Reuters: Trump up 13 points on Palin endorsement.

I hope no one is bragging about it, because it makes right wingers look like the party of idiots.
My dear, it shows individuality unlike the Dems marching in lockstep with the exception of ole Bernie the communist.
Bernie sanders is far from a communist. Only a partisan hack would apply that label, just like left wing individuals who call trump a fascist.
Here is your partisan hack....
He said some Mexican illegals are rapists. THis is true. Illegals as a group commit a lot of crime.

The media lied about it. THey told people that he said all Mexicans or all illegals are rapists.


This is exactly what he said.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they’re telling us what we’re getting.”

Trump presumes that most Mexican immigrants are criminals. To Trump's apologists, they'll twist whatever he says to be positive. To everyone else, it's clear that he's a divisive, tribal demagogue.
Most Mexicans are criminals, like the animalistic negro.

And birfers are the dumbest people in America.
He said some Mexican illegals are rapists. THis is true. Illegals as a group commit a lot of crime.

The media lied about it. THey told people that he said all Mexicans or all illegals are rapists.


This is exactly what he said.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they’re telling us what we’re getting.”

Trump presumes that most Mexican immigrants are criminals. To Trump's apologists, they'll twist whatever he says to be positive. To everyone else, it's clear that he's a divisive, tribal demagogue.

MOst is not what the media told people.

Most is not what Jillian said.

Like I SAID, the media is lying to people about what Trump said in order to misinform them.
I'm not complaining about the blacks. I just mentioned that fact that I have a higher bar than the general numbers. The general numbers are not good.

NOt just the rich. Plenty of middle class, even poor people hire illegals to work under the table and at low wages.

I'm well aware of that and would love to see laws to slam those people HARD.

I'm sure you would. But most sane people realize that we all benefit from that labor, the jobs simply we don't want to do. I don't want to pick lettuce or clean toilets, but someone has to do it.

We do want those jobs.

Picking lettuce doesn't take 11 million illegals.

Plenty of jobs that Americans would be happy to do are being done by illegals.

ESPECIALLY if employers had to offer higher wages in order to find employees.

We do want those jobs.

Picking lettuce doesn't take 11 million illegals.

Plenty of jobs that Americans would be happy to do are being done by illegals.

ESPECIALLY if employers had to offer higher wages in order to find employees.

We can't get WalMart and McDonald's to pay a living wage, guy. Get real.

Not to worry, you keep voting for the rich people who bring them in, and they will totally hold your hand when you worry about your daughter dating a Mexican.

We do want those jobs.

Picking lettuce doesn't take 11 million illegals.

Plenty of jobs that Americans would be happy to do are being done by illegals.

ESPECIALLY if employers had to offer higher wages in order to find employees.

We can't get WalMart and McDonald's to pay a living wage, guy. Get real.

Not to worry, you keep voting for the rich people who bring them in, and they will totally hold your hand when you worry about your daughter dating a Mexican.

If they couldn't find people to work at their crap wages, they would raise wages. Supply and demand.

I've been waiting for a candidate with the right positions on these issue for a long time.

I was worried with Gephardt if he had received the democratic nomination. I might have had a real issue about who to vote for.

That Trump is rich doesn't mean he won't keep his promises on these issues.

And waiting for a poor man to run for the nomination does not seem like a promising route.
If they couldn't find people to work at their crap wages, they would raise wages. Supply and demand.

I've been waiting for a candidate with the right positions on these issue for a long time.

I was worried with Gephardt if he had received the democratic nomination. I might have had a real issue about who to vote for.

That Trump is rich doesn't mean he won't keep his promises on these issues.

And waiting for a poor man to run for the nomination does not seem like a promising route.

I am sure you will keep waiting for someone to pander to your racism and hatred, but that person will never get elected in a country that is 35% not white.
If they couldn't find people to work at their crap wages, they would raise wages. Supply and demand.

I've been waiting for a candidate with the right positions on these issue for a long time.

I was worried with Gephardt if he had received the democratic nomination. I might have had a real issue about who to vote for.

