Retire as soon as possible.

One good thing, the unit I worked for pays 20 dollars an hour now!
Waking and working day in and out is not good for ones health.

Yes, and laying around the house eating Door Dash KFC is perfect for your health ...

Nope. I've been retired for almost 30 years now. Working is a necessary downer

So that makes you how old?

I retired at 46 eleven years ago and while I enjoy it I do miss work occasionally.
The Wife retires in a few years and we're going to collect SS early since there's a good chance it wont be around for very long.
We have plenty in savings and less in the 401K since biden was elected. We've lost a shitload of money at that end.
The only good thing I can say about biden is our bank stocks are doing very well which of course isnt a good thing for those without bank stocks.
Retiring early is a choice that has to be made by the individual,would you be happy just scraping by or do you want to maintain your current lifestyle?
The Wife and I have found that we dont need as much money as we we did in our younger years. The thing we spend the most money on is high end food,of course we'll have to cut back on that luxury a bit so no more $300 dollar steaks.
Everyone I know who’s retired early has aged terribly in a short span of time.
Everyone I know who retired immediately felt better. Less stress, less rushing around. Time to enjoy life. Blood pressures plummeted like a rock.
Everyone I know who’s retired early has aged terribly in a short span of time.
Many die shortly after retirement. Alcoholism among retirees is also a big problem.

Been retired 20 years now. The best 20 years of my life!

The only troubling thing is how fast the time seems to go by now.
Mankind's purpose is to glorify God in our lives. Work is fundamental to that purpose. :bowdown:

Nothing beats that sense of satisfaction after a job well done.
Hell,even after cleaning the garage it feels good to step back and admire your work.
If you have served your time in the work world rat race, you owe it to yourself to get out asap and start having a great life.

I did things the other way around, I traveled when I was younger, I had lived in two foreign countries as an adult by the time I was 22, lived in another three by the time I was 31.
I've been to 55 countries on five continents, I went to southern Africa with minimal stuff and took combis, and roughed it for three months, did five weeks in Latin America, been to around Europe, Asia etc.
I reached the point where I don't care too much about traveling, I went to India and I got bored because I didn't feel I was experiencing anything new any more (and I had the shits which didn't help).
I can work till whenever, I don't care. Do I want to be a retired person waiting to die with nothing good to do?
If you have served your time in the work world rat race, you owe it to yourself to get out asap and start having a great life.
I get that there are people who are just "wired to work". My wife is, but not me. I retired in 2019 and I enjoy every day. I haven't even considered going back to work.

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