Retail sales hit a record high


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
NEW YORK (AP) -- Stock futures rose on growing evidence of resilient spending by consumers and investors expect more of the same later Monday in a government report on businesses.

Dow Jones industrial average futures jumped 82 points to 12,870 on the retail report and Standard & Poor's 500 index futures rose 7.8 points to 1,372.8. Nasdaq composite futures rose 15 points to 2,708.5.

Retail sales rose 0.8 percent in March, signaling that not even skyrocketing gas prices could put a damper on the mood of the American consumer.

Retail sales hit a record high of $411.1 billion, 24 percent higher than the recession low hit in March 2009.

The Associated Press: US futures up on strong retail sales report
NEW YORK (AP) -- Stock futures rose on growing evidence of resilient spending by consumers and investors expect more of the same later Monday in a government report on businesses.

Dow Jones industrial average futures jumped 82 points to 12,870 on the retail report and Standard & Poor's 500 index futures rose 7.8 points to 1,372.8. Nasdaq composite futures rose 15 points to 2,708.5.

Retail sales rose 0.8 percent in March, signaling that not even skyrocketing gas prices could put a damper on the mood of the American consumer.

Retail sales hit a record high of $411.1 billion, 24 percent higher than the recession low hit in March 2009.

The Associated Press: US futures up on strong retail sales report

Awesome.. maybe they'll make up some of the massive losses of last week.

Dumbfuckingshit Chris.
More bad news for Republicans.

What will they run on?

NEW YORK (AP) -- Stock futures rose on growing evidence of resilient spending by consumers and investors expect more of the same later Monday in a government report on businesses.

Dow Jones industrial average futures jumped 82 points to 12,870 on the retail report and Standard & Poor's 500 index futures rose 7.8 points to 1,372.8. Nasdaq composite futures rose 15 points to 2,708.5.

Retail sales rose 0.8 percent in March, signaling that not even skyrocketing gas prices could put a damper on the mood of the American consumer.

Retail sales hit a record high of $411.1 billion, 24 percent higher than the recession low hit in March 2009.

The Associated Press: US futures up on strong retail sales report

Awesome.. maybe they'll make up some of the massive losses of last week.

Dumbfuckingshit Chris.


The stock market has doubled since the stimulus.
4 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up. Unemployment is down.
GM was saved, and is now the number one automaker in the world.
Obama has done a very good job.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

For the third week in a row, 29% of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction. The latest finding is from a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, April 8, and remains down five points from a recent high of 34% measured in early February.
NEW YORK (AP) -- Stock futures rose on growing evidence of resilient spending by consumers and investors expect more of the same later Monday in a government report on businesses.

Dow Jones industrial average futures jumped 82 points to 12,870 on the retail report and Standard & Poor's 500 index futures rose 7.8 points to 1,372.8. Nasdaq composite futures rose 15 points to 2,708.5.

Retail sales rose 0.8 percent in March, signaling that not even skyrocketing gas prices could put a damper on the mood of the American consumer.

Retail sales hit a record high of $411.1 billion, 24 percent higher than the recession low hit in March 2009.

The Associated Press: US futures up on strong retail sales report

Awesome.. maybe they'll make up some of the massive losses of last week.

Dumbfuckingshit Chris.


The stock market has doubled since the stimulus.
4 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up. Unemployment is down.
GM was saved, and is now the number one automaker in the world.
Obama has done a very good job.

Only problem is, those of us living in reality know better. Only drones like yourself buy into it. Dumbass.
Just curious who might be paying you to Post? Is your Real Name Winston Smith? Chris, you are something...... No Really. :):):)
I have an idea: Republicans can run on the fact that in 2008 my land was worth 25% MORE than what it is today. AND it continues to slide... Oh wait, aren't we in a recovery?
Of course retail sales rose. Have you been to the store lately? High prices and high gas prices are driving high retaiil sales. People aren't buying more, just paying more.
Worst Economic Recovery Since The Great Depression

The record of President Obama’s first three years in office is in, and nothing that happens now can go back and change that. What that record shows is that President Obama, with his throwback, old-fashioned, 1970s Keynesian economics, has put America through the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression.

The recession started in December, 2007. Go to the website of the National Bureau of Economic Research (The National Bureau of Economic Research) to see the complete history of America’s recessions. What that history reveals is that before this last recession, since the Great Depression recessions in America have lasted an average of 10 months, with the longest previously lasting 16 months.

When President Obama entered office in January, 2009, the recession was already in its 13th month. His responsibility was to manage a timely, robust recovery to get America back on track again. Based on the historical record, that recovery was imminent, within a couple of months or so. Despite widespread fear, nothing fundamental had changed to deprive America of the long term, world-leading prosperity it had enjoyed going back 300 years.

