Reuters Ordered Cameraman To Shut Off Camera To Avoid Black Church Praising Trump Being Seen

Why just because it is a Canadian parent is it bullshit? Do not see the connection. MSM bias sees no corporate ownership barriers!

There are other reasons.

Including your sources (infowars???) and the things SwimExpert pointed out. Like how the dialogue sounds pasted over and the video is shaky.
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LOL, maybe the media is simply exercising its moral prerogative to do what's best for the country.

IOW, patriotism.

That's not the media's job, their job is to report without bias. Period.

That is simply not true.

Did you have any journalism courses?
What is your expertise saying their job is to report with BIAS?

In 1919, Walter Lippmann and Charles Merz, an associate editor for the New York World, wrote an influential and scathing account of how cultural blinders had distorted the New York Times coverage of the Russian Revolution. “In the large, the news about Russia is a case of seeing not what was, but what men wished to see,” they wrote. Lippmann and others began to look for ways for the individual journalist “to remain clear and free of his irrational, his unexamined, his unacknowledged prejudgments in observing, understanding and presenting the news.”
The solution, Lippmann argued, was for journalists to acquire more of “the scientific spirit … There is but one kind of unity possible in a world as diverse as ours. It is unity of method, rather than aim; the unity of disciplined experiment.” Lippmann meant by this that journalism should aspire to “a common intellectual method and a common area of valid fact.”
In the original concept, in other words, the method is objective, not the journalist. The key was in the discipline of the craft, not the aim.

This point has some important implications.
The lost meaning of 'objectivity' - American Press Institute
LOL, maybe the media is simply exercising its moral prerogative to do what's best for the country.

IOW, patriotism.

That's not the media's job, their job is to report without bias. Period.

That is simply not true.

Did you have any journalism courses?
What is your expertise saying their job is to report with BIAS?

In 1919, Walter Lippmann and Charles Merz, an associate editor for the New York World, wrote an influential and scathing account of how cultural blinders had distorted the New York Times coverage of the Russian Revolution. “In the large, the news about Russia is a case of seeing not what was, but what men wished to see,” they wrote. Lippmann and others began to look for ways for the individual journalist “to remain clear and free of his irrational, his unexamined, his unacknowledged prejudgments in observing, understanding and presenting the news.”
The solution, Lippmann argued, was for journalists to acquire more of “the scientific spirit … There is but one kind of unity possible in a world as diverse as ours. It is unity of method, rather than aim; the unity of disciplined experiment.” Lippmann meant by this that journalism should aspire to “a common intellectual method and a common area of valid fact.”
In the original concept, in other words, the method is objective, not the journalist. The key was in the discipline of the craft, not the aim.

This point has some important implications.
The lost meaning of 'objectivity' - American Press Institute

Ok, you list the so-called news outlets who are reporting without bias. This should be entertaining.
Rightwing bias in the media will never end. Why should liberals unilaterally withdraw?

Hey I don't disagree with you about "right wing bias" will never end. The big distinction though... AT LEAST we do admit it! I admit that Fox News is biased.
No question. But why then can't the "left wing biased" media admit it? That's because they are attempting to form viewer/readers opinions that they
are "objective"... but that is proven by studies 70% of Americans know they are biased!
Poll: 70 percent of Americans believe news media is intentionally biased
Nearly three quarters of Americans believe the news media reports with an intentional bias, according to a new survey.
The 2015 State of the First Amendment Survey, conducted by the First Amendment Center and USA Today, was released Friday. It shows that only 24 percent of American adults agree with the statement that "overall, the news media tries to report the news without bias," while 70 percent disagree.
When the question was asked last year, 41 percent agreed, a 17-point difference.

"These are discouraging results for those of us who have spent our careers in journalism," Ken Paulson, president of the First Amendment Center, wrote in an op-ed for USA Today on Thursday. "In 23 years in newsrooms, I saw consistent and concerted efforts to get stories right. Clearly, the public's not convinced."
Poll: 70 percent of Americans believe news media is intentionally biased

So admit that the majority of news outlets are biased!
Why is that a problem for you? I admit it honestly that Right wing has a bias! But at least we are honest enough to admit it!
Why can't you??? What is it you have to hide? Reality???
LOL, maybe the media is simply exercising its moral prerogative to do what's best for the country.

