’t, explicitly, either, but that was the effect of zero tolerance, which meant that anyone caught crossing the border illegally was to be criminally prosecuted, even if they had few or no previous offenses.

The policy meant adults were taken to court for criminal proceedings and their children were separated. In most cases, if the charge took longer than 72 hours to process, which is the longest time that children can be held by Customs and Border Protection, children were sent into the care of the Health and Human Services Department. Zero tolerance remains in effect, but Trump signed an executive order June 20 that stopped separations.

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No, they haven't. That's stupid.
That's ignorant. But that's ok. I'm used to that.

Daryl Metcalfe, a member of Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives, wasn’t the first modern Republican legislator to buttress a specious argument for voter suppression with racist undertones. In September 2012, on the eve of President Barack Obama’s reelection, Metcalfe tried to defend the dubious voter identification law he had sponsored by explaining that “a lot of people out there … are too lazy to get up and get out there and get the ID they need.” He was roundly criticized. So was Rep. Mike Turzai, then state house majority leader, who gleefully predicted that the state’s voter suppression efforts would give Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney Pennsylvania’s electoral votes.
Republican officials repeatedly concede that, in the words of South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, “”If Republicans don’t challenge and change the US election system, there will never be another Republican president elected again.”
Take Arizona, for another example. After voters there elected two Democratic senators and gave the state to Joe Biden, anxious Republican legislators recently introduced (by the Brennan Center’s own count) at least 22 restrictive bills designed to make it harder for citizens to cast a lawful ballot. There is more than a whiff of Jim Crow in these efforts. “Not everybody wants to vote, and if somebody is uninterested in voting, that probably means that they’re totally uninformed on the issues,” Arizona Rep. Joe Kavanagh said last week. “Quantity is important, but we have to look at the quality of votes, as well.”
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