Retired General Slams Cheney As "Incompetent War Fighter"

Well at least he doesn't have strings on his back and being played like a five string guitar a la the Chimp...
I'm thinking you don't know jack. Rummy and his CIA had Binnie pinned down and ready for the taking. He needed some military help and Cheney dragged ass on it, got a slew of our guys killed and then decided DOD forces could go in months later. Binnie had booked by then.

Got a link for your bullschit? I think you're trying to describe the Tora-Bora fiasco when Tommy Frank let the AFGs do the mopping-up and then gave OBL a time-out and he slipped away. If Tommy Franks would have provided the US forces the guys on the ground asked for OBL would be dead. Its my understanding that Cheney was in an undisclosed location and not in that loop.
here's the wiki version

Sure, asshole. Who gave the orders to Tommy Franks? Where does the Buck stop? Every here of accountability?

The Tora-Bora buck didn't stop with Cheney. If you read the "wiki" or any other version of the Tora-Bora battle you'd know what really happened instead of making up lies.
Got a credible link to support your claim? If not, go pound sand, or smoke a joint or shoot-up or whatever it is that screwed your brain up.
Obama will be to Afghanistan what Nixon was to Vietnam. This time the Dems are going to clean up the Republicans' turds.
Starkey if you crawl any further into that bong you'll be completely unintellgible as well as unintelligent.

Nixon didn't clean up crap in Vietnam, he just took all our toys and went home. Thanks to that the averge Vietnamese not making tennissshoes doesn't have much better standard of living than he did when the war was on forty years ago.
Starkey if you crawl any further into that bong you'll be completely unintellgible as well as unintelligent.

Nixon didn't clean up crap in Vietnam, he just took all our toys and went home. Thanks to that the averge Vietnamese not making tennissshoes doesn't have much better standard of living than he did when the war was on forty years ago.
Cheney got to me a long time ago when he and his puppet invaded Iraq on the basis of lies, and failed to get the mastermind of 9-11.


Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was the mastermind of 9/11..."According to the 9/11 Commission Report he was "the principal architect of the 9/11 attacks."

Captured on March 1, 2003
Garyd reveals that he is impaired at the moment if he believes Nixon did not clean up the crap of Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson who created a sinkhole for America that became darn near inescapable.

The average Vietnamese peasant did not give a darn who ruled because both the Communists and the South Vietnamese government took his race and his earnings and his home and his children.

You are smarter than that, and that is why I find your completely unintelligent statement surprising. Have you been drinking?
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Again what did he clean up tard? He signed a peace treaty with the North that the North never intended to keep and took the troops home. A year later the North blew through the South like gas through a fat leftist and the Average Vietnamese is now economically no better off than he was forty years ago. Accept of course for those Vietnamese now living in this country.

That isn't cleaning up that's sweeping the dirt and dead bodies under the carpet and hoping no one notices that big lump in the middle of the floor.

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