IOW, patriotism.

That's not the media's job, their job is to report without bias. Period.

That is simply not true.

Did you have any journalism courses?
What is your expertise saying their job is to report with BIAS?

In 1919, Walter Lippmann and Charles Merz, an associate editor for the New York World, wrote an influential and scathing account of how cultural blinders had distorted the New York Times coverage of the Russian Revolution. “In the large, the news about Russia is a case of seeing not what was, but what men wished to see,” they wrote. Lippmann and others began to look for ways for the individual journalist “to remain clear and free of his irrational, his unexamined, his unacknowledged prejudgments in observing, understanding and presenting the news.”
The solution, Lippmann argued, was for journalists to acquire more of “the scientific spirit … There is but one kind of unity possible in a world as diverse as ours. It is unity of method, rather than aim; the unity of disciplined experiment.” Lippmann meant by this that journalism should aspire to “a common intellectual method and a common area of valid fact.”
In the original concept, in other words, the method is objective, not the journalist. The key was in the discipline of the craft, not the aim.

This point has some important implications.
The lost meaning of 'objectivity' - American Press Institute

Ok, you list the so-called news outlets who are reporting without bias. This should be entertaining.
VERY FEW! As I answered before you posted this!
LOL, maybe the media is simply exercising its moral prerogative to do what's best for the country.

IOW, patriotism.

That's not the media's job, their job is to report without bias. Period.

That is simply not true.

Did you have any journalism courses?
What is your expertise saying their job is to report with BIAS?

In 1919, Walter Lippmann and Charles Merz, an associate editor for the New York World, wrote an influential and scathing account of how cultural blinders had distorted the New York Times coverage of the Russian Revolution. “In the large, the news about Russia is a case of seeing not what was, but what men wished to see,” they wrote. Lippmann and others began to look for ways for the individual journalist “to remain clear and free of his irrational, his unexamined, his unacknowledged prejudgments in observing, understanding and presenting the news.”
The solution, Lippmann argued, was for journalists to acquire more of “the scientific spirit … There is but one kind of unity possible in a world as diverse as ours. It is unity of method, rather than aim; the unity of disciplined experiment.” Lippmann meant by this that journalism should aspire to “a common intellectual method and a common area of valid fact.”
In the original concept, in other words, the method is objective, not the journalist. The key was in the discipline of the craft, not the aim.

This point has some important implications.
The lost meaning of 'objectivity' - American Press Institute

Ok, you list the so-called news outlets who are reporting without bias. This should be entertaining.
VERY FEW! As I answered before you posted this!

Name them.
So effing disgusting. The liberals have completely ruined what integrity existed in the media. It's now Pravda. Congratulations, libs.
So Trump's attempt to appeal to minorities is to visit a black church who uses the trappings of Judaism to try to convert Jews to Christianity. Smooth.

" A shock example of anti-Trump media censorship was caught on tape when Reuters ordered its cameraman to cut live footage of Trump receiving praise from African-American Bishop Wayne T. Jackson in Detroit."

“Shut it Down!”: Reuters Orders Cameraman to Kill Positive Trump Footage

Can't have people seeing blacks praising Trump, now can we, libs? Wouldn't want to let blacks see what's really going on and let them decide for themselves...

So why did I see this part of the visit on MSNBC this morning if the broadcast was shut down?
Shock example of media censorship caught on tape
The incident occurred as Jackson presented Trump with a shawl, a bible, and offered his prayers as the black audience cheered and clapped.

Perhaps aware of the devastating impact the optics of this moment would have on the media’s efforts to demonize Trump as a racist bigot, a voice is heard off-camera saying, He’s getting a shawl!

The cameraman then says, “I’m shooting this, I don’t care what they say….I’ll take a demotion for this…. you?”

