Retired general warns the U.S. military could lead a coup after the 2024 election

No, you're an ignorant twat.
It was the afghan army, they been losing equipment for the last 4 years , ever since the Taliban took the rural areas. Before when tramp made a deal with them.

Do you think Trump would have gotten 13 American killed and hundreds left behind?
Hitler and Stalin would have both hated him. So you can draw your own conclusions from that.

Truman and Churchill liked Stalin. Roosevelt didn't like Stalin.

For what it's worth.

Stalin had a wicked sense of humor. He had sent millions of Russians to die in the Gulag concentration camps. When Stalin met someone new, he would act shocked and say, "you're still free?!"

It didn't stop Truman and Churchill from starting the Cold War.


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How could a coup play out in 2024?

The real question is, does everybody understand who the duly elected president is? If that is not a clear cut understanding, that can infect the rank and file or at any level in the US military.

And we saw it when 124 retired generals and admirals signed a letter contesting the 2020 election. We're concerned about that. And we're interested in seeing mitigating measures applied to make sure that our military is better prepared for a contested election, should that happen in 2024.

How worried is he on a scale of 1 to 10?

I see it as low probability, high impact. I hesitate to put a number on it, but it's an eventuality that we need to prepare for.

What should the military do?

I had a conversation with somebody about my age and we were talking about civics lessons, liberal arts education, and the development of the philosophical underpinnings of the U.S. Constitution. And I believe that bears a re-teach to make sure that each and every 18-year-old American truly understands the Constitution of the United States, how we got there, how we developed it and what our forefathers wanted us to understand years down the road. That's an important bit of education that I think that we need to re-address.

Lots of trump supporters in the military.

Do we need to fear our own army? The Second Amendment was put in place so that states could protect themselves if the US Army ever attacked them.

You might have a new appreciation of the Second Amendment.

Is America going to turn into a "banana republic?"

As the U.S. President, Senators, Congresspersons, as well as some others in our government, are required to swear an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States, any activities that would demonstrate that they are attempting to attack our Bill of Rights, as well as other areas of the Constitution, should be removed from their office and if the political party in power has control of the three branches and won't do anything about it, then the military should step in. After all, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has publicly said that the military doesn't support any "one individual or group, but rather, defends the Constitution" and if any sworn political member is trying to subvert the Constitution, the military should step in.
I would place low probability on a successful coup, but medium probability on an attempted coup.

A coup attempt is only as strong as it's leader and so when the coup's leader is eliminated, the coup dies. Eliminating Fidel Castro would have ended the coup/revolution in Cuba.

America doesn't have anything near a committed military establishment at the top levels and so far too many Generals would be willing to fall on their sword to save democracy.

Generals such as Milley would need to be eliminated in the early stages, but there are far too many like Milley.

On the side of a coup being likely? Fascism always rises to oppose socialism/communism.
China has risen.
I would place low probability on a successful coup, but medium probability on an attempted coup.

A coup attempt is only as strong as it's leader and so when the coup's leader is eliminated, the coup dies. Eliminating Fidel Castro would have ended the coup/revolution in Cuba.

America doesn't have anything near a committed military establishment at the top levels and so far too many Generals would be willing to fall on their sword to save democracy.

Generals such as Milley would need to be eliminated in the early stages, but there are far too many like Milley.

On the side of a coup being likely? Fascism always rises to oppose socialism/communism.
China has risen.

I think this is true.

There might be some trump true believers in the ranks, but the officer corps is too educated to believe trump's lies.

They all took an oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Who would've figured that many in the lower ranks would pick the duly elected president as the enemy of the Constitution?
I think this is true.

There might be some trump true believers in the ranks, but the officer corps is too educated to believe trump's lies.

They all took an oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Who would've figured that many in the lower ranks would pick the duly elected president as the enemy of the Constitution?
It's a complicated issue Otis. I wonder if anybody can provide a serious analysis for the reason why Flynn and his brother have behaved the way they have?
Treasonous behaviour on the part of the brother in active service and very close to the equivalent for Michael. Punishable with a bullet in normal circumstances? Or is that over the top.

I fear there are more like him at the higher levels of the military.

But to the question on the Flynns?

Hopefully some views from both sides with some justification of their actions, as well as the condemnation that is deserved IMHO.
It's a complicated issue Otis. I wonder if anybody can provide a serious analysis for the reason why Flynn and his brother have behaved the way they have?
Treasonous behaviour on the part of the brother in active service and very close to the equivalent for Michael. Punishable with a bullet in normal circumstances? Or is that over the top.

I fear there are more like him at the higher levels of the military.

But to the question on the Flynns?

Hopefully some views from both sides with some justification of their actions, as well as the condemnation that is deserved IMHO.

Oh, Flynn?

He makes $25,000 per speaking engagement.

I assume Flynn knows the truth, but he says what his audience wants to hear.
Oh, Flynn?

He makes $25,000 per speaking engagement.

I assume Flynn knows the truth, but he says what his audience wants to hear.
You're probably right on the money being enough motivation for Mike at least, but let's have a closer look at it for both of them.
They must have known that there would be at least some risk of a bullet between the horns for what they were doing. Could they have thought the insurrection would have succeeded? I think not, because it wasn't planned to succeed.
IMO the US military is still infiltrated with Trump's co-conspirators, but not nearly to a dangerous level.

On the bright side for your country, Trump blew out a lot of his credibility when he decided to do the 180 on the vaccines! But he knew that he had to.

Sweetie ... When you have anti-riot fencing around your major federal buildings,
and the former Director of the CIA is a paid correspondent for a major media outlet ...

You're already living in a Banana Republic ... :thup:

He is too much a moron to understand that fact of course.

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