RetroTV, ThisTV, AntennaTV

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Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
some ofthe benefits of the switch from analog to digital TV in 2009.

Was pizzed at first.

Had cable already - basic lineup.

But for over-the-air - I was forced to buy a digital converter box - and got l of these cool channels I never knew existed.

Stuff like Here Come the Brides on Antenna TV - as wel as countless movies etc.............

This TV has classic movies - as wel as stuff like Sea Hunt and Highway
Patrol.................... what I grew up with

Retro TV has stuf like I Spy - Hitchcock Presents. Peter Gunn, Adventures of Robin Hood, Cisco Kid etc..........
The opening themes of Highway Patrol and Sea Hunt: in a word - COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Dan Mathews (Broderick Crawford) handcuffs the bad guys or gals andhaulsthem off)

not a bunch of b/s feeling the criminals pain.................
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Like originals.

Couldnt stand the second Darrin in Bewitched. (Dick Sargeant - a f*g)

Bewitched was on its last legs...............
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something about Dick Sargeant seemed off-kilter..............
I generally find that I should not watch most of the TV that I so enjoyed as a kid.

When I do, I realize how banal and trite most of it really is.

But if I don't watch it as an adult, then I can still enjoy the memory of how much I like it as a kid.

I don't know if that makes sense to most of you.

Sea Hunt and Highway Patrol are good examples of that, though.

I loved those show when I was about 8 years old. (and they were new, incidently)

It's like a betrayal of that 8 years olds joy to watch those shows, now, because they are really the stuff that that 8 year old editec enjoyed but the 60 year old editec will find somewhat silly and childish.
I loved Peter Gunn, can't go wrong with that famous theme song. Rediscovering the OLD Hawaii 5-0. Hokey, but still entertaining.
I'm just sitting here remembering, in retrospect, what a pain in the ass it was to have to go to the TV to change channels back then compared to just pushing a button on a remote today.
I loved Peter Gunn, can't go wrong with that famous theme song. Rediscovering the OLD Hawaii 5-0. Hokey, but still entertaining.

That show and Perry Mason both had terrific theme songs.

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Most of those really old sitcoms and cop shows had wicked bad acting. Fast forward to today's one-hour TV programming, and it puts you right in the mix. I wouldn't trade programs like Justified, Southland or Blue Bloods for The Lone Ranger, Dragnet, or Magnum PI for love or money. The acting is outstanding. (Also, the theme music for Southland gives me shivers...superb!)

Let's face it folks, better writers, better acting, advanced technology makes for must-see TV all year 'round. Mad Men and Breaking Bad are returning soon!
Saw I Spy on Antenna TV

Had to laugh when they fought and Robert Culp used the trusty old Karate Chop
Haven't seen the Honeymooners recently on the retro channels. Not sure why.

The Three Stooges are everywhere............................
Haven't seen the Honeymooners recently on the retro channels. Not sure why.

The Three Stooges are everywhere............................

Local TV runs a Honeymooners marathon every New Years Day

The 50s stuff: The Fly, Plan 9 From Outer Space, I Was A Teenage Werewolf, The Incredible 50 foot Woman. etc etc etc

Why livingin the 50s was a lot of fun.

Every re-make oftheaforementioned would suck -big-time.................

The VCR was the first time you could manage your TV viewing.

Came out in the late 70s - became heyday in the 80s. DVDs anther step.

VHS/Beta was bigger than color TV. (some said Beta was better than VHS - they were the losers)

Never understood the fuss over HDTV - may be missing something.
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They also have "Married with Children" and "The Outer Limits." Even though the "monster" effects are pretty corny on "The Outer Limits" it's fun to watch a lot of very young looking future stars perform in the series before they made it big, like William Shatner, Robert Culp, David McCallum, Sally Kellerman, Robert Duvall, Martin Landau, Leonard Nimoy, etc.
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I loved Peter Gunn, can't go wrong with that famous theme song. Rediscovering the OLD Hawaii 5-0. Hokey, but still entertaining.

That show and Perry Mason both had terrific theme songs.

Perry Mason - Burger/Tragg knew they were going to lose -but they kept on coming back for more..............................
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Mike Nelson on Sea Hunt.

Today it would be something like Miguel Nosoro..................
Mike Nelson on Sea Hunt.

Today it would be something like Miguel Nosoro..................

You have to remember SCUBA had only been invented seven years before Sea Hunt came on. It was real futuristic at the time
Mike Nelson on Sea Hunt.

Today it would be something like Miguel Nosoro..................

You have to remember SCUBA had only been invented seven years before Sea Hunt came on. It was real futuristic at the time

There was an ep on Sea Hunt about that 'winger.

The Hard-Hats (divers in full gear) - looked down on scuba divers.
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