That Trump is rich doesn't mean he won't keep his promises on these issues.

And waiting for a poor man to run for the nomination does not seem like a promising route.

I am sure you will keep waiting for someone to pander to your racism and hatred, but that person will never get elected in a country that is 35% not white.

THere is nothing "racism or hatred" about wanting better Trade and Immigration Policy for America to serve American interests.

It is possible that you are correct and that minority voting patterns and demographics will never give me what I, and many millions of other Americans want.
so does anyone know what "revealing outfit" sarah will wear next time she "Attempts To Speak" to a crowd?:boobies:
Illegals as a group commit a lot of crime.
Foreigners, both legal and illegal, account for 50,000 of the 2.2 million prisoners in the US.

You presented no link for your bigoted bullshit, where do you get the right to demand a link from me, you mindless hypocrite?

Incarceration in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), 2,220,300 adults were incarcerated in US federal and state prisons, and county jails in 2013

Nearly 50,000 foreigners in US prisons; mostly Mexicans

The number of non-citizens in US prisons grew from 42,000 in 2001 to 49,000 in 2004, according to the government accountability office, the research arm of Congress.
Illegals as a group commit a lot of crime.
Foreigners, both legal and illegal, account for 50,000 of the 2.2 million prisoners in the US.

You presented no link for your bigoted bullshit, where do you get the right to demand a link from me, you mindless hypocrite?

Incarceration in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), 2,220,300 adults were incarcerated in US federal and state prisons, and county jails in 2013

Nearly 50,000 foreigners in US prisons; mostly Mexicans

The number of non-citizens in US prisons grew from 42,000 in 2001 to 49,000 in 2004, according to the government accountability office, the research arm of Congress.

From your link

"A 2005 report, estimated that 27% of federal prison inmates are noncitizens, convicted of crimes while in the country legally or illegally."
Illegals as a group commit a lot of crime.
Foreigners, both legal and illegal, account for 50,000 of the 2.2 million prisoners in the US.

You presented no link for your bigoted bullshit, where do you get the right to demand a link from me, you mindless hypocrite?

Incarceration in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), 2,220,300 adults were incarcerated in US federal and state prisons, and county jails in 2013

Nearly 50,000 foreigners in US prisons; mostly Mexicans

The number of non-citizens in US prisons grew from 42,000 in 2001 to 49,000 in 2004, according to the government accountability office, the research arm of Congress.

From your link

"A 2005 report, estimated that 27% of federal prison inmates are noncitizens, convicted of crimes while in the country legally or illegally."
There are more prisons than just federal prisons. How did you manage to miss that?
Well first of all, I don't believe that poll. I think polls are subject to influence by the nature of the question and how it is presented. I don't have a problem with a "path to citizenship" for certain individuals who have been here for a long time... but that comes AFTER we have secured the border and it includes some kind of penalty for breaking the law. That is NOT Amnesty.

I've not said "deport them all" and I don't think we can realistically ever hope to accomplish that. I do think we can deport MANY and I think we should. Round them up? Maybe... if we know where they are... I think we should go get their ass and send them home. But look... AFTER we've built the wall and secured the border to ensure we've eliminated the problem of illegals flooding across the borders, I am all for some kind of plan to deal with cooperative individuals who self-report their illegal status and genuinely want to remain here. If they want to continue to hide or remain under the radar... deport their asses when they are caught.

Guy, Walls won't work. I'm fucking serious, whenever I hear one of you guys talk about a wall, I conclude I am dealing with some kind of retard.

There was an episode of Penn and Teller's BS where they hired six illegals from the Home Depot, and they spent a day building a section of fence just like the Wall you guys always want to build. And it took them all day to build a section of it that was something like 20 feet across. Then they challenged them to get around it. Two had to dig under it, two had to climb over it, and two had to cut through it. All three teams made it past the wall in less than two minutes. Penn joked "Do you think these guys have done this before?"

The vast majority don't even have to break through a wall. They've usually come here legally on work or student visas and then don't go home when those visas expire.