Move up Move down
You Can Get Richer Pinching Pennies Like Warren Buffett
Deborah L. Jacobs
Forbes Staff
Supposedly a forward looking progressive, Obama proved to be America’s first backward looking regressive. His first act was to increase federal borrowing, the national debt and the deficit by nearly a trillion dollars to finance a supposed “stimulus” package, based on the discredited Keynesian theory left for dead 30 years ago holding that increased government spending, deficits and debt are what promote economic growth and recovery. That theory arose in the 1930s as the answer to the Great Depression, which, of course, never worked.
That was the beginning of President Obama’s Rip Van Winkle act, pretending not to know anything that happened over the previous 30 years proving the dramatic, historic success of the new, more modern, supply side economics, which holds that incentives for increased production are what promote economic growth and recovery. Indeed, that Rip Van Winklism pretended not to remember the 1970s either, when double digit inflation and double digit unemployment proved Keynesian economics grievously wrong.As should have been long expected, Obama’s trillion dollar Keynesian stimulus did nothing to promote recovery and growth, and almost surely delayed it. That is because borrowing a trillion dollars out of the economy to spend a trillion back into it does nothing to promote the economy on net. Indeed, it is probably a net drag on the economy, because the private sector spends the money more productively and efficiently than the public sector.

The National Bureau of Economic Research scored the recession as ending in June, 2009. Yet, today, in the 49th month since the recession started, there has still been no real recovery, like recoveries from previous recessions in America.

Unemployment actually rose after June, 2009, and did not fall back down below that level until 18 months later in December, 2010. Instead of a recovery, America has suffered the longest period of unemployment near 9% or above since the Great Depression, under President Obama’s public policy malpractice. Even today, 49 months after the recession started, the U6 unemployment rate counting the unemployed, underemployed and discouraged workers is still 15.2%. And that doesn’t include all the workers who have fled the workforce under Obama’s economic oppression. The unemployment rate with the full measure of discouraged workers is reported at Shadow Government Statistics : Home Page as about 23%, which is depression level unemployment.

Today, over 4 years since the recession started, there are still almost 25 million Americans unemployed or underemployed. That includes 5.6 million who are long-term unemployed for 27 weeks, or more than 6 months. Under President Obama, America has suffered the longest period with so many in such long-term unemployment since the Great Depression
NEW YORK (AP) -- Stock futures rose on growing evidence of resilient spending by consumers and investors expect more of the same later Monday in a government report on businesses.

Dow Jones industrial average futures jumped 82 points to 12,870 on the retail report and Standard & Poor's 500 index futures rose 7.8 points to 1,372.8. Nasdaq composite futures rose 15 points to 2,708.5.

Retail sales rose 0.8 percent in March, signaling that not even skyrocketing gas prices could put a damper on the mood of the American consumer.

Retail sales hit a record high of $411.1 billion, 24 percent higher than the recession low hit in March 2009.

The Associated Press: US futures up on strong retail sales report

"Retail sales rose 0.8 percent in March, signaling that not even skyrocketing gas prices could put a damper on the mood of the American consumer."

That is good news for sure. March is typically the month in which retailers add people for the upcoming spring/ summer season, and to have them trained by then. So unemployment numbers should go down fast if only temporary, and only then if the small business owner feels the demand is there.

Also, it is a fact that when gas prices are high, fewer people take expensive vacations, and stay closer to home, for their get-a-ways. That helps the local, smaller communities, and the consumer, for the needs and expense for gasoline are much less.
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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

For the third week in a row, 29% of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction. The latest finding is from a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, April 8, and remains down five points from a recent high of 34% measured in early February.

29 percent? Wow!
Doncha just love it when the rw's don't have a leg to stand on, they attack the poster or the source.

Facts, the prez has created more than four (4)million jobs and saved countless existing jobs while the pubs have been playing golf and patting each other on the back for filibustering against jobs.

Deal with it.
Studies on Government Labor Statistics Show American Women are Records Breaking & Worse off Economically under the Obama Presidency:

Who’s really lying? Hear, hear, there’s one big problem coming out of the Obama White House, deceit.

White House officials claim that their (sold out hacks), independent pollsters show women support for Obama is 2 to 1 over Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

The administration is so engrossed in attacking the GOP on women’s issues, such as contraceptives, medical and now, on memberships to men’s only golf courses. Never mind that polls and recent election results show that Democrats, who have run against Republicans under the Obama banner, have shown droves of ‘white men’ voters have abandoned Obama candidates.

Either those 2-1 of women who support Obama; they are really dumb or these Obama pollsters are lying out of their teeth to the public. However, if double of women truly supported Obama, then why national economical figures don’t support that notion? Obviously, we’re being lied to.

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