“Shut it down,” insists the director,” followed by another voice asking, “Shut this down?”

“Yes Michael, do it,” orders the director.

We then hear the word “blackout” and the camera shakes before the live feed is cut.

“Reuters was primary video feed for the event, all other video delivery services were coming from the Reuters feed. When Reuters shut down, all other outlets lost the broadcast,” reports the Conservative Treehouse.

Right Side Broadcasting responded to the controversy by offering the cameraman a job, promising to pay him much more than Reuters.
“Shut it Down!”: Reuters Orders Cameraman to Kill Positive Trump Footage

I saw that part of the visit on MSNBC this morning, so someone is lying.
Shock example of media censorship caught on tape
The incident occurred as Jackson presented Trump with a shawl, a bible, and offered his prayers as the black audience cheered and clapped.

Perhaps aware of the devastating impact the optics of this moment would have on the media’s efforts to demonize Trump as a racist bigot, a voice is heard off-camera saying, He’s getting a shawl!

The cameraman then says, “I’m shooting this, I don’t care what they say….I’ll take a demotion for this…. you?”

“Shut it down,” insists the director,” followed by another voice asking, “Shut this down?”

“Yes Michael, do it,” orders the director.

We then hear the word “blackout” and the camera shakes before the live feed is cut.

“Reuters was primary video feed for the event, all other video delivery services were coming from the Reuters feed. When Reuters shut down, all other outlets lost the broadcast,” reports the Conservative Treehouse.

Right Side Broadcasting responded to the controversy by offering the cameraman a job, promising to pay him much more than Reuters.
“Shut it Down!”: Reuters Orders Cameraman to Kill Positive Trump Footage

I saw that part of the visit on MSNBC this morning, so someone is lying.

And WE ALL SAW it too! The problem was Reuters shut it down TOO LATE!
Again remember the premise is Reuters didn't know this was going to happen that shows Trump in a favorable light!
It was too late! So the director said Shut it down!! Why???
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Sure, everything Alex Jones says is 100% truth and honesty.

I can understand Daws being a blind partisan, but I expected better from you.

Sure, that info wars site has some pretty iffy shit, but did you view it? It was a legit piece. I heard the comments on the video and heard it being shut down.

Who cares what the source was. Did you click on the external links to other media? They were pulling the same shit.

When you criticize a story based entirely on where it came from, regardless of its' content, you are committing what is known as an Ad hominem. You need to be a bit more sophisticated.

From what I know about Trump, in his personal relations, the elites KNOW he isn't racist, so of course they would want to nix this so as little publicity about who he actually is gets publicized. The MSM does not want the truth about him to get out, it would screw up their narrative.

Anyone that knows what is going on, knows Trump isn't a racist. I've seen a more recent interview with Jesse Jackson on Bloomberg where he even said that he didn't agree with Trump's recent statements on many policy issues, but he thought the media's portrayal of him as a racist was divisive and a distraction.

When the shoe is on the other foot, everyone just laughs.

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Who owns Reuters? I'm sure a little digging will reveal that it's usual suspect NWO Globalist Elites who are in the tank for their fellow NWO shill. The Globalist Elites fear Donald Trump. He isn't going along. He's actually talking about putting Americans first again. And the Globalists can't have that.
All threads based on links to infowars should immediately go to the Conspiracy forum. Do not pass GO do not collect $200.

All threads using CFR material should go immediately to the Conspiracy forum. The elites have always plotted conspiracies against each other and the commoners throughout history. Only the uneducated on the annuls of history forget this.
LOL, maybe the media is simply exercising its moral prerogative to do what's best for the country.

IOW, patriotism.

And there you have it folks.

The media have been the center of politics since this country began. They have always taken sides.

Taking sides is one thing. That's been the case forever. Taking sides while telling the world you're objective is quite another.

But you knew that.

So Foxnews should stop calling itself fair and balanced, and get the word 'news' out of its title?

No more than MSLSD, both of which are clear in their bias and opinion based journalism.

AP touts itself as the one true objective source, which is clearly a lie.

But you knew that too.


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