Reuters Daily Tracking (Feb 12) Trump 40, Cruz 19, Rubio 11

The Donald seems to be fairly safe now at around 40% as more and more Candidates fall away!

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30, 35, 39, it depends on the poll and what the candidates say that day. I wonder how Trump supporters will react to Trump's latest lawsuit threat against Cruz. They will probably love it. It just proves Trump has real guts. If Putin pisses Trump off, he'll sue or maybe he just press the button.
The Donald seems to be fairly safe now at around 40% as more and more Candidates fall away!

Follow the latest Reuters/Ipsos polls on everything from politics and elections, to social issues and current events.
30, 35, 39, it depends on the poll and what the candidates say that day. I wonder how Trump supporters will react to Trump's latest lawsuit threat against Cruz. They will probably love it. It just proves Trump has real guts. If Putin pisses Trump off, he'll sue or maybe he just press the button.

Must be GREAT being Trump, and having it ALL going your way!
The Donald seems to be fairly safe now at around 40% as more and more Candidates fall away!

Follow the latest Reuters/Ipsos polls on everything from politics and elections, to social issues and current events.
30, 35, 39, it depends on the poll and what the candidates say that day. I wonder how Trump supporters will react to Trump's latest lawsuit threat against Cruz. They will probably love it. It just proves Trump has real guts. If Putin pisses Trump off, he'll sue or maybe he just press the button.

Must be GREAT being Trump, and having it ALL going your way!
I doubt it. In spite of his billions of dollars adoring fans, sexy wives, and girlfriends, I think he's a pretty unhappy guy. He's just too paranoid and has to much hate in his heart.
The Donald seems to be fairly safe now at around 40% as more and more Candidates fall away!

Follow the latest Reuters/Ipsos polls on everything from politics and elections, to social issues and current events.
30, 35, 39, it depends on the poll and what the candidates say that day. I wonder how Trump supporters will react to Trump's latest lawsuit threat against Cruz. They will probably love it. It just proves Trump has real guts. If Putin pisses Trump off, he'll sue or maybe he just press the button.

Must be GREAT being Trump, and having it ALL going your way!
I doubt it. In spite of his billions of dollars adoring fans, sexy wives, and girlfriends, I think he's a pretty unhappy guy. He's just too paranoid and has to much hate in his heart.
Until you can show us you have ONE billion dollars and a very sexy wife, sounds like jealousy!
The Donald seems to be fairly safe now at around 40% as more and more Candidates fall away!

Follow the latest Reuters/Ipsos polls on everything from politics and elections, to social issues and current events.
30, 35, 39, it depends on the poll and what the candidates say that day. I wonder how Trump supporters will react to Trump's latest lawsuit threat against Cruz. They will probably love it. It just proves Trump has real guts. If Putin pisses Trump off, he'll sue or maybe he just press the button.

Must be GREAT being Trump, and having it ALL going your way!
I doubt it. In spite of his billions of dollars adoring fans, sexy wives, and girlfriends, I think he's a pretty unhappy guy. He's just too paranoid and has to much hate in his heart.
Until you can show us you have ONE billion dollars and a very sexy wife, sounds like jealousy!
Nope, I wouldn't want to be Trump for anything.
Paranoid and hate in his heart. What is the evidence for any of that. You must have confused Donald with Hilary who has said the republicans are her enemy.
Paranoid and hate in his heart. What is the evidence for any of that. You must have confused Donald with Hilary who has said the republicans are her enemy.
Anyone who’s filed 12 lawsuits alleging various attacks and mistreatment, claims almost daily of abuse, mistreatment and attacks, and feels the need to protect the country from the Mexicans, Muslims, Chinese, and Blacks is paranoid.

He’s going to protect the US from 11 million Mexican rapists and drug dealers, whom some, he assumes are nice people. He is going to “protect” us from the Chinese, the ones that are not buying Condo’s from him anyways. And now he is going to protect us from Ted Cruz mother’s birth certificate. This is how paranoid people like Trump operate.

He is going to protect us from all Muslims when he has attracted millions of them to the US when he built the jewel of MUSLIM art with his Taj Mahal? Maybe it was Muslim Casino workers his saw celebrating in NJ. Please remember, he is a paranoid that hallucinates - Trump saw “thousands and thousands” celebrating the WTC crumbling? Paranoids like Trump are difficult to reason with. He thinks everyone is out to get him. In fact, there is a rumor that he has such a germ phobia that he wears rubber gloves when he goes to take a dump.
What you consider paranoid, trump,considers strategy. Flop you are doing what most liberals do with t ump, think of him as a superficial oaf instead of a smart man with substance. If the establishment is going to be overthrown, it is not going to be by the establishment. I say again, the most paranoid a and hateful and self deluded candidate is ms (soon to be indicted) Clinton. What is it with you democrats? The more your president or candidates lie the better you like em.
What you consider paranoid, trump,considers strategy. Flop you are doing what most liberals do with t ump, think of him as a superficial oaf instead of a smart man with substance. If the establishment is going to be overthrown, it is not going to be by the establishment. I say again, the most paranoid a and hateful and self deluded candidate is ms (soon to be indicted) Clinton. What is it with you democrats? The more your president or candidates lie the better you like em.
Trump's behavior goes back way before he announced his run for president. His almost daily battles with other celebrates, local officials, and business associates have always been accompanied by claims of lies, mistreatment, and cheating. Just a few days ago he threaten to sue other candidates because they lied about him. Remember a few months back he threatened to sue the GOP and to run as a third party candidate if they didn't stop treating him unfairly. This is paranoid behavior. I certainly think Trump is smart and wealthy but he's also paranoid and at times delusional, not a good combination for our commander and chief and the leader of the free world.
I will have to concede trumps attacks on president bush is going a little too far and I do believe it will hurt him in South Carolina. He is pushing the envelope a little,too far here. The problem for repubs is that the rest of the vote is too divided. More people need to drop out.
I will have to concede trumps attacks on president bush is going a little too far and I do believe it will hurt him in South Carolina. He is pushing the envelope a little,too far here. The problem for repubs is that the rest of the vote is too divided. More people need to drop out.
It won't hurt him with his core supporters. They are basic authoritarians. They go crazy when he talks about carpet bombing, blowing up oil fields, shooting people, suing people, deporting families, and disparaging anyone in the establishment.

Trump has to attack Bush because Bush represents the establishment. However, many do agree with Bush's statement,
"that strength is not bluster or having the loudest voice in the room"

Bush's problem is he can't or won't stoop to campaigning on Trump's level. Of course this has nothing to do with his ability to lead and govern. A president cannot make the nation great with swagger, blunder, and insults. A president can't bully congress, the courts, or most head of state.
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Bush is done. He has a 4 percent national rating in the latest poll. If he wants to stop Donald trump, the best thing he could do is get out of the race. Both Rubio and Cruz beat Donald by 16 points in head to head match ups. Get out of the race Jeb and help the Republican Party.
Bush is done. He has a 4 percent national rating in the latest poll. If he wants to stop Donald trump, the best thing he could do is get out of the race. Both Rubio and Cruz beat Donald by 16 points in head to head match ups. Get out of the race Jeb and help the Republican Party.
I expect after Carolina, Jeb will be done. Looking at the latest national polls, Cruz has pulled ahead of Trump and Rubio now has the endorsement of the governor who is very popular, we could a have a very different race after South Carolina.
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