But again, your hateful, racist xenophobes aren't a majority in this country, you might get Trump nominated, but he'll lose in the general election and you guys will have alienated Hispanics for a century.

You are the fucking retard. Walls WILL work and they're gonna work. Penn and Teller are CLOWNS. They make a living being CLOWNS. It's all they have ever done. We will not hire clowns to build the wall or design the wall, You don't know what kind of wall "you guys always want to build" because it hasn't been fully engineered as of yet. Prisons have walls and it seems to keep people in without a problem. It also keeps people out.

The overstays on visas is going to stop, We will enforce the deadlines and "round up" those who are in violation. You can call us racist xenophobes while we do it if that makes you feel better... but it's going to be done because it has to be done. And no... Hispanics are not alienated because we want to deport illegal aliens. That is a lie that you continue to propagate and the lying is going to end too.
THere is nothing "racism or hatred" about wanting better Trade and Immigration Policy for America to serve American interests.

It is possible that you are correct and that minority voting patterns and demographics will never give me what I, and many millions of other Americans want.

the problem with you Right Wing Clowns is you keep mistaking the interests of big multi-national corporations for America's interests. Not that I can blame you, you've been brainwashed to see it that way.

The reality is, that Hispanic Lesbian Illegal Alien is really in the same boat you are in. Just trying to get by and make her life a little better. But the 1%ers are very good at playing on your racism, xenophobia, homophobia and misogyny to get you to vote against your own economic interests.

So keep pretending a rich guy who doesn't share your values or concerns is really looking out for you because he's willing to say the racism a little more openly than the other tools.
You are the fucking retard. Walls WILL work and they're gonna work. Penn and Teller are CLOWNS. They make a living being CLOWNS. It's all they have ever done. We will not hire clowns to build the wall or design the wall, You don't know what kind of wall "you guys always want to build" because it hasn't been fully engineered as of yet. Prisons have walls and it seems to keep people in without a problem. It also keeps people out.

Prisons have walls that are maybe a few thousand feed long, guarded by hundreds of men, with the people INSIDE those walls subjected to constant scrutiny.

To build that beautiful wall Trump wants to build, you'd have to man it with hundreds of thousands of men... and all it takes is for one to take a bribe to look the other way.

The overstays on visas is going to stop, We will enforce the deadlines and "round up" those who are in violation. You can call us racist xenophobes while we do it if that makes you feel better... but it's going to be done because it has to be done. And no... Hispanics are not alienated because we want to deport illegal aliens. That is a lie that you continue to propagate and the lying is going to end too.

Uh, guy, Romney got only 29% of the Hispanic Vote in 2012 after he started mouthing that shit. and frankly, most of those people were CUBANS, who get all sorts of special privileges that Mexicans and other Latinos don't get because we are still butthurt over Castro spanking us 50 years ago.

Guy, it doesn't have to be done and it won't be done. The reality is, our country runs on having an underclass to do the truly unpleasant jobs.
Illegals as a group commit a lot of crime.
Foreigners, both legal and illegal, account for 50,000 of the 2.2 million prisoners in the US.

You presented no link for your bigoted bullshit, where do you get the right to demand a link from me, you mindless hypocrite?

Incarceration in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), 2,220,300 adults were incarcerated in US federal and state prisons, and county jails in 2013

Nearly 50,000 foreigners in US prisons; mostly Mexicans

The number of non-citizens in US prisons grew from 42,000 in 2001 to 49,000 in 2004, according to the government accountability office, the research arm of Congress.

From your link

"A 2005 report, estimated that 27% of federal prison inmates are noncitizens, convicted of crimes while in the country legally or illegally."
There are more prisons than just federal prisons. How did you manage to miss that?

I didn't miss that.

"However, federal prison inmates account for six percent of the total incarcerated population; noncitizen populations in state and local prisons are more difficult to establish."

These numbers are not well tracked and you libs are cherry picking.

If federal prisons have 27% of their population are noncitizens, that indicates a HUGE non-citizen crime problem.

That can be easily fixed by stopping Third World Immigration and deporting the fuckers.


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