Retail theft uptick force store closures


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011
We are seeing it throughout the Bay Area. Here is an example in the Washington DC Area. When prosecution of retail theft goes lax, what else is to be expected? You can increase security and inconvenience the customers or you can close stores.

In either case, the race hustlers will insist that stores stay open and that all security measures are targeted at Blacks.

We are seeing it throughout the Bay Area. Here is an example in the Washington DC Area. When prosecution of retail theft goes lax, what else is to be expected? You can increase security and inconvenience the customers or you can close stores.

In either case, the race hustlers will insist that stores stay open and that all security measures are targeted at Blacks.

Leftist policies STILL don't work, I see. When will their brain-dead constituents ever learn?

Criminals should be harshly and immediately apprehended and punished. This permissive attitude towards them not only hurts the businesses taking losses, but the community that relies on them.
You don't see that shit in the Virginia's blue-burbs.....They might be liberal shitstains but the housefraus do insist on L&O.
Leftist policies STILL don't work, I see. When will their brain-dead constituents ever learn?

Criminals should be harshly and immediately apprehended and punished. This permissive attitude towards them not only hurts the businesses taking losses, but the community that relies on them.
The criminals don’t care about communities. Leftists (Democrats) are soft on crime. Appeasing the race hustlers and woke leaders does not protect retailers trying to serve communities.
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Years ago my next door neighbor was a regional manager for a Dollar store chain. He had one store in a predominately black area, where both the customers and employees were black. Theft had been a problem for years. Finally he’d had enough, when the stealing by both customers and employees had gotten out-of-hand. He drove to the store fired all employees and padlocked the store.

His employer upon hearing this fired him, yet the store in question had lost money for years. This occurred about 30 years ago.
We are seeing it throughout the Bay Area. Here is an example in the Washington DC Area. When prosecution of retail theft goes lax, what else is to be expected? You can increase security and inconvenience the customers or you can close stores.

In either case, the race hustlers will insist that stores stay open and that all security measures are targeted at Blacks.

To further combat the problem, I’d have minimal entrances.. if they can afford security personnel, do spot checks of people leaving to match their items with receipts. For high-end stores such as shoes, jewelry, handbags, etc., I would fortify the entrance and require each shopper have a “host” to assist and guide them at all times.
We are seeing it throughout the Bay Area. Here is an example in the Washington DC Area. When prosecution of retail theft goes lax, what else is to be expected? You can increase security and inconvenience the customers or you can close stores.

In either case, the race hustlers will insist that stores stay open and that all security measures are targeted at Blacks.

didn't someone claim looting as a form of reparations?
The one risk such communities risk is not having businesses to enjoy. This is why I believe policing is about education and familiarity with people. If you reach out to communities, on foot, in pairs, have a conversation, and yes, weed out the culture of defeatism within police forces AND communities, you can impact change. Explain to a community why they need to care about crime, why they need to educate their kids.

If you have parents getting together with kids, the kids will understand. "If you little SOBs keep stealing, the stores will close. Old Aunt May won't be able to get her prescriptions, you won't have a store to grab a bite and hang out. It will be a wasteland".

Crime is everywhere, in every country and city. Few want to answer the question, "why"? Let's face it, for all the complaining no one really wants to change or put in the effort.

Scared Straight was effective. Good police forces piggy back off of former cons who have seen the light and have them contribute to educating the public. Not unlike a former alcoholic or gambling addict.

Unfortunately, most police forces like the Status Quo as it keeps them funded, though they will tell you otherwise. Also, they become part of the culture and interact with people who are often too far good. Not very intelligent with little prospects. As a cop it has to be akin to a doctor who sees a patient far too late to save them.

We still have to try.
So, the Status Quo then?

How did the "three strikes you're out" work out? The War on Drugs?
The status quo is to milk problems for all they're worth without solving them. Why kill the goose that lays the golden eggs?

Was 'three strikes you're out' ever really implemented?

The 'war on drugs' was never fought. They thought they were fighting the 'head' but were actually fighting the 'tail'. The 'head' of the drug problem is the user, from whence comes all the money.
The creature always grows another tail. Cut off the head and the creature dies.
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Criminals who go to prison may never reform but at least they are no longer free to commit crimes

If you have this dream of an ideal society where all our problems disappear you are kidding yourself
One can commit crimes while incarcerated.
I used to shop at Giant all the time in Fairfax when I lived in NOVA. It is probably safe though since poor blacks can't afford to live in Fairfax. Now if the Asians were to get out of control, they'd be screwed.

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